BT Development Mentor Program Archives » We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-01-25 3:35 PM
in reply to: #4594004

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Armandova - 2013-01-25 6:07 AM

Hey Group,

  Well, this past Tuesday when I swam the 1.7 miles, I was probably a bit dehydrated and since I usually don't bring a bottle of water with me to the pool, I did not stop to drink during the workout.   Towards the end of it, I felt my calfs starting to cramp. I slowed down and finished before they actually cramped.   When I got home and used the restroom, my urine was deep yellow, confirming that I was dehydrated.  This made me realize that I should probably take 1 or 2 SaltSticks tablets and hydrate well before a long workout in the water. Who would know that you could dehydrate with all that water around you! 


Armando - thanks for sharing. Most folks who do not swim - especially focused, competitive swimming, probably do not know how much you can actually sweat when doing a swim workout. It is just as important to hydrate during hard and/or long swim workouts.

I recall after a particularly difficult swim workout that as I was showering afterward that I got very light headed and temporarily blacked out. It was freaky! There was also a very compelling and inspiring story - it may even have been on BT - of a collegiate triathlete that bonked during a swim workout, sank to the bottom of the pool, and had to fight for her life in an ICU - but later recoverd (she lost her leg in her doctors attempts to save her). She recovered and is racing again. But I've never forgotten that story and always make sure that I hydrate correctly.

There are lots of great resources for proper hydration and nutrition. You will find many of them here on BT. As I said in an earlier post, I am also a fan of Hammer Nutrtion's research and advice on proper sports fueling.


2013-01-26 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4593887

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
2rat - 2013-01-24 11:10 PM



I am still familiarizing how BT and other software work but I managed to upload it in Training peak from timex. here is the link for my workout:

I tested it in a track, Im not sure if what i have done is correct, still trying to familiarize with my HRM.



I took a look at your training file. I selected the last 20 minutes of the workout by placing the cursor at the 30 minute mark and then clicked and dragged across to the 10 minute mark. Training peaks will then give you the stats for the selection. They were:

0:09:55 - 0:29:57
Total Time: 0:20:01
Distance: 3.11 km
rTSS: 20 (0.75)
NGP: 06:13 min/km
Pa:HR -10.15%
EF: 0.02
Gain: 42 m
Loss: - 48 m
Grade:-0.2 %
Min Avg Max
Speed (km/h): 5 9.4 15.1
Pace (min/km): 11:57 06:25 03:58
HR (bpm): 164 177 187
Elev (m): 42 51 59

These results would set your LT at 177.

A question that I would have. Do you feel that you ran a steady pace that was as hard when you finished as when you started. The important thing for a field test like this is that it is as all out an effort as you can sustain for 30 minutes. If so, then this would be an accurate result. It is hard to tell from the graph because there is a lot of variability in the graph lines (for all of the measurements - HR, Pace and elevation). The view that I have does not allowing smoothing or correction - but as I look at the graph lines you can draw a fairly straight line through the peaks and valleys and come up with a pretty stable line. Since you ran on a track it does not seem likely there was the variance in elevation as the graph might indicate. I am not too familiar with how the particular monitor you have works.

In any case your interpretation was pretty much the same as what I came up with. As you work more with HR you will get a better feel for the whole thing. If you are interested in a good resource I recommend Joe Friel's: Total Heart Rate Training: Customize and Maximize Your Workout Using a Heart Rate Monitor. It is the first book I bought on the topic. There are others of course but you can't go wrong with a book from Joe Friel. Here is an Amazon link.

2013-01-26 3:52 PM
in reply to: #4556995

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New user

Wichita Falls, Texas
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Hi Thom,I would like to join your group. My name is Brad and I'm 35 years old with 2 little girls (8 & 10). I completed my first Tri Sprint last September and I am scheduled to be doing an Olympic Sprint in Kemah, TX on April 27th. I got interested in triathlon because they just look so hard. I year ago I was 290 pounds and am currently about 260. One of my main goals right now is weight loss. I would love to see what it feels like to be under 200 pounds by the end of the year. Right now I am strength training 3 times a week along with a 3 runs, 2 swims, and 1 bike exercise per week. I am really looking forward to learning more about this sport.
2013-01-26 6:47 PM
in reply to: #4556995


Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

Hi Thom,

My name is Alex and I am only 16 years old, and have been interested in doing a triathlon for a while now. Last year at school we did a thing called an aquathon (a 2k run and then 200m swim) and everyone in year 9 and 10 had to do it and I really enjoyed it. Ever since then I have been interested in doing a triathlon starting at the sprint distance. I come from a swimming background and am quite a strong swimmer but I have never really ran or biked that much. My local triathlon club is holding a sprint triathlon in 7 weeks do you think this is enough time to train? If this isn’t enough time there are other tri’s coming up in April and May

For my training I am basing it of the free plans on this site. I am in a waterpolo team and we train 2-3 times a week plus a game on the weekend so that will be my swimming training, For the bike I will train 2 times per week riding around my local area. Then for the run my weakest discipline I will try and train 3 times per week. I have already done a couple of runs this week and my quads are sore I assume this is normal for a beginner?



Edited by Acid Rain 2013-01-26 6:48 PM
2013-01-27 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4556995

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

Hi Thom,

First let me say thank you for your service!

If you are still open I would like to join?

I am 50 YO, married with 4 children, 2 are grown and out of the house, my youngest son also served in the Army and was stationed at Ft Carson at the end of his stint. I have twin 17 YO daughters that are getting ready to head off to college.

This will be my 4th year of doing Tri's, I watched a local tri and thought that it would be a great way to stay in shape, I did my first sprint the next year and fell in love with the sport! The next year I jumped in and signed up for a HIM, unfortunately I developed a back problem 1 month before the race and had to switch to the aquabike, Doctors orders and with my wife sitting there I couldn't get away with ignoring him.Laughing I did an Olympic last year, unfortunately my work schedule prevents me from getting many races in, I'm hoping that changes this year? No plans for specific races yet, but hoping to get a couple in this summer, probably either sprints or Olympics. I want to do an IM and would like my first to be IM Lake Tahoe, I grew up in Reno so it would be a return home.

Weight loss is a must for me, I am currently 235(6'3") and I am looking to get down to 205, I was well on my way last summer, but then got lazy and put it back on.

I primarily use BT to log all of my workouts and used their HIM program for my HIM training. I recently signed up with trainerroad to see if I can learn how to cycle? I come from more of an Mt bike background and I am pretty much a masher.

Looking forward to learning and hopefully helping.




2013-01-27 9:15 AM
in reply to: #4595873

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
bwetherbee - 2013-01-26 2:52 PM

Hi Thom,I would like to join your group. My name is Brad and I'm 35 years old with 2 little girls (8 & 10). I completed my first Tri Sprint last September and I am scheduled to be doing an Olympic Sprint in Kemah, TX on April 27th. I got interested in triathlon because they just look so hard. I year ago I was 290 pounds and am currently about 260. One of my main goals right now is weight loss. I would love to see what it feels like to be under 200 pounds by the end of the year. Right now I am strength training 3 times a week along with a 3 runs, 2 swims, and 1 bike exercise per week. I am really looking forward to learning more about this sport.

Hi Brad - welcome to the group - glad to have you on board.

Triathlon can be a great weight loss mechanism - especially when combined with a good nutrition plan. Since I got both dialed in right I've lost over 40 pounds, from 205 down to 165 now. I'm sure can find great success.

Your race in April - is it a Sprint or an Olympic? What kind of plan are you using? If not already doing so, log your workouts and progress in BT and we can all help to keep you motivated to your goal. I'd be interested in how far into your training plan you are right now. Moving from a Sprint to an Olympic distance requires some more structure and balance in workouts depending on your strong events and your limiters.

Welcome to the group and happy Tri'ing.


2013-01-27 9:27 AM
in reply to: #4595992

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Acid Rain - 2013-01-26 5:47 PM

Hi Thom,

My name is Alex and I am only 16 years old, and have been interested in doing a triathlon for a while now. Last year at school we did a thing called an aquathon (a 2k run and then 200m swim) and everyone in year 9 and 10 had to do it and I really enjoyed it. Ever since then I have been interested in doing a triathlon starting at the sprint distance. I come from a swimming background and am quite a strong swimmer but I have never really ran or biked that much. My local triathlon club is holding a sprint triathlon in 7 weeks do you think this is enough time to train? If this isn’t enough time there are other tri’s coming up in April and May

For my training I am basing it of the free plans on this site. I am in a waterpolo team and we train 2-3 times a week plus a game on the weekend so that will be my swimming training, For the bike I will train 2 times per week riding around my local area. Then for the run my weakest discipline I will try and train 3 times per week. I have already done a couple of runs this week and my quads are sore I assume this is normal for a beginner?



Hi Alex,

Welcome to the group. I get the sense from your quote you're writing to us from the UK or somewhere across the pond.

It sounds like you are fairly athletic and well conditioned - so depending on what you plan to achieve by doing a Sprint in 7 weeks you could be ready. It is a short time before the race, but the run and bike for a Sprint are fairly short distance. You could sign up for it understanding that it is for the experience of participating and getting feel for transitions and doing one event after the other.

However, if you are a competitive person you might not be fully prepared in 7 weeks to get the most out of the race, so you might want to look at an April race to have the best balance of doing one soon and sufficiently preparing to do your best.

As with the other members of the group - if you aren't already planning to do so, look to logging your workouts on BT and share your experience with the group. Add the other members as BT friends and we can all encourage each other.

Off to bike workout. Again, welcome to the group.

Cheers back at ya'!

2013-01-27 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4596384

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Mountaindan - 2013-01-27 7:57 AM

Hi Thom,

First let me say thank you for your service!

If you are still open I would like to join?

Weight loss is a must for me, I am currently 235(6'3") and I am looking to get down to 205, I was well on my way last summer, but then got lazy and put it back on.

I primarily use BT to log all of my workouts and used their HIM program for my HIM training. I recently signed up with trainerroad to see if I can learn how to cycle? I come from more of an Mt bike background and I am pretty much a masher.

Looking forward to learning and hopefully helping.





We have room and could certainly benefit from your experiences in the sport over the past couple years.

You've got a Sprint and Olympic under your belt - and the HIM / IM are calling to you. I hear you on the work schedule. Last year mine kept me out of IM CD and some shorter races. I hopeful that this year will be better to me. The best we can do is put 'em on the schedule and hope it all works out.

Did you ever get a chance to come out to the Springs to see your son at Carson? It is a beautiful place here and great for training. My bike training ride this morning will be over and on the Air Force Academy. We are indeed spoiled out here.

I've posted a couple time about my weight loss experience. The biggest thing I found was that even with tri training I wasn't getting the complete benefit until I dialed in my diet. When I finally figured out that processed sugars and grains were killing me (along with generous amounts of beer) and I cut them out - my weight loss went crazy.

I posted on another board about TrainerRoad. I really like the capability and service they provide for such a small cost. I've been using them almost exclusively for my winter training. Plus, I like the focused workouts you get from their workouts. I use their workouts with a PowerBeamPro from Cycleops. I am really happy with that purchase and what it has added to my cycling. I am hoping that I will see definite benefits at HITS Napa.

I look forward to sharing with you here and I know we will all learn from you.

2013-01-27 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4596411

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

... I get the sense from your quote you're writing to us from the UK or somewhere across the pond.

So I was part right - across the pond but in a place I really hope to someday visit. I checked your profile and if I can see the flag clearly (I am getting old and the icon is pretty small ) then you're in Australia.

I am a big fan of the Swim Smooth outfit from Australia and am using their IM plan for HITS Napa in April.

You come from a country with a great triathlon tradition.

2013-01-27 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4556995

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Hey all,

Not sure if you have all done so - but wanted to encourage you to add me and the rest of the group members (we've had several additions over the past couple of days) to your training log so you can see their workouts and they can see yours and so you can leave and receive comments and Inspires. You can configure your training log settings and add these people by username to your 'friends' list via your training log control panel.

*You will want to set your log to 'public' for this program so your group can see you.

If you have questions let me know and I'll post the steps for adding people to your training log.

2013-01-27 11:44 AM
in reply to: #4556995

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

Hi Thom,


Can't believe that you can still ride outside this time of year? I just got back from a run and it was 12 with a wind chill of 4, a little brisk for me to be riding in, I can run in any weather, but I keep my riding to above the freezing mark.

Yes I did get out to CS, spent about 10 days out there when my son got back from the sand box. I spent as much time as possible down there when I was at Lowry AFB during a 6 month training stint. I love it there, much like Reno to me.

I am still working on the clean eating, I go good for a wile and then stray, but ready to get back on track!

I've added everyone as friends, so please feel free to comment on any of my activities! time to start putting in the work!

2013-01-27 2:07 PM
in reply to: #4596554

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Mountaindan - 2013-01-27 10:44 AM

Hi Thom,


Can't believe that you can still ride outside this time of year? I just got back from a run and it was 12 with a wind chill of 4, a little brisk for me to be riding in, I can run in any weather, but I keep my riding to above the freezing mark.

We are lucky right now that there is a bit of warm spell. The cold weather is sure to return and riding outside will not be an option. I am much like you. I did a run a few weeks ago it was right around 8. There were too many other folks out and about.

I'll be sure to take a look at your training. I'm finding that having blank spots in my log knowing that the group might be taking a look is motivating me to put in the work. Hard to be a good mentor and not keep consistent in my own efforts.
2013-01-27 6:12 PM
in reply to: #4596437


Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Yeah I'm from Australia and summer is just ending here atm. I have never heard of Swim smooth though, are they another tri website?
2013-01-27 7:09 PM
in reply to: #4596924

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Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Acid Rain - 2013-01-27 5:12 PM

Yeah I'm from Australia and summer is just ending here atm. I have never heard of Swim smooth though, are they another tri website?

They do have a website - But they are much more - this is definitely a case where I wished I was in the UK or Australia as they give swim instruction clinics. I've not been able to find any clinics from them here in the States. I keep looking - perhaps someday.
2013-01-27 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4594965

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2013-01-27 8:58 PM
in reply to: #4556995

Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Here is who I have in group so far:

sundevil87 (Thom) - Colorado
Mountaindan (Dan)- Maine
2rat (Art) - Philippines
Acid Rain (Alex) - Australia
Armandova (Armando) - Connecticut
Bluewrx (Rob)
bree4bryce (Bree)
bwetherbee (Brad)
eddiemerk (Ed)
Tuck2006 (Jason) - Colorado

I don't have everybody's locations - share them if you'd like.

We have a good group with a lot of diversity (location, backgrounds, athletic/triathlon experience).

Please go out of your way to encourage each other (in this thread, as well as on their individual training log pages).

A couple of general items as we get going in the thread:

- I'll try to respond to questions and update this thread promptly. I tend to be on just about everyday - though some days I may lag.

- If the content may be helpful to other members of the group, I will post it here. If there is a question, or some detail that you would prefer not be part of this thread, you can email or PM me directly. I prefer email, but either are OK.

- If you have a burning question or issue, you could phone me directly. PM me for the #.

- If your questions, feedback, or anything else would be helpful to the group, please consider using this thread as an ongoing "discussion place".

- If you have not already "subscribed" to updates on this discussion thread, please consider doing so (Toggle Email Alerts at the bottom of the page). You will then be automatically notified when there is a change to this thread. It will keep you more tied into the conversation, and will keep the thread more active as a result.

- Encourage each other on your individual training logs.

- The biggest challenge will be to stay consistent in your training. If you have a lapse, don't sweat it, jump right back in. That includes participation in this thread also. It is intended to be an interchange back and forth between all of us, not just me providing input (although I plan to swamp you with info/resources).

- A caveat...I'm not a professional coach, just an enthusiast. I'll try to answer all questions, and help any way I can. If I don't know the answer, I will tell you so, and then help you find the answer.

- My plan for each person is:

- assess goals
- create race calendar (if needed).
- answer all questions
- encourage each of you as you pursue your goals.
- provide some accountability in your training (and mine as well).
- be your biggest fan/supporter.

In return, I just ask that you do the following:

- Have fun. If nothing else comes out of it, triathlon is supposed to be fun. You are hereby ordered to enjoy yourself !!!!!!

We have room for a few more - so if you are perusing looking for a group come on in.


Edited by sundevil87 2013-01-27 9:02 PM

2013-01-29 2:18 PM
in reply to: #4556995

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

Hello Thom,

I would like to join the group. My name is Jeff and I am 35 yrs old. I recently relocated to Denver just about 9 mos. ago from Seattle, WA. This year will be my first attempt at triathlon. I have committed to the Longmont Open sprint, Denver Triathlon, and IM Boulder for now. I have always been primarily a runner but fell into the sport up in Seattle and trained with a local team (primarily swim workouts) but never committed to a race. I only did one Half marathon race in Seattle last year prior to the hectic relocation.

All of my training schedules are typically ones that I modify from different websites but they seem to work for me. I train with a HRT and a power meter on the bike (Kurt Kinetic and fluid trainer). I also use training peaks to log all of my training.

Right now my typical week is 6 days of training with 2 swims, 3 bikes, and 3 runs. My volume is improving and I am not pushing too hard since I want to build a good base before working on speed. More than anything I want to connect with someone like yourself that can give me good advice and let me know their thoughts on my training progression and newbee mistakes to avoid.




2013-01-29 6:52 PM
in reply to: #4556995

Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

Welcome Jeff! Wow you have some big goals, I think i read somewhere of the thread Thom said go big or go home? You are definitely going big! I look forward to watching your progress.


I'm just trying to get on a steady training regiment, getting back on the trainer in the basement is going to be tough! I would much rather be outside, fortunately I can run in any weather.

Looks like we have a good group, I'm excited to learn from everyone and hopefully I can share some of my little experience.



2013-01-29 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4600404

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

Hey Dan, thanks for the welcome. Yeah I have sort of a tendency to go big! I know what you mean about the trainer. My wife thought I was nuts before when I chose a half marathon to train for in November a couple years ago that had about 3000 feet of elevation change and all off-road. That was my first race back after several years of no real running. I probably do 2 out of 3 rides on the trainer per week. it's tough but I find intervals help pass the time, and a big fan, and of course a tv! I'm fighting a saddle issue right now so it's been tough to stay aero for more than about 40 minutes. I think a steady regiment is key to build some routine. It helps me!


2013-01-29 7:17 PM
in reply to: #4556995

Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

I'm having trouble getting used to a new saddle, I went with a Adamo at the end of Summer, still getting used to it. I am trying to get Trainerroad working so I can hopefully start training with power, albeit virtual power, but hopefully I can become a better cyclist? A good movie definitely helps pass the time.

I've belonged to these groups before and they are great for motivation! I find that I need to create data to feel like I'm part of the group, sometimes I think I only work out to create data, too much of a geek I think??

2013-01-29 7:56 PM
in reply to: #4585523

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

Hi Jason, I'll see you at Denver Triathlon. Good luck with the training.


2013-01-29 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4600427

Denver, CO
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open

Really? I was narrowing it down between the Adamo or the Cobb V-max (leaning towards the Cobb due to the customer support). I've heard good things about both. Right now I'm riding on a Specialized Romin Expert. This is what I was fitted with when I bought my bike. Its ok but I get numb after 30-40 minutes in the saddle. I have had ridden for over 3+ hours on it with no trouble but obviously not in aero position the whole time. I know that wont cut it for the Boulder HIM!

Yes, I am glad to belong to a group of people that have the same motivation that I do. Don't feel like a geek on the data Dan. I am the same way. I record every single bike and run on my Gamin 305 that I do outside and log all power max and average for every set of every bike workout that I do so I am right there with you. I love graphs!


2013-01-29 8:06 PM
in reply to: #4556995


Spring, Texas
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
Yeah it should be a good time there. I have just recently located to Colorado for work also. I am loving it so far. Us Colorado guys might have to try to get together for a run or a ride sometime. Good to have you in the group.
2013-01-29 10:17 PM
in reply to: #4600003

Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
jmac5032 - 2013-01-29 1:18 PM

Hello Thom,

I would like to join the group. My name is Jeff and I am 35 yrs old. I recently relocated to Denver just about 9 mos. ago from Seattle, WA. This year will be my first attempt at triathlon. I have committed to the Longmont Open sprint, Denver Triathlon, and IM Boulder for now. I have always been primarily a runner but fell into the sport up in Seattle and trained with a local team (primarily swim workouts) but never committed to a race. I only did one Half marathon race in Seattle last year prior to the hectic relocation.

All of my training schedules are typically ones that I modify from different websites but they seem to work for me. I train with a HRT and a power meter on the bike (Kurt Kinetic and fluid trainer). I also use training peaks to log all of my training.

Right now my typical week is 6 days of training with 2 swims, 3 bikes, and 3 runs. My volume is improving and I am not pushing too hard since I want to build a good base before working on speed. More than anything I want to connect with someone like yourself that can give me good advice and let me know their thoughts on my training progression and newbee mistakes to avoid.




Hi Jeff,

Welcome to the group. Sounds like you have a great plan and a good slate of races. I did Longmont last year as my first race. Weather wasn't great and the reservoir water was pretty choppy and cold - but the race went on.

Funny story about Longmont is while I was waiting in line to use the porta john (as one is like to do before a race) I heard this gentlemen speaking with an accent and voice that I recognized. So I asked - your name doesn't happen to be Simon is it. It was. He was my coach for the Arizona Ironman. I had only ever spoken to him on the phone and had never met him. Small world no doubt.

I'm also scheduled for the Boulder 70.3. Perhaps sometime over the next several months we could get together for a ride or run. Heck, there are a couple of us in the area - we could do a group run or ride.

Are you doing the Denver Spring or Olympic? Seems like you might be progressing from Sprint to Oly to HIM this summer - is that correct? Which of the races to consider your most important - your A race? Determining that will determine how you lay out your base and build training periods.

I'm looking forward to sharing in your progress as you reach your goals. BT makes it very easy to upload your workouts from TP. I usually upload to TP first and then just transfer to BT.

Welcome again.


Again welcome.
2013-01-29 10:28 PM
in reply to: #4600491

Monument, Colorado
Subject: RE: We Don't Just Tri - We Do Group - Open
jmac5032 - 2013-01-29 7:03 PM

Really? I was narrowing it down between the Adamo or the Cobb V-max (leaning towards the Cobb due to the customer support). I've heard good things about both. Right now I'm riding on a Specialized Romin Expert. This is what I was fitted with when I bought my bike. Its ok but I get numb after 30-40 minutes in the saddle. I have had ridden for over 3+ hours on it with no trouble but obviously not in aero position the whole time. I know that wont cut it for the Boulder HIM!

Yes, I am glad to belong to a group of people that have the same motivation that I do. Don't feel like a geek on the data Dan. I am the same way. I record every single bike and run on my Gamin 305 that I do outside and log all power max and average for every set of every bike workout that I do so I am right there with you. I love graphs!


Let me know what you think about the two saddles. I am in the market as well. Right now I'm using the saddle that came with the bike. When I first started with it last year my anatomy didn't take to it so well. Though this past weekend I did two hours on it and didn't have any problems - so maybe it will all be good.

Something you might check on - my LBS (local bike shop) has a Cobb saddle trial program. You pay $25 and can try any of the Cobb saddles for week. If you buy one - then the 25 bucks go to the purchase price. I'm thinking about taking them up on it.

Another saddle I was considering a Koobi saddle - are a local Colorado Springs Company. I just can't seem to make up my mind. Once I do, I'll update here.
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