BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-02-06 6:34 AM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

Do you listen to music while you are training? When I ride on my bike trainer at home I always have music playing, otherwise it is kinda boring riding to no where. When I ride outside, I never listen to music since I want to make sure that I can hear any cars that are around me. It doesn't bother me to ride and not to listen to music, I'm ok with that. Running however is another issue. I have a hard time not listening to music when I run. I feel like I need that small distraction and the beat of the music to keep me going. I plan on running without music once I get back outside (too much snow for me) so that I can get used to it, but I am only planning on doing a 5k. What do you do to keep yourself going when doing the much longer Tri's that are 13.1 or even a marathon. How do you keep yourself going? I guess I know I need to find something to think about or a distraction but I'm having a hard time coming up with something. Is it just something that comes naturally or do you go into it with a plan?

I listen to music pretty much during all three disciplines, Yes Even Swimming. Actually swimming with music for me just kind of allows me to get totally lost in the water. There have been so many times in the pool that I have kind of spaced out and really couldn't tell you how many laps I just swam. I listen on the majority of my runs but not all of them and the same goes with the bike, with the exception of only having in one ear bud on the ditch side. I will be the first to say that cycling, heck running, are not really as safe with headphones in, unless on a closed course, but I just really like having music. I am getting better about not needing it, but still want it. The thing with races is that you have hundreds of fellow participants around you and people there cheering you on so it just makes it easier and you don't notice that the music is missing. I do however in training go without music so that way it is not a shock on race day when I can not have it.

I'm sure everyone knows, but for those that don't: THEY WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO HAVE ANY FORM OF HEADPHONES / MUSIC DURING ANY PORTION OF A TRIATHLON. MOST TRIATHLON'S THEY WILL DISQUALIFY YOU IF YOU ARE CAUGHT WITH THEM DURING THE RACE, YES EVEN THE RUN PORTION. They will however allow you to listen to it while your setting up transition and waiting but when the race starts, it a big fat no go.

2015-02-06 6:37 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Holy sh@t this is about to get real! My local bike shop that I've been stalking is having a sale and if the bike is still there tomorrow I'm buying a bike tomorrow!!! This is a huge committment for me. This is more of a committment than registering for a race. Yikes! And hell yeah!

Michelle, go you! Registering for races seems to make this more "real" (well, as does buying a bike). Good for you! Keep up the great work!

How freaking awesome is this. Make sure that they get you good and fitted if you do buy it and also get maint. and tube replacements tips and training from them. Can't wait to hear about your purchase and see the pictures. By the way there are rules here when you purchase a new bike but I will wait until you've done so to post them.
2015-02-06 6:49 AM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open

Fingers crossed for you today hoping the bike is still there!! You are all in after that purchase! Good luck!

2015-02-06 9:25 AM
in reply to: #5078752

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Todd....many thanks for your kind words!!! Also for the welcoming words from the other members. I need to do some more reading about transition area set up, what to wear in the pool/ride portions, and what to expect in general. I plan to contact the race organizers again to see if they have any articles on this event specifically....

Swim session moves to tomorrow. Visiting our daughter and son in law. I'll swim with her tomorrow......"free lessons" from her......;0)

Make it a great day!!
2015-02-06 11:07 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Originally posted by Suzie471

Do you listen to music while you are training? When I ride on my bike trainer at home I always have music playing, otherwise it is kinda boring riding to no where. When I ride outside, I never listen to music since I want to make sure that I can hear any cars that are around me. It doesn't bother me to ride and not to listen to music, I'm ok with that. Running however is another issue. I have a hard time not listening to music when I run. I feel like I need that small distraction and the beat of the music to keep me going. I plan on running without music once I get back outside (too much snow for me) so that I can get used to it, but I am only planning on doing a 5k. What do you do to keep yourself going when doing the much longer Tri's that are 13.1 or even a marathon. How do you keep yourself going? I guess I know I need to find something to think about or a distraction but I'm having a hard time coming up with something. Is it just something that comes naturally or do you go into it with a plan?

I listen to music pretty much during all three disciplines, Yes Even Swimming. Actually swimming with music for me just kind of allows me to get totally lost in the water. There have been so many times in the pool that I have kind of spaced out and really couldn't tell you how many laps I just swam. I listen on the majority of my runs but not all of them and the same goes with the bike, with the exception of only having in one ear bud on the ditch side. I will be the first to say that cycling, heck running, are not really as safe with headphones in, unless on a closed course, but I just really like having music. I am getting better about not needing it, but still want it. The thing with races is that you have hundreds of fellow participants around you and people there cheering you on so it just makes it easier and you don't notice that the music is missing. I do however in training go without music so that way it is not a shock on race day when I can not have it.

I'm sure everyone knows, but for those that don't: THEY WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO HAVE ANY FORM OF HEADPHONES / MUSIC DURING ANY PORTION OF A TRIATHLON. MOST TRIATHLON'S THEY WILL DISQUALIFY YOU IF YOU ARE CAUGHT WITH THEM DURING THE RACE, YES EVEN THE RUN PORTION. They will however allow you to listen to it while your setting up transition and waiting but when the race starts, it a big fat no go.

I listen to music on the run sometimes. IF there is a big a** hill in front of me, Black Eye Peas comes on. If I am with friends, I may put it on speaker so everyone can hear it. Once Black Eye Peas is on, they know I am in a groove and gone. I use only one bud in my ear.
I have never used music on the bike. It scares me that I may be too distracted.
I would love to get a swim P3. That I would like to try.
My pet peeve is people who listen to music with BOTH ear buds. They never know what's going on. You have to smack to get them out of the way because they can't hear you yelling "on your left!" multiples time. A running buddy of mine no longer runs with me for chastising her for wearing both earbuds. I did not apologize! She was running with traffic instead of against. She couldn't hear us yelling behind her to cross over. A car was behind her honking their horn for her to move closer to the curb so they can pass. They were trying to be patient. She had both ear buds in and her music was too loud. One of us hailed at the car to slow and wait while we raced ahead to tap her shoulders to move.
That's why my running club bans any headphones on any runs or races. That's why races do it too. For your own safety.
If I wear mine at races I take it out on the last mile as long as I am allowed to use it.
2015-02-06 11:09 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
This morning I was up and in spin class at the unholy hour of 5am. I swim at 5:30 but that 30 minutes makes a huge difference.
After spin, I did 2 miles on the indoor track.

2015-02-06 1:04 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lovey

This morning I was up and in spin class at the unholy hour of 5am. I swim at 5:30 but that 30 minutes makes a huge difference.
After spin, I did 2 miles on the indoor track.

Great Job!! I work nights and I hate mornings!! That's awesome that you can motivate yourself at getting out of bed that early in th AM. It's one thing for me if I am just getting off of work and get my workout in otherwise it is soooo hard for me to get up in the morning when I have a night off.

Also thanks for the great advice about running with only one bud in. I'm planning on training without music but I also know that I will not want to do that all the time
2015-02-06 1:18 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
I was able to figure out how to get my Garmin to sync to my training log but I was wondering if there was a way to get Myfitnesspal to also sync? I use Myfitnesspal all the time and I really don't want to spend the time duplicating everything to work on this site too. Any suggestions?
2015-02-06 1:22 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lovey

This morning I was up and in spin class at the unholy hour of 5am. I swim at 5:30 but that 30 minutes makes a huge difference.
After spin, I did 2 miles on the indoor track.

Great job! I was just thinking about you this morning, Lovey! Glad you posted! I hope you are well! ~Colleen
2015-02-06 1:24 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Originally posted by Smiley9188

Holy sh@t this is about to get real! My local bike shop that I've been stalking is having a sale and if the bike is still there tomorrow I'm buying a bike tomorrow!!! This is a huge committment for me. This is more of a committment than registering for a race. Yikes! And hell yeah!

Michelle, go you! Registering for races seems to make this more "real" (well, as does buying a bike). Good for you! Keep up the great work!

How freaking awesome is this. Make sure that they get you good and fitted if you do buy it and also get maint. and tube replacements tips and training from them. Can't wait to hear about your purchase and see the pictures. By the way there are rules here when you purchase a new bike but I will wait until you've done so to post them.

I DID IT!!! It's purple. And has 2 wheels. And... gears. i have no idea how to describe it! But it's a Trek. And I got a mag trainer at $50! Todd, how do you post pictures? And what are these 'rules' when you purchase a new bike? I'm game! Whoo hoo!
2015-02-06 1:29 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Smiley9188

Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

Originally posted by Smiley9188

Holy sh@t this is about to get real! My local bike shop that I've been stalking is having a sale and if the bike is still there tomorrow I'm buying a bike tomorrow!!! This is a huge committment for me. This is more of a committment than registering for a race. Yikes! And hell yeah!

Michelle, go you! Registering for races seems to make this more "real" (well, as does buying a bike). Good for you! Keep up the great work!

How freaking awesome is this. Make sure that they get you good and fitted if you do buy it and also get maint. and tube replacements tips and training from them. Can't wait to hear about your purchase and see the pictures. By the way there are rules here when you purchase a new bike but I will wait until you've done so to post them.

I DID IT!!! It's purple. And has 2 wheels. And... gears. i have no idea how to describe it! But it's a Trek. And I got a mag trainer at $50! Todd, how do you post pictures? And what are these 'rules' when you purchase a new bike? I'm game! Whoo hoo!

(new bike 2-6-2015.jpg)

new bike 2-6-2015.jpg (97KB - 6 downloads)

2015-02-06 1:54 PM
in reply to: Suzie471

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Suzie471

I was able to figure out how to get my Garmin to sync to my training log but I was wondering if there was a way to get Myfitnesspal to also sync? I use Myfitnesspal all the time and I really don't want to spend the time duplicating everything to work on this site too. Any suggestions?

You can but not directly. Check out this conversation on BT. Look for sillygal comment on my fitness pal. I have not done it before but I am going to try since I use My Fitness Pal as well.
2015-02-06 1:59 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Have you got room for one more potential turtle? I just saw this thread and thought it might be a good fit for me I AM A 100% BEGINNER.
2015-02-06 2:40 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lovey

This morning I was up and in spin class at the unholy hour of 5am. I swim at 5:30 but that 30 minutes makes a huge difference.
After spin, I did 2 miles on the indoor track.

You go Lovey! My best sleep is at 5am, can't imagine spinning swimming AND running before the sun comes up. Keep it up!,

2015-02-06 2:43 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open

CONGRATULATIONS! She's a beauty ( or maybe it's a he) . Love the purple. No turning back now.

2015-02-06 3:23 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Smiley9188

I DID IT!!! It's purple. And has 2 wheels. And... gears. i have no idea how to describe it! But it's a Trek. And I got a mag trainer at $50! Todd, how do you post pictures? And what are these 'rules' when you purchase a new bike? I'm game! Whoo hoo!

Well Collen, I would tell you the rules but you are such an over achiever that you already completed the task minus one small thing before I told you what it is. Any time you get a new bike you have to post a picture of it, this is what you will hear about and she referred to as bike porn. The only thing you forgot to do was name him or her. The running joke is that a bike does not exist in reality until you post a picture of it and does have a life so to speak until you name it. Super nice Trek by the way, and most would refer to that style of bike as a hybrid because it basically sits between a road bike and a mountain bike.

Now give it a name and ride it like you stole it

2015-02-06 3:24 PM
in reply to: Lovey

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Lovey

Originally posted by Suzie471

I was able to figure out how to get my Garmin to sync to my training log but I was wondering if there was a way to get Myfitnesspal to also sync? I use Myfitnesspal all the time and I really don't want to spend the time duplicating everything to work on this site too. Any suggestions?

You can but not directly. Check out this conversation on BT. Look for sillygal comment on my fitness pal. I have not done it before but I am going to try since I use My Fitness Pal as well.

Thank you for the help Tracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-02-06 3:25 PM
in reply to: Team-S

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Team-S

Have you got room for one more potential turtle? I just saw this thread and thought it might be a good fit for me I AM A 100% BEGINNER.

Sure, come on in, but please tell everyone a little about yourself.
2015-02-06 3:54 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Hi everybody my name is Mike. I'm a 46 year old husband and father of three. You can see my crazy monkeys and I in my profile pic.
I recently decided to do my first triathlon coming up in July of this year. This will also be my first ever race of any kind.
I found this site while looking for a very conservative beginner "Couch to Sprint Triathlon" type program. I'm just finishing the first week of Michael Pates 22 week plan. With any luck, and a lot of effort, this will culminate in me finishing the Top Gun Sprint Triathlon in Florida this July 25th. Ive wanted to do a triathlon for more than 25 years but never have. After having recently lost just over 60lbs ( from 6' 1" 260 to 197), I'm determined that now is the time to realize this dream. I know next to nothing about doing a triathlon so all the info I can get will be very much appreciated.

Edited by Team-S 2015-02-06 4:00 PM
2015-02-06 4:36 PM
in reply to: #5078752

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Southern Norway, Vest-Agder
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Welcome Mike, and Colleen: it's a beauty! Todd, do we name and picture our shoes and swimwear as well? Hmmm...gotta think this through. What have you named your last bikes?
2015-02-06 8:21 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Thanks!! I will give it a shot

2015-02-06 8:24 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Colleen Congratulations!! Love the purple! Looks like you have a new friend
2015-02-06 8:41 PM
in reply to: Gnoory

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Gnoory

Welcome Mike, and Colleen: it's a beauty! Todd, do we name and picture our shoes and swimwear as well? Hmmm...gotta think this through. What have you named your last bikes?

Of course you have to name your bike! I have a Specialized Road Bike that's bright orange so of corse its name is "Julius"...aka Orange Julius, lol! The funny thing is that I refer to my bike as Julius all the time and people will think that I am talking about an actual person, lol!
2015-02-06 8:50 PM
in reply to: Team-S

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FortWayne, Indiana
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Originally posted by Team-S

Hi everybody my name is Mike. I'm a 46 year old husband and father of three. You can see my crazy monkeys and I in my profile pic.
I recently decided to do my first triathlon coming up in July of this year. This will also be my first ever race of any kind.
I found this site while looking for a very conservative beginner "Couch to Sprint Triathlon" type program. I'm just finishing the first week of Michael Pates 22 week plan. With any luck, and a lot of effort, this will culminate in me finishing the Top Gun Sprint Triathlon in Florida this July 25th. Ive wanted to do a triathlon for more than 25 years but never have. After having recently lost just over 60lbs ( from 6' 1" 260 to 197), I'm determined that now is the time to realize this dream. I know next to nothing about doing a triathlon so all the info I can get will be very much appreciated.

WELCOME Mike!! Great job on your weight loss! You will find and achieve your dream, I know you can do it!! And you will be such an inspiration and role model to your "crazy monkey's" !!
2015-02-07 7:40 AM
in reply to: Gnoory

New user

Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 4 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Open
Ok… here I am…. The straggler. I’d like to join your group.
NAME: Patti

STORY: I’m a 50-55 age grouper who tends to be at the end of the pack. I’m trying really hard to climb up from my first race when I came in last place in 2012. Seriously a 70 year old women had a better time than me. I was very discourage and basically thought I would never do another Tri again. Not really sure what got me doing it again other than that New Years Resolution BS that got me motivated. I figured that if I had a goal, I would be more consistent with my work outs.

I did my first Tri on my Walmart $129 Schwinn but last year decided to get a better bike only to find out that forward seating position was not comfortable and hurt my hands/ wrist. I need to trade it in this year for a bike with straight across bars, oh.. ya.. and I’ll be having Carpel Tunnel surgery in Feb too. Not sure if the new bike aggravated it enough to have surgery or my motorcycle riding.

I did two Tri Sprint in 2014 and did indeed move up from last place a few spots each race. My goal is to shave a few minutes off each race, and maybe some day I will be in the middle of the pack. I did have to drop out of one Tri during the swim. I had been sick and not training and when I hit that 78 degree water without a wet suit, I just couldn’t catch my breath. Part of it was the cold water taking my breath away which has happened every time, but usually after about 5 min I catch my breath and can keep swimming. Not that day. I seriously thought I was going to drown. The next month I did go back and successfully finish the race. Glad I got back in the water.

This year I want a wet suit, but with my larger size, I’m going to have to look at the mens . I hope those suits have a place for “the girls” underneath. LOL

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 cats and a dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: I was focusing on doing the P90X3 routines in the morning ( but got tired of the guy bashing other types of work outs on the DVD )and working on my couch to 5 K program in the evening, since I suck at running. (I’m currently up to 10 min run time in my 40 min workout with a 16.44 min per mile pace) I may have to head back to the dr in the spring time to get some more injections in my knees for arthritis so I can continue to run.

2014 RACES: T-Rex Tri in Brighton MI. Started all 3, finished two.. and I wasn’t last.

2015 RACES: T-Rex in Brighton, MI, planning on doing all 3. I love this race because its on Wed night, close to home and I don’t have to commit a weekend to it.

WEIGHTLOSS: All this will be easier if I was lighter. After last summer I took 6 weeks off, started exercising again and twisted my ankle and gained 12 lbs. So.. time to start counting / cutting calories and leaving the beer in the fridge if I expect to shed a few.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I may not be a good mentee. I picked this group because it was small and designed for beginners. Many have too many people and all the posts will just overwhelm me. But I’d like to make a few friends who are doing the same thing I’m doing and just trying to be a little bit better every year. I’ll try not to be one of those drop out people who don’t come back.
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date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
comments : 2
When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
date : March 6, 2008
author : scubachic9999
comments : 4
Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
date : October 30, 2005
author : acbadger
comments : 0
First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
date : September 26, 2004
author : jhealy422
comments : 2
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had weight issues. I remember standing on the scale as a child weighing 60 pounds and feeling fat. My family dealt with stress by eating.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 12
This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 2
This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.