BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-20 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3309661

Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-01-19 4:25 PM Oh, Margaret, you weren't talking about the giant wiener??  LMAO!!!

Crack yourself up there... don't ya!

2011-01-20 6:26 PM
in reply to: #3307522

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!

          Good thing for you I cannot get to you to sneak in a sock to the shoulder!! LOL 7 my so called 'step' daughter calling me MOM is PLENTY!! and.....boys DO have PMS!! Only for ya'll they call it a "man-cave"!! Tongue out
2011-01-20 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Ladies and Gentlemen.....oh and Shawn and Wilson too!!

         I have been slightly absent from the board for the last few days dealing w/the kiddo but SHEEEEEE'S BAAAAACK!!
I have a magnetic trainer....noisy but effective especially since I have it in the garage so nobody in the house can complain about not hearing the DUMB @SS television over the sound of the trainer. I received it as a Christmas gift from my husband...we purchased it from Dick's sporting goods while it was on sale for  about $80 I think...
        The benefit of riding in the garage in the 'colder' central Texas winter months is that I still get the effect of riding in the chillier air, without the hassles of wind chill, traffic and slimy road conditions.

         Great job to everyone on the hard work in the pool and run....and SNOWSHOES!! Cool beans!!

Thanks to everyone for their well wishes for my son. He's home and starting the healing process...he will be officially classified as "504" through the school district on Monday so he will receive the help he'll need to complete his school work since he cannot write - pretty much for the remainder of the school year.

Hoping to get MY schedule back to some degree of normalcy next week which means back in the pool and readying my body for the HM at the end of the month....
2011-01-21 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Man, I have lots of catching up to do here...been awhile...I guess I've been busy.

TTucker...boys have selective PMS to punish the women around us when's all strategic, not biological..hahah 

Hilde, thanks for noticing my extraordinary meat big continuous sausage of love!

Denise, love the comment about asian massage parlors..Sounds like your hubby has some good experience (another good resource)..I'm very sad - mine has closed down...probably a few days after we posted about it....They didn't even leave a new business address...Good thing "Ariel" comes to the house (when the wife is gone) to "massage" my aching muscles..haha  Just joking....about part of that! Cool  It's a big job, but someones gotta do it....LMAO

Kory, way to kick some major A$$ on the swim....2400 yards....way to take a look back and really soak up the huge accomplishment.....claps and cheers from Indy.

Shawn......mama TTucker does have a nice ring!! haha...we could be #8 and #9.....We may have PMS sometimes....but we definitely won't align our cycles....need to spread the love!

TTucker, hope you son continues to heal quickly and can get back to normal as soon as possible...that'd suck - especially at that age! 

Wes...I have the Kurt Kinetic.  After all my research the Cycleops and the Kurt were pretty similar.  I went with the Kurt because I thought the fluid dampening system, engineering wise, in the Kurt was better...I'm a geek, I know.  The other reason I chose the Kurt was it seems to be the industry standard.  But, that being said I think the Cycleops is very good and you probably can't go wrong with either one.  Kinda like the Nikon vs. Canon in the camera world....I'm totally a Nikon guy!!!

Jon, sound like your body challenge is gunna be a blast....alligator it!!! embrace the pain!!  Ask Marsha for advice when it comes to pain.....or Hilde second!! haha

Whew....I think that covers most of it...This group is great! 

Edited by wsilverthorne 2011-01-21 7:57 PM
2011-01-21 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I thought about doing some Yoga tonight...But man o man...after cooking dinner, cleaning up...starting the movie and popping popcorn for movie nite.....I'm done.  This week at work has been a killer....the year shouldn't start out like this.  The most stressful part this week has been rationalizing all my direct reports merit raises and bonuses ....that's stressful for me because it means so much to them and I want to get it as right as I can.  I finished at 3:00PM today and sighed a big relief and then spent the rest of the day listening to a different departments cluster Fu@#$@ck issues that they want my help with....this group always gets in trouble and then needs major damage control.....getting tired of that a bit.  Anyhow, thinking about being a lame A$$ and going to bed before 10 then get up and goto my son's basketball game at 8:00AM (UGH)

Anywho....looks like everyone is getting off to a good start this year....It's gunna be a fun ride to watch everyone's progress and kick in their races!!  I really hope as many of you can come to Indy in June for the Eagle Creek Sprint....We'll have a blast!!!
2011-01-21 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
*WAVE* hello everyone! I have to share a little something (for those who don't know) that took place between Wilson and I (Hilde, get your mind out of the gutter!!!!) ...when I started bodybuilding and he started P90X back in the fall we made a bet on who would gain a greater % in bicep size thus starting the "which is better, bodybuilding or P90x" debate.  Well....the results for all to see are in.

This was sent to me by Wilson on an inspire message: I went from 13-7/8" to 15-1/4" bicep size...I think that is slightly under 10%.....drum roll....did you double me?????

My measurement went from 12.25 inches to 13.75 inches so just over 12% gain So Bodybuilding really IS better than P90X after all!

2011-01-21 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I love this shot. I looked for the official, sign-carrying pacers for the entire race. Never saw 'em.

2011-01-22 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3314708

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hee hee Tammy, that photo is too funny, you're just too damned fast!!

But both Marsha and Wilson are winners in my book... a little bit sick in the head, but still winners!
2011-01-22 2:10 PM
in reply to: #3314533

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
PTWykes - 2011-01-21 9:10 PM *WAVE* hello everyone! I have to share a little something (for those who don't know) that took place between Wilson and I (Hilde, get your mind out of the gutter!!!!) ...when I started bodybuilding and he started P90X back in the fall we made a bet on who would gain a greater % in bicep size thus starting the "which is better, bodybuilding or P90x" debate.  Well....the results for all to see are in.

This was sent to me by Wilson on an inspire message: I went from 13-7/8" to 15-1/4" bicep size...I think that is slightly under 10%.....drum roll....did you double me?????

My measurement went from 12.25 inches to 13.75 inches so just over 12% gain So Bodybuilding really IS better than P90X after all!

I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy....Okay, Marsha kicked my A$$....So now I have to pay up a Road-ID!!!!!  Guess I better send her the e-gift certificate so she can think of me every time she looks down at the wonderful reward..haha.  See I knew I could get in her head somehow!!!  Damn girl, you got guns!!!  I'm gunna sulk in my pity now..haha...Great job Marsha.....but you suck!!! haha

Edited by wsilverthorne 2011-01-22 2:11 PM
2011-01-22 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3314708

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Great picture Tammy (tstl) - so it is possible to have a smile on your face during running...haven't found that formula yet..haha...
2011-01-22 6:11 PM
in reply to: #3315344

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I did a brick today.... that is all...


2011-01-22 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
LOL Hilde! Love that picture!

Wilson - you have nothing to sulk about - you're rocking it with how far you've come and how hard you're working! I think we need a new bet/challenge to keep us moving forward...what's it going to be this time?
2011-01-23 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3315595

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Well, obviously it can't be who has the longest .... um... y'know.  Wilson would win that one fer sure, ha ha!  I wouldn't bet on body fat percentages either, since Marsha has freakishly no fat on her body!  Maybe some type of time trial, best percentage of improvement over a period of time?  You'd pick your weakest sport and work on that?  Just a suggestion, but I'd be in for running improvement for sure!
2011-01-23 9:50 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
LOL Hilde - you're right, I think Wilson would win that one for sure! I like the % improvement in your weakest area...that is a good one and one that everyone who wanted to could participate in. What do you think Wilson? How about something like:

Running - Time trial a 5K and post your time and then at the end of of the contest you re-time trial on the same course and post your final time.

Swimming - Time trial a 500 yard swim and post your time and at the end of the contest you re-time trial and post your final time

Cycling - Time trial a 13 mile bike (typical sprint distance ride) and post your time and at the end of the contest you re-time trail on the same course and post your final time

When are the start and finish dates (can't be until things thaw as far as I'm concerned - I'm NOT time trialing a bike ride in this -20* temp!!!)? Do the distances sound OK to those interested? And the winner is the one with the best %age overall improvement...NO SLACKING allowed on the initial time trial to make your results look better! You need to choose your weakest event to enter (I'd rather work on improving my run because I like to run more than bike but I know I NEED to work on my bike!

Should we make a "pool" so the winner gets a nice prize? Maybe $10 to enter, winner takes all?

Other ideas? Comments on ways to change it? Is there much interest?
2011-01-23 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I'm in for the challenge! I'm afraid I can't sign up for the run portion at the moment, as sucky as my run is, given the foot injury-- dunno yet when they'll let me back on my feet, as it were. But either the swim or the bike sound great to me, and I could sure use the work on them too, for that matter! I like the %age difference idea-- for the bike, though, that could be done on the trainer as well as or instead of outside, couldn't it? Just a thought.

Tammy Turtle, that photo of you is AWESOME! Looks like you're having a great time and ROCKING the course-- attagirl!

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
2011-01-23 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3316319

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
What if we time trialed all 3??  Obviously I am not going to improve too much on a 500 swim and neither is Marsha, but this will even the playing field and give incentive to work hard in all 3 sports??  We could set a starting goal of maybe Feb. 1st for the swim and run, and maybe March 1st for the bike (I know that is still pushing it for you northeners...) and then have a final goal of June 1st for the second time trial?  The bike is gonna be the weird one, because I would want to time trial it early to show the most improvement, but if you can't get outside, you can't get outside and it has to be the same course.  I'm thinking we could count a trainer ride as long as both time trials were done on the trainer, same distance?  And if you are working in a meter pool you could do a 500 meter swim, do a 3 mile-5K run, and 12-13 mile bike, and as long as the second time trial was the same route, we'll do percentages of improvement and then do an overall percentage of improvement?  And I'm in for 10 bucks!  I'll see if I can come up with some kind of example so it's a little more clear.

2011-01-23 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3316496

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I like the idea of doing all three...I'm not sure I'll be able to swim a 500yd Feb 1st..haha....It's gunna have to warm up some for the run!!!!  The bike could be a 12 miler on the trainer and repeated like you said..that'd be easy enough.  I like it.  So this means I have to run so I feel like I'm gunna die and puke...huh....That sounds great!!!  And gotta kill the quads too on the bike....this sounds like even more fun!!!!  But the swim....I may have to delay mine a bit....I'll drown now.

So the formula would be:  (% improvement swim + % improvement bike + % improvement run) / 3
$10 buckeroo-skis buy-in and the winner gets the pot!
Feb 1st through June, that's a long time!!!

Just a thought....we could put some additional strategy to about we declare a weighting factor for each sport....Everyone has to use the distribution 30/30/40 percent.  So for me I'd probably use the 40% on my swim and leave the run and bike at 30.

So the formula for me would be:  ((40 * % imp swim) + (30 * % imp bike) + (30 * % imp run)) / 3
This makes everyone decide where they think they can make the biggest improvement.....just a thought.

HMMMMMMM......thoughts from others???  The time trial definition is to puke or pass out at the end, right?

Edited by wsilverthorne 2011-01-23 3:20 PM
2011-01-23 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hey, today and yesterday I've attempt to stimulate the economy a bit.  I bought a treadmill to accompany my trainer and elliptical.  I've been waiting to find a 3HP motor with 60" deck as my minimum requirements.  So I found a FreeMotion XTR 90 that fits the bill the deck is adjustable for firmness.  Not a whole lot of reviews available...but the warranty is 1 year with lifetime on motor and should be okay.  I have a friend coming this evening to help me carry the deck downstairs...I can't do it by myself...this thing is a beast...even in pieces!!!!  I wanted to do this for a couple of reasons.  My wife wants to run a 5k this spring and really wants a treadmill and doesn't want to goto the gym because of time/family constraints.  And secondly, this means I only have to goto the gym to swim...Since the new membership is only 15 a month...not biggie if I only swim there!  This will allow me to get most of the workouts done in the morning and not interrupt family time in the evenings as much.  

So the second fun purchase was a running jacket and pants...Now I have all dry-wicking stuff for the under and top layer...So when it's above 35ish...I'll venture outside...cuz I really don't care to dredge away on the treadmill....but I'll have that option at home now....So, like my new wears and looking forward to trying them out...Denise would probably approve and will have suggestions for me on layering.....Since she sheds most her clothes in the neighborhood!!!!  So, off to jump on the trainer before I have to cook dinner and the monsters come home from grandmas!
2011-01-23 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3316577

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I like Wilson's idea of weighing the 3 sports... let's say you can weigh your best improvement sport as the 40.  I was thinking that for the first time trial, do a moderate effort, but go all out on the second one.  We'll just have to trust each other that we're not sandbagging that first attempt, be honest and don't go too slow!  And let's also say that you can use your best time trial before June 1st... so for example, if you run a 5k, you could count that time as long as it's the same route as the original time trial.  And what about if you can't complete a 500 yard swim right now, you do 5 x 100 yard swims and add them together...  but the real time trial at the end has to be a continuous swim.  I think we can get this to work!!

Congrats on adding more equipment to the basement torture chamber, Wilson!!  And cool that wifie wants to run a 5K!!  Now if you invest in an endless pool, you'd NEVER have to come out of the basement, you could live down there and have the wife and kids throw scraps down the stairs for you to eat... let your hair grow and never shower... you could do Caveman commercials on the side...
2011-01-23 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3316702

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
hildekq - 2011-01-23 5:57 PM
Congrats on adding more equipment to the basement torture chamber, Wilson!!  And cool that wifie wants to run a 5K!!  Now if you invest in an endless pool, you'd NEVER have to come out of the basement, you could live down there and have the wife and kids throw scraps down the stairs for you to eat... let your hair grow and never shower... you could do Caveman commercials on the side...

LOL! Awesome Wilson!

Wow, you guys are getting high tech on me with all this weighting and that means you get extra points for the sport you improve the most in? If that's not what it means I'm not sure I get it!??

As for the pre to post time trials...why would we want to make the first one less of an effort than the second one Hilde?

HA at an outdoor bike ride here in early March...that would be nice, but not so likely! I don't have a trainer so I'll just have to time trial it as soon as I can get out there and will just have a bit less time to work on improvements I'll be fine! I suppose there doesn't really have to be an official start date but the sooner you start the more time you have to improve...we all just need to end at the same general time.

I declare that the run must be outdoors and not on a treadmill though since a TM run and an outdoor run are so very different from each other. I guess the swim needs to be in a pool though so we can have an accurate distance.

Fun, fun!
2011-01-23 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3316972

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I just thought if you did a moderate effort for the first, you'd have SOME kind of improvement for the second just in doing it at a harder effort.  But we can do both all out if you want....  and maybe we SHOULDN'T do any weighting... after all, your weak sport has a better chance of improvement anyways, right?  Maybe we still need more discussion...

2011-01-23 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3259026

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Come on Hilde! That's a cop out! You gotta WORK to see improvement not get it handed to you on a platter! I think they both need to be "all out"so you can see what the REAL difference is!
2011-01-23 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3317027

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
I'm with Marsha...when you are done with the time must look something like this!!!  I even thought maybe we should take our PR in each event....But, that may skew it a bit...So time trial is my vote!!!  Can't wait to feel the pain!!!

2011-01-23 8:41 PM
in reply to: #3316702

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Hilde..I've thought about the endless pool!!!  Then you're right...I'd never have to leave the basement!!!  Do you know anyone that has an endless pool???  Have you tried one??  I don't really see how it'd work very'd have to stop to slow the current down....maybe that's the point..dunno.
2011-01-23 8:47 PM
in reply to: #3316972

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Extreme Veteran
Zionsville, Indiana
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!
Marsha, the weighting aspect is just for each person to pick the sport they think they'll improve the most and get some extra value for hitting your biggie...we can go without and just average the %s...okay by me.  Come'on - I have an undergraduate in Engineering...gotta complicate things a bit..haha

Agree, run outside and bike can be either...Marsha, you could go to a LBS and probably do a class....get your baseline there on a trainer...or wait till it's warm enough.  

Maybe puking should be a requirement...or hitting your highest HR ever!!!!!  Just jokin'.....We don't want anyone to get hurt...

Where is everyone else....who else is in??????????????????   
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