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2013-03-03 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4643810

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jbwills - 2013-03-02 9:51 PM

I did not make it to my race today. I went to the grocery store this morning and had car issues. So no race for me today, but I did get a future new running buddy. He does not have a name yet...

All tired outThe ride home 
 Relaxing a little Exploring

He is almost 2 months old, an Alaskan Husky. His Aunt is currently running in the Iditarod.

Name suggestions?

Holy crap that is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.  I wish more people had reply-quoted so that I could look at it over and over and over and over...again. Ahhh PUPPIES!

2013-03-03 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4644740

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-04 1:21 PM

ArielLIlB - 2013-03-01 10:48 AM Cool

Btw, this was my attempt to write some support to Ms. Yanti from the Dominican Republic, where my only internet access was by spotty wi-fi on my kindle! It came up as HTML mumbo jumbo, lol.

How was that!!!!

2013-03-03 8:33 PM
in reply to: #4643960

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Artemis - 2013-03-03 2:30 AM
jobaxas - 2013-03-02 11:41 PM
jbwills - 2013-03-03 1:51 PM

I did not make it to my race today. I went to the grocery store this morning and had car issues. So no race for me today, but I did get a future new running buddy. He does not have a name yet...

All tired outThe ride home 
 Relaxing a little Exploring

He is almost 2 months old, an Alaskan Husky. His Aunt is currently running in the Iditarod.

Name suggestions?

who was the dude on Star Trek Scotty?

Scotty was the engineer on the original series.  Levar Burton played Jordi LaForge as the engineer on the Next Generation with the visor.

(this nerd interlude brought to you by Jen)

You should be on King of the Nerds!

2013-03-03 8:43 PM
in reply to: #4643810

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Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jbwills - 2013-03-02 8:51 PM

I did not make it to my race today. I went to the grocery store this morning and had car issues. So no race for me today, but I did get a future new running buddy. He does not have a name yet...

All tired outThe ride home 
 Relaxing a little Exploring

He is almost 2 months old, an Alaskan Husky. His Aunt is currently running in the Iditarod.

Name suggestions?

Fenrir, son of Loki.    Looks to be a mischief maker.  Cool

2013-03-03 8:59 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
YANTI! Was so worried about you, trying to get updates from the Pod and IM web, but it was near impossible with Dominican wi-fi. SO glad when I heard you were ok, bummed to hear the IM gods were playing with your safety AGAIN, and so inspired by your positive response to a shizz-storm of bad luck - as usual. You are already an ironman to me for getting back out there on these brutal courses and offering up your already compromised body (btw, how are the tropical diseases going?) and staying with it until someone with more sense tells you to stop. And ironman and a ROCK STAR. Rest up. Kiwi presses.
2013-03-03 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4644747

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jobaxas - 2013-03-03 9:30 PM
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-04 1:21 PM

ArielLIlB - 2013-03-01 10:48 AM Cool

Btw, this was my attempt to write some support to Ms. Yanti from the Dominican Republic, where my only internet access was by spotty wi-fi on my kindle! It came up as HTML mumbo jumbo, lol.

How was that!!!!

Weather was awesome, resort was really nice, especially the 1 bedroom, private pool suite. Food - terrible! I had McDOnald's as soon as I got home, and it was such a relief to devour something that would not send me in a panicked run to the bathroom 1-1.5 hours after consuming it (and McDonald's is neither a treat to me nor something I purposefully seek out, ever). That's the digestive distress the food caused. No such thing as TMI here, right?

I was particualrly proud of myself for running 3 miles on MOn & Tues, and doing some serious weights after.  A scale back from my usual routines, but I'm not usually a vaca exerciser (I travel with couch-potato DH).

2013-03-03 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4644650

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-03 7:48 PM

Yanti, so glad you are (mostly) OK. We were all getting pretty worked up trying to figure out where you'd gone! (spoken in my best mother voice)

I've had quite a weekend. My run yesterday was beautiful (the weather, not my running prowess Laughing) Then last evening we learned of the death of a sweet young lady, Jackie, to cancer. Jackie is actually first cousins with our niece Ashley, on her mother's side. We've known Jackie since she was born. I HATE CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So when it was time to head out on my 3.75 hour ride today I dreaded riding in the wind but couldn't take that much drainer time and needed time to clear my head. So as I rode in to 25-29 mph winds I stayed surprisingly positive as I thought about/prayed for Ash, Jackie and the family. My mind also wandered to others I know who've been stricken with cancer. Still it was a fairly positive ride, in spite of the crazy winds. Then I got the text. (I don't normally check calls or texts when I'm riding but my cue from my DH that I need to stop and check is several texts in a row. Interestingly, this one did that on my phone but was only a single text. It's a God thing) The text was from my SIL. Her parents are splitting up. So I told her that I would pray for her and her family for the remainder of the ride. Hard to ride and cry. Anyway, because the winds were to my back I made it home in an hour 21 minutes, the trip out had been an hour 50. The wind at your back is a wonderful thing!

So overall, good training weekend. Now i'm off to look at swim vids from Skrat.

Cancer is a dou-bag. BIg time. I'm so sorry to hear about Jackie.  It makes no sense why cancer takes those it takes. It will be one year since I lost my dad, next Sat. Can't believe it's been a year. Lost my mom to it 14 years ago. My list goes on, as I'm sure many other on here would echo. Prayers to you and yours. Way to get that ride in - I believe the best way to honor those we've lost is to live life to the best and fullest while you have the chance.

2013-03-03 9:23 PM
in reply to: #4636869

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-02-25 7:34 PM

So today I couldn't get my swim done early but I figured I'd be done at work early enough to go to the gym and knock out a swim/run combo. Everything was going smoothly until I was almost home and my boss text me that he left his notebook in my car. So I figure I'll go home and grab my gym stuff then drop off his folder and go to the gym near the Albuquerque office. Again, the plan was running smoothly until I get in to the locker room and realize I've brought everything but my swim suit. Yell 

Now, mind you, I missed my swim on Friday because the pool closed and didn't fit it in this weekend, in spite of my best efforts. So I said to my self "Self?", I said "yes?", I said "what would the Manatees do". Well of course skinny dipping was out of the questionLaughing so I started to get dressed to hit the dreadmill. I got my running shorts and sport bra on and thought, hey, wait, could I swim in this? So I thought about it for a few seconds, black shorts (the kind with the liner) and a black sport bra. Why not? So I grabbed my pool stuff and headed out there.

It worked pretty well, if you don't mind the feeling of wearing a parachute while you swim. Also, those shorts don't have a draw string so there were no pushes off the wall, just slow steady increases in speed. I knocked out my 2400 meters and went on about my day. I don't know if the cacoon men were staring at me as I walked to the locker room because of the wet clinging shorts or if that's just what they do.Embarassed Of course then my run was out because my running clothes were drenched but I thought you all would be proud of me for making the swim work.Laughing

Next time my workout plan gets foiled and I want to bail, I'm thinking of THIS and finding a way to get it done! You rule, sista!!

2013-03-03 9:41 PM
in reply to: #4644746

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Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-03 5:30 PM
jbwills - 2013-03-02 9:51 PM

I did not make it to my race today. I went to the grocery store this morning and had car issues. So no race for me today, but I did get a future new running buddy. He does not have a name yet...

All tired outThe ride home 
 Relaxing a little Exploring

He is almost 2 months old, an Alaskan Husky. His Aunt is currently running in the Iditarod.

Name suggestions?

Holy crap that is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.  I wish more people had reply-quoted so that I could look at it over and over and over and over...again. Ahhh PUPPIES!

Thank you all for the name suggestions. I decided on Pikatti, meaning companion. Pikatti is getting adjusted to his new home and me. He did well his first night in the apartment. He woke me at 3:30 and 5:30 to go potty, both times he went inside the apartment instead of outside. I am just happy he woke me up instead of peeing in my bed. He does not like going for long OR short walks right now, but in time I am sure that will change.

I finished my third week of class and I am now going into my last week of running maintenance for work. I am looking forward to some "down" time and some training time. I am down to 11 weeks 3 days left before my drive to the lower 48.

i hope everyone has a great week ahead.

2013-03-03 9:41 PM
in reply to: #4644772

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-04 2:03 PM
jobaxas - 2013-03-03 9:30 PM
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-04 1:21 PM

ArielLIlB - 2013-03-01 10:48 AM Cool

Btw, this was my attempt to write some support to Ms. Yanti from the Dominican Republic, where my only internet access was by spotty wi-fi on my kindle! It came up as HTML mumbo jumbo, lol.

How was that!!!!

Weather was awesome, resort was really nice, especially the 1 bedroom, private pool suite. Food - terrible! I had McDOnald's as soon as I got home, and it was such a relief to devour something that would not send me in a panicked run to the bathroom 1-1.5 hours after consuming it (and McDonald's is neither a treat to me nor something I purposefully seek out, ever). That's the digestive distress the food caused. No such thing as TMI here, right?

I was particualrly proud of myself for running 3 miles on MOn & Tues, and doing some serious weights after.  A scale back from my usual routines, but I'm not usually a vaca exerciser (I travel with couch-potato DH).

A related story....

My parents about 12 years ago went to the Dominican Republic on hols.  Same issue for them - but for my dad the problem never went away and a few months later he decided he should get it checked out.  He had bowel cancer and if it wasn't for that holiday he would not have found out about it until way too late.

As it is, three separate rounds of chemo major surgery etc etc - he is great!  So he actually is thankful for that fateful trip!

Here he is with the latest addition to the family my great nephew, his great grandson, Cameron.



009.JPG (27KB - 5 downloads)
2013-03-03 9:45 PM
in reply to: #4637153

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-02-26 6:48 AM

OK, recent job discussions in here have me wondering about everyone's jobs. We may have covered this in the beginning, but I'm lost at this point. What does everyone do for a living?

I'll start this out. I am the DBA/Sr. System Analyst/Data Processing Manager at a small multi bank holding company. This entails overseeing the team that is processing all of the checks and electronic payments for the banks, maintaining integrity of all databases (SQL) and keeping 3 or 4 primary Info Systems running properly.  I have a background in management, IT, and, oddly enough, cooking (we owned a small diner for 10 years).

OK, what about the rest of you????

Hospital pharmacist.  Half my time is spent doing computer stuff (order entry/checking/verifying/etc) The other half of my time is spent as a clinical resource, educating staff and patients on drug therapy, responding to codes/traumas, reviewing all the inpatients drug therapy and making sure it's appropriate/right dose/no interactions/etc.  It's a smallish hospital and I love knowing every one in all the different departments.  And I like it enough to drive 35 miles each way...


I'm also a part time photographer. If I could pay back my pharmacy school loans with a photographer's salary, I'd do it full time...  **someday!**

2013-03-03 9:47 PM
in reply to: #4637283

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

I am active US Army Black Hawk Mechanic/Crew Chief in a Medevac Company. I am a SGT (E-5) so I am also the first call for all kinds of mess-ups by my guys, on and off duty. While we are deployed I get to assist the Medic with the wounded. Here is a video of what we do, although not my unit.

Previous career in the entertainment industry as a technician. I did the lighting, sounds, staging, rigging, make-up, (all the backstage stuff) for theatre, concerts, weddings, trade shows, cheer leading events etc. I did this for 17 years. During the previous career I ran my own business for 57 years full-time which including everything. I also picked up some web programming and play around some times with a couple of websites for friends.

Holy crap!  That is very awesome - thank you so much for what you do!  And thanks for sharing the video!!

2013-03-03 9:51 PM
in reply to: #4637540

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

I'm a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at a Medical Center attached to a University here in Richmond.  Basically, I finished my PhD 1.5 years ago and am working on transitioning from student to independent investigator. If I wanted to stay in academia the next step would be junior professor.  I don't think I do and I'll probably switch to industry when i find a job.

Anyway, I work in the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Department.  I do research on gene expression in the right ventricle that leads to heart failure in pulmonary hypertension. Basically, trying to find what genes turn on or off when patients switch from being ok with the disease to having heart failure.  We identified some (that was my PhD work) and now I am looking at how those genes change with different drug treatments.  It's really interesting work!

If you really want, you can check out my publications here

Oh, Jen, that's right! You are the smartest person I know!  I'm totally reading your pubs... thanks for the link!!

2013-03-03 10:00 PM
in reply to: #4644650

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-03 4:48 PM

Yanti, so glad you are (mostly) OK. We were all getting pretty worked up trying to figure out where you'd gone! (spoken in my best mother voice)

I've had quite a weekend. My run yesterday was beautiful (the weather, not my running prowess Laughing) Then last evening we learned of the death of a sweet young lady, Jackie, to cancer. Jackie is actually first cousins with our niece Ashley, on her mother's side. We've known Jackie since she was born. I HATE CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So when it was time to head out on my 3.75 hour ride today I dreaded riding in the wind but couldn't take that much drainer time and needed time to clear my head. So as I rode in to 25-29 mph winds I stayed surprisingly positive as I thought about/prayed for Ash, Jackie and the family. My mind also wandered to others I know who've been stricken with cancer. Still it was a fairly positive ride, in spite of the crazy winds. Then I got the text. (I don't normally check calls or texts when I'm riding but my cue from my DH that I need to stop and check is several texts in a row. Interestingly, this one did that on my phone but was only a single text. It's a God thing) The text was from my SIL. Her parents are splitting up. So I told her that I would pray for her and her family for the remainder of the ride. Hard to ride and cry. Anyway, because the winds were to my back I made it home in an hour 21 minutes, the trip out had been an hour 50. The wind at your back is a wonderful thing!

So overall, good training weekend. Now i'm off to look at swim vids from Skrat.

Cancer sucks.. I have a 30 year old friend with 30 tumors in her head, and tumors through her body..  She will not be alive much longer and I am dreading the day I get the phone call / text.  

Sorry for your loss.  My condolences.

Swim video's are on their way.

2013-03-03 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4638138

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
mn_av8or - 2013-02-26 5:38 PM

Ooo so much to catch up on after only a day...

Job wise, I sort of have the same job as Johnathan, the arctic manatee... I am a E-6 in the USAF and a Crew Chief/Engine Troop on C-130-H3 cargo planes.  We fly cargo, people and medevacs from place to place and occasionally drop the people and cargo out in mid flight, not the medevacs though, because that would be bad.  So basically while I took my month break from BT I was inspecting, fueling and fixing my plane as we moved from mission to mission.  Thankfully most of our missions seemed to involve the south so I got to get in some decent runs in shorts!

I am single and thinking about maybe putting up an actual profile on some of the dating sites so yes I check out the dating thread for the entertainment and to see what shenanigans I should avoid.  I don't know if going there is giving me the encouragement to sign up or run away...

Is there a link to watch Yanti's live progress at the race?

Chad - 911 operator would be a sweet gig, I hope you get that expunginated so you can pursue it!

Kate - What does a Lead Reptile Trainer do?

Felicia - English prof!!! Ugh, my least favorite subject.  I think I will hold off on it until my final term.  It's not that it is hard for me I just have a hard time motivating myself for it.  Sorry.

I'm sure I missed a ton but we have a pretty diverse group of brainiacs in here, who would of thunk it?!

Marcus - you have been to some cool places! (I looked at your pics!) I love the one with you standing above a cute little ocean town and there's a dog running behind you!  And with manatees all over the world - we prob live within a couple hrs of each other! Crazy!

2013-03-03 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4644580

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-03-03 3:30 PM
Richardsdrr - 2013-03-04 7:25 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 7:38 PM

OK Pod Mates... 

 The main thing to note hear is that most sprinters use more of a straight arm technique with a much higher stroke rate, and a much harder / faster kick.  WE TRIATHLETES SHOULD NOT DO THIS!  Our stroke rate is much slower, and given the distance of our swims, we need to be as efficient as possible with each and every stroke.   

Are you sure about this? It goes against what is taught in swim smooth. They suggest a punchier, quicker stroke rate is what is needed in triathlon to be able to punch through the chop of the open water. I agree it says we should limit our kicking to a steady flutter to conserve our legs for the bike/run, that is until the last segment of the swim where it is advised to kick the legs a bit harder to get some blood back in them.Great videos though, only wish I could get as fast as that guy. Did notice though that when he starts picking the pace up, his form changes and he adopts more old school swimming techniques, ie thumb first entry etc.

It's a relative difference. There's a huge difference between 100m sprinters and 1500m distance freestylers, very little difference between 1500m freestylers and open water swimmers. Where open water swimming changes is dependent on the conditions. TI will tell you to spear the water and glide no matter what. This is great for extremely calm inlets or rivers which are as close to a pool swim as you can get. Once you start getting into a little wind and chop, this is all going to hell, and you may even need greater rotation with a straighter-arm recovery, and really need to up the turnover.

Good question.  I should have clarified a bit.  Most of us amateur triathletes should not do this (straight arm pull)..  The stroke rate for most of us is not going to be anywhere near what it is for these pro's.  When you combine a slower stroke rate, with a less efficient catch and pull, you get hips sinking and work way, way to hard.   It is my belief that regardless of the conditions (choppy or smooth), we should focus on a great underwater pull, (but you can have a more punchy stroke above water) and it is my belief that the best pull for 99% of us is a high elbow pull.  

please note - just because something is my belief, that does not mean it is right.  LOL  I am still an advocate of doing what works best for you.  

also note - I have not swam a real choppy OWS.  I reserve the right to change my mind.  LOL

2013-03-03 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4638288

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
kgore - 2013-02-26 7:43 PM
mn_av8or - 2013-02-26 3:38 PM

Kate - What does a Lead Reptile Trainer do?

Basically, I am responsible for creating a training program for specific reptiles--for instance, the Dwarf Croc we used to have (he is in sunny San Diego now), was NOT friendly, and would literally charge out of his exhibit door and fall onto the floor at feeding time--he would be okay, but its kind of stressful (for him and us) to have to pick up an angry 4.5 foot long croc off the floor and shove him back in his I basically started training him to swim to the spot where I told him to go, using a painted broom handle (he liked the color orange!)--I would tap the handle anywhere, and say "target", and he would go there; after he caught on and did it reliably, then I added "hold", to get him to stay put, then I would use a clicker(to let him know he was awesome) and give him his food on tongs. The endgame was eventually to train him to go into a crate on his own so we wouldn't have to wrestle him in for a vet exam. It never happened, thanks to a tiny exhibit space and no managerial support...(i.e. time and supplies for a new crate)

Anyway, I am now doing the same type of thing for our basilisk lizards (desensitization and handling--its working great, I can hold them!), our new Blue Tree Monitors (very shy lizards, time will tell), our Fiji Island Iguanas(--they're easy--totally food motivated, and not too scared of anything) and our Smooth Fronted Caiman (small crocodilian)--he's tough, not food motivated, very fast, and getting MEAN...I got my work cut out for me!Undecided

Oh yeah, I trained our Sulcata Tortoises to get on a scale for me too--good thing as one of them is about 100 pounds!  .....I also trained my tiger salamanders to chomp on fingers--but that's for sheer cuteness factor

Short answer: I train the animals to do my bidding.Laughing

Sorry, I got a bit wordy....back to pod bidness now!

Kate - you are awesome. Training a croc with a clicker?!  You must have a HUGE patience bucket!!

2013-03-03 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4639257

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

jobaxas - 2013-02-27 1:12 PM I tried running and hiding but it seems I cannot escape ironman Melbourne a friend kindly posted my race number on Facebook. If I decide to race the whole thing I must say it is a GREAT race number. 1800. Someone suggested I make the zeroes into eyes but my first thought was BOOBS!!!!

That is a bitchin race number! I have so many race number superstitions - but they all go off of how I 'feel' about the number... 1800 'feels' GREAT!!!

(I bought a laser sail boat back in the day because of it's sail number.  I paid more for a newer one with a cool number.  I still remember it: 181811 - right along with your 1800!! GOOD MOJO!!)

2013-03-03 10:18 PM
in reply to: #4644819

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 3:09 PM
TriAya - 2013-03-03 3:30 PM
Richardsdrr - 2013-03-04 7:25 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 7:38 PM

OK Pod Mates... 

 The main thing to note hear is that most sprinters use more of a straight arm technique with a much higher stroke rate, and a much harder / faster kick.  WE TRIATHLETES SHOULD NOT DO THIS!  Our stroke rate is much slower, and given the distance of our swims, we need to be as efficient as possible with each and every stroke.   

Are you sure about this? It goes against what is taught in swim smooth. They suggest a punchier, quicker stroke rate is what is needed in triathlon to be able to punch through the chop of the open water. I agree it says we should limit our kicking to a steady flutter to conserve our legs for the bike/run, that is until the last segment of the swim where it is advised to kick the legs a bit harder to get some blood back in them.Great videos though, only wish I could get as fast as that guy. Did notice though that when he starts picking the pace up, his form changes and he adopts more old school swimming techniques, ie thumb first entry etc.

It's a relative difference. There's a huge difference between 100m sprinters and 1500m distance freestylers, very little difference between 1500m freestylers and open water swimmers. Where open water swimming changes is dependent on the conditions. TI will tell you to spear the water and glide no matter what. This is great for extremely calm inlets or rivers which are as close to a pool swim as you can get. Once you start getting into a little wind and chop, this is all going to hell, and you may even need greater rotation with a straighter-arm recovery, and really need to up the turnover.

Good question.  I should have clarified a bit.  Most of us amateur triathletes should not do this (straight arm pull)..  The stroke rate for most of us is not going to be anywhere near what it is for these pro's.  When you combine a slower stroke rate, with a less efficient catch and pull, you get hips sinking and work way, way to hard.   It is my belief that regardless of the conditions (choppy or smooth), we should focus on a great underwater pull, (but you can have a more punchy stroke above water) and it is my belief that the best pull for 99% of us is a high elbow pull.  

please note - just because something is my belief, that does not mean it is right.  LOL  I am still an advocate of doing what works best for you.  

also note - I have not swam a real choppy OWS.  I reserve the right to change my mind.  LOL

Get your azz over to Melbourne!

2013-03-03 10:19 PM
in reply to: #4640565

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

mn_av8or - 2013-02-28 12:05 PM Feb went waaaay to fast... especially when I have my first half marathon coming up.  I'm not really scared about not finishing but I have a feeling it will be a crap time unless I can finally shed this chest cold.

Are you  'getting lucky?!'

2013-03-03 10:20 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED


your edited video: 

Your catch and pull are looking much, much better.  Your elbow is much higher, and your pull begins much earlier in the stroke.  You also are not using that wrist to pull, you are now using the forearm and the rest of your arm.  These are huge improvements and I can see the effort you have put in.  GOOD JOB!  

It appears that as you finished more laps, that elbow started to drop more, but that is very common because as we get more tired, the form breaks down a bit.  

I am hesitant to say this next part, for fear that you will over correct my next recommendation, and do more harm than good.  Also, not 100% sure because there is no above water angle to analyze…anyways, here goes: (Yanti, please chime in here)


I think you are over rotating.  The rotation should be mostly natural as a result of the reach with your hands / arms.  However, if you are reaching way to far, you may be over rotating your body.  Again, take this with a grain of salt, because I can’t see an above water view.  If you can get me a video from above the water, (someone walking beside you taking the video) I can analyze this are much better.  

The biggest area I see for improvement is balance.  The hips are still sinking a bit, which is causing you to have to work much harder. 

I recommend you work on your balance, and continue to work on the catch and pull, focusing on keeping that elbow nice and high and getting a good strong pull through the water. Make sure you are pulling "hard" and not letting the arm get lazy during the pull.  The harder you pull and the more water you push, the more propulsion you get... I will try to get a video of me doing that silly thing on the edge of the pool deck (pulling myself into the pool - remember that description?)  

In a couple frames of the video, I can see your triceps really working, and your muscles flexing - THAT IS AWESOME!!! 

Balance drill video:

Catch up drill video:

Work with a pull buoy on “Drill” day.  Do a 50 with a buoy, then do one without.  Really focus on how the hips feel, and how it affects your stroke when the hips rise to the surface of the water.  When you work with the pull buoy – think of a good hard pull…Your arms will probably get a bit sore (triceps) but that is a good sign. .

Let me know how it’s going and if you have any questions.  In about a month, let’s get another video… I am excited to see your progression!  Keep up the Great Work!

2013-03-03 10:20 PM
in reply to: #4640645

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

rrrunner - 2013-02-28 12:51 PM Oceanside posted the bib list. I am 1784.

OOHH! more good bib number mojo!!  I LOVE the 7 in there and the fact that saying 'seventeen eighty four' sounds good!  yay!

2013-03-03 10:21 PM
in reply to: #4640696

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Artemis - 2013-02-28 1:17 PM

I'm taking it easy this weekend.  DH is off to a bachelor party in DC playing crazy nerdy board games, so I'll be hanging out with little Miss E.  Also, my foot tattoo got finished today!  Check it out. I'm totally in love with it.


EEEEEEE!! Love it!  a koi is on my list!

2013-03-03 10:23 PM
in reply to: #4640811

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-02-28 2:21 PM
jmkizer - 2013-02-28 3:14 PM

The Jobs List

Chris - DBA/Sr. System Analyst/Data Processing Manager at a small multi bank holding company.
Janyne - NCSU computer geek/List maker of extreme talent
Stacey - business manager/financial controller for a system of private schools. So I do all the accounting and finance stuff.
Ann-Marie - attorney for a law enforcement agency
Jonathan AK - US Army Black Hawk Mechanic/Crew Chief in a Medevac Company.
Chad - route sales for a wine distributor plus website development and swim coaching
Richard - self employed truck driver and haulage expert
Salty - environmentally sustainable design, currently doing retail design work for a large corporation
Tom - contract analyst for a seven hospital system
Jen -  Postdoctoral Research Fellow at a Medical Center attached to a University in the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Department
TJ - criminal investigator (aka Special Agent) for the U.S. Treasury
Kate - zookeeper at the Sacramento Zoo, one of the primary keepers of reptiles and amphibian
Jo - retail/merchandise planner
Felicia - college English professor
Kirsten - Veterinary Technician and a Vet Tech Educator
Marcus - E-6 in the USAF and a Crew Chief/Engine Troop on C-130-H3 cargo planes
Erin - SAHM with an MA as a Reading Specialist.  Hopes/plans to return to teaching in a few years.
JoGo - RN, manages cancer research, mainly in radiation, at a large university hospital.

You rock!!!! But I did a slight update.

Perfect update!

2013-03-03 10:32 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Hey Podmates... 

Went for an awesome run in the rain the other day, I really wanted to capture how great I feel when I run in the rain, so I took a few videos, pieced them all together, added some text and music and here is the result:

(sorry for the bouncy video, recorded it on my phone and it doesn't have any image stabilization)

I also made this:

About 1 month ago, I was running at night, in the rain and I took this picture - then wrote this poem for it: 

Just wanted to share.  I'm not a very artistic person, but I try.  These are my attempts to capture the euphoria I get when I run in the rain.  

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