Triathlon Training Log Graphs

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This article will show you how to configure your graphs, how to use them and will list the current free and performance member graphs available to the BT community.

We love graphs.  Here is the rundown of over 150 different graphs.

  1. Graph Access
  2. Adjusting time periods
  3. 8 free graphs/3 minigraphs
  4. Additional Performance Member graphs
    • 2 - AVP and Custom Nutrient Minigraphs 
    • 12 - Actual Graphs including pace and individual tri-sports
    • 4 - Health Graphs
    • 9 - Heart-Rate Graphs (Simple and Enhanced)
    • 14 - Planned Training Graphs
    • 7 - Actual vs Plan Analyzer Graphs
    • 39 - Strength Graphs
    • ~80 - Nutrition Graphs by Nutrient
    • 10 - Body Metrics Graphs
    • 5 - RACE GRAPHS!

Accessing the Graphs:


Adjustable Time Periods

Each 'Time Period' (month, week or day) will represent one bar on the graph.

The graph will only display 60 'time periods' or 'bars' of data.


Choose your time period with the 'from' and 'to' fields.

  • With the time period of 'monthly' you can display up to 5 years of monthly summed or averaged data.

  • With the time period of 'weekly', your can display up to 1 year of weekly summed or averaged data.

  • With the time period of 'daily', you can display up to 2 months of daily (actual) non- averaged data.

If you exceed the 60 bars of data from your choices, the graph will just display the first 60 bars.


Interactive Graphing

Hovering over a block on any graph will give you a total for that individual piece.

The following are the 8 free graphs/3 minigraphs provided:

Minigraphs (accessible via the 'blog' view)


Free Triathlon Graphs



Free Body Metric Graph


Free Strength Graphs (selectable per exercise/musclegroup)







More Graphs by becoming a Performance Member

Actual vs Planned and Custom Nutrient Minigraph (blog view)





*Although we will list all the graphs available, we will only show a few examples in each section.


Actual Training Graphs




This first graph below is the 'Total Volume -Tri-Sports Filtered.'  When logging a lot of other sports, the total volume can get skewed as the tri-sports get dwarfed.

Access graphs of individual tri-sports for analyzation.


Pace, heart-rate and health graphs.



Enhanced Heart-Rate Graphs.  See Instructions


The below graph shows possible correlations between your resting heart rate, average overall workouts and average SSSF totals of the 'Sleep/Stress/Soreness/Fatigue' graphs.  This is usually seen with strict logging of 'SSSF' values and using average weekly graphing time periods.  There tends to be too much 'noise' if set to 'daily' time periods.

In scientific journals, it has been noticed that RHR rises as overall workout and avg SSSF drops.  It can be interpreted as overtraining which can lead to injury and sickness. 


Planned Training Graphs




Actual versus Planned Performance Analyzation





More Strength Graphs  See Additional Details and Instruction

(First 5 are free)







Selectable Nutrient Graphs (only if logged-food has these nutrients in the analysis)


 For 'Nutrients' below, you have the option to graph an additional 80 nutrients. See more in 'Nutrition Log'

Body Metrics 



Race Graphs


See the complete feature listing.

Start Logging Today!


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date: February 15, 2007