General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes? Rss Feed  
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2017-07-06 2:09 PM

Subject: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?
At least around where I live, I think I'm often better off actually riding with traffic.
Flatted out crossing into one this weekend. Lots of deep cracks and broken pavement.
At least, that's what I think it was. It could have been the neverending trail of shattered acrylic from broken tail lights and other detritus that just gets blown off the roadway and into the lane. Do street sweepers just sweep stuff off the road into the bike lanes on purpose?
This was the day after a friend posted a picture of a screw she picked up in a bike lane that flatted her out.

Other places I ride, there's massive...and I mean...MASSIVE....entire wheel swallowing potholes in the bike lane. Fortunately, I know where they are...and can safely get into traffic instead of darting out into it at the last second to avoid a ruined wheel or certain death. Also not far from there is a small water service "manhole". Maybe 10" diameter. Most times I pass it, it's hobbed in there at an angle so there's a good 4 inches of 1/4" thick metal angled up and just waiting to turn your rim into a good likeness of Mrs. Pacman. Being that it's a well-used road by cyclists, I'm not putting it past some a-hole doing it on purpose.

Not to mention drainage grates, carcasses of large animals that have been shoved out of traffic.

The only thing that made the day any better for me was the memory of a rock that shot out tiddlywinks-style sideways from my tire and hit the front quarterpanel of the car next to me as I was approaching a stopsign that I absolutely hate stopping at, but always do because I stop at all stop signs even if only about as well as I do when I'm driving.

Am I becoming one of those 'cyclists types'....all pee and vinegar about traffic and cars and stuff?
Arrrgggh. Maybe I should go yell at some kids to get off my lawn, that'd make me feel better. Yah, I know they're my kids, but dangit....if they're gonna play on it....they're gonna have to mow it.

2017-07-06 2:44 PM
in reply to: jhaack39

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Extreme Veteran
Greenwood, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?

There are good and bad bike lanes.

I traveled in some areas that have such nice lanes that I wish my town had similar lanes. I also rode on some bike lanes like you described. Had some flats because I road on those bike lanes.

My town doesn't have bike lanes so I bike on country roads without a lot of traffic.

I guess if I was in your position I would get other cyclist together and contact city about fixing lanes. Maybe get riding group to help clean up the bike lanes on a couple of weekends.

Some Boy Scout groups may be willing to take on project and help clean the bike lanes. Get newspaper to come out and take pictures of them helping to keep bikers safe.
2017-07-06 3:18 PM
in reply to: GODAWGS

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Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?

We lost an 18 year old 2 weeks ago riding on a road with no shoulder......2nd kid in 3 years hit and killed.  I'm happy when mine leave the house and I know their route has big bike lanes.  It's not a guarantee, but it's better than the alternative IMO.

2017-07-06 3:52 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Greenwood, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?
Originally posted by Left Brain

We lost an 18 year old 2 weeks ago riding on a road with no shoulder......2nd kid in 3 years hit and killed.  I'm happy when mine leave the house and I know their route has big bike lanes.  It's not a guarantee, but it's better than the alternative IMO.

Sorry to hear about the 18 year old killed.

I wish we had bike lanes but live in small town. They did put up "Share the Road" signs at our request. Take what we can get.

How is your son doing? Is he still racing? I haven't seen anything posted lately but may have missed it.

Take care LB
2017-07-06 6:10 PM
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Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?

Yep, finished his first college XC, indoor and outdoor track season....pretty typical Freshman season.  Won a few races, got his arse handed to him a few times as well. He has his elite triathlon card and is racing a Continental Cup tri in Des Moines Sunday. Been living up there for a bout a month getting ready.....probably only triathlon he will do this year as he's on a summer run build.  He's not as well trained up as he would like to be for swim and bike, but he's learning to live alone while he trains, cooks his own meals, etc. 

The last hair brained scheme he had is to red shirt 2018 XC season and make a run at Collegiate Nationals in track cycling....4K pursuit. He's been hooked up with some heavy cycling folks who have been after him to do that for a year or so (he can turn some crazy watts)......I would bet he'll give it a shot. 

Pretty good life for a 20 year old. Thanks for asking.

Edited by Left Brain 2017-07-06 6:39 PM
2017-07-06 6:22 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Great White North
Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?

2017-07-06 6:46 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?
a roller coaster of emotions.

LOL about becoming old and cranky...

So sad about the young man, no parent should have to live with that...

Interesting how in Canada the driver was arrested. I read about how rarely that happens here...
2017-07-07 6:50 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Greenwood, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?
Originally posted by Left Brain

Yep, finished his first college XC, indoor and outdoor track season....pretty typical Freshman season.  Won a few races, got his arse handed to him a few times as well. He has his elite triathlon card and is racing a Continental Cup tri in Des Moines Sunday. Been living up there for a bout a month getting ready.....probably only triathlon he will do this year as he's on a summer run build.  He's not as well trained up as he would like to be for swim and bike, but he's learning to live alone while he trains, cooks his own meals, etc. 

The last hair brained scheme he had is to red shirt 2018 XC season and make a run at Collegiate Nationals in track cycling....4K pursuit. He's been hooked up with some heavy cycling folks who have been after him to do that for a year or so (he can turn some crazy watts)......I would bet he'll give it a shot. 

Pretty good life for a 20 year old. Thanks for asking.

That's great LB, glad he is doing well and I know you're one proud Dad.

Thanks for sharing information on his progress in his athletic activities.
2017-07-07 9:07 AM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Great White North
Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?
Driver was impaired. Charged and released on bail.
2017-07-08 1:26 PM
in reply to: jhaack39

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Is it OK for me to say I hate bike lanes?

I hear you.  Bike lanes are frequently filled with debris pushed from the road by the car tires, as well as, a favorite spot for smashing glass bottles.  In my town, and some others that I ride through, the budget cuts have led to pretty infrequent use of street sweepers to clean up the mess from the sides of the roads.

Bike lanes frequently get torn up for repairing/adding water pipes and laying down cables of one sort or another.  Almost without exception the asphalt patch job that follows is terrible compared to the original pave job on the road, making for a very rough ride for narrow tires inflated to high pressures and presenting a hazard with lateral edges along the direction of travel which can catch a tire and cause a fall. 

On top of that you have driver's that pull into the bike lane to park and text, sending you out into the traffic lane around their car.  Some of these bike lanes allow parked cars, some don't.  If cars are allowed to park in the bike lane, then that's not a lane.  It's parking for vehicles.  In my city, there are several stretches of road with marked bike lanes that consist of about 1-foot of pavement and the gutter.  Yep, the gutter is half of the bike lane.  Nice try.

And then we have the issue of pedestrians in the bike lane, alongside the unused sidewalk.  I get that people might choose to run in the bike lane due to the smoother surface and more forgiving impact of the asphalt than the concrete.  But I have seen a noticeable trend in the past few years of people choosing to walk in the bike lanes when there is a perfectly good sidewalk right there for them to use.  Walking their dogs.  Walking two-abreast.  I don't understand it.

Despite these problems, I'd rather see a bike lane than not.  I might have to ride the white line on the left edge of the bike lane to avoid the debris or bad pavement, but having the lane there is better than not.

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