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2011-07-15 7:45 PM
in reply to: #3598935

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Holy Crap Batman!!! I just realized that I was off a week in my training. I am glad I looked at it today I was finishing up week 8 and I should of been on week 7. Just a little nervous about that but I should be fine.

2011-07-16 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3599056

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I decided to add a 2 hour run into the mix today instead of taking the day off. I missed some running during the last week of training. It was a good run and I think it will do me alot of good. I ended up with 12.3 miles and the last 3 were a mind game. I would walk then run then walk then run. I could tell it was a nutrition issue but I had nothing else with me. I finally told myself to HTFU and just started running. I suffered through the last couple of miles and it felt good to push through those mental stops. Got home had some breakfast as I was really shaky then hit the ice bath now thats how you start off a weekend LOL. Hope everyone's training is going well I'm getting nervous knowing that my A race is in 6 weeks. But I can't wait to tri and Kill it. Happy training, doing a 2 hr ride in the morning
2011-07-18 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!  After getting too excited on a 3:2:1 running program for two weeks to increase my running endurance (after my layoff from the neuroma), I got achilles tendonitis in my left ankle this past Saturday.  I just kept feeling so great on the runs, I just kept adding on the miles, thinking OK, I'm listening to my body, feels good, so I can add a little more.  Then WHAM, after Saturday's 40mi. bike and 2 mi. run (and no stretching afterwards due to being rushed), I got hit with tendonitis in the afternoon.

Looking back on my logs, I jumped from 10.25 mi. week of 6/26 to 14.08 mi (35% increase) week of 7/3, then 17.17 mi (21% increase) last week -- STUPID STUPID STUPID.

OK, I got that off my chest.  Lesson learned, my HIM is not until Oct. 8, so do some healing w/ water jogging, just do the Oly on 7/30 as a practice session, and never go above 10% / week again.

Sorry for the rant.

2011-07-18 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3601201

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
windandsurf - 2011-07-18 6:54 AM

DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!  After getting too excited on a 3:2:1 running program for two weeks to increase my running endurance (after my layoff from the neuroma), I got achilles tendonitis in my left ankle this past Saturday.  I just kept feeling so great on the runs, I just kept adding on the miles, thinking OK, I'm listening to my body, feels good, so I can add a little more.  Then WHAM, after Saturday's 40mi. bike and 2 mi. run (and no stretching afterwards due to being rushed), I got hit with tendonitis in the afternoon.

Looking back on my logs, I jumped from 10.25 mi. week of 6/26 to 14.08 mi (35% increase) week of 7/3, then 17.17 mi (21% increase) last week -- STUPID STUPID STUPID.

OK, I got that off my chest.  Lesson learned, my HIM is not until Oct. 8, so do some healing w/ water jogging, just do the Oly on 7/30 as a practice session, and never go above 10% / week again.

Sorry for the rant.

Sorry to hear about your injury, here's to healing fast!!

2011-07-18 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3602891

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Had a 45 minute ride today and I decided to make it a TT. The last time I did a TT on this course was with my road bike and I avg. 19 mph for 16 miles. Going out I was already feeling my long workouts this weekend not to mention my workout this morning 1200 meter swim, hour weight lifting, followed by an hour long runners boot camp. I let it all hang out, there are five big rollers on the way out. So yes you have to do them on the way back. I ended up with a avg. of 22.3 MPH that is the fastest avg. I have ever had on the bike. It felt great hope everyone else had a great Day.
2011-07-19 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hi. This will be my fourth HIM but so much time elapses between each one that I always feel like its my first time. Also I lead a pretty busy life and find it difficult to keep training so that by the time the day of the race arrives I am not prepared/fit enough. I have always finished but my times stink. I would like to show up on a race day fully prepared and I would like to get a finish time of less than 7 hours. I have signed up for the 2011 Beach to Battleship HIM in Wilmington, NC. Hopefully fourth times a charm

2011-07-19 6:18 PM
in reply to: #3603603

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Rose.Davis - 2011-07-19 9:19 AM

Hi. This will be my fourth HIM but so much time elapses between each one that I always feel like its my first time. Also I lead a pretty busy life and find it difficult to keep training so that by the time the day of the race arrives I am not prepared/fit enough. I have always finished but my times stink. I would like to show up on a race day fully prepared and I would like to get a finish time of less than 7 hours. I have signed up for the 2011 Beach to Battleship HIM in Wilmington, NC. Hopefully fourth times a charm

Welcome, and thanks for joining in the conversation!

2011-07-19 6:20 PM
in reply to: #3602916

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

garrunning - 2011-07-18 8:40 PM Had a 45 minute ride today and I decided to make it a TT. The last time I did a TT on this course was with my road bike and I avg. 19 mph for 16 miles. Going out I was already feeling my long workouts this weekend not to mention my workout this morning 1200 meter swim, hour weight lifting, followed by an hour long runners boot camp. I let it all hang out, there are five big rollers on the way out. So yes you have to do them on the way back. I ended up with a avg. of 22.3 MPH that is the fastest avg. I have ever had on the bike. It felt great hope everyone else had a great Day.

CONGRATS!! You deserve it - you get out what you put in.

2011-07-23 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

For some reason I don't check here as often after they moved the link in the forum list. I wonder if others can't find it.

Where is everyone? You all must be out training and racing!!!

Best of luck this weekend :-)


2011-07-24 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Northern CT
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Could be they moved the group or everyone is melting!!Cool  This week has been brutal..definitely an adapt and over -come kind of week.  I've been doing my best to stick to the plan and had to overcome one of my biggest challenges...running on a treadmill!!  I've never been able to run on mental breakdown, just can't keep pace and for some reason I'm out of breath one mile in!  Well this week with my husband away and kids going to camp at 9am (just as the heat index reaches TOO HOT!) I had to head to the gym and start working.  I actually have enjoyed it this's still totally mind numbing..with every machine having a TV mounted on top...I don't understand how anyone watches TV (I'm so dizzy afterwards!).  I would love just to look out the window and daydream...but it does keep me on pace and I was still able to push myself.  i even did a brick parking my car at the gym, biked 50 miles before it go too hot and then into the nice air conditioning for a 40 minute run.  

Hope everyone else is staying cool and keeps working forward!

2011-07-24 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3612041

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Not quite as hot here in Utah. Went for a 2:37 bike ride this morning and did 52 miles. I took in 3 bottles of gatoraide and 2 granola bars, 2 bananas and still felt like I needed more. I guess I need to do some type of gu to help pick me up a little bit. I felt fine after just a little shaky because I needed more food. I don't want to feel like this in my race in 5 weeks!!

2011-07-24 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

OMG Timing is everything eh?!?! With 1 week to go I just finished an 80 min run as per the plan and the joint on the inside of my left knee is absolutely killing me. Tried icing it but not do anything as of yet!!! Great - all I needed. 20+ weeks of hard work with no pains or tweeks and I get this one week before Calagary 70.3 Ironman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I could swear so much at the moment... F.................ishing Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

2011-07-24 9:58 PM
in reply to: #3612394

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
h9lfc - 2011-07-24 2:07 PM

OMG Timing is everything eh?!?! With 1 week to go I just finished an 80 min run as per the plan and the joint on the inside of my left knee is absolutely killing me. Tried icing it but not do anything as of yet!!! Great - all I needed. 20+ weeks of hard work with no pains or tweeks and I get this one week before Calagary 70.3 Ironman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I could swear so much at the moment... F.................ishing Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thats terrible, this last week my left calf was killing me. I kept stretching and icing, it turned out that I was low on potasium or electrolites. I ate a little better and downed some sports drinks and everything is good. I hope yours turns out to be something similar to mine. Good Luck!!

2011-07-25 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3611302

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-07-23 10:47 AM

For some reason I don't check here as often after they moved the link in the forum list. I wonder if others can't find it.

Where is everyone? You all must be out training and racing!!!

Best of luck this weekend :-)


Yes, this thread seems to have come to a grinding halt since the forum was moved. I hope people find it and come back. It was such an active forum!

2011-07-25 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3612738

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
garrunning - 2011-07-24 10:58 PM
h9lfc - 2011-07-24 2:07 PM

OMG Timing is everything eh?!?! With 1 week to go I just finished an 80 min run as per the plan and the joint on the inside of my left knee is absolutely killing me. Tried icing it but not do anything as of yet!!! Great - all I needed. 20+ weeks of hard work with no pains or tweeks and I get this one week before Calagary 70.3 Ironman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I could swear so much at the moment... F.................ishing Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thats terrible, this last week my left calf was killing me. I kept stretching and icing, it turned out that I was low on potasium or electrolites. I ate a little better and downed some sports drinks and everything is good. I hope yours turns out to be something similar to mine. Good Luck!!

Steve, so sorry to hear about your knee pain, hope it works out before your race.  I'm slowly recovering from an achilles tendon pain (sports doc. said it wasn't really "tendonitis" because there was no swelling), doing LOTS of calf stretches per Dr.'s orders.  After my second injury this season, I'm learning (slowly) how important stretching and recovery is when training at the HIM level.

2011-07-25 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group


As you said, 20+ weeks of training with no problems! That's the good news :-)

This little annoyance in your knee is just some inflamation; likely mentally exaserbated by the fact that you know you only have a week left. You're lucky not to have had similar pains during training. I get aches and pains often and have come to realize it's just my body pushing back a bit.

Of course that's my HTFU non-medical opinion. You know best what's up with your body, but don't be afraid of a little nuisance pain a week out from your race. You've put in the hard work and are going to have a GREAT race!

I say the less you think about it the better! It's supposed to hurt a little ..... it's an half IRONMAN. You'll feel better in the moring :-)

Enjoy Taper Week!

2011-07-25 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3613796

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-07-25 1:46 PM


As you said, 20+ weeks of training with no problems! That's the good news :-)

This little annoyance in your knee is just some inflamation; likely mentally exaserbated by the fact that you know you only have a week left. You're lucky not to have had similar pains during training. I get aches and pains often and have come to realize it's just my body pushing back a bit.

Of course that's my HTFU non-medical opinion. You know best what's up with your body, but don't be afraid of a little nuisance pain a week out from your race. You've put in the hard work and are going to have a GREAT race!

I say the less you think about it the better! It's supposed to hurt a little ..... it's an half IRONMAN. You'll feel better in the moring :-)

Enjoy Taper Week!

Thanks DV - wise words and very much appreciated. I think it is just a small bit of inflamation as well - nothing serious. I did a 20 min swim and 40 min bike ride today with no issues, but left the short run out - just to be safe. Might have a light jog tomorrow or Weds just to dust out the cobwebs!!!

Catch ya later.


2011-07-26 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3613155

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
windandsurf - 2011-07-25 9:27 AM
garrunning - 2011-07-24 10:58 PM
h9lfc - 2011-07-24 2:07 PM

OMG Timing is everything eh?!?! With 1 week to go I just finished an 80 min run as per the plan and the joint on the inside of my left knee is absolutely killing me. Tried icing it but not do anything as of yet!!! Great - all I needed. 20+ weeks of hard work with no pains or tweeks and I get this one week before Calagary 70.3 Ironman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I could swear so much at the moment... F.................ishing Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thats terrible, this last week my left calf was killing me. I kept stretching and icing, it turned out that I was low on potasium or electrolites. I ate a little better and downed some sports drinks and everything is good. I hope yours turns out to be something similar to mine. Good Luck!!

Steve, so sorry to hear about your knee pain, hope it works out before your race.  I'm slowly recovering from an achilles tendon pain (sports doc. said it wasn't really "tendonitis" because there was no swelling), doing LOTS of calf stretches per Dr.'s orders.  After my second injury this season, I'm learning (slowly) how important stretching and recovery is when training at the HIM level.

Things appear to be easing off with the knee as I had no problems with yesterdays short swim and bike sessions. I did not do the short run as a precaution and will gauge it on a daily basis. With only 5 days to go, I think I could ditch running all together and stay loose with the other two elements!! We'll see!!

Hope the achilles tendon pains ease as i definitely know how you feel. I used to hate running as my achilles would aways become very tender afterwards and then I'd take time to recover, and then same thing would happen - it went on for years. However, last Nov a military physio watched me run on a treadmill and noted that my cadence was very slow (150bpm) and my stride was huge. Being a fore foot strike runner, I could make the belt on any treadmill slip. Anway it was the impact that was causing the problems to my achilles, so we worked on shortening my stride. The transition was difficult as I felt that I was running like a hamster in a wheel, but it worked. My cadence is now 175bpm (not the ideal 180bpm, but I don't have short legs @ 6'4" tall) and the pains have totally disappeared. Stretching after each run also contributed to the successful outcome!!

Who would have thought something simple as leg speed turn over and stride length would have been the villians for sooooo many years.

Hope all heals well with you...



2011-07-26 1:08 PM
in reply to: #3615008

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
h9lfc - 2011-07-26 10:13 AM
windandsurf - 2011-07-25 9:27 AM
garrunning - 2011-07-24 10:58 PM
h9lfc - 2011-07-24 2:07 PM

OMG Timing is everything eh?!?! With 1 week to go I just finished an 80 min run as per the plan and the joint on the inside of my left knee is absolutely killing me. Tried icing it but not do anything as of yet!!! Great - all I needed. 20+ weeks of hard work with no pains or tweeks and I get this one week before Calagary 70.3 Ironman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh I could swear so much at the moment... F.................ishing Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thats terrible, this last week my left calf was killing me. I kept stretching and icing, it turned out that I was low on potasium or electrolites. I ate a little better and downed some sports drinks and everything is good. I hope yours turns out to be something similar to mine. Good Luck!!

Steve, so sorry to hear about your knee pain, hope it works out before your race.  I'm slowly recovering from an achilles tendon pain (sports doc. said it wasn't really "tendonitis" because there was no swelling), doing LOTS of calf stretches per Dr.'s orders.  After my second injury this season, I'm learning (slowly) how important stretching and recovery is when training at the HIM level.

Things appear to be easing off with the knee as I had no problems with yesterdays short swim and bike sessions. I did not do the short run as a precaution and will gauge it on a daily basis. With only 5 days to go, I think I could ditch running all together and stay loose with the other two elements!! We'll see!!

Hope the achilles tendon pains ease as i definitely know how you feel. I used to hate running as my achilles would aways become very tender afterwards and then I'd take time to recover, and then same thing would happen - it went on for years. However, last Nov a military physio watched me run on a treadmill and noted that my cadence was very slow (150bpm) and my stride was huge. Being a fore foot strike runner, I could make the belt on any treadmill slip. Anway it was the impact that was causing the problems to my achilles, so we worked on shortening my stride. The transition was difficult as I felt that I was running like a hamster in a wheel, but it worked. My cadence is now 175bpm (not the ideal 180bpm, but I don't have short legs @ 6'4" tall) and the pains have totally disappeared. Stretching after each run also contributed to the successful outcome!!

Who would have thought something simple as leg speed turn over and stride length would have been the villians for sooooo many years.

Hope all heals well with you...




Thanks, Steve, the healing seems to progressing, I've cut back on duration and intensity which also serves as a nice taper for my OLY this weekend.


I think it was neglecting my regular post-run stretching that finally caused the achilles tendon problem.  I had ramped up the run (but not too much, IMHO, as I was following the run lots, mostly slow mantra), but the long bike / run brick that day was probably enough abuse on the tendon that no stretching caused it to tighten up and cause irritation (the pain started hours after the workout).  Like I said, I've learned that post-workout stretching and adequate recovery are just as important in HIM training, esp. since my sports doc says for healing I should be stretching the calf and tendon 20x/day.

Glad to hear you're feeling better, good luck on your HIM.

2011-07-26 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Great to hear about your knee Steve! Remember to electrolyte hydrate and eat right ALL WEEK! Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm living vicariously through you right now! I can't wait for race day :-)

I'm three weeks out getting ready for the 2 hour run tomorrow. Not many run days in weeks 3 and 2. I'm considering adding a few shorter runs, but will probably just follow the plan! No sense changing things up now.

Important run tomorrow, important 3 hour ride on Friday, then it looks pretty much downhill. Maintain intensity and consistency, but no more volume increases or really hard workouts.

2011-07-26 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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New user
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hi all.  I am 10ish week away from my first HIM and I think my inexperience is catching up with me.  I spoke to a tri coach at my local bike shop and I think at this point that I will benefit most form his expertise.  Has anyone switched gears halfway through (or at any point) and sought out the guidance of a coach? Please share your experience, thanks.

2011-07-26 4:08 PM
in reply to: #3615825

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

NurseHeather - 2011-07-26 3:52 PM Hi all.  I am 10ish week away from my first HIM and I think my inexperience is catching up with me.  I spoke to a tri coach at my local bike shop and I think at this point that I will benefit most form his expertise.  Has anyone switched gears halfway through (or at any point) and sought out the guidance of a coach? Please share your experience, thanks.

Well, I am a coach. And just last week I met with someone who is following this plan but was having second thoughts (also 10 weeks out). I told her to stick with the plan, but I don't know what would be best for you. It really depends on what is going wrong for you. If you show the coach what you have been doing and share what your concerns are, he/she will have a good idea of what you have been doing and can take it from there. It should be fine. But following the plan might be fine, too.

2011-07-26 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3615847

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New user
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Thanks for the reply Jessica.  Perhaps bike focus week (10) is breaking us! Seriously though, the bike is definatly my weak link, I feel like I am just winging it on the bike.  Initially I was just thinking I needed a cycling coach to get me race ready, but after speaking to the coach he thinks I may benefit most from full on tri coaching. Not much more as far as cost. 
2011-07-27 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Got my WheelBuilder cover today and my bike finally looks proper! Nailed my 2 hour run today too. Set a 13.1 PR and ran longest run ever! Posted in tri forum under "What a difference a day makes" if interested in the details.


2011-07-27 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Beaumont, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Way to go DV!!

In fact I did the longest run of my life in the same week as you are in!! Good confidence booster eh???

4 days to GO! Found out that Ghost Lake is 62C at the moment - might be 64 by race day!! Brrrr Thank god I got the skin tight Orca 3.8 wetsuit!!!! Anyone know how to get a heating system fitted inside?????????? LOL


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