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2007-02-05 8:57 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Okay, stupid question, but... how do I put my picture by my name....and, what's an avatar?
Sorry, not a techno geek (nor even techno savvy).... Tara

2007-02-05 9:40 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Kirk knows this much better than I do, but go to Control Panel and scroll to the bottom of the page.  There you can upload an image and a personal photo.  I believe this is also called your avatar.  Where people get the crazy, animated ones, I have no idea.
2007-02-06 12:07 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hi all!
My name is Megan, I'm 25, and grad student from the southwest suburbs of Chicago. I'm currently trying to finish my doctorate in clinical psychology and I have a little over a year left- hopefully . My life at the moment is crazy and I've been living in 2 different cities every week since August. My other, temporary home is in Bloomington, IL. I'm also a former collegiate athlete and I really miss being active and competitive, so I decided to give triathlons a try. The end goal for this year is to complete the Chicago Tri in August with my boyfriend. This will be my first Oly tri. I've set up some mini races prior to "the big" race to help keep me motivated and focused, of which will be my first duathlon and my first 8k. Lots of firsts for 07!

My history with tris is short: I've done the biking part of a team sprint tri about 2 years ago. I used a hybrid bike for that race, which I will never use for another race again! So I'm looking for bikes and suggestions as to what brands/types are the best and affordable. I'm anticipating swimming being my most challenging area. It was probably a sign when I quit swimming lessons at age 6...

Having a focus on strength training is also a goal of mine, for the races and since I will also be playing on a fastpitch softball team on weekends this summer. I'm looking for help with incorporating speed training and strength training into my training schedule. I have a reconstructed knee so I'm also concerned with keeping my legs healthy and strong while staying active. So if anyone has knee exercises or suggestions, please send them my way too!

I'm looking forward to being a part of the group! Thanks for adding me!


Edited by mpietrucha 2007-02-06 12:09 AM
2007-02-06 8:55 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: Control panel question

Nevermind - I got it

How do I get the weather forecast to show in my training log? I have it selected, but it's not showing.


Edited by tamimoreno70 2007-02-06 9:04 AM
2007-02-06 11:37 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I think you have to be a "paying" member to get the weather and other features.
2007-02-07 9:57 AM
in reply to: #681165

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Not much chatter going on in here .

Not that I have much to say but I certainly like coming here to read what's going on. I've been checking everyones logs each day but it's not the same as keeping the conversation going.

Most of you all started your training before I did. I know I'm still early enough into this that I'm still feeling motivated and are the rest of you feeling. I'm hoping that in a couple of weeks the novelty doesn't wear off and I lose motivation. I just keep thinking how good it will feel to have crossed that finish line.

talk to you all soon!!


2007-02-07 2:16 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL


Your right - everyone's been kinda quiet lately.  I think everyone's pretty busy.

I am really early on in this thing too - like 2 weeks into it.  I'm feeling pretty motivated at this point.  Some days I have to push myself to get to the gym, but once I'm there I enjoy myself.  Some days I find myself frustrated that I can't do more but I am trying to be patient with the process. 

Anyway - I haven't been great at checking into logs.  Maybe I should do more of that.

Have a good one!


2007-02-07 6:28 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hey Jay & Tami,

I'm still here!!! Working hard at increasing my runnning distance/speed... I'd like to be able to run the whole distance in the Shamrock Run on 3/17. At this point I think I'd die. I checked out your logs - good work at being consistent. You eat an elephant one bite at a time.

Being in this online mentor group (I was in a different one before this one started) has helped me get through some phases that I've previously pooped out in. It has helped me stay focused and receive inspiration from reading other people's logs and struggles. One thing that has really helped me is that now I'm identifying myself as a triathlete. If I get up in the morning and start making excuses not to exercise, I say to myself (sometimes out loud), "I AM A TRIATHLETE." Keep telling yourself that and you'll begin to believe it!!

Way to go - and don't forget to have fun while you're training.

2007-02-07 6:50 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hello all,

I must apologize for not being as attentive to the group as I have been in the past. I am working on getting over a cold and work has been keeping me quite busy from the minute I walk in the door to the minute I can sneak away. I know its not really an excuse, but its the best I can do right now.

The animated pictures you see in my avatar or others, you find across the internet. When you see a picture you like you just right click on the picture then click on the "Save Picture As" option. I have a folder of things like the shoes you see under my name. If I want to change I just think of something and go to google images and browse around. You can always find something interesting.

I am very glad to see that people are interested and excited about upcoming triathlons. It is usually recommended that you pick one major race that you want to shoot for. That is called your "A" race. All of your training will be geared to that one race. Oh you can do other races in between, but they are referred to as "B" races or "tune-up" races. Personally, I am right now looking at finishing my marathon season. I have two or three more to do before summer. At that point I will be full focused on doing a HIM (Half Ironman) in mid-summer, then doing a full IM (Ironman) by the end of the summer. Just in time to start my marathon season again. Yay for me.

Right now must trainings should be focusing on building a base or endurance for each event. More time should be focused on those areas that are considered weakest - e.g. for me it is the swim (2.4 miles is a long time in the pool). Patience and perseverance will be most important right now. Keep up the enthusiasm.

2007-02-07 8:00 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Any suggestions on starting a weight training program?

I have access to the gym - however - I do not like lifting in front of guys.  I would prefer - at least to start - to just work with dumbells (I have 2, 3, 5 & 10 lbs), balance ball, and stretch bands.  Is there a good video out there for beginners?  I am nervous about building the quads too much as I did that in college and bulked up way too much for a chick.  The abs, on the other hand, need a whole bunch of work!!

Thanks for any suggestions you can give.  I don't want to spend a ton of time on the strength part - at least not for now - just something to get me started once or twice a week.   Would tae-bo count as stregnth stuff??



2007-02-07 9:56 PM
in reply to: #629883


Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I am in the first week of my 22-week training program, and so far it is going pretty well. I am pretty strong in the swimming and am very strong in the biking but can't run worth a damn!

Interval training in running has been very successful for me in the past, and I am looking forward to ramping up from walk to run/walk. I am not going to push it though because I am overweight and don't want to injure myself.

The swim for my A event is an ocean swim, which is rather exciting/scary as I have never really swum in the ocean before...and the ocean is darn cold up here, even in the summer!

I am getting SO excited!!!

2007-02-08 3:30 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Great job everyone! I think I have everyone's links to my log - I hope I did not miss anyone.

My week is not going so great, I had big plans for the week, ordering some things I will need and most importantly running and biking. I take care of my Grandson, he is almost 2 and he has been sick this week. I have severe lack of sleep (average about 3 hours a night so far) and just couldn't do it yesterday. Today seemed like half an effort. I have a short amount of time and a lot of work to do to get ready for my first tri....

I have no place to swim until around April or May and my race is in June. My DH was a bit discouraging here as he said I need at least a year of swimming or it will really kick my booty, that it is the hardest part. It is a 300 meter swim and this has made me a little apprehensive as to how ready I will be but I am doing it anyway.

Hope you are all having a great week and I hope to make to everyones log sometime this week!

Welcome to all newcomers if I missed you!
2007-02-08 9:12 AM
in reply to: #683673

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Great to hear from everyone. It's nice to start the day reading all of the posts.

Tara - I think there is something to the idea of considering yourself a triathlete. Just kidding around I tell my wife that I'm a triathlete now...but I think part of me is trying to drill it into my head so that I keep training like I need to so that I can do a triathlon.

talk to you all soon,

2007-02-08 3:48 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Sugar Hill, GA
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I'm not sure how I feel about being labeled a "Clydesdale" but I guess it is what it is. My goal is to get under 200 lbs. but until I do I'll embrace it and use these mammoth horses in my avatar.
2007-02-08 5:23 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Have you ever seen a Clydesdale? They're beautiful, powerful horses (and they represent beer!!-actually my husband would call it "swill." He makes his own and its usually brown ale). Anyway - wear the title proudly~! I know what ya mean about being "catagorized." I wish I could move into the next age category even though it means I'm getting older. I'll be racing 3 days before my 50th birthday which means I'll be the oldest one in my age bracket. Dang! I think that'll give me incentive to keep on doing "tri's" so I can be the youngest in my age bracket after my "major" birthday.

Keep up the good work. It finally warmed up here so I got in the pool today and hope to get on the bike tomorrow or Saturday - Yeeessss!

See ya,
2007-02-08 11:26 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Hey y'all.  I, too have been slow on the response times due to work, kids and the February blahs.  It got so bad on Monday that I blew off my swim (which I desperately need, as I'm trying to convert to the Total Immersion program - more on that later).   I found myself staying up later and later to get everything in and as a result getting more and more tired - a vicious cycle.  By Wednesday, I was pretty bummed anticipating my knee would not be any better.  Soccer practice was crazy - you just can't control 12 8-9 year old girls - and I had to bring my smaller two kids as mom had had it with them.  So it wasn't even until nearly 10 pm that I even got to my running buddy's (RB) house.  Well, my knee held up and even seemed to get better during the run.  We put 6 miles on for the first time in weeks.  I still feel it during the day, but I think I'm over the hump.  Then came tonight's indoor soccer and the start of outdoor, tomorrow night (I kind of love soccer) and the knee, while making "noise" is handling things.  This weekend's run with RB will tell a lot as we're shooting to go 7-9.  We've got 2 more training weeks before the 1/2 mary and feel like we need to get in some serious mileage, albeit slowly.  Well, this wasn't intended to be a rant, but thanks for listening, anyway.

What I really wanted to say to the first timers in the group is this - as you begin to train, recognize that what you're really doing is training your body and mind, not only to be a triathlete, but into a major life alteration.  It is good to have an A race and several B races (personally, I don't look at it like that as I have at least 2 A races coming this season) as goals.  More importantly, you have taken steps to get fit, get outdoors and prove to yourself and the doubters around you that you can hit these goals and actually complete this thing.  Completion should be your goal and the time will be what you measure every subsequent race against, should you choose that route.  Personally, I'll never win a triathlon, 10k, 5k, or other distance run as my age group for the next 15 years is highly competitive (I'm 39).  But I can beat my last time, can cut my transition times and reaffirm that I haven't drowned.  Well, I ramble on, again.

I enjoy monitoring the traffic on our group and jumping in.  Keep working on your goals, but don't get discouraged if you have a bad day or have to skip a workout for whatever reason.  Listen to your body and mind and you'll find you're really jonesing for a run/ride/swim.

2007-02-09 6:48 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Wow Doug - thank you! What an encouragement...and you're so right. Even though I'm training for a specific race or races right now, I love how I feel and I love what I'm learning about overcoming mostly mental hurdles (it was cold and foggy this morning and I wanted to go back to bed sooo bad, but I ran the fastest 3 miles I've run since I've been training.) Now, I can go to work and tackle other hurdles knowing that I can over come. It really does change more than just your bodily fitness level. I love living this life style and I'm realizing its a totla commitment, but it's totally worth it. You're encouraging too because we're watching you continue to train with a nagging injury. I'm so used to caving in when the slightest thing alters my plans - thanks for letting us watch from the side lines...and good luck with the knee.

Hey, by the way - how is Texmom? Is she training? I just went back and read your intro and realized that she is a triathlete too. You guys are one active fam...Keep it up - there's too many fat little kids running around out there who are gonna face some serious health troubles when they get older!

Have a good one,

2007-02-09 1:49 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

If you really want inspiration, follow Texmom's blog.  She's awesome.  She's got the distance for the 1/2 mary down and we'll focus together on the Oly tri in April just as soon as this run is done.  Sometimes we get a sitter for a weekend morning and head out for a long ride.  Our 8 y.o. daughter is training for her first kids tri in May (swimming lessons right now) and cross training with soccer (like her old man).  Texmom and I have long had the motto "the family that plays together, stays together" whether that's biking in the 'hood or skiing on Spring Break.  This year we'll begin to do more camping, as well as canoeing.  We're pretty active, but I don't know what we'd do if we weren't doing all this.  Well, maybe the yard would get mowed a bit more frequently and the weeds pulled more often, which is also good for you.

Thanks for the kind response.  I'll keep watching your blog.

2007-02-09 7:00 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Okay, the ol' achilles are startin' to tighten up, feel "thick" and a little tender to walk on. I changed my running route from running circles around my neighborhood (1/2 mile each loop) to running down to the highway and back. It has a huge hill ("Hell Hill") and I experienced achilles pain on my second day of running the hill (okay, running and walking the hill). Anyway, I've been stretching after I warm up but before I begin my run, then again after my run and throughout the day. Its not to the point of preventing me from running yet but I feel them tightening up more and more. Any solutions? I don't really have any other options than the hill unless I go back to the boring "running the 1/2 mile loop" 6-7 times.

Thanks for any help you can offer.


By the way - Where the heck is everybody????
2007-02-09 9:12 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Good evening all. Great too see people are still coming and posting here. I again apologize that I don't get the time to post here as I would like. Work is hectic and I need to stay on top of things. That means putting in more hours then I would like and having little to no time to get online.

I continue to recover from my cold and I am trying to put in miles without hurting my calf too bad. Tonight's run might have been a little hard on it. But tomorrow will really tell.

I hope all is doing well and staying motivated. Talk more soon.

2007-02-10 1:58 PM
in reply to: #629883

Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Lot's of great commo on our forum. It inspires me everytime I log on or get an update. I just finished my practice mini-tri. I was able to increase distance for all three events! Swam first - 700 meters in 24.5 minutes; then stationary bike for 10 miles in 38.5 minutes; then ran 2.5 miles in 25.5 minutes. I know these times are slow compared to the rest of you studs and studdets, but hey, for a 54 year old guy, I'm happy with how far I've come.
I've got a few questions for the veterans -----
If the swim is the first event and you're wearing a wet suit, what is the best technique for peeling off the wetsuit and getting your biking/running clothes on during transition? I'm assuming you wear your biking/running clothes underneath the wetsuit.?
Is there a technique for marking your gear so that you don't waste time looking for your stuff during transition?
Are there restrictions on where you leave your gear after each event?
These are probably pretty standard questions, and I apologize for not searching in the articles for the answers, but I thought this might be a good opportunity for some dialogue among our group members. April is coming up fast.
I wish everyone a happy Valentines Day.

Edited by colwins440 2007-02-10 1:58 PM

2007-02-10 3:17 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
I'b be interested in suggestions for wet suits as well. I have until June/July before I get into lake Michigan (Brrr!) but I'm wondering if anyone has info on brands or styles for women? Or where I can purchase near Chicago.
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
2007-02-10 8:49 PM
in reply to: #686342

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Crystal River, FL
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL
Hey Tony - Way to go!!! I'm almost in the 50+ category too so any time I see anyone over 50 competing and "tri'ing" I'm encouraged. Oh gosh, I had the same "reality check" today. I swam at the pool and then intentionally wanted to hurry and put on my biking shorts, drive to the place I was going to ride, and hop on my bike. I couldn't get my stupid biking shorts on for the longest time cuz I was wet. It made me realize there must be an easier way. I think some people wear "tri" shorts that you can swim in and then hop on the bike in.

As far as transition goes, the couple of tri's Iv'e watched, you are assigned a space on a bike rack and you can lay out a towel and all your gear next to your bike (plus a little basin to wash the sand off your feet if you swim in the Gulf of Mexico or have to run on a beach like we do). After your swim, you go to your pre-assigned bike spot, put on your bike shoes and helmet and go. When you return, you come back to the same spot and your running shoes are there. You rack your bike, switch your shoes and go. I think this is correct. If anybody has any different routines, please let us know. Somewhere in there ya gotta figure out drinking some fluids and refueling your body too. Talk about multi-tasking.....

Hope this helps. I sound like I know what I'm talking about but I've never actually done it. After the bathing suit to bike shorts fiasco today, I'm sure its a lot harder than it looks and it warrants practice.

Keep up the awesome work!
2007-02-10 11:17 PM
in reply to: #629883

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Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

I can't answer for the women regarding the tri suit, but I have worn tri shorts which are cycling shorts with a thinner chamois which allows you to swim, bike and run.  No need to change them at all.  On top, I've donned a running/cycling shirt, usually sleeveless and zippered in front.  This has caused problems as it doesn't go on well when it or I am wet.  Oddly enough, both of my tris last year included rain so my stuff got wet.  I have purchased a trisuit which has the shorts and top connected, like a "farmer john" wetsuit.  I have never worn it and don't know when it'll make its event debut.  As for a wetsuit, I just ordered one for texmom and me for V-day (neoprene instead of silk, this year).  They are coming from in Oregon.  This company has gotten some good reviews from BTers as well as the fact that a tri buddy of mine in Washington has one and recommended it.  He also recommended the tri shorts.  Before those, I was training in swimming trunks.  Now, I have purchased a sleek (like cycling shorts but w/o any padding) swimming suit for training.  I just discovered that the chlorine eats at it, so good thing I haven't been swimming in my racing gear.  Much cheaper to replace the cheapos.  for my first ever tri, in 2000, I wore a "padded" speedo (Oh the horror of it all!) but put cycling shorts on for the ride.  I might have even changed to running shorts at that one, too, but don't remember.

Transistions I've been involved with are not sheltered like IM Kona on TV.  They are usually in a field or parking lot.  There are bike racks which quickly fill up.  You have a very small amount of space to lay out your towel and gear.  I have seem some people use little tubs of water to get the grass/sand off their feet, but if you're in a parking lot, you won't need it.  Anyway, you put on your cycling gear and head out.  You return to your rack (have to remember where it is) and change to your running shoes.  I allow myself 2 luxuries/necessities - socks and gloves on the ride.  Socks for the run, but I put them on for the ride, and gloves in case I crash on the bike.  Others will do it differently, but this has worked for me.

2007-02-12 9:27 AM
in reply to: #629883

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth
Subject: RE: MarkQuiet's group - FULL

Ah... the infamous transistion and wetsuit topics!!! Got to love these questions. Here are my comments on those questions.

 I don't own a wetsuit and have not yet needed one. However, most people that I have talked to that use them will swim with the tri shorts and top underneath. Personally, I use tri shorts for most of my training - with the exception of long runs. I have worked on a plan to reduce the amount of changing that is needed in transitions. For the guys either go shirtless or wear the tri shirt into the water - it'll dry out on the bike anyway. As for socks - get the tri socks. DON"T WEAR COTTON. Since switching to tri socks I have done two tris, a couple of 15Ks, a couple of 5Ks, some 10Ks, and a marathon. Several of those races have been in the rain. The socks work wonders in preventing blisters. In one case I have gotten out of the pool, ran to the transition area only to find out it was pouring rain. I still put on my socks and used them in both the bike and the run. They worked great. No blisters or that wet slooshy feeling you get with cotton. I also don't feel like my feet get shriveled when wet for a while.

You have very little room in most transition areas, so don't plan on bringing a lot with you. In fact the lest amount of items you have in your transition area that faster you will be. Forget the pail of water. Just have an extra bottle of water with a sports top to squirt on your feet before putting them in the socks. If you are wearing tri socks you don't even have to worry about drying your feet. The socks will take care of that. The hardest part of the transition is finding your spot in the middle of the race. Many people will mark the bike or area with bright towels, ribbons, or sometimes ballons. Just something to get your attention when you are looking over the sea of bikes. Personally I use a USMC red towel drapped over my handle bars.

As everyone gets closer to their first race these questions will come back up. Many people will also add "transitions" into their workouts. I read in one persons blog last year that he will go to a lake, setup a transition area in the parking lot. He will then swim out in the lake a little way, swim back in, run up to his transition area, change, head out on the bike (practice with mounting), ride for a mile or so, return, and transition back in (practice dismounting). He said he will do that a dozen or so times for his workout of the day.

I would suggest not going to such extremes. Most of us will not be looking at an AG (Age Group) placement so the extra 30 seconds or so will not make much of a difference. However, it is very easy to get caught up in the maddness of rushing through a transition area. Do practice it once or twice so you have a plan, but don't obsess too much over it.

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