VIDEO: "Perpetual-Motion" Freestyle: The Three Percent Solution - Part 3

author : Total Immersion
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In this third part, Terry Laughlin discusses how to achieve an optimal freestyle stroke and what drills go into developing a good stroke.

Presented by Terry Laughlin of Total Immersion

This clinic was part of the 2009 Multisport World Conference & Expo in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

In this third part, Terry Laughlin discusses how to achieve an optimal freestyle stroke and what drills go into developing a good stroke.


Terry also discusses these concepts:

  • Cooperating with Gravity - Legs "Draft Behind" Torso
    • Superman Glide Drill
    • Hang your Head - Project Your Laser Beam
  • Rotation - Rotate "Just Enough"
  • Breathe with Body Roll
  • Find the Path of Least Resistance - X and Y Coordinates
    • Spear-Switch Drill
  • Swim WITH your body - Drive a High Hip
  • Practice, Practice, Practice

At the end is an audience Q&A session, the questions are:

  1. Regarding breathing in open water
  2. Learning by the DVD or do you need a coach?
  3. Optimal stroke rate
  4. Sighting in open water
  5. Swimmers that are 'sinkers'
  6. Importance of breathing on both sides
  7. Using paddle boards and swim buoys
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Total Immersion Video Part 3 (768 downloads)


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date: September 11, 2009

Total Immersion

Terry Laughlin is Founder and Head Coach of Total Immersion Swimming.