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2008-02-01 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

I have a friend in another mentoring group who does a weekly recap of his training, and how things went.  What do you all think about something like that?  It might get us talking a little more, and sharing some of ups and downs with training.  We could say how much we accomplished, and how we felt about it.

I also meant to add this, but hit submit too soon:

I've decided not to run in my race tomorrow.  I'm feeling really bad about my running right now, and that's not a good position to be in with a half marathon coming up in a month.  I'm also afraid that I'll push too much, and injure my leg further.  I pulled a muscle at the end of my ski trip last week.  It's really not too bad, but it's supposed to be very cold tomorrow (for Florida, that is), and I know myself too well -- I'll push it during the race, then end up hobbling for the next couple of weeks, then the next race will be upon me and it will be that much worse.

So my thoughts are to get back to basics, try to get some base miles in, and not push it too much.  Hopefully by the end of the month I'll be back in shape.  I joined the February challenge -- has anyone checked out the challenge forum?  I signed up for 15 hours of running.

But the biggest lesson I've learned from this is that treadmill running is definitely NOT the same thing as road running.

Edited by Sledge 2008-02-01 6:13 PM

2008-02-02 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1190303

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Good job on the 15 K Cheri.  You probably did the right thing by not going to the race, as people would have pushed you beyond your training pace.  Still 10 minute miles for 15 k is good! You will be able to do that 1/2 marathon if you want to.

Sounds like a good idea to share our week's training.  It's going to get exciting as we get nearer our goal races.  Not too much of excitement happened to me this week except:  I decided to run stairs and hills on Thursday at lunch with a co-worker.  The stairs in question include probably 100 steps.  Normally when I start hill training I start with 2 hills and work from there.  This time I did 3 sets of stairs and 1 hill.  woke up Friday and felt okay but as I worked on Friday, I got progressively stiffer.  Still stiff today!  Note to self, run some hills but probably later in my run training.

Question for Christine: does our first week of our Feb. challenge last from Feb. 1 to 8 or till when.  Sorry if I missed that in your post.

Happy Saturday everyone.


2008-02-03 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1190924

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

I've had a trying week, as I'm sure you can tell.  I'm disappointed with my fitness level coming off several weeks of traveling, and it definitely showed in my running.  And of course not doing well is a vicious circle -- you have a bad run so the next day you go out to prove you can do better but you don't, so then there's the next day, etc, etc, etc.  I guess the point is sometimes it's mental and you just have to get over it.  I'm taking some steps back and trying to get some more base miles in.  AND I'm taking today off from running, and plan to bike socially with some friends this morning.

So, as recap for the week I ran approximately 27.5 mostly disappointing miles, although I did feel ok with my Saturday long run.  Unfortunately I blew off almost everything else except some crunches and push ups.

For the week ahead I will continue with mostly running since I'm preparing for the half marathon, but I do want to incorporate the strength training in, plus I'd like to get back to spin class and I do intend to pull out my bike trainer and do some basics with it too.  Wow, I'm probably taking too big a bite for one week, especially since work hasn't settled down at all.  I guess we'll see when I recap at the end of next week.

2008-02-03 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1090041


Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Hi everyone -

I'm in for the challenge. I usually do 2 days of strength training anyway, and the challenge will help me to find a few different exercises for strength/core, etc and add them in.

I caught that cold you had Randi and Christine! How does that travel over the internet? I can't complain, only get sick a couple of times a year. Taking a rest this weekend, and then I think I can return to some training. Printed my training plans finally. I've been incorporating the swim and run into my regular workout spots (ones that used to be only biking) and I feel like I'm not working as hard as I did when I was biking exclusively.

Since I'm a beginning runner, I wonder if anyone has any tips. I can run a mile at a 10 min pace, then for the next mile I alternate 90sec/60sec at a faster pace, and my final mile varies but includes some run walk. How do I get past that "Oh I've made it a mile, I can walk now" and when do I get past that? Granted it's only been two weeks of running, and only 2x per week. Am I being impatient?

As for recap of the week, I'm down in strength training (it snowed), and running minutes (I did yoga with my daughter instead). I'm thinking that may give me a GREAT week next week with running, since I've rested a bit.

Thanks for everyone's encouragement. This time of year is difficult with snow and more snow. Cheri and whoever else has a chance to spend workout time outside in February - soak up some of that fresh air for us Northerners!

2008-02-03 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1090041

Sugar Land, TX
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Hello all,

forgive the spelling and typing errors...i have broken my arm....great...nothing like derailing all of my goals....

i am looking for any ideas to stay on track for the next 6 swim...bummer favorite sport....doc said ok to treadmill and stationary bike... bike is fine....but i feel weired on the tradmill above 3.5 mph. I am a strong swimmer so i think i will be first race isn't till june i have time to heal and train...but no outdoor rides...

i am so bummed....

Oh and if you want to know HOW i broke arm....I was riiding my 3 year olds skateboard down the driveway...hit a rock and vfell on the street...the shame and embarassement.... I mean 3 year old rides his skateboard with his daddy every night and has NEVER even got so much as a skinned knee (granted he is in safety gear head to im an idiot.)

At least I can say my diet is going well.... apparenttly vicodan is a really good appetite suppresant....

Any advice to stay motivate is soufght and welcomed

2008-02-03 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1090041


Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Hey Michelle -

So sorry to hear you broke your arm. Hang in there!


2008-02-04 6:12 AM
in reply to: #1192289

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

mnb3301 - 2008-02-03 4:03 PM Hello all, forgive the spelling and typing errors...i have broken my arm....great...nothing like derailing all of my goals.... i am looking for any ideas to stay on track for the next 6 swim...bummer favorite sport....doc said ok to treadmill and stationary bike... bike is fine....but i feel weired on the tradmill above 3.5 mph. I am a strong swimmer so i think i will be first race isn't till june i have time to heal and train...but no outdoor rides... i am so bummed....


I'm so sorry.   I know how frustrating being injured can be.  Almost two years ago now I fell and broke my collarbone.  I was training for my first triathlon, and had to put it off.

I think there are two things for you to think about:  (1) follow doctor's orders (you don't want any further setbacks) and (2) just maintain your fitness level during your recovery by using the treadmill and stationary bike.  Don't try to overdo it.  Here's a story for you -- I had planned to run a 5K race the weekend after I broke my collarbone and didn't want to totally give it up, so I walked the course.  Then I spent the next year trying to get my collarbone to heal.  I finally ended up having surgery to put a plate in, and the doctor discovered why it wasn't healing -- the muscle had inserted itself between the bones (i.e., it was never going to heal!).  Now we can't say for sure that walking that race caused the problem, but you just don't know...

Be glad that you can do certain things, and I'll bet you feel better as the healing process continues.  Keep us informed on your progress!


2008-02-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1192289

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Michelle - it's good to hear from you.  So sorry to hear about your accident.  Just over eight years ago, I broke my ankle while I was 5 months pregnant.  Luckily I wasn't training for anything but did I ever feel awful - big tummy and heavy cast.

Six weeks will go quickly and when you cross the finish line at your June 8 triathlon you are going to remember what you went thru to get there!

When you do feel like you're ready for running (keep in mind Cheri's advice as well), you might want to look at the Couch-to-5K program.  Now that name is kind of hard to take, because you're not a couch potato and it might feel like a step back, but the long term progress might be worth it.

I used to teach a Learn to Run class at a local running store.  Their program was/is very successful and begins with 10 sets of 1 min. run, 1 min. walk.  Ten weeks later it is 2 sets of 10 min. run, 1 min. walk.  If you are interested, I can reconstruct the schedule and e-mail it to you.  One thing was certain, this running store and many other running plans will tell you that a planned walk break is a good, constructive thing!

Have a good day.


2008-02-05 8:18 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Augh, Michele!  Sorry about your arm!  At least you still have swim and bike   Can you get your cast wet?  If you're awkward on the treadmill, you could try some water running - good workout once you get the weight belt worked out, and less of a chance for another spill!  Hang in there, and let yourself heal.  You've still got plenty of time until race day!

Cheri, I think the pre- and post- training week check-ins are a great idea.  If anyone has any suggestions - really, just throw them out there.  This is YOUR group, you make what you want of it.  I'm just here to guide the ship

Tracy (and all in the Feb Challenge), feel free to count the 1st and 2nd within the first "week" of the challenge.  I'll give everyone a boost, since we were just getting underway.  Plus I had a nice strength workout on Saturday, that I was still pretty sore from just yesterday!  More tomorrow, with a run and maybe some swim if I get to bed, like NOW

2008-02-09 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Happy Saturday everyone!  I hope you all had a good week.  It's been a busy work week for me, but now that it's the weekend I hope to get caught up and back in touch.  How's the training going?

I bought a couple of strength training DVDs, and plan to give one a try this morning.  I'll let you know how it goes.

2008-02-09 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1202593

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Sorry I have been MIA lately.  Lots of stuff going on around here and I am still trying to work out the kinks in my computer.  I think I am getting closer since it is not bogging down so much anymore. 

Anyway,  I took it easy this week.  I was feeling run down and tired (not to mention that time of the month with BAD cramps) and just did not want to get wet or sweaty, too much.  I think I did 3 days of strength training, have to check my logs to make sure I put everything in there and had a good bike, run and swim workout although I did get light-headed during my bike ride.  Now, I am itching to get back to the gym but with  my husband and older son off camping with the Boy Scouts, it leaves me with special time with my younger son, Danny so I am taking advantage of the quiet time with him alone.  He and I are headed to the Y to just fun swim.  Maybe if he gets tired and is willing to sit on the side to rest, I could get a few laps in but we will see.  I will probably leave him at home tomorrow morning with my mother-in-law who lives with us and head to the Y for a workout.  Otherwise, next week I am back to work 2 days so my training needs to be rearranged to fit that. 

I am still working on the nutrition and was up slightly this week but figure it was water retention since the scale is starting to creep back down again.  Amazing isn't it how quickly it goes up and how SLLLOOOOWLY it goes down?  Also, I noticed for the last couple of days my caloric intake was on the low end so that might be part of the problem.

Have a great weekend everyone!

2008-02-09 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1090041


Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Happy Weekend Everyone!

Thanks for the motivation to strength train. One of my usual 2 strength workouts was cancelled because of...snow. So I really had to make sure I did something else to meet the challenge.

Biked today, really hard workout, had told myself I would also run. Did some strength training in between, and had an excellent (for me) run. Don't know why it was so much easier today, but after the tough bike workout, running seemed like a piece of cake.


2008-02-09 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1090041

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Excellent!  Glad you're getting your workouts in, Karen.  How's everyone else doing with the challenge, and/or their planned workouts from this week?  I think I'm good in our challenge, but may have missed a workout for the Strength Challenge over in the Strength forum (I ended up on their Team 6 a little by accident, I think!) since their "week" isn't the same "week" as ours.  No matter, I'm properly sore regardless!

I really like the strength, but did not find my way into the pool.  For me, doing the workout isn't the challenge - it's finding the time to GET the workout in!  My husband is switching schedules starting Monday, but then his first week on the new shift is all goofed up due to a week-long detail evaluating certain school crossings.  Right now, I get Monday, Thursday, and Saturday to actually BE at the gym.  I guess other days I'll have to work out at home - which is limited to strength, yoga, and bike trainer.  Could be worse, I suppose.  I'll have to make my 3 days really count!

Long run tomorrow.  I could do 10 miles, but I'm thinking 8 is more likely

2008-02-09 8:07 PM
in reply to: #1203116

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Not too much terribly exciting in my week.  It was the first week of my official training program and I basically didn't run all week due to scheduling issues.  Barely got my first cycle in on Tuesday as my trainer had been put away for our birthday party.  I think I did get my strength work in though.

I think the worst of winter is now over in Calgary!

Tomorrow a bike/run brick I think.  I am awaiting a new yoga DVD and running DVD (hills) from Spinervals which I think will motivate me for both of those discipines.


2008-02-10 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

This week was a little frustrating for me.  Work is consuming my time and getting in the way of my training!  It just doesn't seem right, does it?  But I do like eating, so I guess I'd better keep working. 

So this week I managed to get in 3 runs, 2 bikes, and 4 days with a little bit of core training.  Not my normal week, and about 100 minutes below my training plan.  I did add some speedwork to my runs which was fun.  It's amazing how fast you can run when you know you only need to do it for a short burst.  A friend did remind me, though, that you need to keep the speed training under control.  Your body needs to recover from the workout, and recovery from speed training is a longer process.

Today is my normal long run day, but my training plan says I should only run for 1:05.  I'm trying to be good and follow the plan, so I'm going to cut the distance down today and do what it says (keep HR in the lower zones).  I do get to do a 2 hour run next Sunday though!

And I just made some Cajun Bean Soup for later -- anyone want some?


2008-02-10 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1203497

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

I am having a hard time getting back to the gym.  I was planning to go this morning and it is so windy and cold that I just don't want to go but from what I have seen of the weather,  the rest of the week doesn't look much better.  I do have until about 3pm to get over there but I am just not sure I will.

Cheri, enjoy your run today.

2008-02-10 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1203497

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

I'd like some bean soup please - extra spicy to get me through the cold weather!

Hope everyone has good workouts this week.  I just did 30-ish on the treadmill and 30-ish on my trainer.


2008-02-12 5:33 AM
in reply to: #1090041

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
I love you guys who can get those balanced volume graphs on your training logs.  I'm always so heavy on the run part, and you hardly ever see any purple (swimming) on mine.  I have a group of friends who like to bike, so motiviation for that is easy.  But it's so hard to get motivated to go swim!  What do you do?
2008-02-12 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1206615

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)

Sledge - 2008-02-12 4:33 AM  But it's so hard to get motivated to go swim!  What do you do?

Wow you were up early - what do you do get up so early?!

To get motivated to swim I just tell myself that I don't want to be the last one in the pool for my triathlon!

I wish I was running as much as you and Christine!


2008-02-13 5:41 AM
in reply to: #1206830

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
tracyhmcd - 2008-02-12 8:55 AM

Sledge - 2008-02-12 4:33 AM  But it's so hard to get motivated to go swim!  What do you do?

Wow you were up early - what do you do get up so early?!

To get motivated to swim I just tell myself that I don't want to be the last one in the pool for my triathlon!

I wish I was running as much as you and Christine!


I don't know why your quote says 4:33 AM -- I get up at 5:00 (central time zone), get on the computer for a little while, then go out and run.  That gets me to work by 7:30 or so.  And it seems like early morning is the only time I can guarantee getting a workout in.  Last night I didn't get home from work until after 8.

Your tri is in a pool?  I wish!  The ones around here are all open water swims, and I'm not looking forward to the Gulf temperature in April.  And I'm sure you won't be the last one in the pool (just like I'm not the last one out of the water).  My motivation problem is two-fold: 

(1) The swim part of a tri is so short (especially for a sprint tri) that I just hate to spend the training time trying to improve by a few seconds.  I just convince myself that shaving time off of running or biking is more "profitable".

(2) Getting to the pool is such a major hassle, as opposed to opening my front door and going out.

But I need to get past this.  I'm thinking of designating a couple of days a week as "swim days".  I could think of them like spin class -- a designated class time that I have no control over.

I'm sure you'll be out running more when your weather gets more reasonable.


2008-02-13 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1208823

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)


Swimming is easy to me because I like swimming but there are definitely those days that I just don't want to get wet but since it is in my plan I do it anyway.  I guess the difference for us notherners is that most if not all our training right now is in the gym so we are already there where the pool is.  I know for me, when I was taking my stroke class it did keep me swimming longer than I would have on my own. 

I can understand your lack of interest in shedding time off the swim and I have heard the same sentiment from others on BT.  I know for me too that I needed to swim just be able to finish the swim without being the last out of the water or exhausting myself while doing it. I am pretty confident that I won't  be now. I swim now to keep my level at least where it is, if not just increase the endurance and maybe while I am at it to improve my times.

I did as you mentioned and scheduled "classes" when I was first starting my exercise back about 2 years ago and it worked.  It became a habit to be at the gym on certain days and at certain times.  Now I just enjoy going (at least most of the time)

Today I am planning a 50 minute run and might just try it on the track at the Y instead of the treadmill but if a treadmill is available I will probably use it since I do like the distraction of the TV.  I have both boys at home today.  They just needed a day off and I was aggravated with the schools for not at least doing a delayed opening because of the ice on the roads this morning. They double-pinky promised and sealed it with a kiss that they would not fight...and I threatened with 2 weeks of being grounded - no playdates, no video games, etc.  I will let you know how I make out.


2008-02-13 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1208823

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Sledge - 2008-02-13 4:41 AM

(1) The swim part of a tri is so short (especially for a sprint tri) that I just hate to spend the training time trying to improve by a few seconds.  I just convince myself that shaving time off of running or biking is more "profitable".

My swim is only 500 m.  The only thing that keeps me trying to swim is I am determined to give my best shot at getting better at front crawl so that maybe I can do a longer distance triathlon at some point.  Another thing that happens for me, though, is that when I put my head in the water and swim, I am only thinking about swimming - nothing to distract me.  I'm kind of liking that!  Plus my pool/gym is about 2 minutes away from my office!!

Yesterday, unbelievably, I gave up a chance to run in fairly beautiful weather (it was probably 40 F) in order to swim.

2008-02-13 11:30 PM
in reply to: #1209045

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
tracyhmcd - 2008-02-13 8:36 AM

Yesterday, unbelievably, I gave up a chance to run in fairly beautiful weather (it was probably 40 F) in order to swim.

That's funny -- I'd probably have convinced myself to give up the swim to run.  Perhaps we need to put a team together?

2008-02-14 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1211304

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Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
Sledge - 2008-02-13 10:30 PM

That's funny -- I'd probably have convinced myself to give up the swim to run.  Perhaps we need to put a team together?

You definitely don't want me for my swim expertise!

2008-02-15 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1212670

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: MaXpiXie's Group - CLOSED and Motivated to Train!! :)
tracyhmcd - 2008-02-14 2:14 PM
Sledge - 2008-02-13 10:30 PM

That's funny -- I'd probably have convinced myself to give up the swim to run.  Perhaps we need to put a team together?

You definitely don't want me for my swim expertise!

Well now, if you keep training the way you have been, you will be formidable in the pool!

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