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2009-02-09 9:17 AM
in reply to: #1951086

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
Hey there Keri, I too hope that  your Mom is doing well. Your first race will now most definitely be one of the more memorable for so many reasons. Way to go on accomplishing your goals! Maybe you now have a little extra confidence and pride to help support your Mom and family from this point on [you've built more than athletic endurance along the way I'm sure :]

2009-02-10 7:43 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

We're almost at the end of February already.  Spring is almost here !!!

How's everyone doing?  I had an ok week, did 4 short runs that were really hard for me and I'm not sure why.  I picked up a new inhaler the other day, I've been really wheezy not only on runs but when swimming and even when walking up the stairs at work.  I've had asthma my whole life but the latter 20 years it's only been an issue during exercise.  In the past few months I've had to use the inhaler at rest a few times.  Definately will discuss with my doctor at  my next visit.

So how is everyone else doing?  Did you meet your goals last week? What are your plans for this week?

2009-02-10 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1954064

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

the results are in! I was third fastest after the bike and swim, that is so cool! The run put me in tenth place but I am still thrilled with that because as I look back at the beginner tri results from last October I am lots faster in everything now than I used to be! It is really exciting!

Thank you so much for your encouragement about the tri and also your prayers and good thoughts for my Mom too. She is still in CCU but the prognosis is good if they can get her off of some of the meds she is on then they will move her  out of there. I will keep you posted!

My plan for this week...I'm off for a few nights after I work tonight and I want to dig in and see if I can do some of the HIM training plan distances. I don't know if I could do the HIM in Boise this year but I would like to see if I am even capable of some of the training workouts... it is a jump for me. we will see...

2009-02-12 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Life totally got in my way this past week.

My doberman ate a pop can on Thursday night and was passing blood on Friday.  So a pile of stress and 3 x-rays and he's okay.  Unfortunately a lady hit my car while I was at the vet's office - so I've been running around getting estimates.  Then the ice backed up under the shingles in my roof and leaked through the walls into my basement.  So new roof for me.  

On Sunday I had gut trouble on my long run and had to be picked up.  Awesome.

So I wallowed for the past two days and realized last night that I'm choosing to be pathetic and lay around ... so I am back on track today.

So I have a half day for an appointment today and I'm headed to the gym for weights.  (Pool is closed today.)  I'm going to try to swim every other day.  Hopefully the warm weather holds for a little longer - it was AWESOME to bike to work!

2009-02-13 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1958324

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Wow, you've had a few bum deals in the row there, I feel for ya! [yeah, that helps you out a lot huh? :]

Nothing exciting to report here, I'm finally tweaking my planning spreadsheet to import into my BT plan so that's going to be good stuff. We've lost a few groupies so far, the strong will survive!

I must say, it really is inspiring when you visit everyone's logs and see their daily accomplishments, makes me feel like I need to get my numbers in too (and I need all the training help/motivation I can get!).

I hope everyone gets some great training in this weekend, enjoy!

2009-02-13 7:12 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Wow - everyone has had so much going on!

This past week was not as good as most week.s  I was gone for the weekend last weekend on a snowboarding trip and although the Wii fit and snowboarding are considered Sports Activities - I didn't train a lick beyond that, unless you count lifting my vodka diet sprite to my mouth...weight training, right?

Pretty much back on track but missed a workout on Thursday.  Want to get in some biking, but the weather has been around here so I'm pretty peeved I haven't been able to get out and about on that. 

My biggest problem right now is figuring out a training schedule.  My first tri ever is May 9th.  I'm already going beyond the distances that are required for the tri I'm doing (800 meter swim, 10 mile bike and 3.1 mile run).  I've heard and read that you shouldn't concentrate on speed during the first season, just concentrate on "making it".  Going against that, I have thrown in some interval training into the running, and suppose I could do that one at least one of my swim days to try and get a little faster.  My friend timed a moderate paced 50 yard swim this morning and I was at 58 seconds.  I couldn't keep that speed up for a full 800 meters, but it wasn't as fast as I could've gone either...what should a beginner aim for?  I am clueless when it comes to swimming, please help!


2009-02-13 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1961624

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
andigurl - 2009-02-13 6:12 PM

... My friend timed a moderate paced 50 yard swim this morning and I was at 58 seconds.  I couldn't keep that speed up for a full 800 meters, but it wasn't as fast as I could've gone either...what should a beginner aim for?  I am clueless when it comes to swimming, please help!

When I was helping with some swim coaching a couple of years ago, we used the FINA Points calculator to do some pace predictions. See for example:

You select the distance you swam (50m - close enough), whether it was long or short course (I guessed one length was 25), and the time (0:58.0), then click Calculate to get the points (69). Then for those points, select the longer distance (800m) and click Calculate to get an approximate time (just short of 20 minutes). In theory, this should predict your time for the 800, which means your swim pacing would be 2:30/100. In the two years that I used the tool, I found that the points are a pretty good indicator for more experienced swimmers, but not always accurate for newer swimmers who haven't found their pacing or haven't yet built up their endurance.

Regardless, you can still use this pacing to plan your swim practices. After a warm up, you can try to incorporate lengths (100s, 200s, whatever), at your pacing (or just a bit faster). The key is to be able to do these lengths at a consistent pacing with good form. If your form goes off, then stop swimming, or switch to non-free for recovery - don't reinforce the bad habits!

Knowing this, you might want to do another "test" timing. The protocol I had my swimmers follow was something like:
- warm up 200
- drills/kick 200
- 2x25 build (get gradually faster)
- 2x25 breakout (start out fast and settle in)
- easy non-free and/or rest as required
- 50 (or 100) fast! timed
- easy non-free and/or rest as required
- 400 (or 200) fast! timed
- easy cool down
Take the times from the two tests and plug them into the calculator. In theory, the points calculated from the two distances should be about the same - if they're not, you may have been holding back or your swim endurance got you. Use the points from the longer swim to predict your 800 time, and then use that time to gear your swim pacing for training.

Hope that helps. I'm sure the more experienced swimmers can weigh in with better tests or suggestions.
2009-02-15 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Hi guys! Sorry I've been gone during the week.  We started a trial at work, so I'm in the court house all day (i.e. not on the computer), and then busy cramming in prep for the next day of trial at night and sneaking in a workout, so not much time for workouts.  I just updated my training log though!

I went on a long run about a week ago and seemed to have tweaked something in my foot.  I went back to the store where my shoes were fitted and we've made some adjustments that I think will work, but its still pretty sore, so for now I'm not doing any running.  I hope I don't loose what I've accomplished there.  Hopefully another few days I can get back out!

I've been focusing mainly on biking, did the entire 3 hour Tough Love spinervils DVD today! Racked up about 50 miles on the bike!  It was boring of course to be on the trainer for that long, but not as bad as I thought.  If our weather isn't good, I'm going to try to do that workout over the weekends.  I wonder how many miles one would say that is equivilant to on the road (I've always heard that trainer time is more intense then road time because you can't coast down hills, etc.)


Well, I hope everyone has a good week! 

2009-02-16 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

I didn't do so well last week.. got in 1 swim, 2 bikes, 1 run, 1 strength session.

On my 2 work days I was really tired when I got home and didn't do anything.  Not sure if it was just work or slow recovery from the strength training I did on Monday, or a combination of the two.  I'll see how my recovery goes after my next strength workout which should be tomorrow.

I did have a good run on Saturday with no knee pain or leg cramping.

I started this week with a good run today.  I don't work until Friday so should get in a few days of good workouts at least to start the week.  I have a big to do list to work around so I'll try to get training done in the mornings.

Good to see everyone else is doing well.

2009-02-16 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1965589

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
My last week was a good one - I think I've found my training groove again.

This week is a recovery week, with reduced volume and some bike tests to measure my power progress and adjust the levels as required.

Work will be busy - I have a pile of marking, one exam to give, the exam and another assignment to mark after that, plus some lectures to prepare. So thank goodness it's a rest week from training so I can have time to do the work stuff!
2009-02-18 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

So excited I got shoes for the bike last night.  can't wait to get home, put the cleats on and put the bike on the trainer and give it a whirl.

Hot water heater broke last nighta nd needs to be fixed first, then it will come time for training.  I hope to God it doesn't take too long to fix...

2009-02-18 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

First time w/ clips? The fun is when you come to your first stop sign and you actually pay a bit too much attention to traffic, suddenly you fall over and then remember why :]

I planned out ever day's workout in my spreadsheet from now till my race in early June and I'm all imported into BT 'n such (it feels great to have a plan with increasing goals along the way).

I want to go on vacation, and yes to vacation for general vacation reasons, but I really would love to swim, ride and run in the Sun for a few days. That would be soo very nice . . .

2009-02-18 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1968831

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Hi everyone,

wow everyone has had lots going on! It is great to be back

Thank you so much to everybody who sent well wishes. It was great to get to visit my mom in CA and she is getting better everyday. She has CHF with a loss of about 50% of her heart function and pneumonia at the moment but could make a really strong recovery if she works hard which she says she wants to do. She will be in Rehab at least until Friday and then maybe home if all goes well.

The trip was great but I caught a really bad cold and lost my voice and I think what might be pink eye so I'm in a lovely state at the moment...not so much. Called in sick to work though so I am cozy in my p.j.'s and going to settle down with some tea and my newly purchased copy of ChiRunning... I decided that I deserved it now and not to wait for the new edition that is coming out in the springtime. So I will get back at the training when I am recovered fully and in the meantime...please do a little workout for me... I'm missing it terribly.

hugs, that is... virtual hugs only, doing my part to keep the germs at bay

2009-02-20 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Gettin' mighty quiet 'round these here parts ..

Have a mostest excellent weekend my Peers!

2009-02-21 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

OK.  So I knew this time would come.  I had a small break in my business in January and February.  I see things are picking up and March is completely booked and April is 90% booked.  I am going to be totally maxed out onthe business side.  When this happens I lose the balance of work/family/ and me time.  I have NEVER worked out in the mornings, but I see that a need to do so is arising.

Do you all have any suggestions, motivation etc on getting it done in the morning?  I always work out at night.  It is not uncommon for me to be running at 10 pm.  It's just when my day finishes.

On a different note, hubby went out and purchased the trainer today.  Can't wait to get home and play with it.  It is super duper windy outside, so today would be a good day to break the trainer in.

2009-02-21 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1974815

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
mhm09 - 2009-02-21 12:44 PM

Do you all have any suggestions, motivation etc on getting it done in the morning?  I always work out at night.  It is not uncommon for me to be running at 10 pm.  It's just when my day finishes.

Some things that help me go in the morning:
  • I swim with a group 3 mornings. The time is scheduled. So I go because I paid to go (and we get good coaching this year).
  • In the summer, I will often make arrangements to meet with friends to go riding or running. Peer pressure works great!
  • I pack everything I need (or set up the bike on the trainer) the night before - no excuses.
  • I look forward to my post-workout morning smoothie. Mmm...
  • I have a training plan to follow.
  • I review my goals to remind myself why I need to get the early workouts in.
  • I know I will feel energized for the rest of the day, and the people I work with will feed off that energy.
  • There is a certain peace and tranquility in the morning that you can't enjoy any other time of the day.
Once you get into a routine, you'll actually look forward to getting the workouts done and then having the rest of the day for anything else.

On a different note, hubby went out and purchased the trainer today. Can't wait to get home and play with it. It is super duper windy outside, so today would be a good day to break the trainer in.

Have fun with that!

2009-02-22 8:13 PM
in reply to: #1974815

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
mhm09 - 2009-02-21 2:44 PM

Do you all have any suggestions, motivation etc on getting it done in the morning?  I always work out at night.  It is not uncommon for me to be running at 10 pm.  It's just when my day finishes.

On a different note, hubby went out and purchased the trainer today.  Can't wait to get home and play with it.  It is super duper windy outside, so today would be a good day to break the trainer in.

You got some really great advice on morning workouts already, I would just say to make sure you get to bed early enough too! [unless you're one of the lucky ones that can function with less than 8hrs -damn you all who are! :]

Oh, and what trainer did you get? Do tell!

Edited by MtnJay 2009-02-23 7:33 AM
2009-02-23 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL
He got me the cyclops Mag trainer with the resistance thingy.
2009-02-23 9:31 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Hi everyone.  Sorry for being so absent... when life gets busy for me it's my internet time that has to suffer so some days I have only time to log a workout.

Thanks everyone for the inspires.  I do check your logs often, for inspiration mostly to motivate myself but I'm slack on the inspires I admit.

marie.. congrats on the trainer purchase, new equipment is always good.  I have no advice on early morning workouts as that's something I have never done.  I love my bed too much to ever get out of it earlier than I have to, and I do much better with exercise later in the day.  When I do a morning workout it is always on a day off and not what anyone else would ever consider 'early'.

Hope everyone is doing well.

2009-02-24 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1977520

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

mhm09 - 2009-02-23 2:32 PM He got me the cyclops Mag trainer with the resistance thingy.

Cool! Now you can make a profile video riding it! -ha!

2009-02-25 7:18 AM
in reply to: #1870560

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Wow! Lots of new equipment!  Clips, trainers, etc.! 

I fell my first day out with my clips.  Left turn lane in the middle of the intersection ... Just came to a stop and fell right over. Terribly embarrassing!  

Just wondering ... does everyone unclip right first or left first?  I know you're supposed to unclip right - so that you're leaning out of traffic and so that you can stand on the curb ... but I've never been able to do it.  I always unclip left first...   Sorry - one of those random questions floating around in my head... *laughing*

Have a great day everyone!

2009-02-25 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1980706

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Extreme Veteran
Albany, NY area
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

It's a right of passage to fall w/ clips! Welcome to the club!

And yeah, unclipping the right is safer as you mentioned. One of those odd things to try and get used to. Maybe tape a post-it to your left foot with the letters NO filling the entire thing?

Oh wait, I know, do right sided unclip interval sessions on your trainer! Like every 15mins, unclip the right, resume? (funny but it might help?)

2009-02-25 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Hi guys! Sorry I've been so absent lately, work has just been crazy.  I wrote a post yesterday, only to have my computer eat it

 Things are going well.  I've hooked up with a new masters team that I think is going to stick (need to check out the spin classes at this gym and see if they are ok).  I will miss my old spin teachers at 24, who are awesome, but I just haven't been able to get into spin classes there because of the way they changed the sign up procedures.  Once it stays nice here, then I won't have to go to spin class as much either because I'll be able to ride outside

 Clipping out is difficult at first.  I always clip out with my right, but not because I knew it was safer, just seems to be what I like to do.  I have noticed that others do clip out with their left--I wouldn't think that it would make too much of a difference.  I fell the first time that I rode in clips too--skinned my elbow up pretty bad.


What kind of clips are you using?  Some can be loosened so its easier to get in and out... 

2009-02-26 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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New user
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

Well I've made it on two road rides with the clipless and I haven't fallen - YET.  I know I'm totally jinxing myself and will probably bite it when I head out with a group for a 25 miler tomorrow.  I'm actually joinging a local cycling club and will probably start riding with them on Fridays and Sundays, so I'm very excited about that.  The couple friends I ride/swim with on Saturdays are at different levels, so it'll be good to hopefully be able to find someone closer to my speed or better that can really push me a little harder.

After a couple weeks of hating running, I've convinced myself to get over it and get back into the groove of things. 

When I started training, I planned for my first tri to be a Spint on May 9th.  I'm considering possibly doing one on March 28th and/or one on April 19th.  I'm pretty certain that I shouldn't have a problem, my goals right now are just want to finish without wanting to puke.  Check out my log and let me know if you think I'd be able to manage?

The weather is ggorgeous here right now - 72 and sunny.  I am so happy to now have three day weekends (my hours were cut becuase we're slow at work right now).  More time to get outside and train!  YAY!

2009-02-26 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1870560

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New user
Subject: RE: cathyd's Peer Support Group - FULL

oh - and I've been unclipping on the right first, it just feels natural, but your tip about not falling into traffic makes sense!  Good point!

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