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2019-02-11 7:11 AM

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Subject: Socialism
“America was founded on liberty and independence and not government coercion, domination and control. We are born free and we will stay free.” - Trump SOTU address, 2019

The MAGA slogan should not be used again in 2020. I think Trump should run on "Born Free" in 2020. Regardless of who wins the dem nomination, the New Green Deal and socialism will be on the ballot.

I think it is way too early to be talking 2020 but all the dems declaring their candidacy is dominating the news.

2019-02-11 8:31 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Socialism

This country will not become a socialist country without a civil war that they win.  Good luck.

2019-02-11 10:44 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Socialism
“It would help people improve their health, nutrition, pay off some debts and bills that have been hanging over them, reduce their stress levels,” Yang told Fox News in an interview, describing what he's dubbed a "freedom dividend." The grand plan would involve the government giving $12,000 a year to each adult American.

I'm going change my name you Ying and run for President. If I am elected I'm going to give every American $36,000 a year. Who would vote for Yang and only get $12k a year when they can vote for Yang and get 3X as much free money?!

The way I will pay for the plan is to raise the taxes all goods and services in the US so that it generates enough to give $36k a year to every American. It will be a zero sum game. You will pay much for everything but you will have more money to spend....and that will reduce stress.

My alternate plan would be to double everyone's salary and at the same time double the price of everything. Then everyone will feel richer! Well, until they bought something.....
2019-02-11 12:21 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Socialism

Are these mopes running for Student Council or  President of the U.S. ??  LMAOOO

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