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2011-01-09 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Good morning Chris.  Miss the old high school wrestling days and the broken nose, and the broken teeth, ahh.  Good luck on the long run.  Rest day for me.  Go Eagles!  

2011-01-09 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3256537

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Happy sunday everyone!

Great run through the snow in my local forest this morning. Nice to look at but tough to run in.

Change of plan for my "A" race this year. All nearby half ironman races are at bad times for me so am planning a different type of triathlon where the third event is kayaking instead of swimming. It goes coast to coast in Scotland with two foot sections two bike sections and two kayak sections. Total of 105 miles about 50% off road. Takes place in September so lots to do before then to get ready.

Planning to take part in some regular triathlons through the summer though so will be sticking around for advice and help with those if thats ok.

Going to try those drills you mentioned as I really need to work my swimming technique. Still getting passed in the pool alot!

Have a good day!


Edited by eejit 2011-01-09 9:00 AM
2011-01-09 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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New user

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Sheila - congrats, looking for all the details.

Thanks for the swim tips. I plan on incorporating those drills into my workouts.

Today I am off on a 10 mile trail run in the National Forest. Yesterday we did a nice 15 mile mountain bike ride with nearly 3000 ft of climbing. Unfortunately we had a huge amount of storm damage from the recent rain storms here in So. California. It will be a minor miracle if they can get the course ready for my race in April.
2011-01-09 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3256537

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
I found this and thought it kind of funny. For the record URTI is Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.

Triathlon training after URTIs

Is this guidance for you?

This advice is for normal triathletes. It is assumed that at the first onset of sneezing and shivers, you did a long easy ride (3-4hrs), just in case.
You have spent the next 48hrs under a duvet & now wish to train again, as surely no virus can last this long. And you’ve used up your rest day.

Pre-training assessment

have you passed urine in the last 24hrs? If yes, hydration status is good.
Resting pulse under 100bpm? If yes, you are fine to train normally. You do not need to read further.
Resting pulse over 120bpm? This is good. You are already in zone 2 without moving. You can do intervals. Get 2 extra duvets and 2 hot water bottles. Lie under the duvets with the bottles for 5mins (or until HR 150) and then have 2mins recovery. Repeat for one hour. NB if you still have a spouse, & if your spouse still cares whether you live or die, ask them to check you every 20mins for delirium.
Resting pulse 100-120 – a grey area.
Option 1 Take items one and two from the premed list (below) with a litre of water. Your pulse should be below 100 in about 60mins. To be on the safe side, don’t measure it again.
Option 2 – double or triple the doses of items 5 & 6 on the premed list. You can then proceed as for HR >120.

Training pre-medication

paracetamol 1g
ibuprofen 800mg
Nasal steroid, 2 squirts each nostril. If completely blocked, use Sinex first.
Seretide 250 MDI 2-10 puffs as needed.
Sudafed 120mg
Ventolin nebule 5mg.
Benolin chesty cough &/or pholcodeine
Vicks vaporub – apply liberally.


Running is preferred, as it gets the phlegm up so much better.
Drive somewhere remote, to avoid witnesses. Don’t go to a Gym, face planting on a treadmill is embarrassing.
Set your HRM alarm at 135, to ensure an easy session. Turn it off again 30 secs later – obviously faulty.
Listen to your body as you run – but ignore chest pain, that’s just a bit of tracheitis. And ignore SOB, this is a training session after all. You may stop to vomit, if necessary.
A fast irregular but strongish pulse is probably AF. Ignore this unless you are veering to one side as you run, in which case you may have had a stroke. Aphasia shouldn’t be a problem as you already have dysphonia from laryngitis.
A fast irregular weak pulse associated with dizziness or loss of consciousness is probably VT. You may be overtraining. If still alive, try a praecordial thump.
A slow heart rate is either an inferior MI or hypothermia. If the former, slow down, if the latter, speed up.
An absent pulse means you have died (or your HRM sensor can’t cope with Vicks). If you are already an Ironman, then it’s not too bad. If you’ve entered your first later this year, it’s a bit of a bugger. If your first IM was a DNF last year……oh dear.


You might want to remain NBM for a couple of hours, in case the ambulancemen want to take you in.
If you can find his number, phone your cardiologist. He’ll remember you from when you did this last winter.
Do not download your HRM data onto the computer, in case your spouse finds it. Enter manually: 55mins easy run, ave HR 134.
Plan tomorrow’s session – a pool swim has the advantage of lifeguards and a nearby defib.
2011-01-09 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Ross - Your "A" race sounds exciting and like a lot of fun.  Definitley stick around and keep us updated.  Also, I've been a paramedic for 16 years and loved the post

Robert - Money is a great motivater!  I am sure the race director will come up with something.
2011-01-09 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Another question for the group. What is your favorite leg of a triathlon? What is your least favorite? Love the run, bike needs work for me. To get better, I need to train more on the bike. What has been happening is that I keep running because I am more comfortable doing it.

2011-01-09 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3288618

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Love the bike, getting better at the run, struggle with the swim.
2011-01-09 11:29 PM
in reply to: #3288618

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cbarnes1 - 2011-01-09 3:41 PM Another question for the group. What is your favorite leg of a triathlon? What is your least favorite? Love the run, bike needs work for me. To get better, I need to train more on the bike. What has been happening is that I keep running because I am more comfortable doing it.

Ross- Loved the post. I have been in Surgery for the past 13yrs and will have to share this.

Chet- I would have to say that I don't have a most favorite leg or worst. I am not a good swimmer but improving. I guess I could say that the swim scares me the most on the start. The transitions need some work and that is a focus this season. The bike is fun. I guess I like this a bit more than the swim or run, but I could be a bit more focused on the power and hydration during this leg. The run always starts painful for me, it's just a thingy I get through. I will use my new acronym this year, which is HTFU. The whole sock discussion has me thinking about longer tris though.

BTW, the tri training starts in march and I am thinking about checking it out. It's every Sat for 11weeks. This will be my first official clinic of sorts.  Any tips on looking for a clinic I should avoid?
2011-01-10 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Rest day today, I get really cranky when I don't exercise!!!

First tri in 4 weeks, might follow the Chico Tri club program then switch back to my Olympic Program, will have 12 weeks after the sprint till the olympic. 
2011-01-10 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3288618

Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Swim is probably the strongest leg of the triathlon for me.  After that it's the run and then the bike.  But in terms of what I LIKE the least, that has to be the run.  It's almost always a suffer-fest I can't wait to finsh.
2011-01-10 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
My peak week for mileage for my marathon training this week.  Starting off with a slow and easy six this morning and finishing with 22 on Saturday.  52 miles total for the week.  I know this is a little low for the time I am aiming for but this is the mileage that works for me.  Anything over that and I start breaking down.  

 Jeff- The clinics and groups are great.  They get you out there and make it fun.  The only thing I would watch out for is if you are paying money, you want some instruction.  Watch out for "too easy" and "too social".  Ideally there would be people with your same skill set that will push you.  Then you can slam the hammer down!

David - Rest days are important!  It is when your body is building strength.  I know what you mean though


2011-01-10 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Haven't heard from the girls in a while.  Hope you are out hammering the intervals!
2011-01-10 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
2 hour run today, covered 12.6 miles and the first 3 were SLOW!!! At this rate I should easily be able to break the 2 hour mark at the Sarasota Half Marathon.  The pic is of the nature preserve where I ran today.

2011-01-10 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3289253

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
copa2251 - 2011-01-10 4:44 AM Rest day today, I get really cranky when I don't exercise!!!

First tri in 4 weeks, might follow the Chico Tri club program then switch back to my Olympic Program, will have 12 weeks after the sprint till the olympic. 

Yeah David check it out (O;ympic Plan) and tell what you think. If you would mate, give me feedback on the pros and cons. All is appreciated.
2011-01-10 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3289677

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cbarnes1 - 2011-01-10 7:44 AM My peak week for mileage for my marathon training this week.  Starting off with a slow and easy six this morning and finishing with 22 on Saturday.  52 miles total for the week.  I know this is a little low for the time I am aiming for but this is the mileage that works for me.  Anything over that and I start breaking down.  

 Jeff- The clinics and groups are great.  They get you out there and make it fun.  The only thing I would watch out for is if you are paying money, you want some instruction.  Watch out for "too easy" and "too social".  Ideally there would be people with your same skill set that will push you.  Then you can slam the hammer down!

David - Rest days are important!  It is when your body is building strength.  I know what you mean though


Chet- Great tips. Gotta keep those in mind. Yes, I paid $125 for the entire 11 weeks, too much?

Chris- nice place to run. Good effort on pace. Yes, if you keep that up you will be sub 2hrs for your half.
2011-01-10 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Chris - looks like a beautiful place!  I believe you will have no problem with 2 hours.  You should have a race strategy before the race and CRUSH that course.

Jeff - $11 for a day of coaching sounds very reasonable.  It could be very helpful later. 

2011-01-10 6:38 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Hello, wow..havent been on since last week.  Lots to catch up on but first.....I completed my first HM on Saturday in 2:18!!  I was so happy with that.  I felt great the whole run.  Felt amazing afterwards.  Today the legs are a bit sore but overall awesome. 

Got to see Chet out there too, great run Chet.  You did awesome.  The best part was that you were at the finish line.  I wasnt expecting anyone that I know to be there so when I heard      "Go Sheila" and then realized it was you that was AWESOME. Thank you! Great to see Jill again
and your kids are so cute.

So my next event, at least "big" event will be my 1st TRI.  I went to the rec center and got in the pool this morning.  Swimming is what I will need to train the most in.   I will probably be doing some planned event runs here and there but it's all about TRI between now and April 30th.

Going to get caught up and reply to all the posts I missed.  I'll try to post some pictures.
2011-01-10 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3290752

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cwpeters - 2011-01-11 6:33 AM 2 hour run today, covered 12.6 miles and the first 3 were SLOW!!! At this rate I should easily be able to break the 2 hour mark at the Sarasota Half Marathon.  The pic is of the nature preserve where I ran today.


Nice pic!!
I love running in places like that, especially long slow runs.
I followed the 1:59 HM plan in Jeff Galloways running book for my HM last year, he gets you to do long, slow runs with walk intervals every 2 weeks building to 27k.
In the intervening weekends you do 800m repeats at race pace.
I followed his plan and ran it in 1hr 55, the long slow runs seem to be the important factor and doing them only every 2 weeks helps avoid injuries (I'm a very injury prone runner!!!
2011-01-10 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Great run Sheila!!!

I could hardly walk the day after my half...Smile

2011-01-10 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

Chris, Im alot nervous about the wetsuit and OWS as well.  My problem I noticed the coule times I have swam in the open water was actually lifting my head, lol.  Next thing I knew I was way of the course.  Follow feet sounds good to me.  I like " Slow is smooth....Smooth is fast"! Thanks Chet.   My son is a HS wrestler.  He is a junior. I dread every tourny, it is brutal out there on them mats!  Glad everyone was ok.

Robert, good job getting in the pool.  I went today as well.  I have no advice because this is all new to me but support you.  Keep on keeping on.   I love trail running.  Awesome 10 miles!!  I run in an area called Bootleg Canyon.  They are mountain bike trails that us runners use quite a bit. It is heaven out there.

David, I like that drill.  Im going to try it next time Im in the pool.  As I said before swimming skills are going to be my biggest challenge.  So much to learn. 

Chet, going to check out those other drills also.  I also need to go back and read your "stolen post", lol.  I KNOW after reading the first 2 paragraphs that it will be something I will refer back to and repost for all of us if needed. Laughing  I don't know what my fav part is yet?  Right now I'd say the bike only b/c I love riding, cant wait to get my new bike and running is hard but enjoyable and swimming I suck at so far.

Jeff, I have a hard time with the motivation thing as well.  Signing up for the HM and now my TRI have given me some drive.   How did you do on your first race and what was it?  You can do it!!  I struggle with the nutrition part as well.  Still trying to find the right plan that doesnt drive me crazy.  Weight Watchers worked for me before but it drove me crazy in the brain always thinking and counting about food.  I want to not think about it so much.  I try my best to stick to the basics of nutrition, "whole foods".  I eat when I want thought, I need to loose about 30-35lbs.     I hope the Tri training plan works out.

Oh btw, the weather was awesome for the HM and David I ate a footlong Subway that afternoon after the race.  I hardly ever even order the footlong let alone eat one, lol.

I like Suck it up Buttercup!!

Marc, an indoor Tri, that sounds interesting.  It's cold in Vegas today!!   What is a Cervelo P1?

Ross,  Your new race sounds awesome!!    LMAO on that post!!

OMG, this post is like way to long right????? Gotta catch up on the rest of the posts so for now.  Enjoy the novel, lol.  Have a great night!!

Edited by ibeshela 2011-01-10 11:13 PM
2011-01-10 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
Oppps, don't know what happened with all that color, lol. 

2011-01-10 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3291390

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
ibeshela - 2011-01-10 9:57 PM Oppps, don't know what happened with all that color, lol. 

It wasn't too bad, I just had to hold th laptop at the right angle.  

Congrats on the HM. 2:18 is a great first time.  My first was 2:27 three years ago.  Keep up the hard work and you'll be under 2 in no time at all. 
2011-01-10 11:17 PM
in reply to: #3291535

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed
cwpeters - 2011-01-10 8:04 PM
ibeshela - 2011-01-10 9:57 PM Oppps, don't know what happened with all that color, lol. 

It wasn't too bad, I just had to hold th laptop at the right angle.  

Congrats on the HM. 2:18 is a great first time.  My first was 2:27 three years ago.  Keep up the hard work and you'll be under 2 in no time at all. 

Thanks, I cant imagine shaving off 19 min....that's a lot of time.  I def have a PR time to beat now. 
2011-01-10 11:28 PM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

Chet and I after the race!!  Awesome! Tongue out

Edited by ibeshela 2011-01-10 11:30 PM
2011-01-11 1:50 AM
in reply to: #3256537

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Subject: RE: Chet's Group is out doing it!- Closed

Hey...   sorry for the long silence...

I haven't done as much training as I hoped: in the 2 weeks since I last posted, I only ran twice (~35 minutes/run).   Lack of discipline is the only reason I haven't run much, since I've got all of the equipment I need to do it locally.   I'll work on that this upcoming week...

I'm leaving for Amsterdam for ~2 months on January 28.  (And then I'll have my daily bicycle commute again!!!)   But in the meanwhile, I think I'll be best served by simply focusing on getting into the habit of running 3 times/week again.  (Without the rest of the bike/swim distractions.)  If I can do THAT between now and January 28, I'm sure that the other pieces will fall into place in due time..

In the meanwhile, my partner and I both registered for the Vancouver Sun Run in mid-April.   It's only a 10k..  but it's a step in the right direction!

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