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2006-12-20 10:36 PM
in reply to: #629749

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Hi ladies.

Yes, working from home does sound heavenly, unless you're a people person, and you don't get to see many people while working from the confines of your home office. I'm sure I will miss it once I get my "real office" (aka shared workspace), but oh well, we do what we can with what we have.

I would have to second and third the whole "needing to eat healthier" idea. We do that for the most part, except since Thanksgiving when everything that's bad has pretty much been consumed by me. My biggest issue is cholesterol, and though at one time I had it in a good zone, I'm sure I'm not anymore, and besides my good is bad and my bad is good so more fruits, veggies, and no starches (or fewer starches) for me, please. Of course, no one can touch my bread and cheese dinners!

I'm banking on this accountability - I already have my clothes laid out for a bike ride tomorrow.

Dee - that's cool about taking online courses through Purdue's vet tech program. I know there vet school is really good, and that's great that they make the courses online. Will you ever have to come to the campus?

Good night, everyone (or good morning) - and happy training!

2006-12-21 8:23 AM
in reply to: #629901

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

purdueek - 2006-12-20 10:36 PM Hi ladies. Yes, working from home does sound heavenly, unless you're a people person, and you don't get to see many people while working from the confines of your home office. 

I'm with you on that one. I am a home health PT and I miss having co-workers to banter with or even bounce ideas and treatments off of. All I have is my Sirius radio and cell phone for company. Patients are fine, but they're not your "friends".

Good luck to everyone on their respective workouts today. I wish you lots of good weather!

2006-12-21 10:09 AM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Good morning everyone!

Okay, Sharon, i checked my settings and i had the privacy box checked. Everyone should be able to access it now. No, Ivy is not a Great Dane. She is a rescue mutt. She looks like a lab, Shephard, Dane mix, but she is 75% pit bull and 25% doberman....i wouldn't believe it if i hadn't seen her arrival myself. Sounds like an aggressive mix, i know, but she refuses to hunt or chase any other critters (thankfully). She actually protects them from my mother's Jack Russel Terrors.

Sounds like you and i had the same first mountain biking experience!! I went on some trails in MD with coworkers in 2003 the day after it rained. Everyone else was super fast and were able to handle the hills alot better than me. Plus the slipping through the mud/off the mountain to certain death or disability idea had me miserable the entire ride. And i needed back surgery, but at the time didn't know it. Since then, i have found better trails and better partners. And i love it!! Learning to actually use the gears helped too.

I like the idea of blogging your workout plan. Since i have today off, i will go for a bike ride before jumping into house cleaning and errands, then workout with my new home plan. You ladies are already motivating me!!! I developed a different workout plan for my different situations (work, home, pool (there is a gym there too)). That way i can't use the excuse of, well i'm not at work so i can't use the gym today.

My holidays (visiting family in VA) start in January, with the exception of a small gift exchange with my love this week. I'm going to take advantage of what would usually be a rushed/hectic week to get my plans together.

Thanks to each one of you.
2006-12-21 11:42 AM
in reply to: #625419

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San Francisco, CA
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Good Morning everyone!

Wow with everyone putting new posts everday its hard to keep track of what's going on. I thought a group with 5 people per mentor was small...but it actually seems quite large now that its in practice.

Sharon, for breakfast mostly depends on whether you have a rushed or leisurely morning. I generally am not terribly hungry in the AM, so I'll typically eat a "Zone Perfect" bar (chocolate caramel is the best flavor). They have little 80 calorie snack sized bars that are just enough to put a little something in my system, but not too much if I don't feel like eating. I know its bad to skip meals, so I like to at least have a little bit to eat. That brand of bar is the type that tastes pretty good and doesn't really have a negative effect on my blood sugar. I don't know if you've ever heard of the "zone diet" but it balances protein/fat/carb ratio to keep your blood sugar level. Sometimes I'll also have yogurt (low sugar) with cottage cheese or egg and cheese on wheat toast.

Wow Jessica...18 year vegetarian? Happy to have another veggie in the mix! I haven't been one quite nearly so long. I'm only 24 and didn't really get to do this until I moved out on my own. It's hard to not eat meat when that's what your family serves. Do you ever worry about getting enough protein in your diet and do you have any tips for me? I've just discovered seitan (wheat gluten) which has a suprisingly large amount of protein. I usually try to eat lots of tofu, and low fat dairy (organic and from free range animals) to get my protein. I've also been trying to take supplements because I'm worried about my iron intake and other nutrients/vitamins/etc that you typically only (or mostly) get when you eat meat.

I love that we are the doggie group. I'm going to take Xmas pictures of my pugs and hopefully I'll get a good one that I can put as my avatar. They have red and green neck bandanas and I have an elf hat and antlers for them as well. I know its ridiculous but it will be funny...just wait until you see the pictures! hehe
2006-12-21 12:41 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
I know it says your group is full, but I'm begging. I am about to complete my first month of training, and I love it. My partner was recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes about three months ago, and it really scared me. We both said it is time for some serious changes.

Prior to an accident which left me with eight screws and two pins in my ankle, I was an avid cyclist. I did poor, pitiful me for a while thinking my riding days were over and put on weight, too. After some steady working out I realized I can ride, and now I want a triathlon. I work at home so my scheudle is up for the training.

I know I'm asking a lot, and it may even be against the rules. I promise not to be too annoying. We don't have kids either; however, we have a blended household with two Sophies. One dog of hers and a cat of mine. It's crazy sometimes. Thanks for considering. Laura
2006-12-21 12:50 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Annie's Bio

Hi - just got done reading all the posts and managed to figure out how to use the training log and post my doggie avater. That's Culann my 10 year-old pit bull mix. I'll have to get a picture of him with his brother Manny-Ray the chihuahua/jack russell. Well here's my background info... 

Real Name: Annie

My Story: I am 33 and have been struggling to get active again and lose the "baby fat" from my pregnancy  for the past 7 years! I work in publishing sitting at a desk all day so that doesn't help!

Family: I'm married and we have one child - Eliza. We also have the two dogs, Manny and Culann, a cat, Guinness, and a macaw, Sunflower.

Training: Training? What's training? Just kidding. I'm hoping to develop some sort of routine. Maybe try the beginner exercise program on here.

Goals: Short term - get into a consistant execise routine. Long term - there's a Sprint tri near me in June.

Weight: I have 50 pounds to lose that I gained while pregnant. I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition right after the pregnancy and that seems to make it very hard to lose weight. I'm currently on the LA weight loss plan.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone and working towards our goals in 2007. Oh, and count me in for the 30 day challenge. When does that start? 

2006-12-21 1:00 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
P.S. If you guys let me play in your full group I'll put a picture of my partner's dog up- you won't ever have to see my cat. I'm even bartering now, pathetic.
2006-12-21 1:31 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Good day everyone!

Well I did it! I got workout #1 done. This really does hold you accountable. I didn't want to disappoint anyone, including myself so when my evil brain tried to talk me out of it, I forced my way downstairs and got in my workout.

Sharon: I was never much of a breakfast eater either. In the past 3 months I started eating Kashi Go Lean cereal with soy milk in the morning. I'm not a cereal fan, but I love that stuff and it makes for a quick and easy nutritious breakfast.

Erin: The program is really cool. You do the academic stuff online and then get yourself hooked up with a local vet to do the practical stuff. I would love to come and see the campus, but there are no immediate plans to do so. If I ever do graduate, I'll be down there for my graduation.

Jessica: Aren't Rescue dogs the best? I have my second one now who was rescued from Doggie Death Row (first one passed away last year). They are (were) so loyal and smart and well behaved. I still can't believe why anyone would have given them up in the first place.

Tierney: I can't wait to see the Christmas pciture of your dogs.

Annie: Where abouts in Upstate New York are you?

Laura: I don't make the rules up, but if you're a dog person, you're ok in my books.

Anyways, I'm working nights tonite. My goal for tomorrow is to not sleep the day away and to drag my butt out of bed for a 20 min run.

Happy working out everyone!!!

2006-12-21 6:13 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Laura, welcome to the group! You don't have to barter to get in, although after what I found when I got home this evening, I'm willing to trade my sheltie for even a cat! No seriously though, you are welcome here. I think we're allowed more than 5 according to Ron's latest update. So come on board! Feel free to join in the conversation, give us your bio and goals and let's get started! Oh and yes, I am a type2 diabetic, so I can definitely help if your partner has any questions. My partner needs to seriously lose some weight too (has high blood pressure and high cholesterol), so 2007 is going to be the year we get her healthy.

Yes, I came home this evening and found a lovely "present" left by my Sheltie, Mishka. Well, I can't blame her, I gave both her and Mocha rawhide bones to chew on two days ago and without fail, Mishka will get an upset stomach. Unfortunately I can't just give one and not the other. But I am going to have to rethink this rawhide thing. You would think I would have learned from mistakes!

Jessica: yes, I can see your log now! And I'll have to get some ideas from you about mtn biking.

Tierney: thanks for the breakfast idea. Yes, i've heard of the Zone. I tried it once as a diet plan, didn't stick with it. My problem with breakfast is having things ready to eat. I need to plan more! And I can't wait to see the xmas pics of the dogs!

Annie: at least you have an excuse for "baby fat"! Some of us have baby fat that include no babies!

Dee: great job today! I am proud of your effort! I would love to be a vet tech too, that's pretty cool about the online program.

Edited by Sharona1973 2006-12-21 6:57 PM
2006-12-21 7:05 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

Update and Reminders:

The next few days will be getting hectic with Christmas preparations (I know I'm getting really nervous about not being ready! Got lots of cleaning etc left to do) and I just wanted to make sure we were all up-to-date on everything.

  1. Use your training log (blog) to communicate your goals, plans and workouts
  2. Add everyone on our group to your list of friends and then be sure to check in with each other (including me!) and this way we can encourage one another, give that occasional swift kick to the rear (if needed) and keep the accountability circle going
  3. If you're taking up the 30 minutes for 30 days Challenge, it will officially start on January 1st, 2007. The challenge is for you to do 30 minutes of some form of aerobic activity for 30 days. You can obviously do more, but you need to do at least 30 minutes. Under Sports category, there are lists of all sorts of activities. Be sure to browse around there.

If there are future questions, be sure to post them here.

2006-12-22 9:52 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

I have a question. There are two programs on here - the Couch to 5K and the Beginning Exercise programs. I'm not sure which one I should use. The Couch to 5K seems easier, but says you shouldn't do that if you have weight to lose. I have about 40 pounds. What do you all think?


2006-12-22 10:18 AM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Hello to everyone! A big thanks to Sharon for the official acceptance. I was like a little kid waiting to see if I would get picked for the playground kickball team. I'm really happy to be here. Here's my bio following suit:

Family: I have a partner of three years, and this is how we have a Sophie Dog and a Sophie Cat in the family. Sophie Cat actually comes to Bear now because she weighs in at 23 pounds. Don't worry, I'm talking to her about training, too.

Training and Goals: I am a former cyclist; however, those pesky eight screws and two metal plates in my ankle benched me for what I thought would be eternity. I have steadily been building strength up again. This injury is why I am taking the conservative approach with the Beginning Exercise Program- the two month cycling, two months cycling and swimming, and finally the two months cycling, swimming, and running model posted here on BT. I've always loved cycling, and my ankle is holding up really well. I'm like a fish in the water, but I HATE running. I hated it before the injury. I know I have to lose this weight I'm packing before I start slamming it on the treadmill, thus my approach. I've got a Sprint picked out for June, and if I like it, I've got one picked out for August. I would like to particpate in the 30 minutes for 30 Days Challenge, but I'm worried that might be too much for the ankle. I'm just not sure.

Weight: I've spent the two years building a business and nursing that ankle. Yes, I've put on weight. I recently read a book called the The Slow Fat Triathlete, and I thought I can train for this, make a dream come true, and lose wieght. Thus, here I am. My goal is to drop 50 pounds. I've lost 13 pounds in the last six weeks, and I'm loving it. I now work from home on my own schedule. I may not ever have another opportunity like this to train, and I want to take it. It's a self-esteem thing: I want to do this for me.

Well, I'm off to the gym. Have a great day? By the way, I'm a huge Tennesee VOls fan. Anyone else?


2006-12-22 12:20 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Hi all.

Heading into the holidays I realize I have a lot to be thankful for, some things I knew, and others I didn't know until just the last few days. I am very thankful that our paths have crossed, and that we will be pushing and rooting for each other over the coming months, and hopefully beyond, to attain our goals. I knew the power of accountability would be strong, but today was the first real test, and knowing that in some ways we are all in the same boat (it isn't eas for anyone), made me dig deep and get out there. I told myself just give it 10 minutes on the bike, and see how you feel. Well, 10 minutes turned into 15, then 20, then before I new it, I was over 5 miles. Of course, I was cursing the entire way (like I mentioned in my blog) - the cookies and other such sweets (my ultimate weakness) have set me back quite a bit in the last few months (that's how I deal with stress). But today, as has been the last two days, a new leaf is turned over. I will also need some counself from the veggies in the group on increasing the intake of veggies and other such healhty means of protein.

I look forward to the many challenges, good days, and bad days ahead. It feels a little less hard knowing that there are others out there pushing themselves to make their lives better.

Happy Holidays - keep your heads held high, and let's take the new year by storm!
Thanks again,
2006-12-22 12:47 PM
in reply to: #631702

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Great post! Congrats on that workout, too. Like you, I am so thankful we've all met up. Tri Training is challenging enough without having to go it alone. Hold your head up high today because you had a kick butt workout this morning!
2006-12-22 4:09 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Hi everyone!

I am so glad that I got onboard with this Mentor thing. I've been a lurker for many years and was hesitant to add my name. It looks like this was the best thing I could have done. I got a great group and I think this will finally work for me.

Annie: I'm not an expert, but I think you will be ok with the Couch to 5 k plan. Stick to the plan as best as you can and listen to your body. If you feel tired or have unusual soreness or aches stay on the week you are at or even drop back a week or two. Make sure you get some stretching in. Most important of all, make sure you have a decent pair of shoes that suits you. Best place to get these would be a specialty running store than will fit you properly according to how you run.

Laura: I love the picture of your dog with Santa. Do what you can with your ankle. Don't push it too much that you reinjure it. Do you still go for physio or chiro? Have you given water running a try? I've never done it, but they say it's the next best thing to a run when you have lower body injuries.

Sharon: Don't you just love when the dogs leave you presents? I especially love it when they do it right after you get the carpet cleaned. Cute picture of mocha!!!

Erin: Great job with the bike ride!!! I also turn to sweets when I'm stressed. Chocolate is my greatest weakness. I've sort of had it under control for the past few months, but have been slipping again with the holidays and with it always being in the house. I find the secret is not to have any in the house and to not deprive yourself totally. Indulge in moderation. I've done my studying for the term. It starts back up again on Jan 8th.

Off to work now. Have a great night everyone!
2006-12-22 4:22 PM
in reply to: #631460

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
annievi - 2006-12-22 9:52 AM

I have a question. There are two programs on here - the Couch to 5K and the Beginning Exercise programs. I'm not sure which one I should use. The Couch to 5K seems easier, but says you shouldn't do that if you have weight to lose. I have about 40 pounds. What do you all think?


I'm looking at the programs and I don't see the Beginning Exercise program, just the Couch to 5K conservative and aggressive program. Tell me where that Beginning Exercise program is and I'll take a look at it. Meanwhile, since you're a complete beginner to all of this, I would suggest that you follow the conservative 5K program first. See how you do and how well you can keep up with it. If you are doing well and feel that you can then move on to the shorter (more aggressive) program, then you'll be just fine. I say go conservative first and that's my advice to everyone who is starting out because when you put your body through stress and strain, you can open yourself up to injury and we don't want that to happen. If you see good results and want to ramp up your training, then by all means do it. Hope that helps!!

Okay, I found the Beginner Exercise program and looked briefly at month 1. I guess the question I need to ask what your goals are. Are you doing this to lose weight or do you have a more specific goal in mind, like running a 5K or a sprint tri. If you're planning a 5K the Couch to 5K program would be better. If you're wanting to do a tri, the Beginner Exercise Program might be helpful. If it's just to lose weight for now, either would work. Also, do you swim, bike or run already? That would also make a difference in your decision. Sorry if I confused you even more!!

Laura, what happened to your ankle? Sounds like you've got a good plan to getting back in shape. Don't worry, the weight will come off. I had the hardest time losing weight before I start training for tris. I think I've lost about 20-25 lbs since this last April and I'm now back to what I weighed while I was a freshman (in 1992!) I have a pair of jeans I can now wear that I bought back in 1992 as my motivation jeans. And I didn't even really modify my was all the exercise I was getting. As for the 30 day challenge, if you're interested in participating and worried about your ankle, remember the 30 mins can include just simple low key walking. I came up with this challenge to motivate my partner to get moving everyday and my goal for her is just to walk 30 mins everyday.

Erin, I am thrilled to have you in our group! Good going on the bike today! My biggest problem on the bike is saddle soreness! And I will join you in the veggie and good protein counseling group! I've gotten away this season with just training, but if I want to go to that next level, I really need to work on my nutrition.

Dee, sorry I missed you! Just one more night of work and 4 days off. Whoo hooo!!! I'm off until Tuesday morning, but then it's back to work!

Edited by Sharona1973 2006-12-22 4:28 PM

2006-12-22 4:54 PM
in reply to: #632019

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Thank you for looking over the Beginning Exercise Program. It's not yet available to coordinate with the log, but I hope they change that soon. I like the idea of the 30 Minutes a Day for 30 days Challenge especially after I looked over all the possibilities under the sporting category on the log. I'll see about getting my partner to step it out with me. She keeps saying she is going to wind up training by default.

As for the ankle, I broke it on vacation a year ago- it broke in four places. I went through extensive physical therapy. It is feeling stronger. My gym is starting new classes for the new year, and I was considering the water jogging. I do the ellptical trainer as well because the movement is'nt as jarring as actual jogging. I feel the running won't be as challenging once I lose some of this weight.
2006-12-22 9:41 PM
in reply to: #625419

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San Francisco, CA
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Dog Xmas pics are up! Check out my album...
2006-12-22 11:23 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Good evening all!

Just wanted to wish everyone an early merry christmas, and hope everyone has safe travels wherever these holidays may find you. The next few days will be a bit difficult accessing email (my parents live in the country)...I only hope even if it's a little that I can still get some run/walks in. In the back of my mind will be what i have to tell you all upon my return so that's a good thing!!

Take care everyone - and just think, if a big ol' jolly saint nick can make his rounds around the world with a bowl full of jelly as his energy source then we can sure swim, bike, and run after some training, right?

Later -
2006-12-23 8:06 AM
in reply to: #632173

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

purdueek - 2006-12-22 11:23 PM Take care everyone - and just think, if a big ol' jolly saint nick can make his rounds around the world with a bowl full of jelly as his energy source then we can sure swim, bike, and run after some training, right? Later - Erin

I like how you think! I keep thinking my extra weight helps me not have to fuel as much during a tri! Have a safe trip home!

Laura, the water jogging sounds good and the elliptical machine is an excellent choice because it simulates running (sort of) but totally low impact.

Tierney, those are just adorable doggies and doggie pictures! I love the antlers!!

I'm about to go for my run, it's 36* out! Brrrrr....I have lots to do today after that. Errands to run and more housecleaning. I have to do it all because my partner works retail and is already at work and won't get home until after 6 p.m. (if she's lucky) and she has to work a full day tomorrow as well.

I did want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope the traveling is safe and uneventfull and that families are enjoyable and kind to all of us! Look forward to a great 2007 with all of you!

2006-12-23 12:54 PM
in reply to: #625419

Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Wow, i've been out because of work. I had alot of reading to catch up on. You ladies are doing great! To echo Erin's sentiments: the power of this group is so much more than i could have imagined, and i am thankful.

I have updated my goals. How do you guys get underlines and other fancy things on yours?

Erin/Sharon: I am happy to answer anything i've learned over the years as a vegetarian. There are alot of myths out there about the veg lifestyle, like lack of protein etc. Ask away!!

Laura: biking is my weak point, so i'm going to think up some good questions for you during my workout this evening. As for your ankle, take it slow. This is what helped me during recovery from my second back surgery. I did my exercises, but i was slow and focused. Each movement was deliberate. I wanted to take care/not make things worse. At first it was frustrating because i was used to being active, but then i started to see minor successes. I would set a goal of one or two specific exercises for my back (slow, controlled movements, then stretches from my PT group), and then just some steady movement (i started with walking to the mailbox, then stationary bike). Before i knew it, i was riding the bike with some speed, then walking on the treadmill. Now i'm here with you guys!!!

The Slow and Fat Triathlete. Sounds interesting. Who was it written for, i mean besides the obvious? Just wondering if i should check it out.

Tierney: love those pictures!!! You have inspired me to hassle the kittens with some sort of bows or bells.

Edited by goofyfooter 2006-12-23 1:43 PM

2006-12-23 1:47 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Thanks for the tips. It is greatly appreciated. I had a scheduled 50 minute ride today, and it felt fine. I just concentrated on keeping that scraping motion going because that really stretches the old ankle out.

The Slow Fat Triathlete was written by Jayne Williams. I don't take myself too seriously, so the book was right up my alley. In short, this gal started training to lose weight and the result was she became addicted to triathlons. It isn't too specific on training, nutrition, or any of that kind of stuff but rather just motiviaitonal. People have a tendency to think you have to be in great shape to start training for a triathlon, but she says to start with the body you have and you will lose weight and be ready for the event.

I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. My family is from the South which means southern cooking. I don't even want to know how many calories are in Sweet Potato Pie. Aargh.
2006-12-23 3:24 PM
in reply to: #632355

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

goofyfooter - 2006-12-23 12:54 PM How do you guys get underlines and other fancy things on yours? 

Go to control panel and down to where it says "Use rich edit box when composing messages?" I selected TinyMCE editor to get a cool editing header on messages and your pages for goals etc, so you can do things like this and that.

Laura, I don't even want to know how many calories anything is! Just enjoy it!! And you're right about triathlons, anyone who prepares can do it. There are no losers in tris, you compete against yourself. You just have to prepare for each individual event and you don't have to be an elite superathlete to complete one.

BTW, go check out my training log for my long run today and take a big lesson from me. I hope none of you ever experience what I did today. I've only bonked one other time, that was while training on my bike for a tri...and it was pitiful, but less painful than today.

2006-12-24 12:56 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!

2006-12-24 5:29 PM
in reply to: #625419

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Subject: RE: Sharona1973's Group - FULL
Hey ladies! Happy Holidays, an I hope everyone is feeling better and settled in for the eve of all things merry!

Btw, did you notice that we have the most number of views (and posts) and any other forum? You all rock! (not that it's a contest!)

Thanks again...gotta run.
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