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2012-02-19 9:08 PM
in reply to: #4056018

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
aavella - 2012-02-19 8:59 PM

Still here! Got really busy th epast week or so, which affected my being on here and my training.  Still managed to run last week.  Got back to swimming today.  Had 2 teenagers swimming beside me today and I realized how much work I still need to do! lol  They dusted me!   Any suggestions?! lol

Question - My HIM is in September.  Haven't yet started the bike training.  With spring around the corner I was thinking of holding off until then instead of going out and getting a trainer.  Thoughts?

Also, was talking to a frined of mine today who had also done full and half IMs and I was asking him about bikes.  He asked me if I was looking at a road bike or a tri bike.  I honestly didn't know the difference.  I asked him what he thought; he suggested that the road bike.  Would appreciate everyone's input.

Start bike training asap. The sooner you start, the larger your base, the more enjoyable your bike leg. Even if you ride a stationary bike at a gym. Tri bikes are more aero and more aggressive in fit and setup. If you plan on doing all tri specific riding get a tri bike. If you want to do more group and road biking, get a roadie. I have a roadie thats fitted with aerobars and a more aggressive fit. When budget permits Ill get a tri specific frame and own both a roadie and tri frame. Search BT for the roadie vs bike question. Lots of discussion and advice.

2012-02-19 9:14 PM
in reply to: #4056026

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
2012-02-20 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4054714

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Syrvelo - 2012-02-18 4:14 PM

Great race Joey, you were really moving. Perfect way to start the racing season..    Personally I had less than a perfect week of training, nothing major, just little interuptions. I really cannot complain though since the first seven weeks have been smooth and fun.  This sport is all about the challenges and one big one can be not feeling obsessive about getting every last minute of the workout in.  I feel alot better when I do 100% but #&^% happens.  


Good for you for keeping it going! Seven weeks of smooth and fun! Now that's rare and sounds great! Happy training!

2012-02-20 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4054790

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Just curious... how do you think what you need during racing varies from what you need in training?
2012-02-20 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Joey - CONGRATS on a great race!!!!  Way to set a new PR and negative split.  


As far as Infinit, I use it as well.  It was daunting to me, so I called customer service and talked to them.  They ask lots of questions about your training, your sweat rate, your weight, etc. and come up with the formula based on that.  I love it.  

As far as carrying Infinit - lots of people do concentrated bottles.  So, according to the directions, you would put 2 scoops in a regular bottle and mix with water.  Technically, that bottle should last an hour.  If you want a 2 hour bottle, you would put 4 scoops in.  Then you would also carry a water bottle.  Take a swig of the Infinit mix followed by a swig of water. The thought here is that you can always grab a water bottle as a hand up and not stop.

Personally, I just make regular bottles and then make baggies with 2 scoops and carry those in my jersey pocket.  I know I'm going to have to stop and pee at some point (in an IM) so I just make more bottles quickly at the aid station.  I have a setup on my bike with a rear hydration, so I can carry 3 bottles and get through a HIM without stopping to make more.  Just have to make sure not to lose a bottle when doing it this way.

2012-02-20 9:08 AM
in reply to: #4055210

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
japewang - 2012-02-19 7:41 AM
Syrvelo - 2012-02-18 5:39 PM


Interesting.  I played around on their website and it just feels so arbitrary to me.  Answer a couple of questions and we'll make a mix just for you?  I guess it works though, because I see alot of people on BT swear by infinit.  Maybe just take the plunge and buy some...see how it works?

I'll admit, nutrition is something that i'm REALLY frustrated by.  I don't feel like I have a real "plan" for dialing in my nutrition needs for my IM.  Does anyone have a systematic recommendation on how they tackled figuring out their nutrition.  I feel like i have a general idea of what I like and what I need, but I just feel like i'm throwing darts blind when it comes to having a "plan".




I will throw in my two cents again, and I KNOW people will disagree with me on here and that's fine. You need three things: carbs, electrolyes, and fluid, (with an optional fourth category, caffeine ) and those can be obtained in a million different ways and it is all fine. 


Some people prefer liquid, such as infinit, which takes the guesswork out of it. Some people have trouble remembering to hydrate enough when they are using liquid food... they won't drink enough water to go with it. OR, they still crave solid food, get hungry and want to make sure and add that in. 

Of all the people I know who do long races, some live off the course, some use perpetuem, infinit, some eat uncrustables, etc etc. Generally, it doesn't HAVE to be complicated. 

Depending on your size, you will likely need to consume 250-350 cals an hour. To give you an example of the simple side of the spectrum, here is my fuel for an Ironman.

I have my aero bottle on the front and one bottle cage on the back. At every aid station I refill my aero bottle, which will be half full to empty when I go through each stop. Water is my first choice, but I will take whatever in a pinch. I fill my other bottle with COKE that I have when I hit a low point. I also have extra coke and efs liquid shot at special needs in case I drop one. I carry enough flasks of efs to roughly make 200 cals an hour. I have one extra cliff double shot to have before I get off in t2.

Also, I take roughly two saltstix an hour, if it's hot. I don't swallow them bc they make me sick. I eat the contents and spit out the capsule.

On the run, I generally live of the course. In three IM's I have had the intention of having efs on the run, but never can stomach it. I usually get down one gel and otherwise take in a combo of coke, water, electrolyte drink, and salt pills.

In my three IMs I have run 3:48/3:43/3:32 so this 'minimalist' plan provided me plenty of energy.

2012-02-20 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4056018

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
aavella - 2012-02-19 8:59 PM

Still here! Got really busy th epast week or so, which affected my being on here and my training.  Still managed to run last week.  Got back to swimming today.  Had 2 teenagers swimming beside me today and I realized how much work I still need to do! lol  They dusted me!   Any suggestions?! lol

Question - My HIM is in September.  Haven't yet started the bike training.  With spring around the corner I was thinking of holding off until then instead of going out and getting a trainer.  Thoughts?

Also, was talking to a frined of mine today who had also done full and half IMs and I was asking him about bikes.  He asked me if I was looking at a road bike or a tri bike.  I honestly didn't know the difference.  I asked him what he thought; he suggested that the road bike.  Would appreciate everyone's input.

Japewang had some good answers to a lot of your questions. I would definitely second him to start bike training now!! You'll be that much better/more comfortable when it gets nice enough to ride. At the minimum, maybe you could do some spin classes at the gym or something. 


With the bikes, I would just add that it depends on your goals, too. If your goal is to be comfortable and finish the half without stringent time/competitive aspirations, you might be more comfortable on a road bike. A road bike is really good for all around riding, but like japewang said.. less aero and 'slower' in a race if that's what you're after.

For the swimming I say, SWIM LESSONS!!

2012-02-20 12:09 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

I dont think I considered I would be using a different mix for training and racing until filling out the questionaire on the Infinit site.  This is what was confusing and took more consideration than I expected. One question asked about Primary session length. My primary race is an Ironman lasting longer than 10 hrs, but even my longest training days wont be that long. Cramping and sweat-rate also depend on length and intensity of the workouts.  The concentration of electrolytes, carbs, protein , vary depending on how it is being used, so I went with a slightly less concentrated mix overall for right now, and when runs and rides get closer to race distance I will order another mix set up for what I will use for half and full IM dis. races. Honestly, while I know my cramping issues and sweat rate, it's a crap-shoot building a drink to get me thru training and races.  I took a shot at it, invested around $40 to $50 for 25 servings, and so far,so good. It taste good, mixes easily compared to Accelerade, easy on the stomach, and boosts my energy level. Still deciding how to carry enough in a race, but I do like the idea of having the baggies , an aero bottle, and a water bottle.  


2012-02-20 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Thanks everyone for the words. Yes, I'm still on a high from my race, and still a little sore, but hitting the pool and the bike some tomorrow cause there's little time to relax. April 21st and the TryCharleston HIM will be here soon.  Some GREAT discussions, so better throw my 2 cents in, espicially with all my vast triathlon experience (I've never done one).

aavella-trust me, you can't start swimming early enough. That takes time. I agree with Japewang and Bethany on the bike idea. Just wanna race, get a tri bike. Wanna have some fun, get a road.  If it were me, TRI BIKE ALL THE WAY!

NUTRITION-I have been studying the crap out of this cause I have a master's degree in bonking. First, my pro friend CW (she did 9:22 on her last IM, so she's pretty fast) sent this for a HIM: 

Nutrition for a 1/2 - this is what I do. Most important though - practice what you want to do in training.  Breakfast is 3 hrs before start (always). And I usually have oatmeal and a banana.
about 30 minutes before the swim I take a gel.
As soon as I get on the bike I take a gel every 20-30 minutes for the entire ride. I drink electrolyte drink the entire bike. Maybe a little water.
On the run I take gels as I need them - but I'd recommend at least trying to take a gel each hour. As you practice in training you will be able to tell how much is enough and how much is too much and makes your stomach upset.
I think the most important thing to remember is to drink. if you get dehydrated it will greatly (negatively) affect your race.  the other important thing is to eat on a schedule - this becomes VERY important in Ironman, so start practicing now. Eating every 20-30 minutes makes sure you never get behind the curve in calories. Once you get behind the curve it is nearly impossible to bring yourself back - especially if you are racing hard.

With that being said, Infinit, I hear great things about it if you want to use it. If you are on a budget like me, not really sure it's the thing for me.  Everyone has what works for them.  It's all about getting in the amount of calories per hour that your body needs to keep refueling itself, whether that be Infinit or rice and bean burritos.  I've bought a few things lately to test and see what my stomach can handle and how strong I can mix things without them tasting like crapola. Personally, I hate gels but my stomach seems to manage them, but can put 5 scoops of Accelerade in a 24 oz bottle and drink it like it's a Miller Light---smooth.  We will all be different on here. I bought saltsticks for the summer cause I sweat alot, someone else might not need them.  Every pro you ask does something different. Most of the time it is who is sponsoring them as to what they use. I have come to the conclusion personally to quit overanalyzing it, get my 250 calories I need per hour, put them down the pipe, don't get dehydrated, remember my stomach is gonna want to kick me after about 10 hours from GI distress, and race like the freakin wind.  Practice what you preach and it should be all good.

Anyone wanting to register for IM Louisville, it's at 85 percent full as of a few days ago. IMKY (Aug 26th)or Beach2Battleship (Oct 20) ...decisions decisions decisions....and yes my wife keeps telling me "You haven't even done a triathlon yet and you want to sign up for a full." All I do is smile   Hope everyone has a great week of training. Think I'm gonna go walk my dog cause I have ZERO on the plate today for training.

2012-02-22 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!! now that I'm in the "build" phase of my plan, the bike and run plan calls for several z4 pickups and some intervals.  Its only going to increase from here on out.

Here's my situation.  I have very very tight hamstrings, particularly right where the hammy meets the glute.  When i go intense, it tends to get very very sore.  My left one much more so than my right.  Visualize fraying cables as your hamstrings. Thats what it feels like.

I have no idea what it is.  If its hamstring tendonosis, sciatia, piriformis syndrome, or just plain stiff muscles.  I had an athletic trainer do some muscle scraping and that seemed to I can manage the discomfort with foam rolling, stretching, and making sure to take ice baths after my long rides and runs.

Thoughts on how to treat?  Its by no means debilitating, and when i'm only doing z1,z2 efforts, it doesn't bother at all.  I'm just worried that as the z4 training volume increases through build and peak phases, that this issue may persist or get worse.

2012-02-22 5:06 PM
in reply to: #4056842

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-20 1:43 PM


Anyone wanting to register for IM Louisville, it's at 85 percent full as of a few days ago. IMKY (Aug 26th)or Beach2Battleship (Oct 20) ...decisions decisions decisions....and yes my wife keeps telling me "You haven't even done a triathlon yet and you want to sign up for a full." All I do is smile   Hope everyone has a great week of training. Think I'm gonna go walk my dog cause I have ZERO on the plate today for training.

Wow, IM Lou is that full already? I did it this past year in case ne one has any specific questions about it. Would love to do it again sometime.. I thought it was great! Are you gonna pull the trigger?

2012-02-22 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4060772

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
japewang - 2012-02-22 12:16 PM now that I'm in the "build" phase of my plan, the bike and run plan calls for several z4 pickups and some intervals.  Its only going to increase from here on out.

Here's my situation.  I have very very tight hamstrings, particularly right where the hammy meets the glute.  When i go intense, it tends to get very very sore.  My left one much more so than my right.  Visualize fraying cables as your hamstrings. Thats what it feels like.

I have no idea what it is.  If its hamstring tendonosis, sciatia, piriformis syndrome, or just plain stiff muscles.  I had an athletic trainer do some muscle scraping and that seemed to I can manage the discomfort with foam rolling, stretching, and making sure to take ice baths after my long rides and runs.

Thoughts on how to treat?  Its by no means debilitating, and when i'm only doing z1,z2 efforts, it doesn't bother at all.  I'm just worried that as the z4 training volume increases through build and peak phases, that this issue may persist or get worse.

Go see a physical therapist.. they can do ultrasound, needling, etc. Or at least a chiropractor who can do Graston and ART. 

A lot of muscle things won't get better on their own just through strengthening and stretching. Trust me, I usually get a combo of the above every week. As long as you have insurance, why not? 

It's normal to have things that bother you when your trying to push to your absolute max.. you just have to manage things to do the best you can to avoid getting actually 'injured'

Btw, I just re read what I wrote and I realized that a more normal response might be to back off the high intensity efforts. That's a fine approach, too.

For longer races, you can likely do well without a lot of high intensity running. Cycling, you definitely need to be able to push because you can only get so far through easier efforts only

2012-02-22 5:21 PM
in reply to: #4061396

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
ATLrunr - 2012-02-22 5:12 PM
japewang - 2012-02-22 12:16 PM now that I'm in the "build" phase of my plan, the bike and run plan calls for several z4 pickups and some intervals.  Its only going to increase from here on out.

Here's my situation.  I have very very tight hamstrings, particularly right where the hammy meets the glute.  When i go intense, it tends to get very very sore.  My left one much more so than my right.  Visualize fraying cables as your hamstrings. Thats what it feels like.

I have no idea what it is.  If its hamstring tendonosis, sciatia, piriformis syndrome, or just plain stiff muscles.  I had an athletic trainer do some muscle scraping and that seemed to I can manage the discomfort with foam rolling, stretching, and making sure to take ice baths after my long rides and runs.

Thoughts on how to treat?  Its by no means debilitating, and when i'm only doing z1,z2 efforts, it doesn't bother at all.  I'm just worried that as the z4 training volume increases through build and peak phases, that this issue may persist or get worse.

Go see a physical therapist.. they can do ultrasound, needling, etc. Or at least a chiropractor who can do Graston and ART. 

A lot of muscle things won't get better on their own just through strengthening and stretching. Trust me, I usually get a combo of the above every week. As long as you have insurance, why not? 

It's normal to have things that bother you when your trying to push to your absolute max.. you just have to manage things to do the best you can to avoid getting actually 'injured'

Btw, I just re read what I wrote and I realized that a more normal response might be to back off the high intensity efforts. That's a fine approach, too.

For longer races, you can likely do well without a lot of high intensity running. Cycling, you definitely need to be able to push because you can only get so far through easier efforts only

Haha.  Mom's a PT.  She says just stretch more often and longer.  The trainers that I saw did graston and ART.  That graston stuff worked pretty well.  Maybe i just need to find a graston pro that takes my insurance.  

The running is what makes it flare up.  The cycling usually is fine.

The good thing is that its not acting up right now!

2012-02-22 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Japewang-I'm with ya, I hate nagging injuries. I'm terrible at stretching too.  That is something I think many people, including myself, could probably help from injuries happening.  The ole foam roller, boy does it suck, but I think it works.

Bethany-I've seen on ST that they expect IMKY to sell out before April. I was really wanting to at least do a half before signing up for a full, but we'll see. Weighing the pros and cons to both races.  It looks like I'll have to be in PA for work for all of June and most of July, so that is kinda playing a factor too.  I'm looking at the plan Japewang sent me for a possible IM plan, but the October date for B2B would definitely give me more time to get ready than IMKY in August. The only advantage to doing IMKY over B2B is it's the "Ironman" series, blah blah blah whatever. I'm not a triathlete diva like that, but  a few guys in our tri club doing IMKY, that's the only reason I'm considering it.  Any info on IMKY might sway me one way or the other. 

2012-02-22 6:26 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Very subjective.. But from my perspective KY....The good: Tt swim...nice to not have that mass start. Also, there is a very slight current during the downstream that you can use to your advantage. It doesn't sell out as quick..Can drive there and sign up late ..I could and this was a pro for me at leastHaving friends always a huge plus ..Bike course is rolling...Run is easyThe bad: Swim can make you did me. It didn't ruin my race but affected it for sure.Can be b lazing hot..this is a con for some..I was fine w it and weather was great. Some of the Roads are hella bumpy...just ouch.Sounds like you might have some training limitations in the months preceeding which wouldn't be ideal. If you think your family is okay with you doing ims for awhile maybe you could 'try it out' w b2b this year and do a branded one your friends are doing next year. If you think you can likely only do one in the next few years, maybe you want to pick a special epic one and prepare meticulously.If you're not worried about taking it too seriuosly and just want to try it out then I guess why not this year. It's easy to come up with lots of reasons why or why not

Edited by ATLrunr 2012-02-22 6:30 PM
2012-02-22 6:27 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Sorry about the endless runon. iPad again.

2012-02-22 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
My big thing is of course work. Being gone every other year makes it rough to get to do races (grant you I didn't even do my first road race til 34), and since I really got into wanting to do a triathlon when I got home this past September, I'm trying to take full advantage of the time home to get some races in. I've been "promised" to have at least 2 years home, but who knows. With being in PA for the 2 months this summer, I have already called to make sure they have a pool up there, and of course I'm taking my bike and shoes.  One big thing is next week I'm going to slowly start working on my run form cause I'm such a terrible heel striker.  Got a coach that is going to use the pose method and attempt to help me become a midfoot striker, since the pair of shoes I wore for the marathon this past weekend had maybe 50 miles on them and the heel rubber is already almost worn thru (yes, I'm a BAD heel striker).  If I'm going to do either one of them, I'm going to give it my all and bust my tail to be as ready as possible. I'm not doing it just to do it, grant ya, I'll never be an AG'er or qualify for Kona, but one thing I will do is leave it all on the course. My big concern is the swim. I'm pretty confident I can be ready for the bike and run by then, and I have been told about the current at IMKY, so that makes me think more about it too.  Decisions decisions decisions.  
2012-02-25 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Headed out to the Greater Philadelphia Endurance Sports Expo today .  Pushes back my bike so I'll be putting 3.5 hours on the trainer.  That's quality xbox time....

Happy training!

2012-02-26 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Nice! I still am kindof shaking my head about that!!

We had our big multisports expo in GA yesterday so I was busy with that. 10k yesterday morning, then the expo all day, then a bday party last night. Today is an easy two hour spin. 


What does everyone else have on tap??

Edited by ATLrunr 2012-02-26 9:11 AM
2012-02-26 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Well I have a cold which has sucked, but since it has been a recovery week, that has kept me from being stupid and going out hard. Rode an hour yesterday in 35kt winds on a 4 mile loop.  Downwind was AWESOME, but the headwind was brutal. Did a little 5 mile run to try to get the rest of this crap out of my lungs and nose and tried a little pose running technique. Not sure what to think except 36 years old isn't the time to be attempting to change my running style. We'll see how it goes.

This week, it's time to get back at it.  Pool and some hard bike riding. Gotta get faster on that thing with 2 wheels.  A little bit of running will of course be added to keep it going. Weather dependent, on Saturday I'm looking at doing a 1 mile swim, 40 mile bike, and 5 mile run.  Might be rainy, but we'll see.

Hope everyone has a great week of training.

Japewang-3.5 hours on a trainer, that's hardcore, even if you are playing a xbox.

2012-02-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Well today I got back at it this morning by doing an hour on the trainer....uneventful, but I was sweating up a storm (getting out the last bit of this cold).

Went to the pool at lunch.  Did a good 2800yd workout.  Today after some warmup stuff was our 500yd for time. Our coach does this around the beginning and end of each month to see our progress.  Well on Feb 2nd, I did 9:39 on the 500yd for time, and today I'm did it in 9:21.  18 seconds shaved off for this month.  Sure would like to get faster, but it's not like the swim is where the time is made at.  Time to start pedaling my brains out.

Hope everyone had a good Monday workout and has a ton planned this week.

2012-02-27 8:52 PM
in reply to: #4067165

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
Joey Blankenship - 2012-02-26 3:19 PM....nd tried a little pose running technique. Not sure what to think except 36 years old isn't the time to be attempting to change my running style. We'll see how it goes.



Yes... I agree with you 100 percent!!!!! Don't get injured trying to change when your current style of running is certainly fine!

2012-02-27 8:53 PM
in reply to: #4069457

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Hey! 18 seconds is a good improvement. There will be a time in the not too distant future where you would kill for 18 more seconds!! 


Good job.

2012-02-27 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!

Having a devil of a time trying to find a masters swimming class in my area!

The only one I did find was Tues. & Thurs. from 6:30-7:45am.  Can't swing it with my work schedule!   I'm going to have to keep searching!

2012-02-28 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3950650

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Subject: RE: ATLrunr's IM/HIM group CLOSED and training!!
I spent the weekend in Denver at a club volleyball tournament for my daughter.  I ran in the hotel gym twice, but most of my time was spent in the convention center or walking back and forth between the convention center and the hotel.  Got in at midnight last night, so I'm exhausted today.  My just do yoga tonight and that's it.  Hope to be back to training tomorrow.
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