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2009-01-27 6:25 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
think i may have pushed my shoulder to hard today, have been having slight discomfort since minor injury 5 months ago, mri today, results next week, swam this morning- short- 800 yards, then did light chest workout after work followed by 3 mi run ( best 3mi run so far! if only i could keep that pace during the race sun but that will never happen..)  shoulder was aching by the end of the run...  cant wait for the mri results.  that threshold test sounds interesting, wouldn't mind having that done..  can any trainer at a gym do that or is that more specialized?

2009-01-29 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Pretty psyched - did my 2nd 2500y straight swim today and knocked off almost 2 minutes compared to 2 weeks ago.
2009-01-29 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

OK, if you don't see at least an hour on the bike on my log by tomorrow morning you all are required by law to beat me with reeds...  Don't let me get away with it...


2009-01-30 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

nice swim, haven't tried that distance straight since im just doing a short race but would like to do longer distances so will have to work towards that


wish me luck...   gonna find out what this triathlon thing is all about sunday morning...   first race- sprint- 400m, 10 mi, 3 mi

Edited by lforce 2009-01-30 12:08 PM
2009-01-30 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1935472

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
mrhighside - 2009-01-29 11:22 AM

OK, if you don't see at least an hour on the bike on my log by tomorrow morning you all are required by law to beat me with reeds...  Don't let me get away with it...


You should head over to the challenge forum - they tend to use things like whips, chains and tasers!!

We're holding you to that hour Andy. Get yer butt on the bike. no excuses.
2009-01-30 12:29 PM
in reply to: #1937625

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
lforce - 2009-01-30 1:03 PM

nice swim, haven't tried that distance straight since im just doing a short race but would like to do longer distances so will have to work towards that


wish me luck...   gonna find out what this triathlon thing is all about sunday morning...   first race- sprint- 400m, 10 mi, 3 mi

Alright Mike - can't believe it's here already. Just stay within yourself and don't worry about anyone else. Have fun with it. Best of luck!!

2009-01-30 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1937625

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
lforce - 2009-01-30 1:03 PM

wish me luck...   gonna find out what this triathlon thing is all about sunday morning...   first race- sprint- 400m, 10 mi, 3 mi


Good Luck!

That sounds like my first tri coming up in March - 400m, 6 mi & 2 mi.  If I don't train for the bike, that will be the longest the bikes been ridden.

2009-01-31 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Ahem - this thread was languishing on page two.  Untouched.  Unloved.  Lonely.  Poor thing.

The only thing more heartbreaking is to see "Girls of BT 2009" on page two.

Page two is a lonely place - like the Island of Misfit toys.  A shame.  I'll have to hide this from my mother.


Edited by bwingate 2009-01-31 12:42 PM
2009-01-31 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1938920

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

After a decent weekend, had an absolute bust of a week.   Spent Monday night at the vet's (although not outside like Patty).  Then left Tuesday for Berlin.  Between a crazy meeting schedule and worse jetlag than normal, I got nothing done until a run on Friday morning.  Especially sad, as the hotel had a pool.  Then got stranded at Heathrow last night and didn't get home til late this afternoon.

So, am calling it a week.  Restart tomorrow.

2009-02-01 2:35 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I've got some new hardware to share!

finally got my copy of the x-rays

2009-02-01 3:32 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

2009-02-01 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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Dodge County, MN (out in the corn)
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
Hope you all are having a good weekend.  It's crazy warm here today and yesterday (35* above!).  After breakfast and a little homework, I'm going to run outside for the first time in a month.  Then I'm going to make empanadas for the first time (hope they come out) and take them to a party.  Fingers crossed that they come out OK.  It's a SB party of triathletes.  I think only 2 are football fans.  Probably we'll talk about training.  Big surprise.  Oh, and not the standard SB party fare; the hosts are vegan.  Yep, it's a vegan triathlete SB party.  We're really just using the game as an excuse to get together (and talk about training).Cool  Enjoy your day!
2009-02-01 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1856606

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Today was a 12 miler.  Since last weeks 11 miler was canceled due to exhaustion, this is the first time in a long time that I've run more than 10 miles.  I'm a little stiff and sore right now, but hopefully that will pass and I'll be able to walk up and down stairs tomorrow.

And a real scorcher here today.  Supposedly it hit 40F already, but it felt a lot colder.  Can't get too spoiled with that because its supposed to snow Tuesday. 

I also have to look at next weeks training - I think its a rest week.


2009-02-01 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
so the race is over and was a blast, did really well, 4th in age group and 13th overall...  the bike was longer than supposed to be  11.6 instead of 10, think my total time was 1:15:45, need to figure out how to get my split times, hopefully gets posted on the internet. when i get them i'll do a race report (need to figure out how to do that as well),  all in all look forward to doing another one
2009-02-01 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1939807

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Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

lforce - 2009-02-01 11:36 AM so the race is over and was a blast, did really well, 4th in age group and 13th overall...  the bike was longer than supposed to be  11.6 instead of 10, think my total time was 1:15:45, need to figure out how to get my split times, hopefully gets posted on the internet. when i get them i'll do a race report (need to figure out how to do that as well),  all in all look forward to doing another one

Congratulations Mike!!!  Great job on your first race and the first race for our group.  Glad to hear you had fun.  Now that you know what to expect, you'll be even stronger going into your next event. Sounds like you've earned whatever Superbowl snacks you'd like tonight.

2009-02-01 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
lol  ummmm  BEER!!!!

2009-02-02 6:06 AM
in reply to: #1856606

New user

Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I had my race Sunday morning also. It was supposed to be a mim-sprint triathlon, but ended up deing a mini-sprint duathlon. THe conditions were so bad here in Kentucky they had to cancel the bike ride. So we ended up with a 1.86 mile run and 400yd swim. The run was outdoors over mostly snow and ice covered ground. I will have to get my official times when they get posted on the internet, with all of the racing I forgot to set my watch, however I think my total time was about 23:30.

The swim was a real eye opener. We swam laps in a serpentine pattern, down and back in the same lane and then move to the next lane. Some said it was close to an open water swim with all of the contact and water sloshing around. The swim was tiring but I did freestyle the whole way and even passed two people, that was a rush, considering I didn't pass anybody on the run.


Overall very fun, can't wait til the next one, and a full race report when I get the times. 


eta: Congrats lforce, I hope you had as much fun as I did.


Edited by Jayfoe 2009-02-02 6:07 AM
2009-02-02 6:28 AM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
thanks you too, my conditions were better than yours but very cold for south florida, 61 deg water and air temp in the high 50"s....  chilly, thank God i wore a wet suit
2009-02-03 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1856606

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New user
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

Guys and Gals, 

 I have been MIA for a while no time at home to logg in, nor time at work so I have been a ghost. I will get on the ball with the training log by the end of the week. As of today I have 12 weeks to a 1/2 marathon and 16 to my first sprint. I am going to modify Hal Higdon's 12 week 1/2 marathon training program but can use some suggestions 

 Monday - Stetch (yoga) Strength - run easy 

 Tue- Bike Swim - when the weather breaks this is going to be a brick day 

 Wed Speed work / Swim? 

 Thurs - Strenght bike/swim

 Fri Off 

 Sat bike or easy run 

 Sunday - long run 

 This is my first go around w/ traingin so thoughts and comments are welcomed. 

2009-02-03 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1943162

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bm1981 - 2009-02-03 11:48 AM

Guys and Gals, 

 Wed Speed work / Swim? 

 This is my first go around w/ traingin so thoughts and comments are welcomed. 

I couldn't see your logs - kept going to the main screen, but if you don't have a solid base built up you might want to skip doing speedwork.  Depending on who you talk to, the risk of injury could be greater than the benefits.  Also, if your goal is to just finish, then I don't even see the point of speedwork (but that's just me).  [FYI:  this assumes that speedwork is running speedwork and not swimming, otherwise, nevermind. ]

2009-02-03 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1943245

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New user
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

I haven't been uploading to the site. I have been keeping a local log in a binder. I am going to work on getting my log rolling today. 

 I was a sub 50 400M runner so my definition of "speedwork" is much different but my training calls for 5K pace speedwork say 7M/M pace or 1.45 per lap. I feel comfortable on the track and know when to back it down but either way with the cold I'm going to start slow. My base should be enough and the run should be my best event. 

 My goal is to beat my time of 148. from last year, at a minimum I'd like to cut 30 seconds a mile off. If I can drop another 20lbs by race day no reason why it can't be closer to a minute. So Idealy sub 140 is my goal for now. 

 Thursday swim is sprint/speed work the other days are endurance 

2009-02-03 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1856606

Slidell/Pearl River
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
just filled out the race report, splits were finally posted, would be cool if people with experience could take a look and any pointers would be appreciated...
2009-02-04 8:34 AM
in reply to: #1944201

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
lforce - 2009-02-03 7:57 PM

just filled out the race report, splits were finally posted, would be cool if people with experience could take a look and any pointers would be appreciated...

Looks like you did quite well.

But since you want pointers (i.e. criticism ) my reaction is that you were strong on the bike, but could have saved something more for the run.

2009-02-04 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1943162

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED
bm1981 - 2009-02-03 11:48 AM

Guys and Gals, 

 I have been MIA for a while no time at home to logg in, nor time at work so I have been a ghost. I will get on the ball with the training log by the end of the week. As of today I have 12 weeks to a 1/2 marathon and 16 to my first sprint. I am going to modify Hal Higdon's 12 week 1/2 marathon training program but can use some suggestions 

 Monday - Stetch (yoga) Strength - run easy 

 Tue- Bike Swim - when the weather breaks this is going to be a brick day 

 Wed Speed work / Swim? 

 Thurs - Strenght bike/swim

 Fri Off 

 Sat bike or easy run 

 Sunday - long run 

 This is my first go around w/ traingin so thoughts and comments are welcomed. 

Hey Bob,
sub 50 eh? another fast tracklete on our team here. You're right that running should be your strength.
Now, one thing to remember - even the shortest sprint tri is still an endurance event. So any speedwork will just be icing on the cake. But you need to have a fully baked cake first. Have you been getting in some decent base mileage already?
I've done that so much too where I try to train for two different types of events. I think you might be better off if you choose one or the other as your A race. If you're choosing the Half Mary, I think you're actually a little light on the running - 1 easy run, 1 speed, Maybe a second easy run and a Long run? I'd definitely keep that 4th day of running in there, and for the speed work, maybe look at longer intervals for your speedwork - I'd do tempo runs instead of repeats on the track. (I know...I love running track workouts myself!)
Now, if you want to concentrate on tri's as your primary focus, then make that Saturday a biking day and go "long" with it. The Thursday ride - go hard!

And, finally, see how it goes. You said it's your first go-round with this so listen to your body and ease back when you're feeling overly fatigued. You probably know the feeling - just now you have to be aware of all 3 sports.

Good luck!!!
2009-02-04 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1944201

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: RunnerX's Group - CLOSED

lforce - 2009-02-04 9:57 AM just filled out the race report, splits were finally posted, would be cool if people with experience could take a look and any pointers would be appreciated...

it sounded really cold, nasty, I don't have much experience but practise those transitions again and again and again, it really helps to be on automatic.  First times are such a learning experience and now you know how to pace yourself a bit better.  Nice times though and it'll be more fun next time around because you know what to expect, congrats on losing your triathlon virginity

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