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2009-02-07 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1950877

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
Jancouver - 2009-02-07 8:10 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-02-07 11:15 AM
grandhavenbill - 2009-02-06 6:49 PM

Hey friends.  Just a point of clarification on my "novel" re hydration/nutrition.  This applies to workouts/races longer than 90 minutes. 

I also forgot to mention recovery.  There is a 30 minute window after your training/race that your body is very receptive to replenishment of the glycogen stores.  Taking advantage of this, shoot for 300-400 calories of a 4:1 fast carb/protein ratio post-race treat.  There are a bunch of commercial drinks out there, but a tried and true (and my personal favorite) is chocolate milk.  Cheap, easy to make/digest, perfect carb/protein ratio, and tastes AWESOME after a hard effort.

So what's on tap for the weekend?  Long trainer ride tomorrow and a long-ish run on either Sunday or Monday.

ok just in from a 10k.  i'm pounding a big glass of chocolate milk.  if i puke i'm posting pics!

Damn, you just matched my todays run. Shame on you! :-) BTW your Thu swim is logged as 1s

the one downfall of BT is you can't log beer drinking time other than hiding it as 1 second in the pool!  

2009-02-07 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

"Today I survived my first run outside. I ran 5 miles to the pool. did 2000 yards and made it back during a rain storm.."   Jan

 Ummm.  that is more than most do for the "first run outside"  AWESOME!!!  AWESOME!! AWESOME!!!!

2009-02-08 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1950881

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Jancouver - 2009-02-07 9:15 PM First run outside... Today I survived my first run outside. I ran 5 miles to the pool. did 2000 yards and made it back during a rain storm... My legs are burning and I ate everything I could find in our fridge :-) brag over.... Jan PS. I need some choco milk

A run/swim/run brick, dude, that is intense!  AWESOME!!  Trust you enjoyed running outside better than the dreadmill?

Word of caution, VERY careful with sudden spikes in run volume/intensity and follow the 10% rule.  This can lead to some NASTY overuse-type issues.  Trust me on this one, I've lived thru it (knees and shins) and it isn't any fun....

2009-02-08 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1950893

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

the one downfall of BT is you can't log beer drinking time other than hiding it as 1 second in the pool!  

Sure you can:  strenth training/arms/curls/12oz  

2009-02-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1951246

San Diego
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
grandhavenbill - 2009-02-08 8:33 AM

Jancouver - 2009-02-07 9:15 PM First run outside... Today I survived my first run outside. I ran 5 miles to the pool. did 2000 yards and made it back during a rain storm... My legs are burning and I ate everything I could find in our fridge :-) brag over.... Jan PS. I need some choco milk

A run/swim/run brick, dude, that is intense!  AWESOME!!  Trust you enjoyed running outside better than the dreadmill?

Word of caution, VERY careful with sudden spikes in run volume/intensity and follow the 10% rule.  This can lead to some NASTY overuse-type issues.  Trust me on this one, I've lived thru it (knees and shins) and it isn't any fun....

To be honest, I did not enjoy the run very much but I'm happy that I did it. But for sure much better than the dreadmill. The run to the pool was mostly uphill and the run back was during a nasty rain storm. The good thing is that I know that I can run some longer distances and I'm planning to test 10 miles on some flatter course soon. I will need to work on my speed because I'm slow....

Today I'm planning for some "slow" bike ride with my "very slow" friend. Should be fun and the weather should be better today.


2009-02-08 2:59 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Hey Bill:  tough day mind said go 45 miles but my body said no way jose.   did 20 easy and my legs are still hurting a little.  I've been having a tough go at it on the run as well but I'm thinking it has to do with coming up on the highest mileage weeks of my program. 

a couple of questions for Bill and everyone . 

1. how come you are or are not a bronze/silver member?  i never really thought about it but lately i've been wondering if its worth it.  believe me i know this is an individual thing but just wanted your take.  Hopefully Brad will chime in here to tell me how great being a bronze member is!

2. is there a search function in Gear Review? for the life of me i can't figure this out but surely it must exist.

second day of chocolate milk and i think i'm liking it!


Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-02-08 3:01 PM

2009-02-08 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1951469

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-02-08 3:59 PM

Hey Bill:  tough day mind said go 45 miles but my body said no way jose.   did 20 easy and my legs are still hurting a little.  I've been having a tough go at it on the run as well but I'm thinking it has to do with coming up on the highest mileage weeks of my program. 

a couple of questions for Bill and everyone . 

1. how come you are or are not a bronze/silver member?  i never really thought about it but lately i've been wondering if its worth it.  believe me i know this is an individual thing but just wanted your take.  Hopefully Brad will chime in here to tell me how great being a bronze member is!

2. is there a search function in Gear Review? for the life of me i can't figure this out but surely it must exist.

second day of chocolate milk and i think i'm liking it!


Be sure and listen to your body.  It is telling you to take an unscheduled day off, by all means take it.  If memory serves me, you are doing a tri-newbies plan?  I don't see it yet in your logs, but does it have give you a lower volume recovery week every 4th week? 

How is your nutrition/hydration?  Going into a workout underfueled and/or underhydrated can have you quickly running out of gas too.  Another thing to start watching as your volume ramps up is your resting heart rate.  Check it just after you wake up but before you get out of bed.  Change of 10 BPM or more is an indicator of overtraining or the onset of illness.

Membership:  I never took the plunge because I've either been coached or using a different (free...) training plan.  That said, I've benefitted so much from this site that giving something back in terms of financial support is certainly warranted...

Searching:  The only way I know how is to go the "generic" search function and then target on the Gear Review forum with the specifics you are looking for.

2009-02-08 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Beautiful weather here! Sunny and 49° on Saturday, and sunny and 45° Sunday. Had a great long run today outside. Ran 7 miles at just under 9 min. pace. I felt like I could have done that all day. Next weekend I am running another 5k, and will once again try to break the 7:00 / mile barrier. 7:19 is my best so far. We'll see.

Jean-Marie - I wear contacts, and don't have any problems, anymore. It took me 3 pairs of goggles though. They don't have to be expensive, they just have to fit you. Try them on without the straps. you should be able to make them stick to your face.

Bill - thanks for the nutrition/hydro advice. A whole lot of info there. I'll have to read it several more times.

Jan - you asked about weight loss a while back. The best advice I have is to keep track of your food. It is a horrible way to eat if you enjoy food like I do, but it really makes you aware of what and how much you are eating. I quit doing it now for the last couple of weeks, and i really notice the difference in what I'm eating, and how much weight I'm not loosing. I need to get back to it. There were many times where I was about to eat something and thought, this is going to take forever to figure out on my food log, so I passed. 

I went through my fist training experience two years ago. I decided I was going to train for a 25k, with no previous experience. It (my training plan) started out very easy. So easy,  that I got bored, and started to train beyond the distances in my plan. Although I was warned about injury, I didn't listen. I ended up with a hairline fracture on my tibia. My training was finished. I'm not sure if any human is capable of listening to others advise on this subject. It seems like we all hear the advice, but don't "hear" it. This time around, I'm trying to be carefull about sticking to the plan and not over doing it. So far, so good. No injuries.

John - I decided to join for the Garmin downloading. I have a forerunner 305 with HRM that automatically dumps each workout into my log. Take a look at my run for today. You'll see my dist, pace, time, HR data and a map of the run. This is all loaded automatically. For me, that is worth the price. There a bunch of additional training plans that become available, however, the one i am using is free anyway. I think there are additional training log features, but I didn't use them at all until I joined, so I don't know what parts I have that you don't get for free. I think the nutrition log is better too, but again, I'm not sure. 

Good luck training this week everyone. 


2009-02-10 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1951734

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Morning all:  Bill, I took a day off yesterday and felt much better today.  I think my hydration is good, I use the pee color test, I try to keep it clear and am mostly successful.  I'm beginning to realize that this really is a new ball game w/ nutrition.  I mean, I hear what everyone is saying and I read a bit about it but now that I'm logging a few more miles I can literally feel my body saying you gotta figure this food thing out.  I know that's really weird and I'm laughing as I type this but honest that's how I feel.  I tried a yogurt and and a mini cliff bar 20 minutes before the pool this morning then a gu 1/3 of the way through and felt pretty good.  Oh and a big glass a gatorade w/ the yogurt.  About 1/2 hour after the swim, another yogurt and coffee...ok i just realized i should be logging this for my sake and the boredom of all you reading this...sorry! ...yeah I really need to pay attention to what, when and how much I'm eating because in my humble opinion, I think its playing a role here in how I'm feeling.

Yes there are recovery weeks every forth week.  Next week is my bingo.

Thanks all for the info on the membership.  I went to the Hosuton Tri club meeting last night.  I was kinda of worried it would be a bunch of uppity people but that wasnt the case.  Not sure If I'll join but good to know its there.  Its a 40 minute drive from the house...

Have a great Tuesday all!   John

2009-02-10 11:08 AM
in reply to: #1954200

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-02-10 9:54 AM

Morning all:  Bill, I took a day off yesterday and felt much better today.  I think my hydration is good, I use the pee color test, I try to keep it clear and am mostly successful.  I'm beginning to realize that this really is a new ball game w/ nutrition.  I mean, I hear what everyone is saying and I read a bit about it but now that I'm logging a few more miles I can literally feel my body saying you gotta figure this food thing out.  I know that's really weird and I'm laughing as I type this but honest that's how I feel.  I tried a yogurt and and a mini cliff bar 20 minutes before the pool this morning then a gu 1/3 of the way through and felt pretty good.  Oh and a big glass a gatorade w/ the yogurt.  About 1/2 hour after the swim, another yogurt and coffee...ok i just realized i should be logging this for my sake and the boredom of all you reading this...sorry! ...yeah I really need to pay attention to what, when and how much I'm eating because in my humble opinion, I think its playing a role here in how I'm feeling.

Yes there are recovery weeks every forth week.  Next week is my bingo.

Thanks all for the info on the membership.  I went to the Hosuton Tri club meeting last night.  I was kinda of worried it would be a bunch of uppity people but that wasnt the case.  Not sure If I'll join but good to know its there.  Its a 40 minute drive from the house...

Have a great Tuesday all!   John


Glad to hear you are feeling better!  The nutrition thing is a challenge for us all because it is so individual.  If I ate like that before a swim, I'd be "chumming" in the pool.....Your pre-race meals will be the same way.  I know guys that swear by mexican the night before a race.  I tried that once............and it was NOT a pleasant experience for me!!

So, how long would that 40 minute drive take you on your bike???? 

2009-02-10 9:51 PM
in reply to: #1864965

San Diego
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
Vacation workout?

Next week (Sun-Fr) I will be in Mammoth Mt for a few days of skiing. I'm planning to spend most of the days, (downhill) skiing. Should I consider that to be my "easy" week and forget the extra workouts or should I hassle myself to the hotel gym and do some dreadmill or spinning? Not sure about the pool availably so I will leave swim out of the picture. Or is the skiing itself enough? I'm truly hoping for some deep powder so I can give my legs some work to do :-)

Never been there so if you guys have, and can provide some "secrets" I would appreciate it.


2009-02-12 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1864965

San Diego
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
My training book finally arrived!

After waiting for a several weeks, the third edition of The Triathlete's Training Bible finally arrived.

I cant wait to read this book.


2009-02-12 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1955936

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Jancouver - 2009-02-10 9:51 PM Vacation workout? Next week (Sun-Fr) I will be in Mammoth Mt for a few days of skiing. I'm planning to spend most of the days, (downhill) skiing. Should I consider that to be my "easy" week and forget the extra workouts or should I hassle myself to the hotel gym and do some dreadmill or spinning? Not sure about the pool availably so I will leave swim out of the picture. Or is the skiing itself enough? I'm truly hoping for some deep powder so I can give my legs some work to do :-) Never been there so if you guys have, and can provide some "secrets" I would appreciate it. Jan

never been there but i think the same applies in Aspen as it does Mammoth...

hot tub w/ beer = pool workout.   have fun!   

2009-02-12 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1864965


Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Hey everyone, Hope everything is well!  I took a few days off this past weekend and have resumed training.  I have been swimming and biking.  Legs were sore from snowboarding.  Next week I won't get to swim too much since I will be heading home for a few days and then flying to St. Louis for an interview, it would be sweet if the hotel has a pool! the swimming is getting easer but I have to start swimming more than 100 meters straight.  Any tips or workout plan suggestions on how I should go about swimming 200 - 300 meters?  i have been trying to follow the beginner swim program on here, but one week the training said 300 meters when I hadn't even gone past 100m.  2x150? is that a good workout?  I really need better endurance and my legs are dying at the end! Thanks everyone -JeanMarie

2009-02-12 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1959126

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
radishbk - 2009-02-12 2:17 PM

Hey everyone, Hope everything is well!  I took a few days off this past weekend and have resumed training.  I have been swimming and biking.  Legs were sore from snowboarding.  Next week I won't get to swim too much since I will be heading home for a few days and then flying to St. Louis for an interview, it would be sweet if the hotel has a pool! the swimming is getting easer but I have to start swimming more than 100 meters straight.  Any tips or workout plan suggestions on how I should go about swimming 200 - 300 meters?  i have been trying to follow the beginner swim program on here, but one week the training said 300 meters when I hadn't even gone past 100m.  2x150? is that a good workout?  I really need better endurance and my legs are dying at the end! Thanks everyone -JeanMarie


Welcome back!     As for the increased endurance in the pool, try to build on your long set weekly.  Start with 150 one week, 200 the next, etc.   No need to limit this to 50m per week, go as long as your able or the plan calls for.  Legs being smoked at the end of a swim set?  Sounds like you are trying to kick WAY too hard.....unless you are a 50m or 100m freestyle sprint specialist, the kick is really more of a stabilizer and assists in getting your body to roll between strokes.  Your arms should provide the main form of propulsion.  Have you looked at any of the Total Immersion stuff?  Even just the free clips on their website will give you a good picture of what a solid, efficient stroke should look like.

2009-02-12 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1955936

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

Jancouver - 2009-02-10 10:51 PM Vacation workout? Next week (Sun-Fr) I will be in Mammoth Mt for a few days of skiing. I'm planning to spend most of the days, (downhill) skiing. Should I consider that to be my "easy" week and forget the extra workouts or should I hassle myself to the hotel gym and do some dreadmill or spinning? Not sure about the pool availably so I will leave swim out of the picture. Or is the skiing itself enough? I'm truly hoping for some deep powder so I can give my legs some work to do :-) Never been there so if you guys have, and can provide some "secrets" I would appreciate it. Jan


Skiing is a plenty good leg workout.  If you aren't doing TOO MUCH lodge lounging, I'd say call it a good cross-training activity and leave your run/bike gear at home.

2009-02-12 6:30 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

I've noticed after a hard workout, mainly run or bike, my calves look like there are bugs crawling under the skin...muscles twitching.  Do you guys/gals expereince this?


2009-02-12 10:28 PM
in reply to: #1958887

San Diego
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-02-12 9:46 AM

Jancouver - 2009-02-10 9:51 PM Vacation workout? Next week (Sun-Fr) I will be in Mammoth Mt for a few days of skiing. I'm planning to spend most of the days, (downhill) skiing. Should I consider that to be my "easy" week and forget the extra workouts or should I hassle myself to the hotel gym and do some dreadmill or spinning? Not sure about the pool availably so I will leave swim out of the picture. Or is the skiing itself enough? I'm truly hoping for some deep powder so I can give my legs some work to do :-) Never been there so if you guys have, and can provide some "secrets" I would appreciate it. Jan

never been there but i think the same applies in Aspen as it does Mammoth...

hot tub w/ beer = pool workout.   have fun!   

Hot tub with beer sounds just like the right exercise :-)


2009-02-13 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1959697

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-02-12 7:30 PM

I've noticed after a hard workout, mainly run or bike, my calves look like there are bugs crawling under the skin...muscles twitching.  Do you guys/gals expereince this?

Oh yeah!  My kids think it is really cool.  Not really sure what is going on physiologically with this.......I find it gets more pronounced as the distance increases too.  My quads/calves looked like something out of an Alien movie for 2-3 hours after my last marathon.

2009-02-13 5:37 PM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
Bill:  If I by a wetsuit and continue to lose 20 more pounds, will this really hurt the fit?  6'3 235 hope to get down to 210-215.  I see most companies stop sizing past 6'3 220.  Thanks
2009-02-13 10:11 PM
in reply to: #1961530

San Diego
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-02-13 3:37 PM

Bill:  If I by a wetsuit and continue to lose 20 more pounds, will this really hurt the fit?  6'3 235 hope to get down to 210-215.  I see most companies stop sizing past 6'3 220.  Thanks

Why dont you start with some "cheap" swimsuit and get another better one later once ready for some serious racing? The latest Triathlon magazine has extensive swimsuit reviews.

I lost 40lb and my wife loves shopping for my new cloth. I'm dressed and look like a teenager now :-)


2009-02-14 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

I have a swim suit but "need" a wetsuit.  I decided to go ahead and look for one and buy if under 200.  So far I've found a couple.  (QR ultra john and a 19 pipeline 2008 models)   Here's my reasoning.  I have three wetsuit legal races.  Rental at local tri shop is 50 a pop so why not buy.  


2009-02-14 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1961999

San Diego
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
fattyfatfat - 2009-02-14 7:26 AM

I have a swim suit but "need" a wetsuit.  I decided to go ahead and look for one and buy if under 200.  So far I've found a couple.  (QR ultra john and a 19 pipeline 2008 models)   Here's my reasoning.  I have three wetsuit legal races.  Rental at local tri shop is 50 a pop so why not buy.  


Well, obviously I meant wetsuit. I'm sure you wouldnt even ask that question regarding swimsuits. And the Tri Mag has wetsuits reviews ....


2009-02-14 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1962046

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Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL
Jancouver - 2009-02-14 10:18 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-02-14 7:26 AM

I have a swim suit but "need" a wetsuit.  I decided to go ahead and look for one and buy if under 200.  So far I've found a couple.  (QR ultra john and a 19 pipeline 2008 models)   Here's my reasoning.  I have three wetsuit legal races.  Rental at local tri shop is 50 a pop so why not buy.  


Well, obviously I meant wetsuit. I'm sure you wouldnt even ask that question regarding swimsuits. And the Tri Mag has wetsuits reviews .... Jan

  sorry Jan but i couldn't resist that one!  

2009-02-14 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1864965

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Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: grandhavenbill's group - FULL

I'm with you John. I'm starting to look for a wetsuit. So far, my running store only has zoot suits. They have 3 models. $250, $400 and $600. I'm going to keep looking.

Missed a new PR for 5k by 4 seconds today. Oh well. It was snowing and slippery. 22:45 (7:20 pace)

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