BT Development Mentor Program Archives » tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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2010-12-21 1:03 PM

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Subject: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)


NAME: tri808/Jason

STORY: I'm entering my second year of triathlons, with almost 2 years worth of endurance training under my belt.  I'm 29 years old, and have been active pretty much my whole life.  Prior to triathlons, I was into weight lifting and basketball.  Slowly though my eating habbits got worse and I got up to almost 200 pounds (I'm 5'6").  Some of that was muscle...but too much of it was fat.

I decided then that I needed a lifestyle change.  Weight lifting wasn't burning enough calories, and was counter the more weight I gained...the more weight I could lift.  I trained for my first marathon in 2008, but got injured due to improper training and did not race.  Trained properly in 2009 and finished well and decided this type of lifestyle was for me.  So I jumped head first into the sport of triathlon in 2010 and haven't looked back since.

FAMILY STATUS: Single...aka tons of time to train

CURRENT TRAINING: I train pretty much everyday.  My goal is to work up to the HIM distance by training 10-13 hours per week.  I've done all the distances individually in training (2000m swim, 100 mile long rides, and a marathon)...I just need to put it all together.

THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): Two sprins, two Olys, a 40k TT, Half Marathon and Marathon

2011 RACES:  1 sprint, 2 Olys, and my first HIM from March to June.  Marathon again in December.  Not quite sure what I'll be doing from June - August.  Shooting for a 5:30-6 hour HIM, and a 3:40 marathon as my A races.

WEIGHTLOSS: Dropped from about 200 pounds at the beginning of 2009 and have held at 160 for over a year now.  Looking to lose another 5-10 pounds this year.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I'm a very active member of these mentor forums, but I'm no expert.  I do like to share my experiences and hear about others.  Hence why I named my group a "pot luck".  Everyone brings something to this party, and we all help each other.

My advice will be most beneficial to those who are entering their first season, or possibly focusing on improving on their first few races.  I've consistantly finished in the top half of my tri races (60th-80th percentile) with the hopes of becoming more "front of the pack" in the next few seasons.

My strength is the bike...even though I've only been biking a little over a year.  I have been training with a power meter the last 6 months, so I can offer some advice there.  My swim and run are okay...but I know enough to help those just starting out.

Again...I'm no coach...just an avid triathlete that likes to shoot the wind.  I'll try my best to answer all questions as best I can, and plan to learn a lot from everyone else myself.  More than anything...I want this group to be FUN!!!

Edited by tri808 2010-12-27 1:32 AM

2010-12-23 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Jason, you FBI?
2010-12-23 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3259368

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Hawaiimike - 2010-12-23 7:36 AM Jason, you FBI?

Hi Mike,

I'm they say.  Oahu Grown.

I'll be doing Honu this year though.
2010-12-23 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
How about letting me in.  I will post my info later, when I am not visiting family in Ohio. 

Hopefully I can follow this group as wel as I was able to follow David's last group.

2010-12-23 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)

Of course.  You'd bring a lot of good advice yourself.  Welcome aboard.
2010-12-23 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
To anyone else considering this group.

I want to emphasize that this is NOT my group.  This is our group.  If you feel like you're an experienced athlete who wants to contribute...but did not want to start your own group...feel free to join.  In no way will I be offended if you bring better advice to this group than I can offer.  I am here to learn as well.

2010-12-23 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3256440


Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)

I would like to join, I'm just getting started with Triathalon training.?

Name:  Jilah/John H.

Background:  I’m 37 years old and have been involved in a number of different sports (recreationally) my whole life but have never competed in a triathlon.  Ran track in HS and have run on and off since then, completed my first Half Marathon in the fall of 2009 and did another in the summer of this year.  I received a road bike for Christmas last year from my girlfriend and rode several times over the summer but spent the majority of my time running.  I struggled with plantar fasciitis from mid summer through early October and eventually took about a month off (November) to heal up.  Recently started running again without pain and decided that it would be good idea for me to cross train for awhile instead of going right back to running 5-6 days a week so that got me thinking about triathlon training.  Started swimming a couple of weeks ago at the local HS pool and it’s been humbling but I enjoy it.  I have always loved the water but never did any kind of distance swimming. 

Family Status: Long term relationship - living together

Current Training: Currently trying to build enough of a base with a focus on my biggest weakness (swimming) to start a 20 week HIM training program in February.  Just getting back into running after time off to heal up.  Started biking regularly (at the gym on a stationary bike) about a month ago and just started swimming a few weeks ago.  I have been training about 5 or 6 days a week for the past couple of weeks. 

This years races:
LHRR 7 Mile RR - June

Providence Half Marathon – August

Several other 5k – 10 Mile races

Next years race:

LHRR – June ?

Providence HIM – July 10th


Not a concern at this time I would like to work on better nutrition though. 

Goals for 2011:

Complete my first Triathlon in the spring of this year and a HIM in either July of August.  Stay healthy and injury free while training.  Possibly a 2nd HIM or a full marathon in the fall.

2010-12-23 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3259487

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Jilah - 2010-12-23 8:48 AM

I would like to join, I'm just getting started with Triathalon training.?

Name:  Jilah/John H.

Background:  I’m 37 years old and have been involved in a number of different sports (recreationally) my whole life but have never competed in a triathlon.  Ran track in HS and have run on and off since then, completed my first Half Marathon in the fall of 2009 and did another in the summer of this year.  I received a road bike for Christmas last year from my girlfriend and rode several times over the summer but spent the majority of my time running.  I struggled with plantar fasciitis from mid summer through early October and eventually took about a month off (November) to heal up.  Recently started running again without pain and decided that it would be good idea for me to cross train for awhile instead of going right back to running 5-6 days a week so that got me thinking about triathlon training.  Started swimming a couple of weeks ago at the local HS pool and it’s been humbling but I enjoy it.  I have always loved the water but never did any kind of distance swimming. 

Family Status: Long term relationship - living together

Current Training: Currently trying to build enough of a base with a focus on my biggest weakness (swimming) to start a 20 week HIM training program in February.  Just getting back into running after time off to heal up.  Started biking regularly (at the gym on a stationary bike) about a month ago and just started swimming a few weeks ago.  I have been training about 5 or 6 days a week for the past couple of weeks. 

This years races:
LHRR 7 Mile RR - June

Providence Half Marathon – August

Several other 5k – 10 Mile races

Next years race:

LHRR – June ?

Providence HIM – July 10th


Not a concern at this time I would like to work on better nutrition though. 

Goals for 2011:

Complete my first Triathlon in the spring of this year and a HIM in either July of August.  Stay healthy and injury free while training.  Possibly a 2nd HIM or a full marathon in the fall.

Hi John,

Welcome aboard.

I definately understand how swimming can be "humbling".  I only started to swim a little over a year ago and quickly realized how tough it is even for very athletic people.  I joined a masters class at my YMCA, and their instruction has been priceless.  If you can join a masters class, afford lessons, or even know a friend who is a good swimmer to help you...I would highly advise it.  Swimming is all about technique.  Sometimes it's a good idea to just ask the lifeguard at your pool to give you some tips if it's not crowded.  Most of the time they are bored out of their minds anyway.

As far as getting ready for your first race, feel free to ask any questions you may have.  I know I had a ton when I first started.

2010-12-23 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)

Name:  Mike

Moved to the Big Island of Hawaii 7 years ago.  I was active when I was younger.  After moving out here I fell into a pattern of eating (got up to 230 on my 5'9 frame), smoking a pack and a half a day, and drinking heavy about 5 nights a week.  I finally quit working a side job at a bar and that helped alot, but the weight was still there.  Finally decided a year and a half ago to address the weight situation and started working out and doing Les Mills classes at The Club in Kona.  I was having trouble with my leg strength so I started the spinning class they offer.  Thats when I remembered how much I liked biking as a kid.  Eventually, I got a bike back in July of this year, and witht he friends I made from working out, I found a great riding group which opend me up to other more positive social circles than I had been in before.  4 of the people on the ride this past Saturday are Kona finishers.  I came to realize that I have the opportunity to run/swim/ride on the course of the championship of this sport everyday, and have a base of support. 

Family Status: 
Married 13 years, no kids

Current Training:
Biking 2-3 times a week, slowly building up my running while switching to the pose method.

This years races:
A few 10k's, bike and run portion of an olympic distance race (Lavaman Keauhou). 

Next years race:

Lavaman Waikoloa April 3.  Assuming that goes OK, Honu Half Ironman


Once I get a six-pack, I'll just maintain, whatever number that is.

Goals for 2011:

Complete those 2 races, and one marathon, as well as the usual feast of local 10k's.

2010-12-23 2:31 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)

Hey Mike,

Did you grow up on one of the neighbor islands, or did you move to the Big Island from outside the state?

Congratulations on your weight loss.  I too found out that I needed to stay away from the bar (as a customer) to actually make a real lifestyle change possible.

I hear Lavaman is an awesome race.  And I hope to see you at Honu.

Again...any questions you have...just fire away.  Chances are there will be other people with the same questions.

Welcome aboard.

2010-12-23 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3259561

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Grew up in Texas before getting here.  Lavaman is an awesome race, I've done water patrol for it twice with Waikioloa Canoe Club, and their after party is outstanding, free beer from Kona Brewing Company and food from the Hilton until they run out!

Honu is most def my true goal this year, and every year after.

2010-12-23 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Same for me.  Honu is my true A race this year, and I hope to make it my yearly benchmark of tri fitness. 
2010-12-23 5:03 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Hello Tri808,

Your "pot luck" introduction and use of the term "fun" drew me to your mentoring group. OK, here is my story (completely different from the other postings).

I'm a 53 year old female university professor (music education) living in Greenville, SC. I've been working with a couple of wonderful fitness trainers for the last two years and have been maintaining my goal weight for a little less than a year now (eating well and total body training twice a week along with three hours of cardio workout of my choice). This past year I ran two 5Ks and one 10K race and would like to vary my goals (I get bored easily).  At my age, I didn't think it would be wise to train for a half marathon and thought a sprint triathlon would be a more suitable goal. I don't mind running, but tend to get bored of it. I don't mind swimming but also tend to get bored of it. I just purchased a hybrid bike and haven't been bored of riding, but I probably well some day. In short, I'm really not great any anything, but enjoy doing as many things possible.

Anyway, my plan, Lord willing, is to do a sprint triathlon in Columbia, SC at the end of March. I have a strong core and am relatively strong for a 53 year old woman (although not ready to join the AARP quite yet). I still enjoy working out with my trainers (they keep track of all my numbers and set up the machines for me) and need some direction in preparation for the March event. Right now, I'm on vacation in AZ and hope to do a couple of "brick" workouts along with my regular training regime set-up for me by my trainers.

So, that is me. Nothing unusual and nobody special. just somebody who has a fitness goal in mind (and I promise not to drive you nuts...I reserve that for my students).


2010-12-23 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Hi Sue...Welcome to the group.

I think I got into triathlons for a similar reason.  I like the way running makes me feel, but I can't just run all the time.  I need a mixture.  This past summer, I was training really hard for a long bike race (that unfortunately got cancelled) and had cut down on my running.  But after that...I found out how much I actually missed running and signed up for my second marathon which I just recently completed. 

It sounds like you are well on your way to having a fun experience in your first triathlon.  Being consistant with your workouts is the most important thing for first timers.  I also like your approach of taking small steps.  It's usually the best plan for enjoying the experience.
2010-12-23 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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2010-12-23 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3259863

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
melbel1038 - 2010-12-23 2:01 PM Hi!  Can I join?  I like fun too.  You made me LOL a couple of times on the forum. 

Name:  Melanie


I'm 37 years old, married with 2 kids.  My husband and I own a technology company (web development and IT) called IntegrityNETworx here in Naples, FL and are entering our 10th year of being in business.  I founded the company in 2001 when I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter as a way to stay home with her.  10 years later we have 3 employees and my husband was able to leave his full time job in 2006 to work with me.  Due to the stress of being self employed and pregnancies, I put on about 50 lbs over 8 years.  I also suffered from depression.  After a year of therapy I started feeling motivated to lose weight in mid 2009.  In May of 2009, I started making small changes in my diet and started walking.  Then I started running a little bit.  I found that I enjoyed it.  I signed up for a 5k in Sept 2009 and it took 44 minutes to complete it (running LOL).  But I kept signing up for them.  Having that carrot out in front of me motivated me to continue running.  Then I got interested in triathlon.  By December of last year I had lost about 50 lbs.  I hired a tri coach and I started working with him in January.  I worked with him throughout 2010 and completed 5 races plus a handful of 5k's and 10k's.  My 5k has come down to about 27 minutes since that first one in 9/2009.  Pretty happy with that improvement. I lost about another 10lbs in 2010 as well.  I went from a size 16 at my biggest to my current size 2.  I have never been this fit in my life or had this much energy.  I am finding that pushing myself constantly beyond my comfort zone in training and in races has given me so much confidence that it is crossing over to other areas of my life:  business, socially and in family life. 

Family Status:
Married 13 years, 2 kids ages 4 and 9

Current Training:
6 days a week typically 2x each but I'd like to do 3x each soon.  Right now I'm not swimming because it's cold and we don't have indoor pools in South Florida.  I know that sounds really weird.  People up north can swim year round because they have indoor pools, but not in South Florida LOL!  I'm also focusing on my first half marathon that is in 2 weeks.

This years races:
Danskin Sprint (all women), Naples Sprint, Longleaf Sprint, Englewood Sprint, Miami Man International Distance

Next years race:
Naples Daily News Half Marathon 1/16, Hooters to Hooters Half Marathon March, Danskin Sprint May, Naples Sprint June, An Oly August or Sept, Miami Man HIM November


60 lbs since May 2009

Goals for 2011:
Focus on performance for the Sprints and Oly.  Finish HIM decently.  More time in saddle.  Better swim technique.

Hi Melanie and welcome!

I think your journey back to good health and being fit is awesome.  I hear Miami Man is an awesome race as well.

2010-12-23 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
NAME: neuronet (Eric)

BACKGROUND: Dabbled with soccer, rugby, judo, then casual swimming. To lose weight I did 1 sprint in 2007, 2 in 2008, 3 in 2009, 2/3 of an oly in 2010 (stopped after bike b/c of achilles problems). All in North Carolina where I live.

: Married and one child 5 months.

:Every other day around 10-30 minutes. Want to do 5-6 days a week.

: 2/3 of an oly (see Background)

2011 RACES
: Three sprints, not sure which ones yet.

2011 GOALS
: Figure out how to train more often without getting injured!!! I really want to build up to 5-6 days a week without injury.

: I weigh 209 at 6'4" I want to get down to 195.

Edited by neuronet 2010-12-23 7:43 PM
2010-12-23 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)

I normally check in this site very frequently, but I'll be quite busy this weekend as I imagine most of you will be.

Tonight - 6ish mile run, then going to the UH (Hawaii) basketball game vs. Utah
Friday - riding first thing in the morning, going to the Hawaii Bowl (UH vs. Tulsa), then dinner with the family at my grandmas house.
Saturday - normal christmas stuff, and hopefully squeezing in a run
Sunday - riding in the morning, then helping my cousin paint her new apartment.

2010-12-23 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3259923

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
neuronet - 2010-12-23 2:40 PM NAME: neuronet (Eric)

BACKGROUND: Dabbled with soccer, rugby, judo, then casual swimming. To lose weight I did 1 sprint in 2007, 2 in 2008, 3 in 2009, 2/3 of an oly in 2010 (stopped after bike b/c of achilles problems). All in North Carolina where I live.

: Married and one child 5 months.

:Every other day around 10-30 minutes. Want to do 5-6 days a week.

: 2/3 of an oly (see Background)

2011 RACES
: Three sprints, not sure which ones yet.

2011 GOALS
: Figure out how to train more often without getting injured!!! I really want to build up to 5-6 days a week without injury.

: I weigh 209 at 6'4" I want to get down to 195.

Welcome Eric,

I'm not an injury expert.  I've had a few, but been lucky enough (knock on wood) to stay pretty healthy.  If you could give us more details on your injury problems...hopefully myself and others who have had similar experiences can help.

2010-12-23 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Hopefully I can add to the potluck!

I'm a 24 year retired swimmer.. I started late and swam all through college.  I'd say swimming would be my best event, except it bores me now.  Just got a new road bike for Christmas and I'm in love!  I'm still in school (Master's in Sport Psychology) so training happens whenever it can.   I'm hoping to do my first sprint at the Marineland Sprint in May, but I'm not sure if the event is going to happen.

I've put on some weight since I "retired" and found this site in my attempt to set a goal for myself.  My friend started Tri's right out of college and she loves it, so I thought I'd give it a try.  I'm looking to drop about 30 lbs. mostly by learning how to NOT eat like a swimmer anymore. Wink

I'm certainly not a runner.  I've had 2 knee surgeries during sophomore year in college and never ran again.  I'm currently doing the aggressive couch to 5k plan.  It's definitely tough to fit in the runs during the holiday's, but I'm trying my best.  I'm currently in North Florida and no indoor pools either up here, so swimming isn't happening and the wind makes biking a little difficult.

If any one would like help with the swimming portion, I'd love to help out anyway I can.  I used to coach beginner and novice swimmers. 

I hope everyone has an amazing holiday! 
2010-12-23 11:03 PM
in reply to: #3256440

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
I would like to join. if possible.

NAME PrinceofDenmar/Hamlet. (typo)

STORY Will be my first real year of triathlon. last year I completed an offroad sprint distance with some friends. not a real race. then dislocated my shoulder 2 weeks off my first sprint.
third year of running. background sports in basketball, and soccer, (almost went semi-pro) and swimming.
I am 17yo. (sure, laugh) I do my school by internet so training is not hard to fit in. except for other projects/hobbies that I have. I live in Monterrey Mexico. :D

Family Status Single. :P living with parents.

CURRENT TRAINING  NADA. haven't done anything in 3 months. will be starting from zero. Focus is on short distance. I enjoy it and really shouldn't be doing anything much longer. bring down 5k/10k times etc.

THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): tons of running races. like 10 I think.

2011 RACES I hope for. 2 sprints, maybe an Oly and lots or running stuff too. Maybe my first HM.

WEIGHTLOSS I was down to 77kg in june, I am almost up to 84kg now. wan to be around 80 by middle of Feb. I am 6'1. (sorry I think kgs and not lbs.)

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE. This is not for me to say! but I have some experience. not a total noob. and am willing to help where I can or at least share my experiences. but also I don't know lots of things and I am more than willing to learn.

Sometimes the language limits me, if I say something foolish correct me please.

Edited by Prince of Denmar 2010-12-23 11:17 PM

2010-12-23 11:22 PM
in reply to: #3259946

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
tri808 - 2010-12-23 8:01 PM
Welcome Eric,

I'm not an injury expert.  I've had a few, but been lucky enough (knock on wood) to stay pretty healthy.  If you could give us more details on your injury problems...hopefully myself and others who have had similar experiences can help.

Thanks for the interest: I will definitely write more details after I get back from vacation next week, I just wanted to jump in quick this looked like a good group.
2010-12-24 2:32 AM
in reply to: #3260075

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
swimmindy - 2010-12-23 4:49 PM Hopefully I can add to the potluck!

I'm a 24 year retired swimmer.. I started late and swam all through college.  I'd say swimming would be my best event, except it bores me now.  Just got a new road bike for Christmas and I'm in love!  I'm still in school (Master's in Sport Psychology) so training happens whenever it can.   I'm hoping to do my first sprint at the Marineland Sprint in May, but I'm not sure if the event is going to happen.

I've put on some weight since I "retired" and found this site in my attempt to set a goal for myself.  My friend started Tri's right out of college and she loves it, so I thought I'd give it a try.  I'm looking to drop about 30 lbs. mostly by learning how to NOT eat like a swimmer anymore. Wink

I'm certainly not a runner.  I've had 2 knee surgeries during sophomore year in college and never ran again.  I'm currently doing the aggressive couch to 5k plan.  It's definitely tough to fit in the runs during the holiday's, but I'm trying my best.  I'm currently in North Florida and no indoor pools either up here, so swimming isn't happening and the wind makes biking a little difficult.

If any one would like help with the swimming portion, I'd love to help out anyway I can.  I used to coach beginner and novice swimmers. 

I hope everyone has an amazing holiday! 

Welcome Mindy,

Always great to have an experienced swimmer in the group.  It usually one of the things most beginners to this sport struggle with...including myself.

As far as your weight loss goals and getting back into running.  The key is consistancy.  Drastic changes won't do much in your diet or your running.  What you need is to just be consistant.  Small, manageable changes that will have greater effects over time.  Just like you can't chase weight loss in a 2-3 week can't suddenly gain running fitness in a short time.  Patience is key.
2010-12-24 2:36 AM
in reply to: #3260133

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Prince of Denmar - 2010-12-23 6:03 PM I would like to join. if possible.

NAME PrinceofDenmar/Hamlet. (typo)

STORY Will be my first real year of triathlon. last year I completed an offroad sprint distance with some friends. not a real race. then dislocated my shoulder 2 weeks off my first sprint.
third year of running. background sports in basketball, and soccer, (almost went semi-pro) and swimming.
I am 17yo. (sure, laugh) I do my school by internet so training is not hard to fit in. except for other projects/hobbies that I have. I live in Monterrey Mexico. :D

Family Status Single. :P living with parents.

CURRENT TRAINING  NADA. haven't done anything in 3 months. will be starting from zero. Focus is on short distance. I enjoy it and really shouldn't be doing anything much longer. bring down 5k/10k times etc.

THIS YEAR'S RACES(2010): tons of running races. like 10 I think.

2011 RACES I hope for. 2 sprints, maybe an Oly and lots or running stuff too. Maybe my first HM.

WEIGHTLOSS I was down to 77kg in june, I am almost up to 84kg now. wan to be around 80 by middle of Feb. I am 6'1. (sorry I think kgs and not lbs.)

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE. This is not for me to say! but I have some experience. not a total noob. and am willing to help where I can or at least share my experiences. but also I don't know lots of things and I am more than willing to learn.

Sometimes the language limits me, if I say something foolish correct me please.

Welcome Hamlet,

I think it's great that you're showing intererst in this sport at such a young age. 

2010-12-24 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3256440

Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (Open)
Hello! I would like to join this group! Please let me know if there is still room, and I will post my info!
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