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2009-03-12 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2012934

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
TrkHilo2k - 2009-03-12 10:22 AM

Mike, those are great swim splits - when's your next race?   I do try to have the fewest strokes I can, yes, that's efficiency and your passing the other swuimmers shows it.

Roy: is your training acmp this weekend?  I am thinking of just showing up at Wildman and support other BT'ers, however, I gotta put my needs ahead.  Pls let me know. 

On Wed PM: I did a HRM'ed bike TT:  I was able to really keep the pressure the entire route.  AVG speed (23.3MPH) shows a great improvement.  Weather was real nice and cooperative.  75ish, lo humidity

HR reading: I stayed just hovering 150 most of the way. Awesome!

I made the mistake of racing it counterclockwise and had to stop for over a minute at a trafffic light (at about 10 min into it) but other than that this was an awesome ride I fit in before handling a bunch of other responsibilities.

Nutrition:  1HR pre wo: Mucle Milk-1 bottle, carried 1 water bottle with me and didn't finish it (unusual for me).  I feel great and near peak.  I thought of racing Wildman this weekend but having to reant a wetsuit in addition to an 85 race fee, plus swimming in a grossed out lake, was too much.  I am looking for the next ocean swim to register.

Its not that bad of a lake, especially since no rain to stir things up. I have a smile on my face as I write this. I'm not having the organized clinic that I had planned, but I'll be there with the swim team on Saturday. Come over if you like. Nice ride, it appears the bike is going to be a strength for you, that will be a plus. Try to get some more swim time in. 

I did an Olympic over in Orlando same place where Wildman is last year, it was right after that tropical storm that dumped about 15-20 inches of rain in that area. The lake was out of its bank, we ran in places in about 6 inches of water. But I really liked the bike course.


2009-03-12 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: Olman on the bike

Jeez Olman, you are my hero--23.5 mmph on the bike, low pulse--I AM impressed!  I have just got to quit talking about getting on the bike and go do it.  I have not had a chance to ride since I got my bike professionally fitted right before the Napa marathon, so it is high time. 

My first tri is May 17--400m river swim, 12 mile bike, 5k run.  Water is about 65 deg year around due to coming from bottom of upriver dam, so not only my first pod/open water swim, but also first wetsuit swim.

Roy, check your inbox, you're not going to believe this.

2009-03-12 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2013078

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Roy:  I'll likely be there - I am in need of water time and it is difficult in the week.

Yes, I was very impressed myself with yesterday's bike split.  I bought an FSA aero 56t chainwheel to help get my 650 up to par with the 700s but am thinking that i might have to push too hard, we'll see.

BTW: my personal email is [email protected]  Pls let meknow when you reschedule the clinic.

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-03-12 5:20 PM
2009-03-12 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2014437

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

From Olman:  "Yes, I was very impressed myself with yesterday's bike split.  I bought an FSA aero 56t chainwheel to help get my 650 up to par with the 700s but am thinking that i might have to push too hard, we'll see."

Dude, I have two college degrees, speak quite a bit of Spanish, enough Russian to get by, and even know how to ride a bike while chewing gum...but I have no CLUE what you just wrote!! :-)

Seriously, I assume a 56t is a bigger/smaller front chain ring, but what are "650" and "700s"?  And more importantly, what can they do for you (me)?

2009-03-12 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
650 and 700 are wheel sizes.  700s being the bigger of the two. 
2009-03-12 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hey guys. 

Anyone train through illness?  I've been sick since Sunday and have completely stopped working out due to the fact I have no energy.  In college we trained right through it, but I don't think these last few days are ultimately going to kill me.  I have even missed work.  I hope I'm out of it by Saturday, but who knows.  I just don't want to weaken myself and make my sickness last longer. 

Any thoughts? 

2009-03-12 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2014599

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Steven this is a very bad flu season it looks like all over the country. A head cold you can probably deal with and do some training. But if it is a chest cold, bronchitas cant be to far behind if you aggrevate it, so get well, hope all of the snow from your picture suddenly dissappears and get after it. But seriously, get well and then get back to it. You've  done enough up to this point it isn't going to be much of a set back.

OK, Mike and I have discoverd that we are blood brothers, from a college alumni point of view and that we have grown up about 20 miles apart. Small world. Wildcat83 has had me curious all along, and then when he wrote the other day he grew up in KS. I then had to ask, so we discovered that we both attended and graduated from Kansas State University, I graduated in 81 and Mike in 83. The towns we grew up in are in the Wichita area, Derby to the south for Mike, and Andover to the east for me. So a small world, and some shared thoughts from the past hanging out in Aggieville. Brothers Tavern mostly for me and my boys.

2009-03-13 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2014639

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Brothers Tavern...oh man, had completely forgotten about that place, right across the street from Aggie Station, upstairs, if I remember correctly.  When was the last time you were in Manhattan?  We were back for a football game several years ago, had a blast tailgating and then in Aggieville afterward.  Mid-November game, good cold tailgating weather, awesome!
2009-03-13 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

that's right, 2 different bikes, 5+ yrs ago, most tri bikes were being designed with 650c wheels (26 in). that might now be passe, but its my TT bike, my roadie (or 700) is an old PROFILE carbon frame, it is a copy of the original Kestrel and musy have some 15 yrs. experience;  Nonetheless, they are both rad rides.  I'll post some pics (guess I caould say they're my puppies).

As it relates to training while sick, this is not reccomended by anyone, especially risky is the increase exposure to cardiorespiratory infections.  Better to stay in, warm and eating chicken soup.

I'd like to share a little bit of my bkd too:  I didn't grow up in KS but I also have 2 degrees and can speak multiple languages - that's something we have yet to believe in, here in the US.  I graduated with a BS, a certification in Nuclear Med Tech, and an unfinished Nuclear Physics deg. from Worcester State College and UMass. 

Those were the times...  no hussle and bussle, no worries about my deflated 401K, just how I would do in my next 40k (TT that is).

Nowadays, I work for a large multinational selling chemicals for the food/beverage/nutritional industries covering the Sunshine State. I grew up in Puerto Rico, came to the US at 18 (college) and have lived in MA, MI, NY and FL since.  That's a little bit of my background.  

2009-03-13 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2014599

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-03-12 7:22 PM

Hey guys. 

Anyone train through illness?  I've been sick since Sunday and have completely stopped working out due to the fact I have no energy.  In college we trained right through it, but I don't think these last few days are ultimately going to kill me.  I have even missed work.  I hope I'm out of it by Saturday, but who knows.  I just don't want to weaken myself and make my sickness last longer. 

Any thoughts? 

THERAFLU and lots of Vit C.

2009-03-13 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Nice to meet ya, Olman! 

As mentioned, I grew up in KS, graduated from K-State with a finance degree, followed that a few years later with a Master of Public Administration (finance) from Wichita State, before moving to Houston in '89 to take an internship with NASA.  Long story short, coming up on 20 years and I'm still here.  Have been fortunate to hold a number of challenging jobs, but present one (last 4 years) is among the most challenging--I manage the contracts, barters, programmatic agreements, etc. between the space station program and Russian space agency or other Russian businesses.  This is where I've picked up some Russian, not conversational, by any means, but enough to get by around Moscow as required.

My travels there coincided with the Moscow International Peace marathon last September, and that was an real trip:  instead of sports drink they served water and hot sweet tea at th e water breaks; instead of energy gels they had cubed dark bread with salt sprinkled on it (think poor man's carbs and electrolytes!).  But the interesting thing was that it all worked, even the 20+ mph wind didn't keep me from PRing!

Edited by wildcat83 2009-03-13 12:25 PM

2009-03-13 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

That's a fantastic story Mike.  Nice to meet you too.

Guys, here's my log for today,  Iam desperately seeking advise: 

Doing a noontime run to better familiarize myself w racing conditions.  I tried to keep HR down but it was not possible.  Temp was 76 and got up to 80 a little bit overcast which felt fine to me.

I need to figure out why HR can't come down, even on a slow jog - I have to walk in order for the ticker to slow down.  Been fighting real bad respiratory passage allergies for a few weeks now, but nothing like a cold, just nasal and eye allergies.  i noticed that if I run with a little spring, my R knee doesn't bother me, but going slower than normal causes me to pound the feet and knees. 

I didnt bring any water along, and though I was fine, maybe some water could have helped this issue, maybe. Nonetheless, I need to find a way to train my heart to slow down even during activity.  

Any thoughts?  PS  I was semi athletic in college (15 yrs ago), not much (only theory) after that until now, but I've been running (or jogging) for 15 months now - I can go long at this HR, so maybe I should not worry, but I wanna make sure I am not damaging the ticker.

2009-03-13 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


Use the following TT test to determine LT HR and work in the "zones" from there.  If you fall into zones 1-3 you should be fine. 

OUTDOORS – 30' Track Run or Time Trial Bike <top>
After a warm up of about 30 minutes – that included some pick ups at race pace, you will begin your 30-minute TT effort. Note: Please use a pre-approved course if you are doing your TT outside on the open road!!!

  • Start your HRM at the beginning of the race/test – then hit the road @ race pace.
  • Be sure to pace your effort so that you have practically nothing left once you finish - aka the Thirty Minute Mark (don’t surge off the start at a pace you can’t sustain)!
  • At the Ten Minute Mark (10'), hit the lap button on your HRM. This will capture your Average Heart Rate over the last twenty (20) minutes.
  • Finish the test to the best of your ability, cool down with ten to fifteen minutes of easy walking/spinning.

Analysis of Test Results <top>
For Indoor Testing results, you will need to review the results to determine where your HR plateaued and then jumped up as your body went anaerobic. One easy way to do this is to graph the data (download the PTS spreadsheet sample - an Excel Spreadsheet) so you can see a visual representation of your test. In general, I am conservative when looking at a test for a beginner or "out-of-shape" athlete. Once you have determined the specific LTHR, use the Zone Finder Chart to get the rest of your zones.

For Outdoor Testing results, you can analyze the Average Heart Rate (AHR) for the last twenty minutes of your run/ride. This will be your AT. Once you have determined the specific LTHR, use the Zone Finder Chart to get the rest of your zones.

2009-03-14 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2016488

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
My Garmin is the 205 model, no heart rate data.  Can anyone recommend an inexpensive HR monitor that I could use for training purposes?  I just want to be able to set my training zones with it, not always use it, as I think I have a fair idea of what my HR is doing based on how I feel during a run.
2009-03-14 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2017500

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Mike, for an inexpensive plain HRM check out  they have tons of models and great prices. That's where I got mine.
2009-03-14 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

swim with Coach Roy's team - Thanks Roy! (tri/tbay)

200 warm up + 500 + 4 x 100 (130bpm) + 4 x 50 w/hand paddles + 8 X 25 @40 (180bpm) + 200 cd

feedback: doing better on keeping R foot under controll, focus on keeping feet inside imaginary box, elbow high on the push.  I am beginnign to fell the water and have been mainly working on form - water feels good. 

Regards to running, since I feel great at that speed (10 min miles) even if HRM shows 161, I am going by PER for awhile longer while I figure out how to follow Steve's suggestion above. Thanks Steve, I search the site for LTHR and found the article.

Edited by TrkHilo2k 2009-03-14 11:30 AM

2009-03-15 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2014495

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
wildcat83 - 2009-03-12 6:31 PM

Seriously, I assume a 56t is a bigger/smaller front chain ring, but what are "650" and "700s"?  And more importantly, what can they do for you (me)?

Mike: just realized =that this CAN make you faster.  Adding 2-3 teeth to your chainring effectively increases the gear ratio of your bike,  for example, today I rode this new setup for the first time and never go to rime even my 14th rear cog, yet, my avg speed was the same.  This is a setup I have to train my body to handle as it is undoubtedly a bigger gear but now I won't be spinning at 120RPM and see people wheez by me.  Because of the smaller wheel each revolution means less distance on 650 wheels, but now, I can compensate and at least shoot for same RPMs as the person next to me riding the bigger wheels.

As an alternative, do you know the length of your cranks?  The length = leverage, but it also increases your stroke length.  I've riden 172.5 on all my bikes, pushing a lrger crank requires another set of skills which I don't have time to train, but the larger chainwheel allows me to mimick the gear of my 700 on my 650.

2009-03-16 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1901752

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Hello to everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend. Steven I hope you are feeling better? Its neet how our discussions have been stimulated beyond just training, and we have gotten to know each other a little. Mike I didn't spend to much time on your end of campus, I was in Waters Hall most of the time. Can't believe I"ve only been back one time since I graduated and that was only for a few hours, wanted to show my family where I lived and we walked around campus. There were some guys playing frisbee golf, I immediately gravitated toward them, I played ultimate frisbee with the Aerial Wizards, there was a guy in that group who acutally new the name. Drove down Moro through Aggieville. Brought back some good memories. Basketball has not been the same at KSU since they moved out of Ahearn.

Now on to training, I did a spring training event this past weekend its a small event but a good place to begin the season. Went really well although a very good day was spoiled by a mile and half mistake on the bike, missed a turn. That sucked, cost me 2nd place in the age group, but Oh well I got third and If I hadn't made the mistake I would of hit my time goal of 1:10ish, went 1:16. It was fun felt good to compete, run felt really good, I could tell my bike legs were a little off from not riding much over the winter, but thats why I was there.

Olman nice job Saturday at the pool. You've made some good corrections and your times reflect it. Keep at it. Its time for another time trial at the pool. Mike I know you just did a 500 but this time its going to be a 800, Steven when you get to feeling up to it you'll do a 1000. 

As we approach April, I think everyones first event is now in sight. So be looking at your calenders and plan out your training days. Its helps to do it this way, so when a conflict arises you can better adjust to it.


2009-03-16 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2020543

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Ran the 3rd leg of a 4 person marathon relay yesterday morning, had a blast. Splits were 7:39, 7:34, 7:17, 7:33, 7:35, 7:24, 6:48 (last 2/3 mile).  I allowed my HR to climb into what was likely anaerobic range for me during last mile (I was trying to hold off an elite runner on their final leg), covering the final 2/3 mile in a 6:48 pace.  I felt quite good the entire run, kept my HR in control, reeled in runner after runner only getting passed by the dude I mentioned above, and that in the last 1/3 mile.

Our weather this weekend sucked--very cool and rainy--except during the race itself, so did not get outside other than the relay. 

Things blew up last night with coordinator of our local running club I have run/coached with for 4 years, so will be transitioning to a new group this season.  Unfortunate, but the group is just being mismanaged into the ground by a couple of non-runners (I know, go figure), being so much less than it could be.  But, oh well, you can run anywhere!

Tonight, weather has improved so I will get on my bike--need to start getting in some rides as that aspect of my tri training is lacking.


2009-03-16 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

What kind of training computers/GPS do you guys use?  I am struggling with just using my Garmin 205--even though it works--going back and forth from run to bike, swim, etc.  Is there something that I can adapt better or use for all three events?  none of the heartrate monitors I've seen appear to be for use in the pool, also.

I am thinking of getting a Garmin 305 such that I'll have HR data, and maybe just attaching my 205 to my bike handlebars where I can read it...but it doesn't provide is an object, so I need to figure a solution that is affordable.


2009-03-16 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed


I have the same dilemma.  I have a Cat Eye double wireless (HR, Speed, distance) set up for my MTB, but it doesn't allow for a 2 bike set up, so I have nothing on my road bike, and it wouldn't work on the trainer because the sensor is front wheel based.  I can't take it off and use it for the run because its kind of set up for being bike mounted.  I'm thinking of a Polar wristy one, but I can't decide which one to get.  Not only that, my first instinct is to start running WAY faster than I need to for a given workout and get really tired before I make myself settle into a pace.  I would like to have specific information to base my training zones on.

As far as HR monitor for swimming, everything I've read uses a pace based LT rather than a HR based LT.  I mean EVERYTHING.  I have read probably 100 articles/books/etc on LT testing to try and get an understanding of it and everything has referred to pace LT for swimming based on your TT times.  Roy, you're a swim coach, what has been your experience, or what do you have your athletes use?  I'm assuming something similar as we are doing TTs to measure progress/base workouts on. 

2009-03-16 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Jamestown, ND
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
Mike, on cadence for the bike leg:  count your pedal strokes for 10 seconds.  They should be 15 for 90 cadence.  I base everything on that, I've never had cadence on my bike computer (I started out MTB, no need for cadence).  Now regardless of the gear I am in, it is second nature to be spinning at that rate.  I no longer think about it.  I'm sure it's the same with you with running, whereas I am still counting foot falls when I run until it becomes habit. 
2009-03-16 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1901752

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Near Tampa
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

Guys:  I guess everyone has the same issue.  You can't really wear a mas produced HRm to the pool, I think the water (sweat) is the conductive medium for the signal, so what happens in the pool?

I do have a wired Cateye Mighty w/ cadence and its light, cheap (maybe 35ish?

My POLAR HRM also has bike fittings but its too complicated and collects less info, so I just use the computer on the bike while bike/run wearing the HRM.  With the mapping feature here ( you setup your routes and that will give you the ecxact distance every time, so the only thing you need the computer for while training your usual routes is the cadence.  I use this feature all the time.

Roy: congrats on breaking the tape on an actual tri this yr before any of us (I think). 3rd place ain't such a bad spot in a podium, I'ld kill for one of those. 

I will pay the $200 for 4 races on the Publix Series.  They're all sprints but at least last yrs at Ft DeSoto was very well run.  I will then look to add 1-2 OLYs and maybe a 1/2 Mary on Q4/09.  If I can do all this in my first yr of serious training, I will consider it a SUMA CUM LOUD personal achievement.

I will be traveling the rest of the week but have already searched for the training spots in Miami.  I'll keep you all posted on the terrific tri-bodies I see, no doubt a motivator. LOL

2009-03-17 6:30 AM
in reply to: #2021424

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed
aesophs - 2009-03-16 5:36 PM


I have the same dilemma.  I have a Cat Eye double wireless (HR, Speed, distance) set up for my MTB, but it doesn't allow for a 2 bike set up, so I have nothing on my road bike, and it wouldn't work on the trainer because the sensor is front wheel based.  I can't take it off and use it for the run because its kind of set up for being bike mounted.  I'm thinking of a Polar wristy one, but I can't decide which one to get.  Not only that, my first instinct is to start running WAY faster than I need to for a given workout and get really tired before I make myself settle into a pace.  I would like to have specific information to base my training zones on.

As far as HR monitor for swimming, everything I've read uses a pace based LT rather than a HR based LT.  I mean EVERYTHING.  I have read probably 100 articles/books/etc on LT testing to try and get an understanding of it and everything has referred to pace LT for swimming based on your TT times.  Roy, you're a swim coach, what has been your experience, or what do you have your athletes use?  I'm assuming something similar as we are doing TTs to measure progress/base workouts on. 

I use a cayeye strada cadance on my bikes, its simple and provides the info that I need, the only thing it doesn't give me at the end of a ride is avg cadence. But thats Ok. Also I use a Polar RS100 model, this is the base model around $100.00, gives good feedback, it uses the chest strap and it will work in the water. I only use for races under a top for swimming. Looks strange at the pool w/o a top. The TT's in the pool are yes a measure of progress, and absolutely helps in planning the workouts. Our kids who swim in meets get to TT on a regular basis, it is done when they compete. So we always have a current measure of training success. For us since our competitions are usually spread out over time, months apart doing TT's is the best way to measure progress and simulate a race day performance so to speak.

Steven as the science of most activities is correlated, it can be very exact, very detailed etc. or it can be simplified and made easier to relate to the activity. As you mentioned you are now reading lots of information specific to high level training and Yes LT is mentioned alot and Yes most subscribe to this info over just HR. It just takes time and a decision on the persons part that this is what the training data is going to be based on. Which works. For our swim kids, remember these are still young people high schoolers at the oldest, with lots of diversions. We use simple HR checks during workouts, as the workouts depending on type are centered around zones similar to any workout plan you have looked at. They are not ready or I don't think they are to get into this type of information gathering, there at that great point in life where they just swim, keep improving and perform at pretty high levels. I have a girl participating at JR. Nationals this week, she will be swimming the breaststroke leg on the Medlay relays. She is a real stud, great all around athlete and really in the swimming world is just a part time swimmer. I wish she would go at it full bore, she is the type of athlete that could process a deeper level of training(LT) but as I mentioned there young kids, she would just as soon be tumbling.

As you and I have discussed your bar is already set pretty high and using the LT methods is what it may and probably will take for you to acheive your goals. Up to this point for me I really train/race by feel. And that feel has been acheived by the use of cadence, HR and simply whether I can go at a given pace. I should work on my LT thresholds and since I don't think this is going to be a big race year maybe I'll take the time and get more into it.

Great topic and I'm sure we all are going to gain some insight.

Edited by tri/tbay 2009-03-17 6:30 AM
2009-03-17 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2021429

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Brazoria County
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group closed

I finally got out on my road bike last night, did what I think was about a 2 out of 5 in Rate of Perceived Exertion, 16 miles in an hour (through town, so that slows things down some).  But I did get in some good work on form, cadence, and using the bars.  I also took the opportunity to scout out some new black-top routes for running.  Upon return to my house, I did a quick transition into running shoes and took off for a brick.  Ugh, but I ran through the sluggish feeling and clocked a mile in right at 8:00 minutes--not fast, but not bad. 

I have learned to do a good job of reining in my breathing if it threatens to spike, and regained control all while never slowing down on the run, so that was gratifying.

I am going to try and pull back a swim workout each work in exchange for a bike ride, as that is my soft spot.  I head to Moscow the 27th, so will be confined to working out in our small gym there, but at least there is a stationary bike, treadmills, etc.  I'll also get in some good core workouts/circuit training, but road runs are probably out just due to sloppy weather still over there.

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