Subject: Garmin 910xt w/ HRM, refurbished on ebay $279 Not affiliated with this seller in any way, but this is a great deal for a 910 w/HRM...I use and have an alert set for garmin products. I think since the 920's have come out (they are 499 w/ HRM ), the 910's are dropping in price.
Note that it is refurbished, not brand new. Here's the Garmin description of refurbished.
What does refurbished mean? This is the answer direct from Garmin:
These are systems that have been returned to Garmin from either an end user or dealer that may or may not have been used. Many of the units Garmin gets back from their larger retailers are actually found to be working fine, but end users have returned them for any number of reasons. Whereas some units do come back with real failures. Garmin therefore takes all these units that come back, tests them out and, if necessary, does repairs to bring them back to "like new" status. Garmin also ensures they have the latest software update. These units are therefore as good as new, but since they have been in the field, cannot be sold as new. Garmin then offers them to their dealers at a discounted price and offers a full one year warranty, just as they do on new systems. These systems are not new, but are as good as new.