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Pete Glavin Upstate NY XC-3 - Run

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Rochester, New York
United States
Genessee Valley Harriers
61F / 16C
Total Time = 29m 24s
Overall Rank = 61/62F
Age Group = 60-69F
Age Group Rank = 5/5
Pre-race routine:

Good sleep; up at 5:00. Oatmeal/yogurt/raisins breakfast with 2 cups half-caff. Left at 6:45 for carpool meet-up. Left there at 7:45 with my 2 teammates, Nancy & Tonya. (We had to make a Masters' team because we were the only women from our club.Two of us were running in a younger AG than our own.) The 2 1/4 hour drive was made very enjoyable by getting to know them much better.
Had 1/2 Hammer Bar plus beet juice mixture at 8:00; ate the other half bar at 9:30. Had caffeinated Hammer gel about 10:10, between stretches & jog.
Event warmup:

We arrived at about 10, so started in right away with SR standard dynamic stretching warmup. Then ran easy back from the finish to identify my "kick it up" point ~ 1/2 mile in. Turned around & ran back, included 3 x (30" accelerations with 1:30 walk/jog RI's.) Total running time 19:00, 1.7 miles. Race start at 11:00.
  • 29m 24s
  • 3.12 miles
  • 09m 25s  min/mile

Within 1/4 mile, HR was up to LTHR and pretty much stayed there for 2 miles. I was feeling the lactate and tried to breathe it down & out. The big hill, about 70' in elevation gain over 1/8 mile, came right at mile 2. I ran (crab-wise) up about 2/3 of it, but HR was climbing so I walked the rest & it came back down. After the top of the hill I was able to push harder into zone 5a & then 5b at the end.
In that last mile, there was one runner just a bit ahead of me who I was trying to catch. I was imagining myself at the (USAT) Nationals with just that runner between me and 1st place. I did gain a bit, then she took it back on the upslope before the finishing stretch. She beat me by 5 seconds.
What would you do differently?:

Was I really at my limit? Or was I afraid that if just really busted it I wouldn't have any left for the finish? If it really were Nationals, could I/would I have just dug down and damn the finish? Would there be more left that I still don't know is there? Yet? Will I know before the end of this X_C season?
Post race
Warm down:

Walked quite a bit. Drank Recoverite. After awhile, jogged 15 minutes or so and walked some more. Rolled & stretched thoroughly. Had an apple & a muffin & 1/2 Recovery bar, plus plenty of water.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I can run briefly at a pretty fast pace, but just not for very long. I guess that's called endurance? Muscular or cardiovascular? By what training is that increased? My LTHR is apparently about 4 bpm higher than a year ago, although that could be just a difference in assessment or even an "adrenalin effect." Or I could believe that my capacity has increased just a bit.

Event comments:

It was another amazingly gorgeous upstate NY fall day, blue sky, perfect temperature. It was sad that so many of our club women are either injured or doing other things, but I was really happy that the 3 of us were able to make a Master's team, and that I was able to get to become friends with them. That's another part of why I love cross-country.

Last updated: 2015-10-11 12:00 AM
00:29:24 | 03.12 miles | 09m 25s  min/mile
Age Group: 5/5
Overall: 61/62F
Performance: Good
1st mile: pace 9:01, HR average 144. 2nd mile: pace 9:16. HR average 146. 3rd mile pace 10:14. HR average 150 Last fraction pace 9:20, HR average 154.
Course: Northampton Park. Very pretty trails through woods and fields. 1 long steep hill. A few muddy spots but mostly dry.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2015-10-11 6:12 PM

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Spencer, New York
Subject: Pete Glavin Upstate NY XC-3
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Pete Glavin Upstate NY XC-3 Rss Feed  

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