General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Winter training - what should I be doing. Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2018-04-18 6:49 AM


Subject: Winter training - what should I be doing.
So my first mini triathlon season has come to an end in which I completed my first sprint and olympic distance with a second sprint thrown in at the end for good measure. Winter is now on the horizon (I'm south of the equator) and my next tri event won't be until end of September (a sprint) followed by an Olympic mid December. I'm wondering what to do over the winter period to ensure I come back a stronger athlete. Running and swimming are covered however I'm unsure how to approach cycling? At first I was looking at Jorge's winter cycling plan which I believe is aimed at increasing FTP but then I read elsewhere base training is what I should be looking at in off season. So I guess my question(s) are which of the above should I go for and if base training is the choice how much/little for Olympic distance events?

Thanks all!

2018-04-18 9:41 PM
in reply to: Alpal

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Great White North
Subject: RE: Winter training - what should I be doing.
Where are you? Some of the winter training protocol is universal but a lot of it honestly came about because in much of North America and quite a bit of Europe is actually cold in the Winter
2018-04-19 2:46 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo


Subject: RE: Winter training - what should I be doing.
South Africa - Cape Town. Coldest it gets in winter is around 5 degrees Celsius however, because we're on the coast it gets very damp and winds from the Atlantic add to the chill.
2018-04-19 8:35 AM
in reply to: Alpal

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Winter training - what should I be doing.
Increase speed, power, technique... shorter workouts with higher intensities and intervals.

I'm an advocate of reverse periodization.
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