BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2013-05-28 3:06 PM
in reply to: davidfedez

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by davidfedez

Originally posted by trisuppo

Hey guys. Had a good weekend - PB on a 15k run on Sunday. I'm not doing the HM I usually do in early June so I figured I'd let it out on a "training run". Felt good to push and think I had some in the tank as well. Legs felt fine next day. HR was pretty stable as well.

Question - anyone have experience with a possibly broken little toe? I jammed it pretty hard into a leather ottoman yesterday morning. Its black and blue and doesn't like pressure at the moment. Going to try to tape it and run tomorrow morning to see how it responds. I'd really like to avoid being sidelined on the run. Thoughts?

A couple of months ago I kicked my couch and I also got a black and blue toe. I thought I broke it, but I think only damaged it pretty bad. I looked online for the best treatment for a broken toe and I didn't find much more than put ice for 15-20 min and rest the foot up. I did it twice a day for 5 days and it recovered pretty well (my toe went through a full range of colors during that week though).

I'm hoping I did what you did. Toe is ugly looking today. Seems most tender at the top of the toe. Hoping its only tissue damage. Was able to cycle at lunch, hardly any discomfort. Figure when I go to swim in the morning I'll get an idea how it feels in the running shoes. Any pain and I take a break from running for aday or so and then try again. Thanks to all who weighed in with their thoughts.

2013-05-28 8:18 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Waukegan, IL
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by sirgab

Hey Chupacabra that is an awesome time, you are fast! (btw, still laughing at your username!)

Thanks, man.

I think it's funny too. I like looking back and seeing that The Chupcabra said something or did a certain workout.

Well, my school year is winding down and that means that this is a very busy time for me as a teacher. Had an unplanned rest day last Wednesday and an unplanned rest day today. It's ok. It was all for very god reasons and by the end of this week, i should have plenty of time to get some quality training in.
2013-05-28 9:36 PM
in reply to: The Chupacabra

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Does anybody have a good training plan for a HIM? I am planning to do my first one in November.

I have been training on building an aerobic base all year (mostly training in zone 2 since February). I have been very careful with increasing volume to avoid injury as well as to make sure I give enough rest to my bad knee. During my last three weeks I put 7h, 8h, and 10h of training respectively, and I am shooting for another 10h-11h this week.

I am very disciplined and I try to do a certain number of workouts for each sport each week, following a made up training plan of my own. However, I am starting to overthink my training approach and I am not sure if I am doing it right to be in top shape in November (is it ok to put that many hours that early?, am I putting enough hours?, am I allocating my training hours right among all 3 sports? should I dedicate more time to strength training?, etc.).

As a result of all this, I am thinking about following a HIM training plan... Suggestions welcomed, thank you!

2013-05-29 8:11 AM
in reply to: davidfedez

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by davidfedez

Does anybody have a good training plan for a HIM? I am planning to do my first one in November.

I have been training on building an aerobic base all year (mostly training in zone 2 since February). I have been very careful with increasing volume to avoid injury as well as to make sure I give enough rest to my bad knee. During my last three weeks I put 7h, 8h, and 10h of training respectively, and I am shooting for another 10h-11h this week.

I am very disciplined and I try to do a certain number of workouts for each sport each week, following a made up training plan of my own. However, I am starting to overthink my training approach and I am not sure if I am doing it right to be in top shape in November (is it ok to put that many hours that early?, am I putting enough hours?, am I allocating my training hours right among all 3 sports? should I dedicate more time to strength training?, etc.).

As a result of all this, I am thinking about following a HIM training plan... Suggestions welcomed, thank you!

I'm using one of the HIM plans from Matt Fitzgerald's Triathlon Training Plan Book:

I've been happy with it so far. It has about 9 or 10 levels of difficulty for each length of triathlon. I haven't been as disciplined in my training as I desire but find the structure offered by the plans to be very good. My current plan calls for 3 swims, 4 bike and 4 runs (one of the bikes and runs are in brick format).
2013-05-29 8:01 PM
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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Having some knee issues, so I've cut out running for a while and putting extra focus on the bike. I think my run fitness is pretty good, just am concerned about not logging the hours during my build and peak weeks.

Edited by JoePetto 2013-05-29 8:11 PM
2013-05-29 8:54 PM
in reply to: CWard

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN

Originally posted by CWard Past weekend did a 2 hour ride on the new bike followed by a 20 min run. Bike felt great. Today I have a fit scheduled after an open water swim down at the river. Little under 2 weeks to first race.


What kind of race is your first race?

2013-05-29 8:58 PM
in reply to: davidfedez

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN

Originally posted by davidfedez Does anybody have a good training plan for a HIM? I am planning to do my first one in November. I have been training on building an aerobic base all year (mostly training in zone 2 since February). I have been very careful with increasing volume to avoid injury as well as to make sure I give enough rest to my bad knee. During my last three weeks I put 7h, 8h, and 10h of training respectively, and I am shooting for another 10h-11h this week. I am very disciplined and I try to do a certain number of workouts for each sport each week, following a made up training plan of my own. However, I am starting to overthink my training approach and I am not sure if I am doing it right to be in top shape in November (is it ok to put that many hours that early?, am I putting enough hours?, am I allocating my training hours right among all 3 sports? should I dedicate more time to strength training?, etc.). As a result of all this, I am thinking about following a HIM training plan... Suggestions welcomed, thank you!


I'm a gold member on the site here and I'm using their HIM training plan, working good so far.

2013-05-31 1:22 PM
in reply to: mharvey642

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
David I too will be using the BT free HIM plan starting in June. from what I have read everyone says it'll get you across the line safely but not in record pace. Also I've read lots of comments that it is 'swim heavy'.

Question: compression calf sleeves - who wears them under the wetsuit vs putting them on in T1?

I can imagine it a nightmare trying to put them on in T1, but wondered either way.

thanks, Mark.
2013-05-31 3:15 PM
in reply to: markhodges1973

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by markhodges1973

David I too will be using the BT free HIM plan starting in June. from what I have read everyone says it'll get you across the line safely but not in record pace. Also I've read lots of comments that it is 'swim heavy'.

Question: compression calf sleeves - who wears them under the wetsuit vs putting them on in T1?

I can imagine it a nightmare trying to put them on in T1, but wondered either way.

thanks, Mark.

I haven't worn them in a tri race yet, but can't imagine trying to put them on in transition. I would wear under my wetsuit.
2013-05-31 8:45 PM
in reply to: markhodges1973

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by markhodges1973

David I too will be using the BT free HIM plan starting in June. from what I have read everyone says it'll get you across the line safely but not in record pace. Also I've read lots of comments that it is 'swim heavy'.

Question: compression calf sleeves - who wears them under the wetsuit vs putting them on in T1?

I can imagine it a nightmare trying to put them on in T1, but wondered either way.

thanks, Mark.

Used the free HIM very successfully to complete my first HIM. A couple of observations:

1. Heavy emphasis on the swim (which is good if the water is a limiter)
2. Too light on the bike during midweek rides
3. 20 weeks is a bit too long and by the end of the plan you will feel the need to deviate (not a big deal since you will used to the pacing)
4. The structuring of the plan is a solid education on learning build - recover - peak cycle of longer distance training.
2013-05-31 10:04 PM
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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Got in a great OWS today again in C'dA region. Great to be able to work with a wind and a current. Race is next Saturday and I did better in a 1/2 mile swim than I expected. I am getting more comfortable with the wetsuit and swimming in it.

ETA: Forgot to mention that I PR'ed a 10k training run the other day with a time finally under 1 hour.

Edited by CWard 2013-05-31 10:09 PM

2013-05-31 10:47 PM
in reply to: CWard

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by CWard

Got in a great OWS today again in C'dA region. Great to be able to work with a wind and a current. Race is next Saturday and I did better in a 1/2 mile swim than I expected. I am getting more comfortable with the wetsuit and swimming in it.

ETA: Forgot to mention that I PR'ed a 10k training run the other day with a time finally under 1 hour.

Congrats on your 10K PR and your good swim! What is your goal for next week's race?

Anyone from the group racing this weekend?
2013-05-31 11:15 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Thanks a lot on the HIM plan suggestions. I will definitively look at becoming a gold member and see how they are. Swim focus may be a good point, since it is definitively my weakest sport, but I need motivation to get on the bike more (it is my strongest leg and I neglect it a lot for that reason). The book recommendation is pretty solid too. I may be a little bit old school, but I like reading books and tweaking what they say to my liking.

Thank you all a lot!

2013-06-01 7:01 AM
in reply to: davidfedez

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
David - you do not need to be a gold member to use the HIM plans - the HIM is free to non members. IMO the only benefit of becoming a member is that you can upload the plan into your log and track planned vs actual progress each week.

if you are happy with spreadsheets and just logging your actual activity then I see no reason to sign up.

I only became a bronze member to see the pretty planned/actual graph as that was my accountability for the HIM training:-)


2013-06-01 10:15 AM
in reply to: markhodges1973

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN

Had a good 14 miler today.  First long run like that in about a year.  Felt really good, only challenge was we went out to eat yesterday afternoon, and I rarely go out to eat, because of how picky I am about what I eat and need to be gluten free.  I never eat mashed potatoes and especially not gravy.  It was on the plate yesterday (restuarant had no rice and no baked potatoes so I thought no big deal)  When I went to bed last night I was up 3 pounds and today during the run my heart rate was way up.  Very glad I fought thru the discomfort and still averaged 8:07 miles.  Interesting how deviating from your diet can affect you so much.  

3 hour bike planned for tomorrow.

2013-06-01 10:18 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN

Originally posted by JoePetto
Originally posted by markhodges1973 David I too will be using the BT free HIM plan starting in June. from what I have read everyone says it'll get you across the line safely but not in record pace. Also I've read lots of comments that it is 'swim heavy'. Question: compression calf sleeves - who wears them under the wetsuit vs putting them on in T1? I can imagine it a nightmare trying to put them on in T1, but wondered either way. thanks, Mark.
Used the free HIM very successfully to complete my first HIM. A couple of observations: 1. Heavy emphasis on the swim (which is good if the water is a limiter) 2. Too light on the bike during midweek rides 3. 20 weeks is a bit too long and by the end of the plan you will feel the need to deviate (not a big deal since you will used to the pacing) 4. The structuring of the plan is a solid education on learning build - recover - peak cycle of longer distance training.


Good observations.  Like anything, treat it as a guide not an absolute.  Swimming is my strongest so if time is an issue that week I will skip a swim workout and focus more on the bike which is my weakest.  Looking forward to my first half in September and then I can give a real perspective. LOL

2013-06-01 10:19 AM
in reply to: sirgab

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN

Originally posted by sirgab
Originally posted by CWard Got in a great OWS today again in C'dA region. Great to be able to work with a wind and a current. Race is next Saturday and I did better in a 1/2 mile swim than I expected. I am getting more comfortable with the wetsuit and swimming in it. ETA: Forgot to mention that I PR'ed a 10k training run the other day with a time finally under 1 hour.
Congrats on your 10K PR and your good swim! What is your goal for next week's race? Anyone from the group racing this weekend?


Ditto on the congrats on your PR.

2013-06-01 11:53 AM
in reply to: sirgab

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New user

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by sirgab

Congrats on your 10K PR and your good swim! What is your goal for next week's race?

Anyone from the group racing this weekend?

As my father told me when I started training to do these : The ultimate goal is to finish my first ever Tri

However, I am looking at the following for my first race :

Swim (1/2 mile) - 24 Min's (roughly 3:00 100's for the OWS)
Bike (11 Miles) - 45 min's (Avg 15 mph. I know that is probably slow for the new bike I am using, but I really haven't had much saddle time to get a good feel for my pace on it yet.)
Run (5k) - 30 Min's (Hoping for 9:30's)

So with transitions, final time around 1:45
2013-06-01 4:53 PM
in reply to: CWard

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Hey Mitch, how is your little toe doing?

Today I finally went out for a good long bike ride, 52 miles with a tough 7200 ft of climbing, but felt great after I got it done. Now its time for beers!

2013-06-01 4:53 PM
in reply to: CWard

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Waukegan, IL
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
3:30 bike this morning. Took my mountain bike to the trails for this one. I love MTB. Very muddy and slick for the first hour, then things dried out. I'll have another 2+ hour ride mid-week and long run next Sat.
2013-06-01 4:54 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Waukegan, IL
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by sirgab

Hey Mitch, how is your little toe doing?

Today I finally went out for a good long bike ride, 52 miles with a tough 7200 ft of climbing, but felt great after I got it done. Now its time for beers!

Nice ride...and that's a lot of climbing.

You deserve the beers. Have one for me.

2013-06-01 6:18 PM
in reply to: sirgab

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Originally posted by sirgab

Hey Mitch, how is your little toe doing?

Today I finally went out for a good long bike ride, 52 miles with a tough 7200 ft of climbing, but felt great after I got it done. Now its time for beers!

Still pretty tender. Going to manipulate it a bit tonight to see what hurts and doesn't. Jogged down the sideline of the soccer field this afternoon and It didn't feel too bad. Was thinking of giving it a try tomorrow morning but am hesitant. Don't want to rush into running and mess it up more. I appreciate you asking!
2013-06-01 11:25 PM
in reply to: CWard

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New user
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
Thanks CWard for your time estimates - I will be running my first Tri ever (Sprint in June 29, in Spain) and your timing gives a good hint. Running and bike is not an issue, swimming might be. Will post my time, but "finishing with dignity" is my goal.
2013-06-02 4:19 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
So sorry to be MIA. Been busy looking for a job and getting ready to go to CO this coming week. Boyfriend is doing "Ride the Rockies". I will be riding there too, just not on the same route or at the same time.

Jim, congratulations on your Mary!
Chris, you know how much I love the Hanson plan!
Joe, praying hard for all of life's issues to quit bugging your family.
Mitch, great PR on the run, and sorry about the toe.
Cward, congrats on your 10K PR.
Samy, I think the Pure Connect are 4mm drop. I still agree with Chris that you should phase them in slowly, but it's not as drastic a difference. Also, GET THE 910XT. In my mind, there is no comparison. The upload process is quicker and easier. It will work with your current HR strap and cadence sensor. I love the data it provides.

An update for me. After running my first marathon at the end of February with 4 months of running only, I decided to work on getting stronger on the bike. That means I have done no running or swimming, only cycling. It's pretty obvious to me that I'm more gifted at running rather than cycling. A couple of weeks ago I did a hilly 78 mile organized ride very successfully. The following week I was attempting another hilly 80 mile organized ride. This was the same brutally hot day as IM Texas and it was hilly and extremely windy. I was involved in a photo shoot for a local bike company ad, so I didn't get to start the ride until 9 AM, after getting a truck ride to the 1st rest stop to try to catch up with my friends. We never hooked up. I was feeling nauseous for the whole ride. I decided to back off to the 60 mile route. I did all of the hard parts of the ride. The last 15 miles that I rode, it felt like a knife was stuck in my right eardrum. I finally decided that I didn't know if I was doing any damage to my eardrum, so I sagged in. This is the only time in my life that I didn't finish an event. I was sad because I sagged in on the easy downhill part of the ride. My ear stopped hurting shortly after I stopped riding. The only thing I can figure is allergies.

I have not been motivated to do any tris this year. Part of that has to do with the finances and being out of regular work. I'm waiting to see if I may feel like a sprint before the season is up.

But, I'm still hanging out here because all of you are so motivating
2013-06-02 4:29 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - OPEN
NAME: username: jackiep/ first name: Jackie

STORY: They did not have any sports for women when I went to high school and college. That means I didn’t do the athlete thing until my late 20s. I played softball. That was it. In my mid-30s I started working for the Department of Defense. I started running regularly with the Seals and Rangers. Then I set all of it aside until 7 years ago, when I took up cycling. About 3 years ago, my eye doctor suggested I try triathlons since he was getting into them. I got bit by the bug and the rest is history.

This is my 3rd year of triathlon training, in beautiful, hilly Austin TX and also 3rd year (6th season) with Ernesto. He’s the best. Imagine my surprise when he showed up for my very first triathlon! So far I've been the oldest one on this forum, and I'm making up for lost time. I turned 60 in October. People still keep accusing me of being mid to late 40s. I'll take it!

FAMILY STATUS: Single with two grown daughters and an awesome son-in-law who are my biggest cheerleaders besides this group. My significant other is a very active cyclist and former marathoner and triathlete. It's nice to have someone to go to the pool or rides with even if you do your own separate workout.

CURRENT TRAINING: Working on getting stronger on the bike. Doing more climbing and adding more mileage.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Cowtown Marathon, Ft Worth on Feb 24, 2013. I took 1st in my AG and qualified for Boston 2014. Now let's see if I will get to register. I thought my long term goal had been an IM before I turn 61. I think I've decided to push that out a few years.

2011 RACES: A 5K, a 5-miler, 3 sprints, and an Olympic. Had a couple of podium finishes and set some PRs.

2012 RACES: A half mary, 4 sprints, 3 Olympics, a half iron and 2 long registered bike rides. Had a couple of podium finishes and set some more PRs.

WEIGHTLOSS: Oh, please. 112 pounds dripping wet. I'm the one who was always to trying to put weight on in high school.

WHY I'M A GOOD MENTEE: Because I listen to what more experienced people say, evaluate and ask questions and then I just go out and do it. I am very consistent. Even when I don’t feel like it, if I go and do the workout anyway, I feel like it about midway through.
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