Subject: RE: Need a prayer to the UPS gods... wwlani - 2010-12-26 8:59 AM Well - did it arrive? Oh, how I have a funny story to tell. Short answer : No. Slightly longer short answer : No. Turns out the order hadn't even been processed TO BE shipped by the afternoon of December 24th. Long Answer The gifty was a piece of software, a video game for our home computer (Mac). We had the game (Zoo Tycoon) and the Expansion Pack and lost the original disk in the move. The game had been loaded on my wife's computer (which is on its last leg). So the last minute gift was a replacement version of this software that we can load on the home computer, as the boys love to play this Zoo Tycoon game. (note: you don't need the origianal disk to play the game, but to install the s/w) On Friday (Christmas Eve), as I was "tracking my order" to realize that they hadn't even processed the order, I tried to get a little creative. I copied all of the s/w from the wife's computer to the home computer and tried to run the game. Upon doing that, it turns out it wanted the original disk. (which we lost). So then I went to "plan B" and synched the two computers via a Firewire connection. I transferred the s/w and ran the software on the home computer, still synched to the wife's computer. Because of the synch, the home computer ran the software just fine without needing the disk. Unsynch computers, re-launch on the game now works fine without needing the disk. About 4 o'clock Chrismas Eve, cancelled the order and short thereafter received a confirmation email that since the order had not been processed or shipped, the order was cancelled and I was getting a full refund. Go figure... |