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Ironman 70.3 World Championship - Triathlon

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Henderson, Nevada
United States
World Triathlon Corporation
75F / 24C
Total Time = 6h 13m 23s
Overall Rank = 1711/2062
Age Group = 50-54
Age Group Rank = 37/67
Pre-race routine:

WARNING: Book to follow! :)
Left Detroit on Thursday am with a very full day ahead. Nell and Dave are getting married today, and I am matron of honor! The happy couple got engaged on Sunday, asked Steve and I to stand up on Monday, and planned the nuptials for our arrival day. :) Dave, Nell and I got the rental car, went to pick up the marriage license down town, packet pick up (where I told everyone Nell was getting married!) to the hotel and then a couple hours later, back to the old strip to the wedding chapel to get them hitched! The ceremony was very sweet, and streamed online so folks at home could watch too! Then we all headed to Paris' Mon Ami Gabbi reastuarant for celebration dinner! We were seated outside and were treated to the dancing fountains at the Bellagio several times. It was perfect! Steve was a gallent gentleman, and picked up the tab for our party of 6. Nell was just glowing and happy as could be all day long. And grateful to us all for being there for her. A highlite has to have been Steve wearing is race running shoes with his suit. Only Steve could/would do that lol!
Friday had us doing a practice swim at our hotel, picking up the bikes from TBT, and Tyla and I drove the bike course, sort of in reverse from T2. The temps were hot and got up to 104 when we were driving in Lake Mead Park. YIKES! That night was our whole Michigan gang meeting up for the athlete dinner. Awesome night! So many LEAN athletes everywhere! Destiny was the WTC theme for the race this year, and our own Steve and Jon were in the video shown that night!!! Movie Stars! :)
Saturday had us run to the official swim practice, swimming, then running back to the hotel. Lastly, the girls did a 40' bike ride...Nell got a little taste of what was to come...she chose NOT to predrive the course. Then Tyla and I drove back into T2 for mandatory bag drop off, hit up whole foods for lunch and headed back so we could ride the bikes back to T1 and check them in. I hitched a ride to dinner with Dan and Stephanie and our party of 9 enjoyed a great early italian meal (and a fabulous sangria for Nell, Steve and I).
After diinner, Tyla watched me buzz around the room from bed while I did my usual spaz routine to get myself in order, and I was in bed by 9pm. Very early for me...I complemented Tyla for this amazing feat. ;)
Race morning, I ate, got dressed and we met Steve and Jon to walk to T1 at 5:15. Transition closed at 6am, then we all went to the bridge to try and stay dry. My wave started at 6:38 after the pros, so I basically had time to eat a bit of powerbar, drink a bit of nuun, use porta pots. I met my EN teammates for the first time and hugged them good luck, then gave Dave my morning crap and headed down to que up. I was very emotional...almost cried three times..thinking of my family, my supportive training partners, and the awesomeness of being here to begin with!
Event warmup:

walk to swim start from hotel, arm swings and hip swings before stare, swim to deep water start line
  • 40m 1s
  • 2112 yards
  • 01m 53s / 100 yards

felt like I did ok on the front half ot the swim, was comfy on the harder effort at the beginning too. Faded a bit and got pushed off course a tad on the return to swim exit. Wind picked up a tad. Had hoped for a 37-38 minute time.
What would you do differently?:

need to focus on stroke mechanics and form in the middle of the swim. Always get lazy in the middle. :-/ Otherwise, not much.
Transition 1
  • 05m 20s

Pretty long transition run around the bay and onto some VERY wet sloping mushy grass, then all the way to the back of transition to Fiona. After getting the skin off and lid on, and my crap back in the bag I took off up (of course!) the long steep switchback to the parking lot and mount line beyond that.
What would you do differently?:

Was a little disoriented with the rain, and stuffing crap back into the bag, but not much else I could do but speed up! :)
  • 3h 13m 55s
  • 56.6 miles
  • 17.51 mile/hr

I knew it was going to be a decent day right away. I felt much better in the first 20' of this bike than I did in Steelhead. :)
But...Wet! In the desert! This course is a B*tch...rain would make it challenging. Luckily, the wind wasn't much of a factor. It hurt like heck on the down pelted in the face by the rain and rooster tails of fast dudes all day long. But, I did not let the rain keep me from the free speed on the downhills. I took it easy for the first couple, then went for it. I got to see the winner just hammering, the lead male pro pack, the lead females and my awesome friend Dan. There was a nasty crash at 13, (said a prayer!) it was gorgeous and hard, and I got peed on by a foreign dude. He checked to see where I was, then yeah, he peed on me. That was funny and I was GLAD for the rain at that moment!

My garmin watch never picked up distance and I don't have it set on the 500, so I didn't know after mile 50 where I was exactly (other than in a hellish false flat for MILES). Raul came up on me and let me know it was mile 53...Perfect. 2 miles to climb and then the run!
What would you do differently?:

I could have pushed harder...fell short of the IF coach wanted, but I think I was a tad conservative due to the rain. I certainly would have pushed the downhills more and perhaps had a better rhythm overall had it been dry.
Transition 2
  • 05m 33s

the race had bike handlers (awesome) but someone crashed at the dismount line in front of me (not awesome for anyone) and I stopped short and got off the old fashion way. Better safe than sorry IMO. Everything was wet...I had an awesome volunteer in the tent dry off my glasses that had been in my jersey the entire ride, and tried to dry the feet a tad. But I didn't have a towel! :) I'd forgotten to put the 2Toms powder IN my socks at drop off, so I had to open the package and do that in transition. Then I hit the porta pots for the BEST PEE EVER! Being on the bike and extra 30 minutes made for a super duper long potty break, but I did NOT care! :)
What would you do differently?:

Get the powder in the socks ahead of time (totally will for IMAZ) and gosh, learn how to pee on the darn bike???
  • 2h 08m 34s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 09m 49s  min/mile

I do not know how this happened, but I had a great run for me. I stuck to my hr parameters that I'd talked to my coach about, did exactly as he prescribed at each aid station. I felt really good throughout. It was a blessing that my distance was not working on the run as well. Normally I walk every mile, and then if aid stations aren't exactly at the miles (the norm I'm afraid) I walk there too to get in nutrition, get ice etc. Not every mile was marked so I basically just walked the aids. Every my coach wanted me too. The course is a steady 2ish miles up, then back down with a little more up going around an ampitheatre about half way down.

There were lots of fun international spectators (think la mancha wrestlers, germans in leaderhosen playing accordians, rowdy young texan guys with music and a fun/sassy/encouraging comment every passing) and I love the shorter loop format, so these all worked in my favor. I also saw teammates Eric G, Steve, and Dave a few times each, and Eric F who was very encouraging to me as well. There were bad assed ag athletes just hammering the run which was inspiring!

The weather was a major factor in my race...It got hot towards the end, but never horrid like it could have been. I am sure if Friday's temps would have played out it would be a totally different race for me, the un-acclimated to heat midwesterner. :)

I was checking and rechecking my time...I couldn't believe I was going to be very close to my run split for Steelhead only a month ago. I realized at mile 9 if I just ran 11's on the two miles up and about 9's on the last mile down I'd be within a few minutes. And that's exactly what played out. 3:19 slower. I still can't believe it after that hard bike and on that much harder run course!

I had already decided to not look like sh*t crossing the line...I had no specific time goal, no place goals, just a goal to race smart, take it all in, and do no harm so I could recover well and get back to IMAZ training quickly. So for the final mile, I hit the aid station instead of running through it, tried to run well and smiled with my arms up for the run through the finish line. Mission accomplished!
What would you do differently?:

Nothing. This was an "experience" race, and I had a great run. For the first time EVER in a big race, let alone a World Championship, I didn't get passed on the run in my AG. This, is huge. Epic. A break through for sure. Color me HAPPY!
Post race
Warm down:

Just walked, chatted with Eric F while we waited to get our pictures, drank some water and eventually found Dave, Steve and Tyla. Got some food eventually, got changed and cheered for Nell till she finished in 8:18. I was feeling really good. :)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Not racing all out, but that is what I chose to do. The rain slowed me on the bike, but more than made up for it, in that I think I was well hydrated and fed coming off the bike and onto the run.

Event comments:

It was a world championship experience through and through. Thursday's wedding with my dear friends was an amazing way to start this race weekend and totally took the focus off of being squirrely. :) Not having any big pressure goals on myself also paved the way to a great race. I just felt SO MUCH BETTER physically, mentally and emotionally than Steelhead, including the night before the race. The new nutrition protocol worked perfectly and gives me hope of a good day in IMAZ with regards to my gut. (yes, I know IM is a whole different game than HIM!) As always, sharing the day and adventure with my friends is HUGE. I loved getting everyone from MI together for dinner before the race, flying with my teammates and rooming with my former teammate Tyla who lives in TX now, meeting EN teammates Teri and Annie before the race and sharing a hug, being able to yell my head off for Dan when he got his AG award.

I feel so lucky that my body does what I want it to most days, that I have a sport I am passionate about, beautiful friends to share that passion with, and the fiscal ability to take opportunities like this when they present themselves. :)

Last updated: 2013-08-07 12:00 AM
00:40:01 | 2112 yards | 01m 53s / 100yards
Age Group: 21/67
Overall: 1354/2062
Performance: Average
Suit: Torque swim skin
Course: arching rectangle with bouys on the right
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Waves
Water temp: 78F / 26C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Average
Breathing: Good Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Good
Time: 05:20
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Bad
03:13:55 | 56.6 miles | 17.51 mile/hr
Age Group: 37/67
Overall: 1662/2062
Performance: Good
avg hr 140 avg power 145, max 355 np 155 IF .73 VI 1.07
Wind: Some
Course: out by the hotels in Lake Las Vegas,, onto Lake Mead Parkway, into Lake Mead Park for an out and back about 25 miles, then back into Henderson with a nasty long 5ish mile false flat just for fun into T2.
Road: Smooth Wet Cadence: 92
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 05:33
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Bad
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal Below average
02:08:34 | 13.1 miles | 09m 49s  min/mile
Age Group: 37/67
Overall: 1711/2062
Performance: Good
avg hr 158 max hr 169 avg cadence 79 max cadence 87
Course: Down a mile, up two miles, down two miles, repeat until the downhill finish mile!
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2013-09-13 11:17 AM

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Subject: Ironman 70.3 World Championship
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Ironman 70.3 World Championship

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2006-11-17 7:14 AM Mesteren
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My personal experience to complete the Ironman 70.3
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How Pilates training helped a wanna-be triathlete realize the goal of completing a half-Ironman, Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island.
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Here is my five step plan for getting mentally prepared for next year’s Ironman Newfoundland 70.3, or any other race that you may have.
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It was the morning of Ironman Newfoundland 70.3, I felt queasy. I didn't want to eat or drink anything. I had a full blown case of the pre-race HEEBEE GEEBEES.
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A bad race left me smoldering, but time and a gentle breeze ignited my passion to race again.
date : September 4, 2004
author : Daniel Clout
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Stay focused on your dreams and stand up for your rights!
date : September 4, 2004
author : Daniel Clout
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My expectations for the quality of this years’ Triathlon world championship were fulfilled. This was because of the superb location that is like no other along with having the top triathletes present.
date : September 4, 2004
author : Daniel Clout
comments : 0
There is a marvelous destiny out there waiting for you too, but only if you are willing to take chances and put yourself on the line.