General Discussion Race Reports! » ASB Auckland Marathon 2018 Rss Feed  
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ASB Auckland Marathon 2018 - RunMarathon

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Auckland, North Island
15C / 59F
Total Time = 3h 48m 55s
Overall Rank = 443/1647
Age Group = M5054
Age Group Rank = 30/105
Pre-race routine:

Up at 0230 to tape feet and eat. Oats for breakfast and strong coffee!
Event warmup:

25 min walk to ferry terminal. No warm-up run nor stretching - trying to not aggravate low back.
  • 3h 48m 55s
  • 42.2 kms
  • 05m 25s  min/km

This was my 20th marathon!

L) hammie gave no trouble throughout entire run despite the first 15k being hilly. This was the major concern coming into the race but I was able to push strongly through the opening hilly 15km.

Bizarrely at 26km my R) hamstring started to hurt and unable to shake it off I stopped to stretch it.This had no effect and it wasn't apparent until after the race that I could see that I had badly torn the Biceps Femoris just above the knee. It was already bruised. No wonder the stretch didn't help!

Can't explain this R) hammie injury - I was on flat ground ( last hill was 10km earlier) and I was moving at a steady pace in a straight line.

The pain did subside after another 5km and while it slowed down my second half, it wasn't how stopper. I actually started to feel stronger after 35km which is not usual.
What would you do differently?:

A few more longer training runs may have helped but otherwise happy with race, notwithstanding the R) hamstring failure.
Post race
Warm down:

Beer, walk back to hotel, then off to airport for flight home.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

R) hamstring

Event comments:

Brilliant course, well organised. Will be back again for my 5th Auckland Marathon next year.

Last updated: 2018-01-07 12:00 AM
03:48:55 | 42.2 kms | 05m 25s  min/km
Age Group: 30/105
Overall: 440/1647
Performance: Average
1st half... 1:48 2nd Half... 2:00
Course: Devonport - Harbour Bridge - Tamaki Drive to St Heliers and return to finish at Victoria Park
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2018-11-02 7:59 PM

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Extreme Veteran
, Queensland
Gold member
Subject: ASB Auckland Marathon 2018
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General Discussion Race Reports! » ASB Auckland Marathon 2018 Rss Feed  

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