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2012-03-27 6:33 AM
in reply to: #4114305

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Greetings to you all, good to see the responses and questions as the upcoming season is really now upon us. Bill squirts comments about the two options are correct. One piece vs. two piece for me comes down to practicle uses, you can train in your shorts with whatever top you want to use, if your only option is a one piece your kind of stuck in what you can train in and race in and ultimiately wear it out sooner. I wear two piece outfits, and most definitely the potty option if needed is much easier in one piece vs. two piece. As to the wetsuit the Vortex sleeveless is what I have and it is just fine. It's 5mm in thickness which is the limit. In Florida we might use it twice for the entire season, last year didn't wear it once. Vortex is always having promotions so you can pick one up pretty cheap I got mine 3 years ago for 99.00. Your not going to pay much more now I don't think.

Mona there is a group of locals supposed to ride the 70.3 route this weekend I'll let you know what comments come from it.

4 weeks until St. Anthony's I hope everyone is excited and getting ready to go.

2012-03-27 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

On bike workouts, for me this is my most time limited area I deal with. One hour pool, run workouts your getting some quality time in. But you need to get more than that on the bike to really get the benefits for the most part. But with that said there are lots of articles about 45-60 min trainer type of workouts that can be very effective. And are beneficial, I set my training plan for this part of the season at 3 bike sessions a week, two of them are on the trainer and one on the road on the weekend. The two trainer sessions are typically intervals of some variety and the weekend ride is miles 25-40 depending on what the plan is calling for. Always try to find a hill out there somewhere to ride up. Getting faster on the bike takes some time, usually the work you put in this year will begin to reveal itself in a greater way next year and so on. So keep riding.

Bill(flalamb) glad the HITS event went well for you, the bike portion of an event especially at the OLY and up distances nutrition and hydration play an important role in the outcome. I think everyone in their triathlon journey will make some mistakes in these areas and learn from them. I have on more than one ocassion and you pay for it on the run. Its easy to get immersed in the bike segment and forget about getting enough calories and hydration to complete the race and your experience is not unusual, so learn from it for the next one and it will go much better.

2012-03-27 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3944998

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Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Roy, Thanks, I will be putting intervals and some hills into the bike which by the way has increased my  leg strength noticeably as i am getting more runs in now. Today i ran 5 mi. with each mile faster than the last the 5th mi. came in at 7:55.  
2012-03-28 6:08 AM
in reply to: #4116210

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Thats good progress is always enjoyable and helps build confidence. Keep it up, you might try to find some spinervals DVDs these are good workouts for using to help build bike strength.

Mona I'm not sure you can open this but try it. It's the Florida 70.3 bike course that one of the locals did.

2012-03-28 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3944998

Palmetto/Parish, FL
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED


Been a little while but I can finally share my good news that has been giving me excuses to put off training.  Michele (my wife) and I are expecting our first baby due Oct 4th.  We hit the 13 week mark today and saw the baby yesterday!  Amazing, I am an only child so this is all 100% new to me.

I ended up going with a tri suit only because I got a smoking deal on it.  I actually ran in it tonight (shorts on top to try not to look like a total dork in front of the neighbors) and the only issue was the top of the zip front rubbed against my chest.  Getting in and out of it was annoying but not as bad as I feared.

Training is going OK, so much on my mind allows me to make excuses a bit to easily.  I am gaining confidence in the water and will be getting to the beach to open water swim soon.  I should get AT LEAST 2 or 3 in before the race.  I am going to try and do the St.Pete mad dogs group swims if I get out of work in time.  Speaking of that, anyone coming to St.Anthonys from out of town google St.Pete mad dogs.  No I am not a member but they have group rides/runs/swims in the St.Pete area and you don't have to be a member as far as I know.  I have heard that their Wednesday evening swims attract some popular figures (pros) close to St. A. 

My bike training has been atrocious and no existent at best.  I have this unjustified confidence on the bike and I have no idea why.  Besides a few, hour long trainer rides I have put it on the back burner and am now running out of time.

I have my hydration set up for the bike (torhans) but need tires.  I see the Michelin pro comp 3's on sale for around $30 each some times.  Any luck with them for anyone?  Any suggestions on a good training/race tire around that price range?  


I hope everyone is well!

2012-04-04 6:20 AM
in reply to: #4118099

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi Group, as you can see everyone's mentor groups from the Winter session has been placed in the archives section. Which is standard procedure. We can continue our dialogue as long as we wish or we can close it out whatever you all want to do. I know the springs events are getting going and you all have put in a good winters work and I wish everyone the best.

Let me know what you would like to do, but at the very least I would enjoy the opportunity to meet the St. Anthony's participants and you to Mona since you'll be around.

2012-04-04 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3944998

Palmetto/Parish, FL
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
St.Anthonys swim waves are up.  UGGH I signed up for novice and we are going dead last.
2012-04-05 7:07 AM
in reply to: #4131048

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Andy that is the normal wave time for the novice just before the relays I think. We'll make sure your hydrated and have some fun.

2012-04-05 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3944998

Palmetto/Parish, FL
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

I figured, I just needed somthing to complain about. HA!

I guess I better get some sunny afternoon runs in.  I have a finishing goal of 3 hours, do you think that reasonable? 

2012-04-06 7:53 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Edmonds, WA
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi Everyone

I'm here in St Pete, staying at Tierre Verde!  My training dropped off the last two weeks which is not a good idea since my event is coming up I am getting nervous.  Then, I have to remind myself I have done quite a few long rides and kept up the swimming regularly.  Unfortunately, I injured my right knee in the gym of all places.  I had a scary moment when I thought for sure I would have to bag everything and limp into surgery.  However, since then, I am able to run/walk even though I think I will eventually have to get surgery.  Pain is tolerable, but not gone. So I am still going to pull this off :-)

Andy, I plan to swim at Mad Dogs on Wed starting next week.  I understand the Gulf is 80 degrees!  My oh my!  I guess I didn't need to bring my wetsuit, ha ha.  Congratulations on being pregnant!

Tomorrow I'm anxious to get in a ride on the Suncoast Trail...about 55 test out the windy conditions, heat and nutrition and "get back into it".  I probably should add in a 15 min run afterward to see if I can get my legs going.

Yes, whoever is here, let's meet at St Anthony's for sure!  I want to cheer you guys on! We should meet at the expo the day before I imagine.  

My cell phone is 206-550-2942 and texting works.  You can also look me up on Facebook if you care to do so "mona petrou" from Edmonds, WA 

2012-04-06 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi Mona, I figured your were in route. For those of you not from our area Tierra Verda is not slumming, even  some of the WWE type wrestlers live in that area. Good to hear from you, your going to do fine I looked at your logs last week. You've done good mileage in all disciplines, trust your training and go out there and do your best.

Andy I looked at the waves, my group 50-54 is an hour later than last year so I'm just in front of your group. AHHHHHH, oh well now I know I am really looking forward to the cold towel at the finish its one of the best parts of the day.

Mona the bike route reports are pretty good from what I am hearing, there is one road that is pretty rough but will be worked on(pot holes) before the race but other than that nobody has said they didn't like the route. Rollers for hills nothing to severe.

Yes the expo on Saturday is the place to meet, we'll get a time lined up the week of the race. I'm spending the night over there so I"ll be there by mid afternoon or a little before.

Have a blessed Easter everyone!!

Edited by tri/tbay 2012-04-06 11:52 AM

2012-04-06 4:42 PM
in reply to: #4134169

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Edmonds, WA
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
tri/tbay - 2012-04-06 9:51 AM

Hi Mona, I figured your were in route. For those of you not from our area Tierra Verda is not slumming, even  some of the WWE type wrestlers live in that area. Good to hear from you, your going to do fine I looked at your logs last week. You've done good mileage in all disciplines, trust your training and go out there and do your best.

Andy I looked at the waves, my group 50-54 is an hour later than last year so I'm just in front of your group. AHHHHHH, oh well now I know I am really looking forward to the cold towel at the finish its one of the best parts of the day.

Mona the bike route reports are pretty good from what I am hearing, there is one road that is pretty rough but will be worked on(pot holes) before the race but other than that nobody has said they didn't like the route. Rollers for hills nothing to severe.

Yes the expo on Saturday is the place to meet, we'll get a time lined up the week of the race. I'm spending the night over there so I"ll be there by mid afternoon or a little before.

Have a blessed Easter everyone!!

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Roy.  All I can do is all I can do, right?  I might even look forward to some rollers..what goes up comes down :-

I'll look forward to meeting you at St Anthony's!  


2012-04-07 11:17 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hey there!

Andy, congrats on your soon to be dad status!  That's wonderful news.

Good luck to all the St. Anthony's participants.  Should be fun for you guys to meet each other. 

I'm a week out from my marathon, and all systems are go.  May be a bit warm/humid, and if so, I'll adjust the pace accordingly.  Probably nothing to you Florida folks!

It's been great to be part of this group.  Thanks Roy for investing your time in us mentees!

2012-04-07 6:07 PM
in reply to: #4135503

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Edmonds, WA
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Good luck Carol, you'll do sure to let us know how it goes next week.
2012-04-08 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3944998

Palmetto/Parish, FL
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Thank you all for the congratulations, we appreciate and are very excited.


3 weeks!  I look forward to meeting everyone at the expo, it should be a good time.

Good luck in your marathon!!!

2012-04-10 11:00 AM
in reply to: #4137210

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hey Andy, sorry I forgot to congratulate you. You had asked about a time goal for St. Anthony's 3:00 is a good place to start, I would recommend looking at some past results from St. A's look in your age group and the novice groups see what the time splits were for those around 3hr mark. Last year the swim was moved and shortened but the run to transition was pretty long I think about 5 min or so for T1, but it will be helpful for you to kind of have an idea what you'll need to do to achieve the goal in mind. I'm trying to drop a couple of minutes off of last years event 2:34, the swim is always a variable with conditions but hopefully low 2:30s would be good or if I absolutely do great break 2:30.

I checked the water temps reported for the bay this morning 77degrees. It will be hard for them to find the magic temp, so prepare yourselves for no wetsuits, but you do need to bring them with you. They will not announce until race morning what the status is. On Saturday they will also have the water temps and you'll have an idea then whether it will be a wetsuit race or not. It's not bad if you have not swum in salt water before your pretty bouyant without a wetsuit.

2012-04-12 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3944998

Palmetto/Parish, FL
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Thanks Roy, I appreciate it.

I don't have a wetsuit so I guess I am going with out either way.  I assumed it wouldn't be wetsuit legal after our mild "winter."  

We are getting down to the wire for St.A!  Lets talk body glide and Chamy butter.  Do you apply before the swim or just before the bike?

Also, bottle exchange?  Am I supposed to roll through, grab a bottle on the move, fill my aero bottle and toss the bottle?

As far as the swim, what can I expect as far as how far out we go?  I assume we will be out far enough that water will be to high to stand?  Not that I plan to stand but mentally if I know I can touch bottom it might help calm the nerves.


Sorry for the borage of questions!

2012-04-13 6:39 AM
in reply to: #4147459

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Lopadrino79 - 2012-04-12 9:39 PM

Thanks Roy, I appreciate it.

I don't have a wetsuit so I guess I am going with out either way.  I assumed it wouldn't be wetsuit legal after our mild "winter."  

We are getting down to the wire for St.A!  Lets talk body glide and Chamy butter.  Do you apply before the swim or just before the bike?

Also, bottle exchange?  Am I supposed to roll through, grab a bottle on the move, fill my aero bottle and toss the bottle?

As far as the swim, what can I expect as far as how far out we go?  I assume we will be out far enough that water will be to high to stand?  Not that I plan to stand but mentally if I know I can touch bottom it might help calm the nerves.


Sorry for the borage of questions!

It's going to be very borderline on the wetsuits, if we don't get a front I can't imagine it will be wetsuit legal. They have changed the swim from years past where the east winds coming across the bay have really caused a problem for the masses(safety concerns) the swim now parallels the shore line and is in a more protected area. So hopefully that will be the case. Last year they had to make a last minute(overnight decision) about the swim and moved it to where we will be swimming. This is most likely the new perminant  location for the swim. If the tide is out it is shallow for a bit but no standing once your in the water.

You got it on the water, if you need it make sure you point to the person you wish to receive water from that way they can focus on you. Fill your aero bottle and discard, just be careful and be cautious when doing this if you've never done it before.

Also it would be a good idea to have new goggles that won't fog, its not like at the pool where you can stop and clear anytime you want. Make sure you wear them at least once before race day if you do get new goggles.

2012-04-13 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3944998

Palmetto/Parish, FL
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Should I bother with carrying a spare tube and tools?  Most of my friends say that if they flat then they are done.

2012-04-13 11:19 AM
in reply to: #4147943

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Lopadrino79 - 2012-04-13 8:47 AM

Should I bother with carrying a spare tube and tools?  Most of my friends say that if they flat then they are done.

Good question, for an Olympic distance event I think you should be able to make a repair if need be. Sprint distance events most go without and except their fate.

2012-04-14 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4147943

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New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Lopadrino79 - 2012-04-13 8:47 AM

Should I bother with carrying a spare tube and tools?  Most of my friends say that if they flat then they are done.

I have ridden all my triathlons with a spare tube and tools.  At a sprint last year, I had a flat 3 miles into the ride.  I changed the tube and watched many people pass me by.  I got back on my bike and finished the race.  I knew that my time would be slow but I was going to finish the race.  This year I may change my approach.  The spare doesn't take up much space and I don't want to walk back.



2012-04-15 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3944998

Palmetto/Parish, FL
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Boy did I have a rude awakening yesterday.  I headed down to St.Pete beach to get a swim in for the first time.  Everything I have learned and gained in the pool went out the window.  I breast stroke 75% and I don't even think I did a 1/2 mile.  I hope the water is much for calm on race day


I just bought the bento box the guy had for sale in the classifieds sections.  He said it is big enough to carry a tube and CO2 with room to spare. 

Edited by Lopadrino79 2012-04-15 7:37 AM
2012-04-16 4:07 AM
in reply to: #4151435

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New user
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED
Lopadrino79 - 2012-04-15 8:35 AM

Boy did I have a rude awakening yesterday.  I headed down to St.Pete beach to get a swim in for the first time.  Everything I have learned and gained in the pool went out the window.  I breast stroke 75% and I don't even think I did a 1/2 mile.  I hope the water is much for calm on race day


I just bought the bento box the guy had for sale in the classifieds sections.  He said it is big enough to carry a tube and CO2 with room to spare. 

Swimming at the beach was a good idea.  I did not have any idea of what it would be like before I did my first triathlon.  It would have helped.  I have a spare bottle in my second bottle rack for my tube and CO2.  It seems to work fine for the moment.  I have a bento box that stores gels, etc. for longer races.



2012-04-16 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Edmonds, WA
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Hi all,

Haven't checked here for awhile.  Interesting conversations going on..can't believe St A's is just weeks away! 

Andy, have you thought of your nutrition plan? It doesn't have to be complicated, but you should have something planned so you don't forget to get in some calories/drink enough to avoid the big "bonk".  For example:  I aim for 300 cal/hour and about 1 bottle of water/sports drink an hour. First and foremost: EAT BREAKFAST early!!  I drink about 3/4 bottle of gatorade in the am and take a gel about 15 min before the swim with the rest of the gatorade.  Then, next time I am hydrating is when I am settled in on the bike, trying to be consistent with gels/sports drink every 15-20 min.  Try and get most of your calories on the bike because on the run, the gut can't take just plan on drinking at the aid stations...a couple of sips will do you fine.  Hope this helps give you some ideas.  Everyone is individual in their needs.  Fortunately, 3 hours isn't as crucial as a 1/2 or a full Ironman, but it is still possible to bonk if you don't pay attention to your nutrition.  Roy, any comments?  

I have to mention: my knees are feeling great!!  My friend has problems as well and she gave me this prescription cream that is effective on osteo arthritis and it works like magic :-) I did "Escape from Ft Desoto", a sprint, on Sat and was pleased that I felt no pain and was able to shuffle my shuffle.  I got in around 20 miles in for the week.  My results weren't spectacular, I came in 6th out of 9 in my age group but I take solace in knowing that I lost 2 places because of a very slow T1 which is just dumb on my part.

I skipped Mad Dog's swim last week, but am going to try and make it this Wed.  Andy are you going to be there?  Look for older lady :-) 5' 4" medium build with dark hair hanging around with a guy with white hair (my husband Mike) and an ironman tattoo on my right ankle :-)  driving a 1997 white Volvo.  

So who else is doing St A's?  I've forgotten...

Have a great training week everyone..and a big congratulations to Squirt on completing her marathon in an excellent time!  


2012-04-16 10:02 AM
in reply to: #3944998

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Tri/tbay group - CLOSED

Great going Mona in finding a way to deal with the knee pain!  Nice job in your sprint, and good idea to have a tune up race to get the transition kinks ironed out.

Looks like the excitement is buidling for St. Anthony's.  My hat is off to those of you doing ocean swims!

1st marathon is history (4:43).  Not near my time goals, but a LOT happens over 26.2 miles.  Major weather changes...started off hot/humid, then shifted to cool/rainy as a front and some thunderstorms came our way.  No hail, and no tornados so it was just a welcome soaking rain.  Lost my insulin pump infusion site at 2:20 due to the sweat/rain factor, and borrowed a cell phone to ask hubby to meet me at mile 16 with a the insulin vial and syringe I threw in my bag at the last minute this morning.  IT band issues got me in the last 6 or 7, so a lot of run/walk happening.  My best friend joined me to run/walk the last 2 miles, which was totally a blessing.  I am totally thrilled to have FINISHED, and look forward to the next adventure.

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