Configure your log settings to get the most out of your training log.
Training Log Settings
Before logging, you will want to configure your training log settings. Accessing your settings is in the very top red navigation bar. Just hover or click over your username to access.
Clicking on 'settings' will take you to the main settings area.
Then clicking on 'training log settings' will open up the training log settings area.
BEFORE LOGGING, you will want to configure at-the-minimum, your 'Privacy' and 'General Log Settings.'
Privacy Settings
Everyone can view your log = anybody with your log's URL or anybody from the site clicking on a link to your log will see it
Only friends can view your log = only people on your 'friends' list can view your log. (Community --> Friends)
Completely private = your log is only accessed by you.
Configure Default Views
When you log-in and go to your training log, would you like to automatically go to your blog or calendar view? These are the two main views to see your data.
You also have the option to go directly to your 'actual' or 'planned' training log. Example: you just use the training plans at BT or planned training while not logging your workouts. In this case, clicking on 'training log' will take you directly to your current training plan.
Default Units Presets
Configure your units to 'Metric' or 'English'. Whatever unit you choose, when you go to log, your pace calculator automatically chooses your default units. In all of your reports, the distances, pace, week, month and year totals will reflect your default units.
If you change your default units at a later date, the change will be applied from that date on. It will not change the units of all prior data-you will have to manually update them.
Training Week Starts On
You will most likely choose Sunday or Monday as the first day of your training week. Whatever you choose, that day will be the first day for your training calendar and reports.
Blog Title
If you want your log updated in the BT BLOGGER, input a title here. See THIS PAGE for more information for blogging on BT.
Just text that will insert below the weekly listing in your blog view.
HR Zone Manager
Use this if you would like to track time in your self-defined training zones per sport. This will allow you to create/edit your self-defined zones so that when you log, the zone's titles will show up for data input.
Configuring your 'Personal Best' area will insert your personal bests into your profile page.
Equipment Tracker
You can access your equipment tracker from: Training Log --> My Gear
This supports multiple pieces of equipment in your inventory (three pairs of shoes for example) so when you log everyday, you will have the option to select the item to track as you log your workouts.
Equipment warnings. You can also have time or mileage warnings on your equipment so that your training log will show a warning to replace that piece of equipment.
All members can export their 'Actual' training data to a CSV (comma separated value) format where Microsoft Excel supports. Performance members have the option to export their 'Planned' data.
You can also import a training log from an excel spreadsheet. Click on 'My Training Plans' in the Training log settings.
Your Training Plan Database
Free members. You can import training logs from an Excel/CSV spreadsheet.
Bronze - Can input your own personal plans for re-use season after season. These plans import into your 'Planned Training.' You also have log access to all of BT's free 'minutes-only' plans and detailed Beginner 1/2 and Full Ironman plans to import into your 'Planned Training' if you desire that functionality.
Silver/Gold - Access a library of 31 detailed Silver training plans to import and use in your planned training log.
How do I share my training log with friends and family?
Go to 'Settings > Training Log Settings' and allow guests to view your training log.
The URL to give out is the URL you get when you click on the 'Training Log' Button. Example:
See also Logging Your Workouts for how to log workouts, accessing reports and navigation.
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Setting Up Your Triathlon Training Log
Configure your log settings to get the most out of your training log.
Training Log Settings
Before logging, you will want to configure your training log settings. Accessing your settings is in the very top red navigation bar. Just hover or click over your username to access.
Clicking on 'settings' will take you to the main settings area.
Then clicking on 'training log settings' will open up the training log settings area.
BEFORE LOGGING, you will want to configure at-the-minimum, your 'Privacy' and 'General Log Settings.'
Privacy Settings
Everyone can view your log = anybody with your log's URL or anybody from the site clicking on a link to your log will see it
Only friends can view your log = only people on your 'friends' list can view your log. (Community --> Friends)
Completely private = your log is only accessed by you.
Configure Default Views
When you log-in and go to your training log, would you like to automatically go to your blog or calendar view? These are the two main views to see your data.
You also have the option to go directly to your 'actual' or 'planned' training log. Example: you just use the training plans at BT or planned training while not logging your workouts. In this case, clicking on 'training log' will take you directly to your current training plan.
Default Units Presets
Configure your units to 'Metric' or 'English'. Whatever unit you choose, when you go to log, your pace calculator automatically chooses your default units. In all of your reports, the distances, pace, week, month and year totals will reflect your default units.
If you change your default units at a later date, the change will be applied from that date on. It will not change the units of all prior data-you will have to manually update them.
Training Week Starts On
You will most likely choose Sunday or Monday as the first day of your training week. Whatever you choose, that day will be the first day for your training calendar and reports.
Blog Title
If you want your log updated in the BT BLOGGER, input a title here. See THIS PAGE for more information for blogging on BT.
Just text that will insert below the weekly listing in your blog view.
HR Zone Manager
Use this if you would like to track time in your self-defined training zones per sport. This will allow you to create/edit your self-defined zones so that when you log, the zone's titles will show up for data input.
More information at: Heart-Rate and Pace Zone Logging
Personal Best
Configuring your 'Personal Best' area will insert your personal bests into your profile page.
Equipment Tracker
You can access your equipment tracker from: Training Log --> My Gear
This supports multiple pieces of equipment in your inventory (three pairs of shoes for example) so when you log everyday, you will have the option to select the item to track as you log your workouts.
Equipment warnings. You can also have time or mileage warnings on your equipment so that your training log will show a warning to replace that piece of equipment.
All members can export their 'Actual' training data to a CSV (comma separated value) format where Microsoft Excel supports. Performance members have the option to export their 'Planned' data.
You can also import a training log from an excel spreadsheet. Click on 'My Training Plans' in the Training log settings.
Your Training Plan Database
Bronze - Can input your own personal plans for re-use season after season. These plans import into your 'Planned Training.' You also have log access to all of BT's free 'minutes-only' plans and detailed Beginner 1/2 and Full Ironman plans to import into your 'Planned Training' if you desire that functionality.
Silver/Gold - Access a library of 31 detailed Silver training plans to import and use in your planned training log.
How to use this feature is discussed HERE.
Route Manager
Create routes via our mapping program. Access this from: Training Log --> My Routes
How do I share my training log with friends and family?
See also Logging Your Workouts for how to log workouts, accessing reports and navigation.
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