Other Resources The Political Joe » Trump has COVID Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2020-10-02 12:40 AM

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, Arizona
Subject: Trump has COVID
2020 apparently isn't done with the surprises, maybe if he hadn't been tested he wouldn't have it.

I'm sure he's being closely monitored by the very best doctors the country has to offer, can't help but wonder if this election has suddenly shifted to Biden vs. Pence.

2020-10-02 8:23 AM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Trump has COVID


2020-10-02 8:41 AM
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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Trump has COVID

Originally posted by Synon 2020 apparently isn't done with the surprises, maybe if he hadn't been tested he wouldn't have it. I'm sure he's being closely monitored by the very best doctors the country has to offer, can't help but wonder if this election has suddenly shifted to Biden vs. Pence.

There is no Biden vs. anything.

Trump should encourage Biden to bring Harris to the debates.

Edited by McFuzz 2020-10-02 8:42 AM
2020-10-03 10:55 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Trump has COVID
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by Synon 2020 apparently isn't done with the surprises, maybe if he hadn't been tested he wouldn't have it. I'm sure he's being closely monitored by the very best doctors the country has to offer, can't help but wonder if this election has suddenly shifted to Biden vs. Pence.

There is no Biden vs. anything.

Trump should encourage Biden to bring Harris to the debates.

She will be debating Pence next week, I don't think he will be able to string 300 interruptions together so we should at least get a little more dialog this time.

It certainly is Biden vs. everything, don't be foolish. If the age 18-29 voters show up to vote in November it's all over, Trump needs more than older white men to clinch the election, and while their turnout at the polls is higher than any other group I don't think it will be enough this time.
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