Subject: RE: PT Freaks Team Thread - Nov USMC Challengelastcall2003 - 2008-11-01 8:30 PM LazyMarathoner - 2008-11-01 9:26 PM tlnewman30 - 2008-11-01 9:19 PM So Sorry for bringing up "old news." Didn't realize I made a team of show offs. The good news is that means we should win right???? We're not show offs, we're just so efficient that we've gotten our points and have moved onto chatting and drinking (well, SOME of us get to drink while others have to suffer....). We better win. Speaking of, I wonder if the Dark Arts won!
good question, I wonder when Cat will post the results - maybe she's still trying how to sort out that she ended up at 179% of her goal - LOL! Yeah, how did she do that? Ooooo, TOPPAGE!! Edited by 1stTimeTri 2008-11-01 8:32 PM