Subject: RE: Indian Wells 70.3The athlete guide -- which I see is not yet posted for that race -- will answer these questions definitively, and you should read it. The usual procedure is that you will check your bike in at T1, typically the day before. You would normally also have access to it in the morning (to pump up tires, put nutrition on the bike, etc.). There is nothing to 'set up', really, for T2. When you enter you will either rack or hand off your bike to be racked. Your run stuff will most likely be handed to you in a bag (or you will retrieve the bag from somewhere) afterwards and you go to a tent to do any changing required, then hand the bag (which now contains bike stuff, like helmet and shoes) off. Normally, everything is delivered to the race finish, or somewhere nearby (ideally, T2, where your bike is), so at the end of the race, you need to go to just one place to collect everything. Some races also let you hand in a pre-swim bag that contains things like car keys, hotel keys, extra clothing, whatever, at the swim start, and if so it should also be delivered to the same place as your other stuff. Have a great race! Edited by Experior 2018-08-23 6:56 PM