BT Development Mentor Program Archives » wwlani's let's get started group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2010-02-15 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Thank you Lani. I got your PM and finally found the link back to the group.  Glad to be with an active group. Hope to catch up with you all as we go; find out what you are doing for training, get tips etc.  I am a total newbie to triathalon.  Have run here and there but never ran a full mile non stop soooooo I have a long ways to go. 

I have been doing the cool running couch to 5k with Rober Ullrey's podcasts.  I was gone to Morocco for 3 weeks in January.  It was hard to do the podcasts there because you just don't see people out running there like here.   I did do a lot of walking.  I started back to the podcasts this week and am incorporating the sprint program so I do all 3 sports instead of just run/walk.

Appreciate any tips for getting going and breaking that one mile finally.


2010-02-16 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
I think I am back again.  Just when I felt well, my kids got sick and kept me up at night, and home during the day.  I think confinement is over and I am sleeping again at night so I am back exercising.

Saturday- I tried to do a 4 mile run, but my body said no.  I did 2.5 miles at a slow pace (4.7) and felt terrible.  

Monday- Aerobics

Tuesday- Tempo run  easy warm up, followed by 1.25 miles at a 5.9 pace.  It felt really good .  I started at a 5.7 and kept pushing the pace because I felt so good, and wanted to go faster.  Last .5 was at 6.2. 

2010-02-16 11:47 PM
in reply to: #2676115

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Good job Erica.  I love the feel of running or the feeling that comes with running.  I always want to do more.
2010-02-17 10:53 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
So day one of vacation brought zero training. Maybe tomorrow.
2010-02-18 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Did 7 miles today in 53 minutes. Felt great running in the warm desert air.
2010-02-19 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Did a great 5 miler today in 38:40.Love the warm desert air at 2800 ft.

2010-02-20 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Great 5 miler in the Arizona desert rain. Finished with 7:43 pace.
2010-02-21 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Did 3 miles on the desert trails during a desert downpour including hail
2010-02-21 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Lani are you doing Jersey Man? They opened registration.
2010-02-21 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2684892

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
I don't think so. It's too cold for me that time of year PLUS, it's the weekend of my son, mother's and husband's birthday. I may volunteer OR if it's going to be warm, but probably not. I am glad they are still having the race. Ian is doing much better but has a long way to go.

Scott - Don't rub in the warm weather!
2010-02-21 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Please let me know if you plan to be there so we can maybe meet in person.

2010-02-22 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
I want warm weather!!!  Oh well. what I did:

Thursday: 30 minute swim followed by 2 miles of hill repeats: man that kicked my butt.  I even practiced my transition.  a little slower than I wanted.   So I will practice some more.
Saturday: stiff back and sciatic pain, so I did a lot of stretching
Monday: 25 min bike and still aerobics to come

Maggie, I have been thinking about how I went from the walk/run to just running.  Something that helped me was counting the number of steps I took per minute.  I read that the shorter you are the more steps you need to take per minute (I'm 5'2").  The book recommended between 170-180 steps per minute; taller people staying closer to 170, shorter to 180.  I was taking 140-150 steps per minute.  So over a couple weeks I increased my step per minute and running became much easier.  It seems like my stride was too long and I was making myself work harder than I needed to.  Maybe it will work for you?

2010-02-22 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Beat out the last of the Arizona Desert rains with a 4 miler that included a peak ascent on trails from 2500 ft to 3200 ft.
2010-02-22 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Scott - good for you on beating the rain

Went for my first run in my new Vibram's today. Funny, knee doesn't hurt. Hmmm...
2010-02-23 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Tempo Run Tuesday  Started out too fast and had to back off but then I slowly picked up the pace.  1.75 miles at tempo (5.7)  with a total run time of 30 minutes.

2010-02-23 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2688163

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Hi all - my apologies for being a bad teammate.  I got hit by sickness again and just fell off the training and eating well bus.  It then backed over me for good measure.  I think I'm back on track now and slowly winding my body up so it will handle training without breaking down again so I hope I can being participating more.

2010-02-24 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Had an AWESOME kick boxing workout today.  I worked out some serious aggression and burned my abs.  Loving it!
2010-02-25 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Did a slow 3 miler in Snowiccaine 2010. It was really fun, but slow.
2010-02-26 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Did a 3.5 mile hill workout in icy conditions. Pretty slick after 2 feet of snow.
2010-02-26 10:17 PM
in reply to: #2696336

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Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
scottgreenstone - 2010-02-26 8:22 PM

Did a 3.5 mile hill workout in icy conditions. Pretty slick after 2 feet of snow.

SNOW? Must mean you're back in NJ! Welcome back!

I too ran today (2 miles) after 2 hours of shoveling snow (cross training!)

I am SO happy to be running again!!!

What does everyone have on tap for the weekend?
2010-02-27 6:14 AM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Well I gotta work today until about 1 then have a kids bday party in central jersey -s o probably wont do anything today. Tomorrow maybe swim and long run depending on the family.

2010-02-28 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Did a decent spin this morning followed by 3 hour passive recovery then an 8 mile run. Then 30 minutes of sledding with my 4 year old.
2010-03-01 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2575000

Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Sat was a 4 mile slow run.  12:30 pace
Monday am 40 minute bike at the gym, plus aerobics later in the day

Question:  this morning during and after my bike ride my back was tight and achy.  Was  I doing something wrong?  Any suggestions on ways to avoid that problem  in the future.
2010-03-01 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed
Sounds like your back muscles were just sore from the workouts of the previous 2 days. Some stretching will help overcome the discomfort. But it seems more like your muscles doing the work they need to repair and get stronger so this wont occur as much in the future.
2010-03-01 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2575000

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: wwlani's let's get started group - Closed

Did 25 laps in the pool today. Felt really good - maybe all of the shoveling built up my arms.
Feb Totals: Kind of low due to work, snow, and vacation:

Bike: 4 hours 30 minutes
Swim: 3 hours 30 minutes/8,250 meters
Run: 10 hours 29 seconds/76.02 miles
Stretching: 2 hours 10 minutes
Weight: 172.6 down 9.5 pounds since January 2, 2010.
Time until race: 145 days/21 weeks

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