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2012-03-02 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4076214

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
elcaminobill - 2012-03-01 8:27 PM

Sweet, always liked Felts.... easy for me to pass!!!!!!!   Thats funny right there, I can't pass anyone!


That is one sweet ride!!!!!!!!!

Billy that is so funny because I don't pass anyone either.  When I did the HIM last fall, I had a decent swim and then every woman passed me on the bike.  (Being in the second to oldest age group of 45-50 I started in the second wave)I thought for sure I was the only one left on the bike course except a friend of mine who doesn't have a strong swim and is about equal to me on the bike was in the swim wave after me and she never caught me so I knew I wasn't the only one out there. That was the most unnerving (sp?)thing!! I thought they were going to mow me down!!


2012-03-02 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Re Galloway.  Lena & Monte,

Thanks so much for your input.  I am greatly relieved and I think the method makes so much sense so its glad to hear you both confirm it.

Monte, I wish we could run together cuz I'm at the exact same pace although I can't sustain 6.0 on the treadmill for but brief periods of time, 1-2 min, the legs are willing but HR goes thru the roof.  I can do 5.3-5.5. fairly comfortable tho!!  It will come. 

Today I had to get 3 miles in before a swim with a neighbor who wants to do her first tri this year. (She is a runner.  Did her first full mary last year with 8 min miles, really??  I recently went for a bike ride with her.  She is on an old 10 speed schwinn and she still kicked my butt. Her legs are so strong!! I am helping her to swim.  She will probably catch me there too soon but what ever.) Anyway, I did three minutes @ 5.5, 1 min walk, 3 @ 5.6, 1 min walk, 3 @ 5.7, 1 min walk and stayed there until I hit 3 miles.  My legs were a little sore from a stregnth work out a day ago so I didn't feel great but still a big improvement over what I would have felt like.

Lena, thanks for your reply.  So encouraging!! Maybe I could do a full mary!!  I am at about 12 min miles and I could do 1 n 1, I think!!  I am so encouraged!!  I used new sneaks today also and got compression socks at the local running shop.  What a help.  (Still can't get into that icing thing.)

Trying to stay positive. Time was so tight this past week and this coming week.  Struggling to fit everything in and not be exhausted all the time. And this is the off season??


2012-03-02 4:42 PM
in reply to: #4074703

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

fat2tri - 2012-03-01 8:58 AM Yesterday went well enough. I couldn't keep running for 5 minutes, which was diappointing, but when I got back into the office, people gr were saying that the wind gusts were going up to 40mph, so I felt a little better since we were running into the wind for the first half.

Also, importantly realized that for running a 5 minute walking warm up doesn't cover it. I need to get some slow jogging or biking in beforehand so I can really hit my groove.

I'm missing my swimming class tonight because I have to work late, but I grabbed stuff anyway to try and hit the pool afterward. I've been slacking on the swim, and I seem to do better in class when I do more total immerson drills on my own.

Keep at it Maria.  I agree bout the warm up. I can't cheat it either.  Hope you got your swim in.  I love running in the wind in the warmer weather, dries me up a bit! My head sweats like crazy.


2012-03-02 4:44 PM
in reply to: #4076165

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

All the best with that beauty of a bike. I like Billy's name.  He is so creative.

May you have many safe and happy races with her!!

2012-03-02 4:51 PM
in reply to: #4077022

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Malsup - 2012-03-02 8:26 AM


Wicked nice bike Kathy!!!  I think it deserves a wicked name....

Hmmmm... Razor, Slice, Flame, Mach, Charger, Thunder, Thor, Hammer,  Hee hee..

Reminds me... my bike still hasn't been named either..... Okay folks.. we need two Names...



My bikes are named.
My first race bike, a cervelo soloist roadie, is named Rinny - for inspiration to never quit, to never give up.  I road Rin in my first century, Sprint, Oly and HIM races.  Every race better that the race before.  The second is my first tri bike a black speed concept named Maxine for maximum positive additude, giving the maximum effort and everything else MAx.

For Krazy I offer two ideas as a starting point,  Arrow - You know the direction you're going.   Ride the arrow for the target---One , take it hip to hip, rock it through the wilderness.  Yeah rock it thru the wilderness.

Second idea is Kosmic Thing.  Because on this bike you know no limits.  It has a K as in KRazy.  You could use the nick name Koz when you're out of breath from riding farther and faster than you ever though you would or could.  In your dreams this is the bike your ride.


2012-03-02 5:42 PM
in reply to: #4077903

Woodstock, Georgia
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Ann... cool.. wish we could run too... maybe one day at an event!!  Keep it up.. I swear I can feel it working!!

Fit... cool names.. for your bikes and Krazy's..... 

Need to repost my bike so that I can get some help... (not as nice, new and Fast as Kathy's, but will have to do for a while)

However... Mav did say it was a FAST COLOR!! LOL

Just got a Cycleops 2 Fluid trainer today so I can use it instead of the upright at the gym when weather is bad or pressed for time... I hope it helps... got a mat and 4 CD's as well.. COOOL..(hope its a good trainer)


2012-03-02 5:51 PM
in reply to: #4077874

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
avisser - 2012-03-02 4:23 PM

Lena, thanks for your reply.  So encouraging!! Maybe I could do a full mary!!  I am at about 12 min miles and I could do 1 n 1, I think!!  I am so encouraged!!  I used new sneaks today also and got compression socks at the local running shop.  What a help.  (Still can't get into that icing thing.)

Trying to stay positive. Time was so tight this past week and this coming week.  Struggling to fit everything in and not be exhausted all the time. And this is the off season??


you most definitely CAN do a marathon, but in due time Do a few smaller races, then a half, then full. Galloway also has a 30 week program (for the full marathon), so the distance increases VERY gradually.

as far as being exhausted.. your body will adjust, just ride a couple of months out, it'll get easier.. and remember the 4th discipline of the triathlon-RECOVERY/SLEEP. Don't neglect it, sleep as much as you can
2012-03-02 6:35 PM
in reply to: #4077968

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Lost in the Evergreens
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Lyoshka - 2012-03-02 3:51 PM
avisser - 2012-03-02 4:23 PM

Lena, thanks for your reply.  So encouraging!! Maybe I could do a full mary!!  I am at about 12 min miles and I could do 1 n 1, I think!!  I am so encouraged!!  I used new sneaks today also and got compression socks at the local running shop.  What a help.  (Still can't get into that icing thing.)

Trying to stay positive. Time was so tight this past week and this coming week.  Struggling to fit everything in and not be exhausted all the time. And this is the off season??


you most definitely CAN do a marathon, but in due time Do a few smaller races, then a half, then full. Galloway also has a 30 week program (for the full marathon), so the distance increases VERY gradually. as far as being exhausted.. your body will adjust, just ride a couple of months out, it'll get easier.. and remember the 4th discipline of the triathlon-RECOVERY/SLEEP. Don't neglect it, sleep as much as you can

Mav said the 4th discipline of triathlon is shopping.  But I'm down with sleeping.
2012-03-02 6:53 PM
in reply to: #4077968

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Lyoshka - 2012-03-02 5:51 PM
avisser - 2012-03-02 4:23 PM

Lena, thanks for your reply.  So encouraging!! Maybe I could do a full mary!!  I am at about 12 min miles and I could do 1 n 1, I think!!  I am so encouraged!!  I used new sneaks today also and got compression socks at the local running shop.  What a help.  (Still can't get into that icing thing.)

Trying to stay positive. Time was so tight this past week and this coming week.  Struggling to fit everything in and not be exhausted all the time. And this is the off season??


you most definitely CAN do a marathon, but in due time Do a few smaller races, then a half, then full. Galloway also has a 30 week program (for the full marathon), so the distance increases VERY gradually. as far as being exhausted.. your body will adjust, just ride a couple of months out, it'll get easier.. and remember the 4th discipline of the triathlon-RECOVERY/SLEEP. Don't neglect it, sleep as much as you can

Did 2 HMs last year, spring and fall.  Training for HM April 15th. My knees are not happy today.  Not sure if its the new sneaks (I changed brands)or just fatigue.  Hope a good night sleep helps.

2012-03-02 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4078003

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Fit4Infinity - 2012-03-02 6:35 PM

Lyoshka - 2012-03-02 3:51 PM
avisser - 2012-03-02 4:23 PM

Lena, thanks for your reply.  So encouraging!! Maybe I could do a full mary!!  I am at about 12 min miles and I could do 1 n 1, I think!!  I am so encouraged!!  I used new sneaks today also and got compression socks at the local running shop.  What a help.  (Still can't get into that icing thing.)

Trying to stay positive. Time was so tight this past week and this coming week.  Struggling to fit everything in and not be exhausted all the time. And this is the off season??


you most definitely CAN do a marathon, but in due time Do a few smaller races, then a half, then full. Galloway also has a 30 week program (for the full marathon), so the distance increases VERY gradually. as far as being exhausted.. your body will adjust, just ride a couple of months out, it'll get easier.. and remember the 4th discipline of the triathlon-RECOVERY/SLEEP. Don't neglect it, sleep as much as you can

Mav said the 4th discipline of triathlon is shopping.  But I'm down with sleeping.

well, how about this.. Shopping=First Discipline, Recovery=Fifth Discipline?

...because let's just face the facts, we will shop for tri gear no matter the exhaustion
2012-03-02 7:28 PM
in reply to: #4078019

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
avisser - 2012-03-02 6:53 PM

Lyoshka - 2012-03-02 5:51 PM
avisser - 2012-03-02 4:23 PM

Lena, thanks for your reply.  So encouraging!! Maybe I could do a full mary!!  I am at about 12 min miles and I could do 1 n 1, I think!!  I am so encouraged!!  I used new sneaks today also and got compression socks at the local running shop.  What a help.  (Still can't get into that icing thing.)

Trying to stay positive. Time was so tight this past week and this coming week.  Struggling to fit everything in and not be exhausted all the time. And this is the off season??


you most definitely CAN do a marathon, but in due time Do a few smaller races, then a half, then full. Galloway also has a 30 week program (for the full marathon), so the distance increases VERY gradually. as far as being exhausted.. your body will adjust, just ride a couple of months out, it'll get easier.. and remember the 4th discipline of the triathlon-RECOVERY/SLEEP. Don't neglect it, sleep as much as you can

Did 2 HMs last year, spring and fall.  Training for HM April 15th. My knees are not happy today.  Not sure if its the new sneaks (I changed brands)or just fatigue.  Hope a good night sleep helps.

Oh, Ann, I'm sorry, I'm not all caught up on everybody's stories (quite obviously, oops)... Question for you, then. Your first two HMs, did you run them? Or did you run/walk? I'm curious of your answer before I post more...

2012-03-02 7:32 PM
in reply to: #4077874

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
avisser - 2012-03-02 4:23 PM

Lena, thanks for your reply.  So encouraging!! Maybe I could do a full mary!!  I am at about 12 min miles and I could do 1 n 1, I think!! 

I also wanted to mention that in our Galloway group, I know people who have done (all long runs and ) the marathon doing 30 sec/30 sec the.entire.way! They were in a fairly slow group (15 min pace?), beginners and they did that ratio and finished the marathon!

Jeff Galloway, when he was here last April, mentioned to us about an e-coaching client he has that ran a 4:38 marathon, and I believe he said she did 30:30s, as well! I personally can't see it, but then again, I have done a marathon doing 1:1s, so it's not THAT far off..
2012-03-02 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Jeff Galloway and hi wife pace groups at one and one in every marathon they do and run about 5 hours.
2012-03-02 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Kathy - very good friend of mine carts flat Sally around. Someday iw I'll tell you all about Donald the Deer. ROFLMAO for flat Stanley. Pics please.
2012-03-03 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
I am too a Galloway run user! I use the run/walk technique on runs over an hour but there was times when I needed to do for even shorter ones. There a lot of people out there that use it and you need to do the ratio right away. I know some that say I will run till I am tired then I corporate the run/walk, but doing that you are hurting yourself.Suzie, I hope you are feeling better. If you are back to training you might want to use the last training week you were on and not skip ahead. You need to start back where you ended. And yes, there are times when I feel like I need permission to take a day off.Monte, congratulations on the trainer. Look into I have been hearing people brag about that website and how it helps then on the trainer. In fact I believe I saw a discussion about it under triathlon talk or gear and reviews.Lena, I was in Chicago last week and they had my schedule jammed packed that I really didn't have time to work out. I might be back later this summer, will keep you posted.Ann, you mention something about your knees bothering you. When was the last time someone watched you run to see if you are overpronating? Going to your local running store they can do that for you. This might help if you keep having pain.Kathy
2012-03-03 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Once again I apologize for my one big paragraph as I am typing on my iPad and I heard that is a glitch with iPads.

Thank you everyone for the bike name suggestions. Hoping to get a ride on it this weekend and find which name works best.

2012-03-03 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Bryan, flat ran the marathon with me last month and he will be running with my husband in two weeks for his HM debut. This is our 3 time with Flat. Appearantly we do such a good job with traveling with Flat and putting it all together that my nephews look so forward to what we do. Anyone wants to take pics with Flat? We have scanned him and our asking our friends to take him places and take pic, we just need the pics back by the 20th of March.
2012-03-03 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Richmond Hill
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Hello, Everyone! I haven't disappeared - been following what has been going on with everyone and just haven't posted.  Haven't had much to add to all the great advice the rest of you have given.

I agree with Kathy about  I came across it last week on a "Georgia" forum thread, and gave it a try this weekend. It is pretty awesome. I also downloaded a Sufferfest video and it syncs up with trainerroad.  I actually enjoy (yes, I just said it and I'm not insane) riding on the trainer now. Trainerroad has power curves for most every major trainer out there and gives you a "virtual power" to train by. Great for those who don't wish to spend mega dollars for a power meter. 

My training is progressing well. Runs are still fairly short, since I am trying to progress very slowly due to the knee problems I had in January.  I still get some pings of pain the day after a run (standing up after sitting, going up/down stairs), although the last two runs went well and I didn't have any pain. Knees feel pretty good this morning. I also had my longest swim this week - 2100 yards - but, it was sooooo sloooowwww.  Don't know if I'll ever get faster on the swim.

Congrats to everyone on their finishes. I'm not sure when my first finish of the year will be. I'm probably not going to do the HITS tri in Ocala, FL as originally planned due to some other complications and the long drive (about 5 hours). Mav - are you still thinking of doing the HITS Oly in Ocala?

irishod - how is the mary training coming?

Kathy - Nice bike! I'm jealous. I'm debating a new bike this year but I probably need to get rid of one first (I have two MTB bikes and a road bike). I also don't know if I'm ready to hold an aero position yet.

Take care everyone.

2012-03-03 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Kathy - sent Flat to [email protected]. I will see what I can do to help.
2012-03-03 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3965644

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Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Benttwice - Marathon training is back on track, thanks for asking.  I had an injury scare two weeks ago, but a little time off and cut back in mileage and everything seems fine now.  I'm finishing up a 40+ mi week, and have a 16 mi run next week.  A new record for me.  I'm going to do a HM in two weeks, and I'm realy looking forward to it.  Can't wait to get a finish line!  I'm trying to get a little swimming and biking in too.  I have new respect for the power of wind, after a bike ride in high winds last week.  I did it on a 30+ year old road bike, so I guess I'm in the market for a new bike too.  I'll need to butter up the spouse a bit before I spring for that.  Glad to hear things are going well for you.  Keep taking it easy on the run. 


2012-03-03 4:10 PM
in reply to: #4078421

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

krazytallchick - 2012-03-03 8:12 AM Bryan, flat ran the marathon with me last month and he will be running with my husband in two weeks for his HM debut. This is our 3 time with Flat. Appearantly we do such a good job with traveling with Flat and putting it all together that my nephews look so forward to what we do. Anyone wants to take pics with Flat? We have scanned him and our asking our friends to take him places and take pic, we just need the pics back by the 20th of March.

What in the world are you guys talking about??  Who or what is Flat??

2012-03-03 4:35 PM
in reply to: #4078050

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013

Oh, Ann, I'm sorry, I'm not all caught up on everybody's stories (quite obviously, oops)... Question for you, then. Your first two HMs, did you run them? Or did you run/walk? I'm curious of your answer before I post more...

No worries.

Here are my accomplishments in my two year tri career. A few sprints (2, I think) the first year.  Last year, I aspired to do HIM with a friend, so challenged myself with a HM in the spring to see if I could do it, running being my weakest event.  Followed a training plan, no formal plan for the run.  Ran when I could, walked a bit because of fatigue and muddy, slippery conditions. (My ultimate goal is always not to get hurt) Can't quite remember my time it was probably a little over 2:45 min.  Did  a few more sprints during the season (one for sure but I think more than that)  Hoped to do an Oly but couldn't find one to fit my schedule so did the HIM in Augusta Ga in Sept.  Followed a BT training program.  Misjudged the start date and didn't realize it until about 4 weeks before race day that I was 2 weeks behind!  Had a melt down, regrouped and finished the training with some adjustments from a tri coach I know.  Did the race in just under 8 hours, grueling, felt under prepared.  Walked alot of the run, ran when I could.  Did the Hartford HM in early Oct.  Ran the whole way, except for water stops where I walked 10-30 seconds to drink.  Didn't finish much faster then the spring race.  Quite disillusioning considering all the training but loved the people and support.  Can't remember the times.  Think I will visit the sites and record somewhere in my training log. 

I've been on the treadmill this week because of cool damp weather and I have been doing Galloway.  This morning I did 4 miles like this, 3 mi @ 5.5, 1 min walk, x 2 or 3 times, then 5.6 x 3 min, 1 min walk x 2 or 3 times, then 5.7 x 3 min, 1 min walk and I think I finished out the last 4-5 minutes or so @ 6.0.  Might have missed a couple of reps, started at 5.5 and kept going faster and finished strong. (Had to rush out to get to a bridal shower)  Knees feel better than yesturday.  Kind of like some one else said, ouchy and wobbly on stairs mostly. They feel a bit swollen maybe.  Will take Kathy suggestion and get to run shop for pronation eval. (Might even ice tonight) But I am sold on Galloway.  I think I just extended my running career by decades by discovering this through you guys!! 
Would love to hear anything elses you have to say.  Sorrying for droning on. Cool I tend to give to much info.

2012-03-03 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3965644

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Ann - Flat Sally and Flat Stanley are colored drawings of a boy and girl. In most cases a teacher assigns the kids to take pictures of Flat in interesting places and do a poster with a written report of their Flat's adventures. Some send them to relatives - some do them alone depends on the teacher. So Kathy sent her nephews pic to me and I am going to hol him up with the Texas Capitol in the background for the picture or some other interesting location.
2012-03-03 5:07 PM
in reply to: #4077963

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Long Island
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Malsup - 2012-03-02 5:42 PM

Ann... cool.. wish we could run too... maybe one day at an event!!  Keep it up.. I swear I can feel it working!!

Fit... cool names.. for your bikes and Krazy's..... 

Need to repost my bike so that I can get some help... (not as nice, new and Fast as Kathy's, but will have to do for a while)

However... Mav did say it was a FAST COLOR!! LOL

Just got a Cycleops 2 Fluid trainer today so I can use it instead of the upright at the gym when weather is bad or pressed for time... I hope it helps... got a mat and 4 CD's as well.. COOOL..(hope its a good trainer)

I got the same trainer this fall. I need CDs!!  What did you get?  I am going to check out  So far I have been doing cadence training.  I stink at maintaining 90 plus.  I am much happier at 80-85. I do go to a Bike class at the gym, run by a USAT trainer, where we bring our trainers and bikes.  (For me, bringing that stuff in and out is an injury waiting to happen) It is a total sweat fest. Grueling every time, never gets easier for me! (There is something wrong with us cuz it is at 8pm Tuesdays and it is always cold, windy and raining and we, 10-12 of us, pay to do this!!)


2012-03-03 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3965644

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Left.Right.Repeat - CLoSED for the season - will reopen Jan 2013
Ann, I did the Augusta HIM last Sept also and it was brutal. Just think were racing together and didn't know it.
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