BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water! Rss Feed  
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2010-01-18 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2559033

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Hi all, I've been sick. Something intestinal. Hope to be back in it by wednsday.

2010-01-18 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2559033

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
7 mile run yesterday.  It was suppose to be a m-pace run, but didn't really feel ready for that yet.  Instead, I tried to run steady at a RPE of 3-4 and keep my HR in zone 2.  I have a little DOMS this morning, but otherwise all is good.  Soreness probably just from my decrease in volume over the last two weeks.  I feel I'm headed in the right direction, but still going to meet with the MD on Friday.

I have a 21k trail race on the 30th.  I've got my fingers crossed that all be good by then.

Darn, it seems we have all been wiped out by some sort of sickness this last month.
2010-01-18 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Weekend long days were mixed. Longest run of my HIM program had 14.5 miles. Longest I have ever run in my life. Went good. Tight knees towards the end.
Sunday's long bike was a flop. Went out to ride 4 hours. Exactly 2hours from the hotel I got a flat. The cut ate my spare tube right up. So $60 cab ride back to the hotel. Go home to Vegas Thursday morning. I will be glad to go home. Living in a hotel room for the last 18 days has been a little boring.
2010-01-19 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2559033

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Well, I was supposed to start the HIM training program yesterday.  Didn't quite happen, I got sucked into a ski trip for 2.5 days.  And I will have to catch up on sleep this evening as much as I'd like to squeeze a run in between work and my safety class. I guess it'll be better to miss the first two days rather than get sick or injured this week.  There's always tomorrow.
2010-01-19 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2621780

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
MechEChick - 2010-01-19 9:24 AM Well, I was supposed to start the HIM training program yesterday.  Didn't quite happen, I got sucked into a ski trip for 2.5 days.  And I will have to catch up on sleep this evening as much as I'd like to squeeze a run in between work and my safety class. I guess it'll be better to miss the first two days rather than get sick or injured this week.  There's always tomorrow.

legit reason to move the start date

I ran 3.1 pain free on sunday - I am hoping to start running 3 miles every other day and hopefully not have any pain.  BOOO injuries!  I have been having fun mixing it up with some climbing and yoga though, definitely new challenges!
2010-01-19 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
90 minutes of running stupidity today for me.  I tried to squeeze my run in between showers.  Yeah right!  Less than a mile into it, it started dumping on me.  After the rain let up around mile 9, I was soaked and sloshing in my shoes.  I was pretty much miserable and just changed course early for home.  In retrospect, I wish I would of gone to the pool instead!

2010-01-20 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
I managed to get a swim in today at lunch....slow as it gets.  I managed 1750 yards in just under 45 minutes, but considering how this cold has made me feel the last few days, just happy to get it done.  Now all I have to do is get an hour on the trainer tonight.
2010-01-20 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
nice job fighting through the sicknesses and injuries - this time of year can be tough, as races still seem so far away and weather is usually less then ideal.  keep it up!
2010-01-20 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Had a decent swim workout today. Nice and easy after work. Sadly, I'm skipping Yoga tonight to catch up on sleep.
2010-01-21 7:02 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
where did the rest of the group go?  it seems like we have 4-5 people that post frequently, and 4-5 that have posted once. . .

how is the week rounding out?  I have tomorrow off and i will be skiing the next 3 days
2010-01-21 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2627712

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!

ultrahip_00 - 2010-01-21 5:02 PM where did the rest of the group go?  it seems like we have 4-5 people that post frequently, and 4-5 that have posted once. . .

how is the week rounding out?  I have tomorrow off and i will be skiing the next 3 days

Mike, I think you just scare people away!

MD appointment in the morning.  Then, probably a lot a swimming the next four days.  With lessons and my increased swim volume, I'm finally starting to see better split times.  I want to stay on top of that.

2010-01-21 11:29 PM
in reply to: #2627844

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
I managed a lunchtime swim...even a little faster than yesterday for the same distance and then did my 90 minute run this evening (a little over 8 miles, still hate the treadmill).  Tomorrow, probably another swim so I can take Sunday off to go snowboarding (supposed to get 1-2 feet of snow in the mtns on Friday/Saturday, so Sunday will be good).  I am slowly getting my fitness back in the pool, but I'm still about 15-20 seconds slower per 100 than when I peaked last year, so I still have some work to go.
2010-01-22 8:07 AM
in reply to: #2559033

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Run yesterday morning, bike this morning and swim this evening. This weekend I have my final field day for Avalanche Safety class on Saturday and most definitely snowboarding Sunday (it snowed 10in last night at Aspen and more is on the way!!! About time!) Thinking I might switch my 90min ride on Sunday to Saturday to give me all day Sunday to enjoy the snow. Now if only I could convince my boss to let me go skiing this morning...
2010-01-22 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Hey, I'm here! I disappeared to North Carolina for a medical school interview since Monday evening and I took a resting period the week before for an exciting new knee injury... yay.

Getting back in it today.  Signed up for the Mercer Island Rotary Half Marathon at the end of march, and STP later on in summer.  I'm teetering on the edge of injury (this new knee pain has lasted for almost 3 weeks now) and I'm trying my darndest to stick to a half-mary training schedule without hurting myself.  It is definitely tougher finding my limits without a fancy expensive trainer from a club to follow me along!  So much trial and error to make things right
2010-01-22 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Did 1600 speed work today on a swim. Going back this evening for a easy spin and weight training. Skipped yesterdays workout with a big time zone change and a 6hour westbound flight. Got some new running shoes today. Learned a few things as well. Now that I am home for a few weeks need to start getting used to the new bike.
2010-01-23 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2559033

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Just got an email from the race director of an upcoming event.  Looks like my 13.1 trail run has become a 13.1 mud run.  Laughing  Oh well, should be fun and I can blame a poor race time on the conditions, right??  After a week of rain, it should definately be wet and muddy.  But, at least, the forecast calls for no rain next Saturday.

2010-01-23 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2630302

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
That's right, you can blame the poor time on the for me!  I managed an hour on the trainer this morning and temperature permitting, I might try going outside for the rest of it after my son's soccer practice.  I am getting really bored with the riding in front of the TV this winter and would love a nice 2-3 hour ride outside.  Good luck to everybody's weekend training.....
2010-01-23 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2559033

Las Vegas
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
The last couple weeks have been crazy for me but now that things are a little less busy and I finally have a race schedule for this year put together it time to train. Which means I’ll be on here more. One of the questions I had from today’s workouts is for strength training. I’m following the 8 week balance sprint plan just to get a base built back under me. I’m using it more for the minutes then distance and doing the strength training except for the pull ups. I can't do a pull up to save my life. Couldn’t in basic training and still can’t? I guess what I’m really getting it is what other exercise could I do that would give me the same results of pull-ups.
2010-01-23 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2630444

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
pilotncommand172 - 2010-01-23 9:53 AM The last couple weeks have been crazy for me but now that things are a little less busy and I finally have a race schedule for this year put together it time to train. Which means I’ll be on here more. One of the questions I had from today’s workouts is for strength training. I’m following the 8 week balance sprint plan just to get a base built back under me. I’m using it more for the minutes then distance and doing the strength training except for the pull ups. I can't do a pull up to save my life. Couldn’t in basic training and still can’t? I guess what I’m really getting it is what other exercise could I do that would give me the same results of pull-ups.

Well you could substitute any exercise that would focus on the Latissimus Dorsi group.  Rowing would be a good example.  However, IMO, pull-ups are a great exercise that not only targets the Lats, but other core muscles as well.  Instead of ditching them all together, have you tried doing pull-ups with a resistance band?  If not, give it a try.  Attach the band over the bar and around one bent knee.  In time, you can work toward ditching the band for lower, unassisted repititions of pull-ups.
2010-01-23 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2630806

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
brick94513 - 2010-01-24 9:10 AM

pilotncommand172 - 2010-01-23 9:53 AM The last couple weeks have been crazy for me but now that things are a little less busy and I finally have a race schedule for this year put together it time to train. Which means I’ll be on here more. One of the questions I had from today’s workouts is for strength training. I’m following the 8 week balance sprint plan just to get a base built back under me. I’m using it more for the minutes then distance and doing the strength training except for the pull ups. I can't do a pull up to save my life. Couldn’t in basic training and still can’t? I guess what I’m really getting it is what other exercise could I do that would give me the same results of pull-ups.

Well you could substitute any exercise that would focus on the Latissimus Dorsi group.  Rowing would be a good example.  However, IMO, pull-ups are a great exercise that not only targets the Lats, but other core muscles as well.  Instead of ditching them all together, have you tried doing pull-ups with a resistance band?  If not, give it a try.  Attach the band over the bar and around one bent knee.  In time, you can work toward ditching the band for lower, unassisted repititions of pull-ups.

Give you the same results as pullups? None.
Similar results? Lat pulldowns/straight arm pullodwns.
It needs to be a 'vertical' pulling movement, as opposed to a rowing movement, which don't work lat dorsi quite as well. If your gym has an assisted pullup machine, use that. The resistance band idea is good. I hadn't thought of that, but it is the same concept as assisted pullups. Otherwise latpulldown is fine.
2010-01-23 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2631013

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!

Pullups...resistance bands work great, one foot on a chair works good also. One would want to make it so that you are really working for 10 reps......You could start with a few resistance bands or one with a lot of resistance once you get 2 sets of 12 or whatever you can lose one or move to a lower resistance. I notice your plan has you doing wide grip. These are usually a bit more difficult. My PTs always had me keep hands about shoulder width. It takes awhile but once you get to where you can bust out a few it makes it all worth it. You will get stronger just give it time.Look on you tube for videos of people doing it with bands. (resistance bands pervs)

I think I'm almost better. So might do alittle something tommorow. Thanks for the messages of support.

Ethilo how are those five finger shoes working out???

2010-01-24 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2631148

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
eatmyfannypac - 2010-01-23 7:51 PM

Ethilo how are those five finger shoes working out???

Freakin' great!  I try to do all my short runs in them as they work out my calf muscles and feet muscles like I've never felt before (I call them my 'feet tenderizers,' I suspect they'd be great for people with flat feet and working out foot injuries like plantar fasciitis).  I love how I can feel the ground surfaces with them on and have the freedom to bend and contort with my feet.  Plus, I run in them without socks, so I run through puddles without worrying.

Only major problem with them is in really cold weather I'll start to lose feeling in my 1st and 2nd toes from the cold.  Still, though, I've been running with them in like 45F weather without trouble.
2010-01-24 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Had a great weekend planned for training. Then Saturday morning about 4am I began to get sick with some sort of stomach bug. In bed all day Saturday. Feel better today just not alot of energy as I slowly try to eat with no appetite. May try a run this afternoon. Guess I just need to focus on the plan this week.
2010-01-24 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!
Snowboarding this morning, conditions were not so great....started off by getting a speeding ticket on the way up, and then high winds/flat light and bumps kept the number of runs down.  At least we're getting some snow on the mtns, which was nice.  Got in a few good runs and now I will watch the rest of the Colts/Jets game and then get on the trainer while I watch the Saints/Vikings game.  Should be good for 30-40 miles since I didn't really wear myself out on the hills today.
2010-01-24 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2559033

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ultrahip_00's Mentor Group - CLOSED - Let's hit the road/water!

Ok, I know I've been absent for awhile. Had a bit of a cold, got better, went for a ski lesson and hurt my knee. Meniscus tear of the right knee. For the next 3 weeks I'll be on crutches with a knee brace, in hopes that it'll heal itself. Then we'll reevaluate to see if I'll need surgery or not. So my training and season plans are on hold for awhile. Skiing done for the season, maybe I'll try snowboarding next season. Hopefully after 3 weeks I can start back in with some swimming or pool activities.

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