Other Resources Challenge Me! » Nibbs XXIII Rss Feed  
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2008-08-28 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1634395

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Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
wgraves7582 - 2008-08-28 9:18 AM

Morning Nibbs - Checking in from the Albuquerque SunPort (They don't have an airport for some reason!)

Long boring flight to Baltimore but I picked up some good reading material at REI last night - Outside (with a free Surf DVD to watch on the flight!), Bike, and Rocky Mt Bike.

How is everyone doing so far today (or tonight for those of us in a different time zone )?

I had to laugh - I asked the guy at security how he was and he said busy morning today.  I was in line for 2 seconds and through security.  Maybe he should go visit Denver, New York, LA, or a busy airport to see what busy truly is.  Then the id checker told me I need a new drivers license because the security marks are almost gone.  OK buddy - no problem - I will look into that when I get back home (and when the issue me a new one in 2010).

Funny how little things bother certain people and I even got a good nights sleep.  Oh well time to head home!

Security markers. I didn't know the drivers licenses had security markers.

Have a great flight.

Edited by kns57 2008-08-28 9:20 AM

2008-08-28 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1634401

Subject: ...
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2008-08-28 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1598936

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2008-08-28 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1634427

Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
wgraves7582 - 2008-08-28 9:26 AM

Why do people think that other people need to hear their cell phone conversations?

If you feel the need to talk real loud go somewhere else and leave me alone!

Wow - I am in a chipper mood today   Better take a nap

haha... that's one of my peeves as well.

It's getting really hard to be motivated to work.  Think I might brush up on my Pai Gow strategy

2008-08-28 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
Good afternoon, Nibbs.

Wow. Busy, busy Nibbs! I'll try to catch up later. Just finished a nice 44 and a quarter mile ride OUTSIDE Overcast and a little misty at times, but generally very pleasant. I do love riding my bike. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

2008-08-28 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1634002

Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII

enders_shadow - 2008-08-28 4:39 AM
D001 - 2008-08-27 9:05 PM Well, it used to be all about Hector. Then Hector disappeared. So it became all about Beth. Until Mila and I started waving our whips, cattle prods and tasers. But now that Hector's back... does that mean it's all about him again?

Yes! Someone that understands me! Taser, whips, and hot BT ladies how lucky am I, it sounds like I showed up at the right time. LOL

Edited by HCS5QA 2008-08-28 12:49 PM

2008-08-28 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII

I need some advice, and I'm hoping my nibbies will be generous enough to give it. Here goes:

I got sick last saturday morning, but felt well enough to go to my daughter's bday party at an outdoor pool (for 4 hours no less). By Sunday morning, I wasn't holding anything down, and couldn't stop vomiting for about 8 hours (sorry if that's TMI). That got me a trip to the urgent care center, 2 liters of IV fluid and some anti nausea meds. I haven't thrown up since, but have continued to struggle with vertigo-like dizziness. So, fast forward to Thursday. I'm eating again, but still feel pretty weak. I've only needed the anti-nausea meds once in the last 24 hours. The most activity I've done is driving the kids 3 miles to/from school. I really want to do the pool sprint I planned for Saturday, but I'm not sure if it is a good idea. Any thoughts?


2008-08-28 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1635166

Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
givemashot - 2008-08-28 10:51 AM

I need some advice, and I'm hoping my nibbies will be generous enough to give it. Here goes:

I got sick last saturday morning, but felt well enough to go to my daughter's bday party at an outdoor pool (for 4 hours no less). By Sunday morning, I wasn't holding anything down, and couldn't stop vomiting for about 8 hours (sorry if that's TMI). That got me a trip to the urgent care center, 2 liters of IV fluid and some anti nausea meds. I haven't thrown up since, but have continued to struggle with vertigo-like dizziness. So, fast forward to Thursday. I'm eating again, but still feel pretty weak. I've only needed the anti-nausea meds once in the last 24 hours. The most activity I've done is driving the kids 3 miles to/from school. I really want to do the pool sprint I planned for Saturday, but I'm not sure if it is a good idea. Any thoughts?


I hope you figure it out soon but it doesn't sound like a good idea to push it too much. Take care of yourself, maybe some more feedback from the doc is required.

2008-08-28 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1635166

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
givemashot - 2008-08-28 12:51 PM

I need some advice, and I'm hoping my nibbies will be generous enough to give it. Here goes:

I got sick last saturday morning, but felt well enough to go to my daughter's bday party at an outdoor pool (for 4 hours no less). By Sunday morning, I wasn't holding anything down, and couldn't stop vomiting for about 8 hours (sorry if that's TMI). That got me a trip to the urgent care center, 2 liters of IV fluid and some anti nausea meds. I haven't thrown up since, but have continued to struggle with vertigo-like dizziness. So, fast forward to Thursday. I'm eating again, but still feel pretty weak. I've only needed the anti-nausea meds once in the last 24 hours. The most activity I've done is driving the kids 3 miles to/from school. I really want to do the pool sprint I planned for Saturday, but I'm not sure if it is a good idea. Any thoughts?


The key is to listen to your body. If I was still dizzy, then I would think my body was telling me "no". But if your dizzyness goes away today and you can eat pretty well, then that might be a 'maybe'. You know yourself better than anyone else. So.. again, listen to your body.

2008-08-28 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII

Did Tinkerbeth go away and not make us thin again before she did so?  Does that mean we aren't allowed to do a lot of posting until she gets back online, or are we going to see how far above the 100 mark we can get?
2008-08-28 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1635166

Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
givemashot - 2008-08-28 1:51 PM

I need some advice, and I'm hoping my nibbies will be generous enough to give it. Here goes:

I got sick last saturday morning, but felt well enough to go to my daughter's bday party at an outdoor pool (for 4 hours no less). By Sunday morning, I wasn't holding anything down, and couldn't stop vomiting for about 8 hours (sorry if that's TMI). That got me a trip to the urgent care center, 2 liters of IV fluid and some anti nausea meds. I haven't thrown up since, but have continued to struggle with vertigo-like dizziness. So, fast forward to Thursday. I'm eating again, but still feel pretty weak. I've only needed the anti-nausea meds once in the last 24 hours. The most activity I've done is driving the kids 3 miles to/from school. I really want to do the pool sprint I planned for Saturday, but I'm not sure if it is a good idea. Any thoughts?


You say you still feel pretty weak. I would plan on not doing the race. It sounds like a recipe for a relapse to me. If you are already dehydrated and undernourished and are very tired by just doing your normal daily activities, image how you will feel during intense, high heart rate activity that has you going from horizontal in the water to vertical on a bike and pounding on the run. I'm the world's worst for listening to my body, especially if I've plunked down money for a race that I really want to do. Every time I have talked myself into "not really racing it (HA!)" I've had bad consequences. You aren't even a week out from this. It does not sound like a good idea to me. JMHO.

Edited by barqhead 2008-08-28 2:07 PM

2008-08-28 3:28 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII


 Spaz In four minutes I leave work for a 5 day weekend.  Yahoo!Spaz 

2008-08-28 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1635732

Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
kns57 - 2008-08-28 3:28 PM


 Spaz In four minutes I leave work for a 5 day weekend.  Yahoo!Spaz 

woo hoo!  45 minutes and a four day one for me!  Gustav is cutting a day off, but so what.  It's still twice as long as a normal weekend!!

Nice whip action

2008-08-28 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII


As other wise nibbs have said, listen to your body.  You still have over 24 hours to recover, so there definitely is hope.  Hope you keep getting better!

2008-08-28 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII

Boy... I've been gone too long...

And unfortunately... this is just another drive by... I did all the spreadsheets and forgot to add M/F on the sheets... now I'm all mixed up.... and people in the conf room are arguing on what needs to go on the bags... and others are arguing about logo's for an entire other event I'm in charge of... and I'm losing my head...

I can NOT wait to sit down Sat at 3pm MST with my buddy Jack and watch some FOOTBALLLLL!!!!!!!!  Yes, I even plan on asking hubby to tape Gameday on Sat... I feel like it would be sacreligious to miss the first episode of Gameday2009.....

See, I've been gone from here for so long.... I'm forgetting how to post pad....

Well, back to my spreadsheets for the Tri....

2008-08-28 5:12 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
Thanks, guys. I appreciate the responses. I do have another 24 hours or so to decide, so that eases the anxiety a little. I did go to the pool today and swam an easy 600 yards. i actually felt better while I was swimming. i have a busy night tonight so I didn't want to push it too much, though. So, I guess time will tell. 

2008-08-28 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII

Amy, you forgot to mention that you swam 600yds this morning....

Oh, BTW... the swim got shortened 50m for the ladies so you don't have to run around the pool.... you'll start on the North side but exit on the South....


2008-08-28 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
^^^^^ Funny, it took me a minute to post that....
2008-08-28 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1636038

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
geauxtri - 2008-08-28 4:11 PM

Boy... I've been gone too long...

And unfortunately... this is just another drive by... I did all the spreadsheets and forgot to add M/F on the sheets... now I'm all mixed up.... and people in the conf room are arguing on what needs to go on the bags... and others are arguing about logo's for an entire other event I'm in charge of... and I'm losing my head...

I can NOT wait to sit down Sat at 3pm MST with my buddy Jack and watch some FOOTBALLLLL!!!!!!!!  Yes, I even plan on asking hubby to tape Gameday on Sat... I feel like it would be sacreligious to miss the first episode of Gameday2009.....

See, I've been gone from here for so long.... I'm forgetting how to post pad....

Well, back to my spreadsheets for the Tri....

hey you! hang in there. jack wants to see you ASAP, though.  

2008-08-28 5:15 PM
in reply to: #1636044

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
geauxtri - 2008-08-28 4:13 PM

Amy, you forgot to mention that you swam 600yds this morning....

Oh, BTW... the swim got shortened 50m for the ladies so you don't have to run around the pool.... you'll start on the North side but exit on the South....


Sweet! that means I could actually compare my first tri to this one. If I do it. Still undecided. 

2008-08-28 5:15 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
Gotta run. Swim lessons for the kiddos...BBL.

2008-08-28 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1636047

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
givemashot - 2008-08-28 4:14 PM
geauxtri - 2008-08-28 4:11 PM

Boy... I've been gone too long...

And unfortunately... this is just another drive by... I did all the spreadsheets and forgot to add M/F on the sheets... now I'm all mixed up.... and people in the conf room are arguing on what needs to go on the bags... and others are arguing about logo's for an entire other event I'm in charge of... and I'm losing my head...

I can NOT wait to sit down Sat at 3pm MST with my buddy Jack and watch some FOOTBALLLLL!!!!!!!!  Yes, I even plan on asking hubby to tape Gameday on Sat... I feel like it would be sacreligious to miss the first episode of Gameday2009.....

See, I've been gone from here for so long.... I'm forgetting how to post pad....

Well, back to my spreadsheets for the Tri....

hey you! hang in there. jack wants to see you ASAP, though.  

I can NOT make time for Jack until Sat.... I can't afford to oversleep...  Of course showing up for church on Sunday hungover could be interesting....

2008-08-28 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1598936

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
Hey Nibbs!
2008-08-28 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1635339

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII

kns57 - 2008-08-29 4:35 AM
Did Tinkerbeth go away and not make us thin again before she did so? Does that mean we aren't allowed to do a lot of posting until she gets back online, or are we going to see how far above the 100 mark we can get?

Id say that could be a FUN challenge! 

2008-08-28 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1634297

Subject: RE: Nibbs XXIII
sesh - 2008-08-28 11:39 PM

Giggity! It's college football season! They're kicking off tonight. NC State vs South Carolina (sis's alma mater). It's about time!!!


No no no no.. youve got it all wrong!!! The Vuelta starts tomorrow.... BIKES!!! (no live coverage here though just 10 min daily updates

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