General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » Shinsplints..... Rss Feed  
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2003-11-27 2:37 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Boise Idaho
Subject: Shinsplints.....
Hello, i am new to the world of running and am having a hard time with shinsplints. Are there any tips out there?? thanx

2003-11-27 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2123

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....

check out if u haven't.  look at your past and current training.  r u going up on miles too fast.  general rule of thumb is not to increase mileage by more than 10% a week.  always have a ez week once a month.  check your shoes.  if not already, go to a professional running store and get fitted.  THE BEST thing u can do for yourself.

if u want, outline your training for the last month and we will take a look at it and offer some more suggestions. 

for now, ease back or bike and swim till u r pain free.

2003-11-27 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2123

Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....
I have suffered painful shin splints and am currently working at fixing that. I have gotten lots of information from people and books about them. Ron offers good suggestions. I emphasize the correct shoes! Also the too much too soon syndrome -- back off on miles and time running. I am using Jeff Galloway's Book on Running and am finding it a tremendous help for conditioning my legs. I force myself to stay within the parameters of walking time for at least 2 weeks before shortening it. I am in the middle of the walk 2 run 1 minute. I may stay here for a while -- after all, I have until late spring before I do another triathlon so this is a perfect time to work on this weakness.

Also icing -- even on days you do not run. But not just the "put an pack on and leave it for a while". Freeze partially filled styrofoam cups of water (so you can peel back as the ice melts), and "massage" the shins in circular motion for about 5-8 minutes or when the shin is cold enough. And exercises.

And specific exercises -- single toe raises (25 per leg and build from there) and foot flexes using pharmaceutical bands tied around the leg of the couch or something, and hook the top of your foot into the loop and do 50 or more flexes. Start with one set of these exercises and build to more as you can or desire.

My regimen so far has been a huge help. I still will feel very light pain if I try to run too much, so I back off, and am getting much better.

I hope this helps.

2003-11-27 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2123

Brisbane-Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....
Mate have a look also at some info I gave Christina, on calf problems. There is a link there to a sports medicine site that may help you. What kind of surface have you been training on, and what type to running shoes have you got ????

2003-11-28 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2123

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Extreme Veteran
Boise Idaho
Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....
Thank you for the helpful hints!! I will put them to good use. Well, I have never really trained before (thus the nick name and I really want to get into shape! So I am starting out as slow as I can. The furthest I can run before the pain is too much is around two miles. (Frustrating!). For shoes I just have a pair of New Balance 716's that seem comfy but I am sure there is a better shoe out there but I am penny pinching so I can build my bicycle up. My friend and I have decided to run a half iron man in august. So I hope I can get over this pain in time to get some serious training in!
2003-11-28 11:57 PM
in reply to: #2123

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Extreme Veteran
Boise Idaho
Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....
One other thing.. I do have flat feet, and i am sure that is part of it. can anyone suggest a good arch support to use?

2003-11-29 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2153

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....

i have flat feet too and have (had???) many problems with them, when i went to a runners supply store i learned that they offer 3 basic shoe types...cushion, stability and...something  anyways, i wear some good arches (spenco) for my work shoes BUT the dude (cross-country coach) said that FOR RUNNING u dont' want any noticeable arch in your running shoes as when u run, your compressing that whole area and all the force would be on your arch leading to future problems.  i used to wear arches in some reebocks but my feet felt horrible.  i was able to get properly fitted in a running shoe that offered me the support i need without any xtra supports in the shoe. - asics 1050...its in the product review.  my tendinitis is gone thanks to a properly fitted shoe.

of course your feet could be different than mine and some people do require a little extra something-something in their shoes.  go back to your running store and see what they say...may help alleviate those shinsplints...which is something u shouldn't work through.  if u don't have a dedicated runners store near you, let us know whereabouts u live and we will find one.


2003-11-30 2:18 AM
in reply to: #2123

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Extreme Veteran
Boise Idaho
Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....
Thank you Ron, you have been a big help! We have one Good shoe store in boise ID. and that is about it. i will be going down there to see what they can do for me. one question for you.. i will be in the process of building a bike.. i am training on my mt bike till i get a road bike.. should i build a road bike or a tri specific bike.. i am not to sure what way to go. are road bikes any good in a triathlon? (boy.. so manny thing to learn ) and do you know of any good sites to look at for buying bicycles? i have been browsing ebay but not really finding anything. Thanks again! Jack.
2003-11-30 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2123


Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....
On the issue of shinsplints I had them once and here is how I got rid of them. Right before I ran a laid on the floor with legs extended. I took a rope and hooked it around each foot. One at a time. I slipped the rope to the ball of my feet held it tight then pressed against it about thirty times. You can also go on stairs and do heel raises. Kinda of the same thing. do this before you run and that should help a lot. Bill.
2003-11-30 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2159

Brisbane-Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: Shinsplints.....
Mate there is no reason you cannot use your mt bike for tri's, a lot of guys and gal's on this site do. Forgot to add with the shin splints, there is no quick fix, If you are sure that they are or pretty sure, there shin splints, go and see the Doc. Dont mess with ya legs champ, otherwise as I see with a lot of guys at work, you do more damage than good.

Tri bikes are different to road bikes, the symatry is different, to alow you to use different muscles in the leg, ie those that will also be used during the run leg.

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