Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 St. George : Official Thread1. There is no such thing as perfect weather in St. George. It will be windy, just depends on how much. It's looking like a hot one too. 2. It's a deep water tread start if they do what they did the last 3yrs. The start is very close to shore. It's a diffrent swim course but the area isn't set up for a mad dash from shore because there isn't really a shore. Plan on deep water or waist deep. 3. Sand hallow website said 57 as of a couple days ago. It was 54 last week. Don't be fooled by other websites because they will measure deep in the lake for fishing or diving purposes. Water was super cold the first year because they filled the resevoir with fresh freezing cold water a couple days before. It will probably be 59-61 It's going to be awesome!! |