Subject: RE: Anyone else out there suffer from SAD? While living in Seattle from 1998-2004 I suffered from SAD. Not only are the days shorter in Seattle during the winter time (and especially so due to the high latitude ) but it is rainy and dreary from October until May. But, I figured out how to prevent SAD: I moved back to LA.
It's the best move I've ever made -- LA has light rail (Seattle had light rail a little over a hundred years ago but hasn't had it since ), the economy is better, my job is better, the weather is better, the commute is shorter and training is easier when it is dry and sunny (and it is dry and sunny all year long, except for the 2 weeks in early January when we get downpours ).
Of course, this isn't the solution for everyone. I did notice that when I exercised regularly in Seattle, I did feel better. But there was still a distinct change in attitude and motivation during the winter months. Light boxes and tanning salons might have worked, but I was working for the state and couldn't afford it. |