Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Ryder cup Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, the bear, DerekL, alicefoeller Reply
2018-09-27 2:13 AM

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: Ryder cup
I know there are a few golfing triathletes on here.

The Ryder cup starts tomorrow, it’s going to be a close one!

I am here all week in Paris, working in the merchandise tent (my company is the official supplier of team Europe’s weatherwear, you could say I am part of the team) and I think my tri training is paying off, as even though I am exhausted in the evenings, I have been recovering very well and am quite fresh in the mornings.
Hoping to catch some golf between 2 shifts when it gets underway properly tomorrow.

Go Europe! (But most importantly, go great golf and sportsmanship !)

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