In defense of Joe Biden....
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Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller | Reply |
2019-07-04 1:45 AM |
Pro 15655 | Subject: In defense of Joe Biden.... To all the liberals who think Harris scored some points against Biden, re bussing.......not so fast.... I was coming of age during that time.......and Biden got it right. I'm in St. Louis, born and raised. The City of St. Louis is a just is. There aren't many people who live within the city limits anymore, and the city has the distinction of being one of the murder capitals of the U.S. What a damn shame. In my day, as a high schooler in the 70's, St. Louis City was a vibrant place......and it's high schools, and school districts, were feared, athletically and for their support from their citizens. among all in the city and county...and they had good teachers, and their students thrived. Soldan, Beaumont, Vashon, and others in the PHL (public high league) struck fear in the hearts of all in the city and county....and their neighborhoods were proud of their kids, and their kids were proud of their schools. Rightfully so!! Then some liberal idiots, in the name of integration, decided to bus black students from those schools to predominately white schools in the county. It took about 10 years for those city schools to become shadows of what they once were, and behind them the neighborhoods went to hell.....because all that they were proud of was gone....replaced by street gangs and violence. On top of that, not a single decent teacher wanted to be subjected to the hell left in the void. Today those schools are gone. Liberal ideas are devoid of common sense. They exist only for the benefit of liberal idealists, and elitists, who wouldn't step foot in those neighborhoods today. You have turned our large metropolitan areas into cesspools of poverty and violence to keep a voting block..... It disgusts me.....the same way liberals who said there was no crisis on the border, and now cry foul, to try to gain a political foothold, disgust me. I see you. I've seen what you do to the people you trick into following your ignorance. You lack any sense of will pillage any entity, any neighborhood, and any people for your benefit....for power and control. and see. I hear you when you spout, "a revolution is coming".......yes there is.
Edited by Left Brain 2019-07-04 2:14 AM |
2019-07-04 7:33 AM in reply to: Left Brain |
Champion 10157 Alabama | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... Off topic but when you said St Louis was a chit-hole it raised my eyebrows. I’ve been to SL 3 times, about a 5 days each time. I have a very favorable opinion of the place...but to be fair, I only saw the area between the airport and the Boeing leadership center. Boeing bought 286 acres on a bluff over the river that included a 1926 mansion Chateau called Vouzlers. The mansion is amazing and if you ever get a chance to tour it, do so. Anyway Boeing built a huge training center there for managers and others. It includes hotel like rooms and 4 star restaurant and there are beautiful hiking trails thru huge old growth timbers down to the river. Anyway, I good memories of SL. Back to your regularly scheduled debate. We had busing in my hometown...but it didn’t make sense since we only had one school. But we wanted to be like the big city schools so every day they would load all the students on a bus and drive them around for a hour then take them back to school. Ok, that was a joke. In truth we had a black school and white schools (elementary, Junior High and High school). During interrogation, they just moved all the black students to the white school and the one black school was then used for special ed classes. |
2019-07-04 11:36 AM in reply to: 0 |
Pro 15655 | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... St. Louis is set up much different than most cities.....basically, as a percentage of the metro area, nobody lives there....maybe 10%. The tax base is down to nothing, and a large percentage of the city itself is unsafe. The population center here is the county.....made up of 80 or so municipalities. There has been, of late, a push to merge the county into the city and create a large population number for city stats. It won't happen. People in the county don't want to be part of a completely broken and dysfunctional govt.....and it's not just county politicians are against it as well. So yeah, "St. Louis" is a great place.....St. Louis City is an absolute mess. Edited by Left Brain 2019-07-04 11:38 AM |
2019-07-05 9:58 AM in reply to: Left Brain |
Champion 7554 Albuquerque, New Mexico | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... I have 2 distinct memories of St. Louis. Back in the '70's, we went there for a family vacation, camping at Cahokia Mounds and experiencing the 95F/95% humidity of St. Louis summer. That was the longest year of my life packed into 6 days. I recall that the arch visitor area was air conditioned! Second was in the late 90's. We took a group of scouts down and came out of the Science Museum to the passenger window of our van broken out. Several hours driving back to central Illinois with cardboard covering the window opening. To the OP. We grew up in Ohio and didn't get forced busing. Instead, we had split shifts and overcrowded schools until the suburban/rural district everyone was fleeing to built enough school capacity. Our HS shared "home field" with the other HS in our district for football and baseball games. |
2019-07-05 11:49 AM in reply to: McFuzz |
Champion 10157 Alabama | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... Friday on CNN’s “New Day” 2020 presidential hopeful, former Vice President Joe Biden said Russia would not have gotten away with interfering in an election under his or President Barack Obama’s watch. I told this to my wife, her reply, “Bless his heart...” |
2019-07-05 12:18 PM in reply to: 0 |
Pro 15655 | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... Originally posted by Rogillio F I told this to my wife, her reply, “Bless his heart...” THAT is my favorite southern expression.....and it fits that goofball perfectly. Did anyone remind that idiot that if it happened at all it WAS on their watch? LMAO Edited by Left Brain 2019-07-05 12:19 PM |
2019-07-08 9:00 AM in reply to: Left Brain |
Pro 6838 Tejas | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... |
2019-07-16 11:36 PM in reply to: 0 |
265 | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... My dad was born and raised in St. Louis. He would be 94 if he was still alive today. My memories of St. Louis are good, albeit decades old. And we never lived there as a family. If the urban area has gone to heck in a handbasket (last time I was there was maybe 15 years ago on business) that is too bad. St. Louis was a cool town as I remember it. Edited by HaydenHunter 2019-07-16 11:37 PM |
2019-08-09 6:42 AM in reply to: HaydenHunter |
Champion 10157 Alabama | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... Joe Biden’s Latest Slip-Up: Telling Iowa Voters ‘Poor Kids Are Just as Bright’ as ‘White Kids’ LOL. This guy is a hoot! |
2019-08-09 5:28 PM in reply to: Rogillio |
Master 2447 White Oak, Texas | Subject: RE: In defense of Joe Biden.... As a reluctant deplorable I think I need to donate to Biden's campaign the more he talks the more I believe he is the right opponent for Trump. |