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2005-03-30 10:35 AM

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Texarkana, TX
Subject: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days


Sheesh.  The countdown clock on my PC now shows 9 days and 20 hours until the race starts.  What have I done in the last day?  Well, I called the LBS to get advice on how to pack my bike in my loaner bike box, and I made arrangements to pick up said box today at lunchtime - I hope it fits in the back of my car .  I heard from the guy at the other bike shop with the singlet that it is shipping out and should be to my house before the weekend.  I spent some time thinking about what to put in my special needs bags, but failed to actually make a list. 

Last Workout

Remember how fast I was on Sunday?  That's how slow I was yesterday.  The plan was a 45 minute run, and I was thinking to run it easy and cover 5 miles and some change.  My legs felt ok through the day on Tuesday, and I had swam pretty effectively on Monday, so what's the big deal?  Yeah, only as soon as I started I realized that this was going to be a slow run.  I was pushing Grace and Ellie in the Baby Jogger, and I took an early turn into the wind and actually started to get a side-stitch/cramp.  Are you serious about that?  So I dialed it down, and just plodded through five 9-minute miles and then it took me another 2 minutes to reach the park, where the girls got out and swung, slid, climbed, screamed, whatever.  It was a nice ending to a mediocre workout.  But you know what?  It's not a big deal.  My legs were still a little fatigued from Sunday's big ride/run.  I went out and did a recovery-style run and hopefully they'll be a little fresher this afternoon.  I am not worried, though.

What's Next

One hour bike ride this afternoon.  The plan calls for a ride keeping the cadence above 90 at all times, but I pretty much do that anyways, so I concentrate on keeping the cadence above 100 for an hour.  That is as long as it doesn't rain.

P.S.  I shaved my legs a couple of weeks ago.  It just helps me to feel like a racer.  Still, I shave every four or five days, and it takes a couple of cycles for my legs to not itch... 

2005-03-30 12:27 PM
in reply to: #135698

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Extreme Veteran
Lufkin (East Texas)
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days

I've started to get my gear list together and laying out some of the things that I will be taking. I'll be picking up my bike box this week as well and getting my bike cleaned/checked one last time at the LBS. It's been tough to sleep, but that's been normal in my rest weeks in the past, so I'm not too worried about that.

Last Workout

Actually, this is my last two days. I did my 45min recovery run on Monday. I felt good considering that I did my long brick on Sunday. I still managed 9:30/miles (obviously, I'm not a Phil-type runner ) and that's pretty much the pace I expect to do in the race. My HR stayed in Zone 1-2, so I was pleased about that.

Last night was a swim and ride. The swim was horrible, but it's what I've come to expect out of my first swim of each week. It seems that it's always the worst swim for me. No rythym, can't catch my breath, feel like I'm going to drown in a 4 ft deep pool. It's always quite fun. But then the next time out, I feel great. Lately I've been doing my swims in my wetsuit (QR Superfull for those keeping score at home) and I've learned that it is HOT in there. It's snug enough that it's basically a dry suit. For the bike I rode on the trainer for an hour, keeping my cadence high - btw 90-100 - and HR in Zone 1.

What's Next

Another run today but I can't recall how long it is. An hour I think.

I'm looking forward to getting to AZ next week.
2005-03-30 3:41 PM
in reply to: #135698

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days
Devo27 and TigerPhil. I hope you don't mind but I made appointments for us to get our Tattoos on Sunday at 1 pm at
Club Tattoo II
825 South Rural
Tempe, AZ 85281
The artist is Tony Newton. Here is the logo that I have so far.

2005-03-30 3:42 PM
in reply to: #135698

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days
Devo27 and TigerPhil. I hope you don't mind but I made appointments for us to get our Tattoos on Sunday at 1 pm at
Club Tattoo II
825 South Rural
Tempe, AZ 85281
The artist is Tony Newton. Here is the logo that I have so far.



IMLOGO2.jpg (37KB - 42 downloads)
2005-03-30 3:44 PM
in reply to: #135698

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Texarkana, TX
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days
No attachment...
2005-03-30 3:45 PM
in reply to: #135895

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days
Holy crap that picture is big

2005-03-30 5:21 PM
in reply to: #135698

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Texarkana, TX
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days

Did you draw that yourself?

Shouldn't we be able to get an actual jpeg of the m-dot from IMNA?

Also, is 1PM when they open?

2005-03-30 5:33 PM
in reply to: #135960

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days
That was from an IM Jpeg. My printer is black and white and I wanted to show you the colors.
The shop opens at noon, but there is the awards banquet at 11:30.. I think. They have us down from 1 until 3 pm for 3 or 4 of us if we all get the same thing. If you any changes feel free...I'm open
2005-03-30 5:41 PM
in reply to: #135698

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days
Here is what I have


IMLOGO4.jpg (24KB - 44 downloads)
2005-03-30 10:30 PM
in reply to: #135698

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San Diego
Subject: RE: Countdown to IMAZ - 10 Days
Today I scheduled a massage for next Thurs morning, a massage for Mon morning and made appointments for the tattoos on Sunday.

Last workout:
I had a 45 min swim today with a wetsuit, again. I am wondering if I will ever swim without one
I had a race with the off duty lifegaurd today. I was going to swim a 200 and she told the on duty lifegaurd that she was going to swim a 200. We left at the same time so I decided to race her. I kept pace with her for the first 175 then I started to kick for the last 25. I beat her and that was the fastest 200 I have ever swam (2:40). After that I just swam some easy sets and a 10 min straight set.
I dropped my kids off at the play care at the gym so I only had 1 hour to swim. It was a good swim. Right now I have to find a balance of keeping up the intensity and getting in some good rest.

What's next:
Tomorrow is a holiday for me so I will pick up my bike from the LBS. Take it for a spin then get in a 5 mile run. I'm not sure if I will brick it or do one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Edited by madcow 2005-03-30 10:32 PM
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