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2008-01-26 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1099933

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South Pasadena, CA
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
Hey everyone just wanted to let you know I have not disappeared. Just been dealing with a bad tooth problem. Just got a root canal. I will update my training log later today or early tommorow. Thanks for checking on me!

2008-01-26 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1177210

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2008-01-27 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1177210

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

begining triathlete - 2008-01-26 11:46 AM Hey everyone just wanted to let you know I have not disappeared. Just been dealing with a bad tooth problem. Just got a root canal. I will update my training log later today or early tommorow. Thanks for checking on me!

Ow. Glad to have you back!

I've got to get my wisdom teeth out soon and dreading it. ; 

SpiritFire - 2008-01-23 6:27 PM On the triathlon talk thread someone's posted that she experiences foot/leg pain when she runs very slowly ... is this common? I have had horrible pain lately - foot pain, what feels like shin splints in both shins, knee pain, and so on ... could my speed (or lack thereof) be causing this? I'm trying to run slowly to keep my heartrate down.

TR, when I go slow, my steps are 'heavier' as opposed to running with a higher leg turnover and some momentum. Does that make sense? I find that I get shin splints when I haven't run for awhile. Have you been fitted properly with appropriate running shoes by someone who has watched your gait? If not, if you can, it would be a good idea to head to a running store and have someone there explain what shoe type would be best for you.

Bopper - 2008-01-26 6:56 PM

Trina.... lol about the flip turns. Did I say my flip turns were pretty... NOOOOOO... they are FAR from pretty... but it is something I've thought about trying for a while. For now it's one thing I can work on in the pool with out hurting my shoulder... and just being in the water helps to soothe me.

Ditto on the prettiness of my flip turns. I'll do them at one end of the pool when I swim on my own. I'm still not confident enough to try them at Master's - I'd drown or hurt someone with my flailing arms as I try to keep pace!

Well, no strength training for me this week. Eats have been okay with some setbacks. Why did I have to take that huge loaf of Dad's homemade bread?? Because it was soooo very least, it was 70% whole wheat.

On the plus side, I have gotten on trainer and into the pool. Looking forward to the long run today in some balmy weather - temperature will be barely above freezing! Woohoo!

My 20-week half iron training plan starts this week. Yay for a ready-made plan!


2008-01-27 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: training plans
Hey all ... here's another question (didn't I warn you I was full of them?;-)

I'm looking at following a BT training program this year, rather than just winging it on my own like I have in the past. With shift-work it's tough, but at least this year I'm not working nights which really screwed me up last year.
However, my concern is the distances on the programs. I don't plan to do anything longer than a sprint race this year, but looking at the sprint training programs they just look too, too.. well.. too easy. The Olympic distance programs look like a more appropriate training plan for me, but would that be overtraining for the distance? And the BT programs don't leave a lot of room for other stuff - like yoga twice a week, and strength training.

Also, I'm keeping in mind that I'm doing a VERY tough run June 7 ... 18K all uphill in the Rockies (literally up the side of a mountain). So I need to run - a lot.

Any thoughts? I had sat down and worked out my own training program for the next few months, here's my plan for the upcoming weeks:

MON - yoga in the am at the studio, Spin at night with tri club
TUES - run 5K (easy) in morning, yoga in pm at studio
WED - Spin at night with tri club
THUR - yoga at studio, swim 20 min
FRI - run 5K (moderate)
SAT - off
SUN - strength, total body (gym at work on lunch)

MON - run 30 min (moderate - tread at work on lunch)
TUES - bike 15 min (easy), run 15 min (easy), 10 min core work (gym at work on lunch)
WED - Spin at night with tri club
THURS - yoga at studio, swim 20 min
FRI - run 5K (moderate)
SAT - off (work 6-6)
SUN - strength, total body (gym at work on lunch)

I plan to increase distances by 10% every week or two, I have recovery weeks built in every 4-5 weeks, and the frequency of swim/bike is anywhere from 1-3 sessions a week based on my work sched.


2008-01-27 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1178383

Subject: RE: training plans

SpiritFire - 2008-01-27 1:17 PM

I plan to increase distances by 10% every week or two, I have recovery weeks built in every 4-5 weeks, and the frequency of swim/bike is anywhere from 1-3 sessions a week based on my work sched. Thoughts?

Hey, that's what we're all here for!

Your plan looks reasonable. IMHO, as long as you can comfortably complete the sprint distances in all sports by race day, you'll be sitting pretty.

Most formal plans balance all three sports, but there are plans here on BT that are run or bike focused (you'd need a bronze membership to access them). Concentrating on the run and each week, fitting in a couple of swim and bike workouts where you can (building in distance too), would work fine. I see that you have a brick planned too - can't forget those! As well, changing up your workout intensities like you've done will help prevent over-training. Yoga is awesome as cross-training and will benefit all the sports.

That said, there's nothing to stop you from taking workouts from the Olympic plans to keep the training challenging and fresh - I do it all the time for swim and trainer workouts.

It's tough fitting a formal training plan into our schedules. I basically take each week as it comes. I look at what the key workouts and recovery workouts are, then schedule them according to club training, pool times, work and whatever else I may have going on in my life for that week.

Hope this helps!

2008-01-27 6:00 PM
in reply to: #1178383

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2008-01-27 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Chicago IL (via Vancouver Canada)
Subject: Recouping
Hi All - spent last week recouperating. I got my neck and back checked out and yes there is some whip lash, nothing I can't handle but it really hurts. Another funny thing that happened was some tendanitis in my left thumb wrist area, probably from yanking hard on the steering wheel. This hurts more than the whip lash, I cannot do anything 'cept running and swimming and of course the pool at the gym was not heated all week.

Had a tough time getting through the pain without pain killers, i hate them, they make me sick and groggy - yuck. But I am off them now and back in training. Unfortunately gained a pound back but I'm not going to stress it. Finally signed up for the Sprint at Accenture, and a few running races. The Soldier Field 10 miler is my favorite - so I have a few goals this year.

Im really looking forward to racing this year, I am much more focused on increasing my intensity and Im expecting to have some great results. Hopefully, my back will not bug me like it did today on my run. Lower back pain slowed me down and decreased my distance.

I was hoping to do the Olympic this year, but due to my busy schedule, injuries, stress at home, I think i'll stay focused on the Sprint and just do the training for Oly. Lets see how that goes......

Have a great week all....
2008-01-28 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1179085

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Recouping and training plans
Salma, sorry to hear about your back ... but glad you are on the mend - and take care of you!

Marina and Bopper - thanks for the feedback on my training plans. I just can't see myself commiting to a BT plan, I have to change so much of it around to fit my sched that it's way easier to just create my own. And with my Fitness Theory and Fitness Instructor training - it's good practice!
I have allowed myself the freedom to change each week up when/if things come up, but I am committed to getting the work-outs in each week. It's tough though - there's just so much to do! Sometimes I envy those single-sport people. ;-)

I have a job interview/shadow thing this week with a Boot Camp that is looking for trainers, it's not till Thursday but I'm pretty excited. They're just looking for a few days a week, which is all I can commit to, but it would be an awesome opportunity. Wish me luck!

Have a good week everyone. I'm off to yoga.
2008-01-28 9:57 AM
in reply to: #1099933


Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
Hi Everyone!

Wow, I've been catching up on the reading from the past few weeks, it's been a crazy Januray already!

I've just returned from an awesome vacay in Mexico, and am very tanned and very motivated to get back at it!

I kept up lots of walking and swimming in Mexico, and am going to continue on with the Michael Pate's Total Sprint Program (22 week program taking you from the couch to the finishline.) I was going to do the Couch to 5K, but it didn't incorporate any swimming, so I am going to start using this program!

The biggest challenge for me with fitting in workouts is getting up early enough. I work from home, and am a bit of a workaholic, so I tend to get up late, sit down at my desk and work until 9pm, then stay up until 2 watching movies! (bad cycle to be in!) Luckily, the biggest perk of going on vacation for me, is that my sleep schedule returns to normal, so I have been getting up at 7am everyday since I've been back (3 mornings now, I'm on a roll). My eventual goal is to be up by 6:00am, I really am a morning person, and there is something so magical about waking up when it's still dark, putting on my gym clothes and heading out into the quiet sleeping world!

Well, I am off to the gym today to do some biking and swimming (walked yesturday), and I've been reading about everyone's feedback on spinning, and I think I will make another attempt do a class this week. (My first time ended badly, I biked for about 10 minutes, and then the cramping in my feet was so bad, I had to hobble out of there with my head hung low!) I just need to remember that I will have to work my way up to a full class and do what I can to begin with, and walk out with my head held high, at least I'm working towards something, that's nothing to be embarrassed about!

Okay, well this post is so long, so I'll stop for now, I'm very excited to be back, and have been enjoying everyone's posts. Your focus and determinatation to stick with it through all of your crazy schedules, injuries, etc is so inspiring, I'm looking forward to being back in the loop!

Oh, I haven't finished reading all of the posts (got to get out the door and hit the gym!), where's everyone at with setting weekly goals?

Thanks, Lindsay
2008-01-28 10:01 AM
in reply to: #1179508

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: welcome back lindsay
Lucky girl - Mexican vacation. No I'm not jealous at all. ;-)

As for your sleeping/working schedule ... do what feels natural. About 4 years ago I lost 40 pounds and trained for (and finished) my first 5K race, while working straight nights (6 p.m. to 6 a.m. shifts). It can be done - you don't necessarily have to be an early riser. ;-)

My weekly goals - drink more water. On my days off work I don't think I drink enough water.
2008-01-28 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1099933


Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
Thanks Spitfire!

And I agree, water, when I'm thinking of it is never a problem. But when my routine is outside my norm, I can go a whole day and suddenly realize I've only had 1 or 2 glasses of water, not good! I think I'll join you on that, and make one of my focuses this week getting in enough water!

Have a great day!

2008-01-28 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1179519

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2008-01-28 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1099933


Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
Food Help!

I have been working out more these past couple of weeks, and I can't stop eating! I feel hungry all the time, and I'm afraid I'm eating away all the calories, etc that I've been burning (I need to lose a bunch of weight...not just get in shape)!

Any tips on how to get satisfied while eating less calories? Will this pass? Am I just emtionally eating? I'm feeling so frustrated because I start the day off great, but by the evening I'm eating what ever I can find!

Any advice would be much appreciated!

2008-01-28 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1180821

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2008-01-29 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: Biffed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've missed a lot of training, but I think I have a good excuse! 

This past Saturday I decided to ride into Salem (the Witch City) and left my house.
About ¾ of a mile down the road at the Dunkin Donuts a car pulled out.
He says he didn't see me.

We met, rather violently. I can remember saying "oh !".

 I bounced off his hood and landed on my head on the road. An ambulance
 was called, I was back boarded and sent to Salem Hospital were I spent
 Saturday being looked at.
 No broken bones, but very sore. My bike is trashed.
 All the clothing I was wearing was cut off, and I missed Monday at
 work because I had a hard time moving.
 On the good side, I landed on my head. I have put a claim in for the
 bike, clothing and hospital costs to the drivers insurance. The police
 report states the driver as saying that he didn't see me.
 I hope in the next couple of weeks I will have a new bike and clothing
 and helmet.

I am hoping to get to the gym tonight and try my hand at a short easy run or on the stationary bike for an easy spin then to yoga to hopefully loosen up.

 I am a bit disappointed in missing training, but I am thankful that I came out of the accident with only scrapes and bruises.

2008-01-29 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1099933


Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!
Wow J - Thank goodness you're alright! Glad to have you back in one piece!

2008-01-29 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1181438

Subject: ...
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2008-01-29 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Peabody MA
Subject: RE: Biffed

Thanks Guys,


I'll do an easy spin then yoga tonight. I was very lucky and am thankful the injuries are minor.

2008-01-29 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1181789

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Biffed
WOW! ... glad you are ok ... but very sorry about the bike - at least you get it replaced. And let's give a big shout-out to helmets, shall we?!?

I agree - yoga good. If you're still sore - find a nice restorative yoga class and that will get you right back in line. ;-)
2008-01-29 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1180821

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Food help
What are you eating? Describe a typical day - times and amounts of what eaten - and I'll see what I can do. ;-)
oh also age and goal weight, please.

2008-01-30 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1182303

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Food help

SpiritFire - 2008-01-29 3:41 PM What are you eating? Describe a typical day - times and amounts of what eaten - and I'll see what I can do. ;-) oh also age and goal weight, please. tr

Age: 23
Goal Weight: 140 lbs

What I am eating in a typical week day:
(Keep in mind that I'm in class from 10am-3pm MWF)

6 AM commute: Mocha Frappachino (9.5 oz) (180 Cal)
8AM:  1 Light Cheese Stick and/or 1-2oz nuts (60-220 Cal)
10AM: 1 Quaker Breakfast Cookie (180 Cal)
AM: G2 Gatorade or Snapple Antioxidant Water (20 oz) (140-200Cal)
12PM: Peanut Butter Crackers (1 package of 6 crackers) (190 Cal)
1/2PM: 1Apple and/or 3 oz of Carrot Sticks (or some other fruit/veggie) (35-120 Cal)
3/4PM:16 oz Tea & Treat-Usually Chocolate (100-200 Cal)
Day Cal: (885-1290 Cal)

7PM Dinner: Typically we'll have sir-fry, spaghetti, breakfast for dinner, vegetable beef soup, steak salad, ravioli, tacos, or some kinda of chicken w/veggies. If we're feeling really lazy we'll do hamburger helper or cereal. Ocassionally we'll order a pizza on a Friday night. And to drink with dinner gatorade or juice.
(400-600 Cal)

8PM: Somtimes icecream if we eat dinner a little earlier.


2008-01-30 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1184691

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Food help
At a glance - no you are not eating enough. Although your calories are right on, your nutrient intake is very low.
My first suggestion would be to get a solid breakfast in you within 2 hours of waking (I know it's tough with early mornings - but well worth the extra 5 minutes). Regular oatmeal not the flavoured instant stuff, with nuts and milk, or a good organic cereal with fruit thrown in, a bagel, just something solid to kick-start your metabolism. And keep eating/snacking every few hours throughout the day - will keep both your metabolism and your blood sugar nice and steady.
I'm not familiar with Quaker Breakfast cookies or peanut butter crackers, so I can't really comment - however my concern with anything packaged is that it contains high amounts of sugar and sodium and not enough nutrients. Even if it's labelled "low fat" or similar - it's still generally not good for you. Same goes for the Gatorade and juices - unless you're training for at least 60 minutes, it's not worth putting the sugar into your system. Stick with plain water and your body will be much happier.
Your evening dinners look pretty good, though.

My basic advice that I give all my clients is: eat from nature, not a laboratory. Every now and then it's quick and easy to grab a pre-packaged bar or bag of something, but make a concentrated effort to eat what mother nature provides without chemicals or modifications. Make a basic meal plan for the week when you go to the grocery store, and stick to your list. Then as soon as you get home and unpack your groceries, divide everything up - slice peppers and carrots into baggies to easily grab as snacks, throw in with stir-frys, etc. Invest in a good cooler and some ice packs and take that with you during the day (there's some really attractive ones on the market now) and then there's no excuse for just grabbing what's at the nearest food outlet. And don't be afraid to cook up a big chicken or salmon and have it on hand in the fridge to throw in with salads, sandwiches, soups, etc.
I also advise my clients that fruits and vegetables should make up appx 60% of their diets, with grains and nuts at appx 25% and lean meats at 15%, as a basic guide.

Go to my training log for some examples of what I eat during the day.

Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions.
2008-01-31 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1099933

Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Oh my Jim, glad that you're okay! I've never been hit but had some near misses that left me shaking.

Welcome back Lindsay! Salma! Jen!

I'll catch up later...weird schedule for me this week. dog went directly from my bed to the couch and is snoring already. I think she's got a bit of a cold.

Everyone, take care and be safe out there!
2008-02-01 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1099933

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Marina & Bopper's Mah-velous Mentor Group - Closed & Kickin it hard!

Jim-Glad you're ok; get to feeling better.


Food-Ok, I know I need to eat more fruit and veggies, but its hard to find good produce in BFE Tennessee. I do take a multivitamin and a couple other supplements. I took a look at your food log Trina. Very interesting. I don't know how something like that would work for me. I don't like cottage cheese, mushrooms, or eggs. And banana's give me migraines if I eat that many. What I find difficult is that I am literally eating in class while lecture is going on and I'm taking notes. I don't have any breaks, and I don't really even have enough time to run over to the cafeteria on campus if I wanted too (the food is way salty, way fatty, and way expensive). I have no means of heating anything up and no good means of refrideration besides cooler blocks in my lunch box. I'm on a budget and on the go all the time, I have no idea what I can eat that's nutritious and fit in my schedule.  Help!?

Quaker Breakfast Cookie: 180 Cal, Fat 6g, Sat Fat 2g, Na 190mg, Carb 31g, Fiber 5g, Protein 3g

2008-02-01 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1189302

Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: food help
I know it's difficult when you're on the run, and on a budget, trying to get good food into your body ... but remember this - YOUR FOOD IS THE FUEL THAT KEEPS YOUR BODY IN SHAPE AND READY TO TRAIN. Think of it that way - as fuel ... hopefully that helps, it certainly helps me when I want to jump off the food wagon. I just think of how I know I'll feel the next day - less energy, perhaps a poor sleep, cranky, dehydrated, etc, and it's usually enough to keep me on track.

You don't need refrigeration or a microwave to pack a good cooler. And just because I eat lots of bananas and cottage cheese doesn't mean you have to! Nutrition is individual - it's what works best for your body.

You can get really good quality frozen fruits and vegetables if there's no good fresh stuff in your area (just watch the labels for added chemicals), frozen fruit thrown in with plain yogourt in the morning makes for a nice juicy fruit yogourt in the afternoon! And apples, quartered melons, grapes, oranges, peppers, carrots, celery, snow peas, etc, should be easy to find and are easy to pack and carry ... add hummous or peanut butter if you need the extra flavour. Peppers and hummous is one of my favorite snacks. Don't be afraid to carry utensils with you in your cooler, and have an empty tupperware container for the apple core, orange rind, etc. Yogourts keep well in a cooler, as do salads (throw on almonds and/or pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, a little goat's cheese, etc for flavour). There are some good quality crackers out there (ie: Wasa) that are healthy and tasty - another one of my favorites is those little cans of flavoured tunas on Wasa crackers. Crackers and cheese carries well too, with some sliced deli meats (watch for those added chemicals tho!) as do trail mixes and nuts. Consider making a smoothie in the morning, with some fruit (frozen berries are really yummy) and yogourt and protein powder - put that in a big go-cup and take that with you for breakfast if you are having trouble eating in the morning.
Oh - pack your cooler the night before then put the whole thing in the fridge.

I too am completely broke - I work part-time, go to school full-time+, am single and have a mortgage and a yard and a dog and I know what it's like to be pressed for both time and money. But life is about choices, I made this choice to go to school and I made this choice to buy a house, no one put a gun to my head and forced me into my life. So the way I see it - if I can't handle the life I've built for myself AND keep myself healthy at the same time, something in my life has to give because my health is the most important thing. When I look at it that way - suddenly whole hours in my day free up so I can get to the grocery store or to that extra yoga class.
It's all about perspective, I think. ;-)

Good luck!

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