Beginner Triathlete - Beginners articles

author : newhomeowner
comments : 16
photoIf you’re reading this because you’re still not sure, sign up for just one triathlon – a short sprint.
author : peteo
comments : 4
photoHoney, great news. I just spent our kids’ college fund on a new bike! The sales guy said it will shave at least 3 seconds off my 40K time. Umm, honey why do you have a knife in your hand???
author : ggwellness
comments : 11
photoConfessions of an open water chicken. I'm OK when the water is clear and the creatures are visible; it's just when I can't see them that the panic sets in.
author : Team BT
comments : 2
photoAre you about to race your first triathlon? Here are two great tips on swimming your first open water triathlon race.
author : peteo
comments : 0
photoTraining for a Tri!!! I get to treat my body as if it were a field mule while my wife runs circles around me and splashes water up my nose at the pool. Whoohoo give me some more!!
author : peteo
comments : 0
photoWell it is mid-life crisis time. I could get a mistress but I still think my wife is hot. Or I can abuse my body like I was still 19. Triathlon world here I come!!
author : Team BT
comments : 1
photoIf you have running problems or just want to improve your running, this video will serve to show you how a ChiRunning clinic is conducted and the philosophy behind it.
author : trvw
comments : 0
photoThe challenge? The accomplishment? I want to do this because it is an opportunity to live life. The event is an indoor sprint triathlon. I get to experience the challenge on a safer scale.
author : Diane1961
comments : 0
photoAs triathlon gains in popularity, there will be more athletes like me: never participated in competitive sports, minimal race experience, and only recently taken up endurance sports.
author : javierg
comments : 3
photoNew to triathlons? Don't know what equipment is really necessary? This article describes the basic swim, bike and run equipment needs for first time triathletes.
author : nxm165
comments : 1
avatarInitial adventures of another 40-something entering the world of tri.
comments : 8
photoHow quickly I have fallen from the ranks of the quasi-fit. Last week, after four years of being a couch potato, the stats were not so good.
author : jgosse66
comments : 0
photoHere is my five step plan for getting mentally prepared for next year’s Ironman Newfoundland 70.3, or any other race that you may have.
author : LukeTX04
comments : 0
photoI learned in this race that in order to finish the swim, you have to know where you are going. And in order to know where you are going, you have to learn to sight.
author : MegL
comments : 9
photo“Will” and “Want” look similar when you brush past them, but when you line them up side-by-side, they are two very different forces. “I want to do a triathlon.” Vs. “I will do a triathlon.”
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