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2007-11-09 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1045815

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
TriAya - 2007-11-09 1:08 PM
D001 - 2007-11-09 10:30 AM
sparco - 2007-11-09 1:27 PM x2...I 're-learned' swimming using Total Immersion http://www.totalimmersion.net/


I'm not a FAST swimmer, but I can now swim the Oly distance without a whole lot of glycogen depletion, shooting for the half iron distance next season...I just try to stay relaxed and efficient, trying to emphasize the glide. I do one flutter kick per stroke...

Hey, where's spokes...(kidding Scott...)...

I must be doing the TI stuff wrong.... Everyone seems to love it. I try it, and all that happens is I mess up my shoulder. Maybe I need to get the DVD.....

Probably time to do one of the clinics--or did you ever get a coach to work with you on form?

Whew!!!  I'm glad the REAL swimmers finally showed up...oh, hi Yanti!  How the heck do you swim those 1:30s...I've been working on that for 3 years now... 

2007-11-09 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1045823

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
sparco - 2007-11-09 11:11 AM
TriAya - 2007-11-09 1:08 PM
D001 - 2007-11-09 10:30 AM
sparco - 2007-11-09 1:27 PM x2...I 're-learned' swimming using Total Immersion http://www.totalimmersion.net/


I'm not a FAST swimmer, but I can now swim the Oly distance without a whole lot of glycogen depletion, shooting for the half iron distance next season...I just try to stay relaxed and efficient, trying to emphasize the glide. I do one flutter kick per stroke...

Hey, where's spokes...(kidding Scott...)...

I must be doing the TI stuff wrong.... Everyone seems to love it. I try it, and all that happens is I mess up my shoulder. Maybe I need to get the DVD.....

Probably time to do one of the clinics--or did you ever get a coach to work with you on form?

Whew!!!  I'm glad the REAL swimmers finally showed up...oh, hi Yanti!  How the heck do you swim those 1:30s...I've been working on that for 3 years now... 

Ok, all you swimmers need to compile all these notes , set them in a PDF file and forward them to all us newbies. LOL

2007-11-09 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1045837

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
HCS5QA - 2007-11-09 11:23 AM
sparco - 2007-11-09 11:11 AM
TriAya - 2007-11-09 1:08 PM
D001 - 2007-11-09 10:30 AM
sparco - 2007-11-09 1:27 PM x2...I 're-learned' swimming using Total Immersion http://www.totalimmersion.net/


I'm not a FAST swimmer, but I can now swim the Oly distance without a whole lot of glycogen depletion, shooting for the half iron distance next season...I just try to stay relaxed and efficient, trying to emphasize the glide. I do one flutter kick per stroke...

Hey, where's spokes...(kidding Scott...)...

I must be doing the TI stuff wrong.... Everyone seems to love it. I try it, and all that happens is I mess up my shoulder. Maybe I need to get the DVD.....

Probably time to do one of the clinics--or did you ever get a coach to work with you on form?

Whew!!!  I'm glad the REAL swimmers finally showed up...oh, hi Yanti!  How the heck do you swim those 1:30s...I've been working on that for 3 years now... 

Ok, all you swimmers need to compile all these notes , set them in a PDF file and forward them to all us newbies. LOL


I have a competitive swimming background ... but even now, I spend part of every workout working on form, and try to consciously keep it in mind at all times.

Although, in OWS, my background in water polo and martial arts has been much more useful ...

I think it's really important for everyone, athlete or no, who wants to swim to work on good form. It's such a fabulous exercise, and no one should get injured doing it.

As for triathletes ... in terms of getting faster (provided your form really is as good as it can possibly get, which takes quite some time), there's a LOT of work involved for a very few seconds gained ... maybe an unpopular view, but I'd just get the swim workouts in more as maintenance, and practice transitions A LOT!

2007-11-09 1:45 PM
in reply to: #1045383

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
HCS5QA - 2007-11-09 9:06 AM
sparco - 2007-11-09 4:14 AM

HCS5QA - 2007-11-08 11:31 PM I hate to leave you lovely ladies but I still need to take a shower after running and it's an early morning start again. So with that, sweet dream my BT lovely's.

Hector, YOU HAD AN AWESOME RUN YESTERDAY!!! Now rest up, drink lots of fluids (with electrolytes--sodium and potassium) and you get to eat lots of carbs...stay low on the fat, though...

Do a quick run tomorrow, and you're all set.

It's a good thing to start slow, although you'll FEEL like just rocketing out there at the start. If you use all your glycogen reserves at the start, you will have a hard time pushing it to the end, so keep an eye on your early miles, maybe make up a pace band if you don't have a watch that does splits:

Mile 1 11:00 min
Mile 2 22:00 min
Mile 3 33:00 min...and so on...

You'll do great brutha...and think of all the ladies here that will be rooting you on!!! Enjoy a rest day!

Roger that coach! By the way I did have a good run last night even if I feel tight all over this morning. I promise i won't kill myself on the run, I just really want to complete it and that is the goal for this first half mary.

Good morning ladies, I did sleep good with the memories of page 69.LOL

Spokes, i tried to get a burger myself but the body said no, so i settled for a roast beef sandwich.

page 69 was definitely the highlight of the evening ;-)

2007-11-09 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Hector, it is easier for us to analyze your stroke if we could actually see you swim! I can tell you what you're supposed to do til the cows come home but it's probably not gonna be that helpful until I see what you are doing in the water.

Dee, I swim with a 6 beat kick and about 14-17 strokes per 25. I try to back off my kick, but you know what they say about old dogs I haven't had any issues in my tris. I'm a lousy runner and nothing I do on the swim is gonna change that (I sound like Spokes talking about swimming ) I think the body adapts. You don't coast more on the bike to save your legs for the run!

I think the elliptical will be a nice alternative to running if my hip flexor protests. I just wanted to try running this week to see what happened. I'll do more mext week, and go out on the road. The dreadmill is such a bore!

Did my full strength training workout. My push ups are pathetic. Maybe that's why I get lapped on the pull buoy!

2007-11-09 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1045603

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
geauxtri - 2007-11-09 11:10 AM

I got a star!! I got a Star!!!  I'm a STAR now, ahhh!

Gotta agree Dee,dogs over cats, thoguth in our family we have oneof each to keep the balance.  But MY dog is bigger than HIS cat. 

Yaaaay! now, Heather not only is a star, she has a star! :-)

2007-11-09 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1045865

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
TriAya - 2007-11-09 2:44 PM

HCS5QA - 2007-11-09 11:23 AM
sparco - 2007-11-09 11:11 AM
TriAya - 2007-11-09 1:08 PM
D001 - 2007-11-09 10:30 AM
sparco - 2007-11-09 1:27 PM x2...I 're-learned' swimming using Total Immersion http://www.totalimmersion.net/


I'm not a FAST swimmer, but I can now swim the Oly distance without a whole lot of glycogen depletion, shooting for the half iron distance next season...I just try to stay relaxed and efficient, trying to emphasize the glide. I do one flutter kick per stroke...

Hey, where's spokes...(kidding Scott...)...

I must be doing the TI stuff wrong.... Everyone seems to love it. I try it, and all that happens is I mess up my shoulder. Maybe I need to get the DVD.....

Probably time to do one of the clinics--or did you ever get a coach to work with you on form?

Whew!!!  I'm glad the REAL swimmers finally showed up...oh, hi Yanti!  How the heck do you swim those 1:30s...I've been working on that for 3 years now... 

Ok, all you swimmers need to compile all these notes , set them in a PDF file and forward them to all us newbies. LOL


I have a competitive swimming background ... but even now, I spend part of every workout working on form, and try to consciously keep it in mind at all times.

Although, in OWS, my background in water polo and martial arts has been much more useful ...

I think it's really important for everyone, athlete or no, who wants to swim to work on good form. It's such a fabulous exercise, and no one should get injured doing it.

As for triathletes ... in terms of getting faster (provided your form really is as good as it can possibly get, which takes quite some time), there's a LOT of work involved for a very few seconds gained ... maybe an unpopular view, but I'd just get the swim workouts in more as maintenance, and practice transitions A LOT!

x2 Yanti. All the energy wasted going anaerobic for tenths of seconds in a swim meet is definitely not worth it in tris.
2007-11-09 1:50 PM
in reply to: #1045611

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
D001 - 2007-11-09 11:14 AM
Yoganerd - 2007-11-09 8:08 AM Ah, the swimming leg...


I do the breast stroke for pete's sake! (still finish middle of the pack in my age group). But, knowing that I WILL be doing ALL of the distances within the next three years, I am SLOWLY, PAINFULLY learning freestyle.

Quote from the swimming instructor, "You'd swim really well if you used only your arms, once you add the legs, all forward progress stops".

So, my struggles are strengthening my shoulders (so that they don't hurt), and retraining the muscle-brain connection so that my legs don't act as water brakes. I get the kick correct when I use fins, but take off those babies and I feel as if I should really be kicking hard (and, there is plenty of leg buoyancy, so that is not the problem).

By the way, Morning 'Nibbins! I have a lot of catching up, to do.

I like the swimming cat avatar, however.

If you really don't want to swim, you can be our mascot... with or "without" the Speedos... hmmm, what does THAT mean? Trunks, or ...

When I swim, I don't bother kicking at all. The kick requires a lot of energy, for a relatively small increase in speed. If I'm trying to sprint, then yes, I kick hard. But if I'm going for distance, I don't even think about kicking. Back when I was in high school (oh so long ago!), I remember hearing: Freestyle/Crawl - you get about 90% of your power from upper body, 10% from the flutter kick. Breastroke - you get about 60% from your upper body, 40% from your kick. And, if you think about having to bike and run afterwards, then it also makes sense to not worry about adding a kick. JMO on this....

I still kick - but it is not an agressive kick, while you don't get much of the power/speed from your kick, it can be important to the overall technique

it was interesting, last Jan I went to a tri clinic and my HS swim coach did the swim clinic - they actually taped us underwater while we swam

he did an excellent job of explaining the importance of the kick in the over all technique and efficiency

I'll see if I can find it at home and post some of the swim info

2007-11-09 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1045663

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

D001 - 2007-11-09 11:34 AM

Surprisingly enough.... I don't usually laugh at work.

probably not surprisingly, I am known for bursts of laughter out of nowhere somewhat frequently - LOL

2007-11-09 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1045682

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
milaminute - 2007-11-09 11:54 AM

Hello you crazy kids...

1.  That scary cat used to be someone's avatar...
2.  That scary cheerleader dude burned my retinas.
3.  Ditto on the expending energy on kicking in the water... save the legs!
4.  Forget the twinkly twinkies.  Go for the cheescake.
5.  Thanks for the get well wishes last night.  I'm a little better today; however, I have been forced to watch Ratatouille 3 times with my 2 year old in order to be able to get any rest.  I'm starting to speak with a French accent.

I think that's it for now.

LOL - I heard that movie is pretty good - did you enjoy it (the first two times)

glad you are feeling a little better!

2007-11-09 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1045726

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

D001 - 2007-11-09 12:19 PM Just left an inspire in Hector's log. (Had to wish him luck this weekend.) Hector -- if you do well this weekend, maybe Beth will post another pic! Actually, since I'm thinking of that cheerleader-gone-wrong..... Beth - if Hector does well this weekend, will you show him your pom poms? (It's so much fun to say things like this when she's not here. If I'm lucky, I'll be offline when she gets back, too. 'Cause you know what they say about payback....)

My pom poms????  LOLOL

oh Dee, you are in trouble now! 

2007-11-09 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1045783

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Yoganerd - 2007-11-09 12:46 PM
sparco - 2007-11-09 11:35 AM

Yoganerd - 2007-11-09 12:15 PM Blackberry, or some other handheld device that has a web browser... Dee needs one of those for next semester.

Heh...Sharon, can you buy one for BOTH of us while you're visiting at your mom's? We'll pay for postage...

I will see if I can get a TwisNibbins discount... one for each member of the team! 


2007-11-09 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1045869

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

barqhead - 2007-11-09 1:46 PM Hector, it is easier for us to analyze your stroke if we could actually see you swim! I can tell you what you're supposed to do til the cows come home but it's probably not gonna be that helpful until I see what you are doing in the water. Dee, I swim with a 6 beat kick and about 14-17 strokes per 25. I try to back off my kick, but you know what they say about old dogs I haven't had any issues in my tris. I'm a lousy runner and nothing I do on the swim is gonna change that (I sound like Spokes talking about swimming ) I think the body adapts. You don't coast more on the bike to save your legs for the run! I think the elliptical will be a nice alternative to running if my hip flexor protests. I just wanted to try running this week to see what happened. I'll do more mext week, and go out on the road. The dreadmill is such a bore! Did my full strength training workout. My push ups are pathetic. Maybe that's why I get lapped on the pull buoy! Pam

awesome workout Pam!

2007-11-09 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1045869

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

barqhead - 2007-11-09 Dee, I swim with a 6 beat kick and about 14-17 strokes per 25.

Wow...I've got to really concentrate on getting 17 strokes/25.  You must be cruising to get good balance and glide at 14 strokes...

2007-11-09 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1045922

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
sparco - 2007-11-09 2:11 PM

barqhead - 2007-11-09 Dee, I swim with a 6 beat kick and about 14-17 strokes per 25.

Wow...I've got to really concentrate on getting 17 strokes/25.  You must be cruising to get good balance and glide at 14 strokes...

me 2!

there are some good drills to help with that - and I've made progress, but no where near that

how much does height play into that?  I would think it would have to to some degree

2007-11-09 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1045922

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
How's the concepting going Sal?

2007-11-09 2:22 PM
in reply to: #1045939

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-09 2:16 PM
sparco - 2007-11-09 2:11 PM

barqhead - 2007-11-09 Dee, I swim with a 6 beat kick and about 14-17 strokes per 25.

Wow...I've got to really concentrate on getting 17 strokes/25.  You must be cruising to get good balance and glide at 14 strokes...

me 2!

there are some good drills to help with that - and I've made progress, but no where near that

how much does height play into that?  I would think it would have to to some degree

I'm sure height plays a BIG part in it...look at all the Olympic gold swimmers......I don't have a CHANCE...

2007-11-09 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1045941

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

lastcall2003 - 2007-11-09 2:16 PM How's the concepting going Sal?

All done...just catching up on paperwork...I just LOVE paperwork ...

Got any fun weekend plans?

2007-11-09 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1045962

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
sparco - 2007-11-09 2:24 PM

lastcall2003 - 2007-11-09 2:16 PM How's the concepting going Sal?

All done...just catching up on paperwork...I just LOVE paperwork ...

Got any fun weekend plans?

I'm 5' 3 1/2", so i don't stand a chance either

I do have fun plans actually :-)

taking my daughter out to lunch and shopping tomorrow and on Sunday I'm going to SPAMALOT with one of my good friends

she has season tickets to the theatre here and whenever her hubby doesn't want to go - I step in as her date

we're going to a really wonderful Italian restauraunt before the show


2007-11-09 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1045962

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
sparco - 2007-11-09 2:24 PM

lastcall2003 - 2007-11-09 2:16 PM How's the concepting going Sal?

All done...just catching up on paperwork...I just LOVE paperwork ...

Got any fun weekend plans?

I'm 5' 3 1/2", so i don't stand a chance either

I do have fun plans actually :-)

taking my daughter out to lunch and shopping tomorrow and on Sunday I'm going to SPAMALOT with one of my good friends

she has season tickets to the theatre here and whenever her hubby doesn't want to go - I step in as her date

we're going to a really wonderful Italian restauraunt before the show

and you?

2007-11-09 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1045922

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
sparco - 2007-11-09 12:11 PM

barqhead - 2007-11-09 Dee, I swim with a 6 beat kick and about 14-17 strokes per 25.

Wow...I've got to really concentrate on getting 17 strokes/25.  You must be cruising to get good balance and glide at 14 strokes...

The more I hang around you guys the more i need to work. I never thought about stroke count, now I will have to think about it next time.

Edited by HCS5QA 2007-11-09 2:30 PM

2007-11-09 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1045976

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
2007-11-09 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1045977

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
HCS5QA - 2007-11-09 2:28 PM
sparco - 2007-11-09 12:11 PM

barqhead - 2007-11-09 Dee, I swim with a 6 beat kick and about 14-17 strokes per 25.

Wow...I've got to really concentrate on getting 17 strokes/25.  You must be cruising to get good balance and glide at 14 strokes...

The more I hang around you guys the more i need to work. I never though about stroke count, now I will have to think about it next time.

my only advice is not to try and focus on too many things at once

if you can find a swim coach or even a clinic where you could have your stroke analyzed that would be very helpful

2007-11-09 2:31 PM
in reply to: #1045976

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-09 3:27 PM

sparco - 2007-11-09 2:24 PM

lastcall2003 - 2007-11-09 2:16 PM How's the concepting going Sal?

All done...just catching up on paperwork...I just LOVE paperwork ...

Got any fun weekend plans?

I'm 5' 3 1/2", so i don't stand a chance either

I do have fun plans actually :-)

taking my daughter out to lunch and shopping tomorrow and on Sunday I'm going to SPAMALOT with one of my good friends

she has season tickets to the theatre here and whenever her hubby doesn't want to go - I step in as her date

we're going to a really wonderful Italian restauraunt before the show

and you?

I'm 5'8". And I'm all about efficiency! When I do the catch-up drill I can get my stroke count down to 10!
2007-11-09 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!


this is going to be so much fun!

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