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2007-02-22 10:12 PM

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Subject: Master’s Swim Workouts
Has anyone here just done master’s workouts in lieu of the swimming workouts provided on the BT training plans?  

I’m thinking about doing a HIM in June, and am currently using the beginner HIM BT plan.  I follow the planned biking and running, but substitute master’s workouts for the planned swim workouts.  

This distance scares me, and I want to make sure that I’m as ready as possible if I give it a try.  Has anyone done this in the past?  I like swimming with the group as it really pushes me, but don’t want to be unprepared.  Thoughts?  Comments?  Tomatoes? 

2007-02-22 10:29 PM
in reply to: #700112

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Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts
If you're regularly swimming with Master's, you really shouldn't have any trouble with the distance (it's only ~ 2100 yards), and having structured workouts and a decent coach can only help you advance as a swimmer, (form, etc.). The workouts might not be optimized for laying down the fastest swim split in a distance race, but depending on your goals that may not matter to you. As long as you are getting the yardage in and you're working from a decent base you should be fine, I would think.
2007-02-23 12:22 AM
in reply to: #700112

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Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts

I don't do any of the BT HIM swim workouts, solely work out with masters or make up my own (from prior workouts) on non class days.

But I am comfortable with the distance.  YMMV

2007-02-23 10:20 AM
in reply to: #700112

brummie land
Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts

maybe swap up one master's workout every month to do the distance just so you feel comfy doing it?


just an idea.  

2007-02-23 10:20 AM
in reply to: #700112

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts
I use the master swim work outs for my work outs and I use my other days a sort of time trails.
2007-02-23 10:27 AM
in reply to: #700112

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts
I did my first HIM last year on only master's swimming and some individual swims.  Master's helped me a LOT with form and endurance.  On top of that, the most helpful thing I did to prep for the HIM was to do some longer OWS practices.  Knowing I could do the distance in the pool helped me with confidence that I could do it in the race, the OWSs helped me overcome the OWS demons you hear so much about.  Doing some OWSs in conditions that were not perfect also helped a lot with confidence - if I could swim in big waves and wind or in cold water, then race day seemed pretty calm.

2007-02-23 11:06 AM
in reply to: #700112

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Extreme Veteran
Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts
i did only mastes workouts for my HIM and 1 or 2 OWS's of 2 miles or so and that was more than enough.
2007-02-23 3:02 PM
in reply to: #700112

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Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts
Thanks for all the input!  I'm going to stick with the masters, and make sure to throw in some OW's on a semi-regular basis.
2007-02-23 4:06 PM
in reply to: #700112

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts

I've been thinking about joining the local masters swim here. Trying to figure out if the benefit of a masters swim is worth the additional $40 a month to join.

Right now I do my own swim workouts. Not really following a plan.

2007-02-23 4:15 PM
in reply to: #700112

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts
I went from about 2 min to 1 min per 50 meters because of master swim. for me its not about the work outs but someone telling me if I am doing something wrong.
2007-02-23 4:32 PM
in reply to: #701322

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Extreme Veteran
Hoboken, NJ
Subject: RE: Master’s Swim Workouts


about to start working with a coached tri swim group for that reason.  the yardage i can do on my own - for the most effective yardage some feedback will be helpful.

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