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2008-12-16 9:33 AM

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Brandon, MS
Subject: Sesh's Group - FULL!

Name:  Sesh/Bill

Story:  I got the idea to do a triathlon when I was in grad school at Mississippi State University in 2004.  I weighed 205 lbs at the time and didn't own a bike.  So, as I finished up my degree, I trained on a stationary bike and in spin classes.  I figured I'd buy a bike with my first paycheck in the working world and then give this thing a go in 2005.  Well, that plan got derailed when my right knee pretty much exploded in a pick up basketball game.  I wasn't cleared to run again until August of 2006.  Long story short, I finally lined up for my first sprint triathlon in May 2007, and I finished my first triathlon nearly an hour later.  It was one of the hardest things I had ever done, but it was also one of the most rewarding things as well.  I was hooked, and I haven't stopped yet.

Family Status:  Newlywed as of November 15th.  No kids, no pets, two bikes.

Current Training:  After using a BT plan for an Oympic this past year, I am currently using another plan from this site to get ready for the New Orleans 70.3 on 4/5/09.

This year's races:  This past year I ran 3 half marathons, two sprint triathlons, an Olympic triathlon, and I also did my first century ride.  In 2007 I ran a marathon, a half marathon, two sprints, and an Oly.

2009 races:  It starts early with the MS Blues Half-Marathon on January 3rd.  After that, it's all about the New Orleans 70.3.  I've got nothing booked from then on, but I'm searching for a 3mile+ swim and I'll be going for my second marathon either in December in Memphis, or next January in Jackson, MS.  There are some local races I'll do as well, and I'm even helping put on a tri this year as an officer in MS Heat Tri Club.

Weightloss:  Well, as I mentioned earlier, I weighed 205 lbs in 2004.  When I lined up for the Heatwave Classic on June 7th this year, I weighed 155.

What will make me a good mentor:  I love this sport, and I love the people that take part in it.  I've had all kinds of experiences over the last four years, and I'd like to share that with some folks.  I've dealt with the weight and injury issues.  I grew up a swimmer, but I've also stood on the beach and wondered what the heck am I doing.  I've followed a BT plan and cut 17 minutes off my time at an Oly in one year.  I've also had to walk the last half of  a sprint.  Physically and mentally, I've seen a lot and been through a lot.  BT has helped me clear a bunch of hurdles, and I'd to help someone else have the same successes.

A bit more FYI:  Swimming is what I love and what I'm best at.  I have built my own bike (that hasn't fallen apart), so I do feel I can offer some knowledge along the lines of bike mechanics.  I'm pretty slow, so I've got a lot of running hours under my belt.  Oh, and I'm signed on to BT pretty much all day long, so just about every day between 8-4 central time, I'll be around.

Edited by sesh 2008-12-17 1:23 PM

2008-12-17 10:01 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

I would like to join your group. My traingn has stalled in these winter months but i have a full season planned for next year. My goals and races for 2009 are:

 1. Continue to lose weight - i am now at 205 and want to be around 190-185

2. Races - St Anthony's Oly, Escape from Alcatraz Oly, Ironman Florida, ING Mary, peachtree 10k

 It seems like we are aligned with both the weight loss factor and distance factor.

2008-12-17 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1858544

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Welcome to the group, David.  Those are some great races you've got planned.  I've been thinking about making it over for the ING sometime in the future.

Right off the bat, I'd say it would be a good idea to start getting in a few workouts.  Dragging yourself into some training around the holidays will give you a good start on 2009.  Also, what really helped me drop some pounds was the nutrition log function on this site.  Play around with that and log what all you eat.  It can be really beneficial seeing what you're taking in, what proportions of carbs/fats/proteins, and just total calories in general.

2008-12-17 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN
Hey sesh,
I believe i would also be a good fit for your group.
I am 27, and entering my first triathlon season.
I am currently a bronze member and i am currently in the second month of my 16 week 3X discpline oly plan. i have my first tri scheduled for January 3-4th,2009 down here in south florida. This is a clinic/race and since i can't even change a flat right now, the clinic part sounded mighty good.
I believe i would be a good fit, because just like yourself i LOOOOOVE to swim-always have.
Never been a competitive swimmer but i really enjoy it, that and cycling. Running i am ok at right now, dealing with a little patellar tendonitis but still getting some work in on the run part.
My plan for my first year is to do the sprint tri in Jan, keep training on my plan, do the Miami International(oly distance) Tri on March 15th, and the entire "end-season" goal for me right now is to enter and complete the Miami Man 1/2 iron. I want to sprinkle a few more sprints and oly's in between the beginning and end race.
now the background:
I used to weight 230 pounds when I was 23, i was overweight most of my life. I moved to florida and decided to change it forever-I went all the way down to 149, then spent 3 years in strict bodybuilding getting up to 175. i was going to compete but injured my shoulder and through that I found triathlon-which i love.
I am married, no kids-yet, one bike, and two cats.

Edited by BeginnerMan 2008-12-17 10:36 AM
2008-12-17 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1858642

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

BeginnerMan - 2008-12-17 10:28 AM Hey sesh, I believe i would also be a good fit for your group.

Welcome to the group.  I see this going to be your first season doing tris, and you've signed up for some pretty awesome races, too.  That is some awesome weightloss as well. 

That makes 2.  Tri Nole and BeginnerMan.


Edited by sesh 2008-12-17 10:41 AM
2008-12-17 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN


 I would like to join your group, if you have room.  Here are some details:


(1)  Family - Married, two kids, two cats (if anyone wants them, let me know) one bike.  Live in Lafayette, IN (not Louisiana).

(2)  Stats - 5'9" tall, 175 lbs, 38 years old in 2009.  Weightloss goal is to lose 15 lbs by June (I was 165lbs this past May) and try to get back to 155 lbs by the end of 2009.

(2)  Triathlon History - I ran my first race in Wilmington, NC (Sprint) back in 2003 and was hooked immediately.  I ran the race beause my friend Sam challenged me to run one since he is big into tri's, thanks Sam for getting me hooked.  I have not been able to have a dedicated season in a while, short story is military and injuries, so I am looking forward to this year.

(3)  Last years races - NONE, NADA, ZIP.  I was planning on five sprints and my first ever Olympic but I got some severe shin splints in May that sidelined me for most of the summer.  I rested my shins for two weeks, tried to run again, still pain.  Rested them for 4 weeks, same thing.  I just had to give in to the injury and give it a much needed rest.

(4) Training - I just started back into running (last week was my first week back to running since May timeframe) so I have a long way to go.  I am taking it slow and easy.  My plan is to run and swim this month and slowly work in the stantionary bike in Jan/Feb.  I am not a big fan of the stationary bike, about 30 minutes is all I can handle at a time.  I am following a number of plans from various source (BT, Triathlete's training bible, Triathlete Mag, etc) I just used what I think will work and apply it.

(5)  Goals - This upcoming year just to train hard and injury free.  My goal is to complete an Olympic Tri in 2009 and hopefully a 1/2 Ironman in 2010.

(6)  2009 Races - Below is what I have planned, God willing and injury free:

April - Indoor tri somewhere 

May - Faith 5k run

June - Lafayette YMCA Sprint Tri (SPRINT), Indy Sprint Series Tri (SPRINT)

July - Indy Sprint Series Tri (SPRINT), Tri Del Sol (SPRINT, Middleville, MI)

August - 10K somewhere, Indy Sprint Series (SPRINT), Tri Indy (OLY)

Sept - Potentially the Nations Triathlon (OLY) in DC

I will have to wait and see how this all works out

(7)   Why do I need a mentor - I would just like to have some accountability with my training (it is hard to get up at 5 am just to workout), any advise for swimming would be great, and just plain triathlon advice would be great.


Looking forward to hearing from you.



"Pain is Weakness leaving the body" - USMC


2008-12-17 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Hi - I'd love to join this group. My quick bio:

2 years ago I did my first tri and another a few months. I have 2 smaill children and I wanted a way to keep the weight off that I lost w/ having the kids. (Yes I lost weight having kids - LOL)
and I want to set a healthy example as they grow up.

2008 - I completed 2 sprint tris, 2 other tris on a relay team, 1 olympic distance, 1 1/2 marathon, 1 marathon and various other 5-12Ks.

2009 plans - March 1/2 Marathon, April a Sprint and Olympic tri, May 1/2 marathon, June Mooseman Half Ironman - fall more sprint tris and a marathon.

Other tidbits: I want to get faster and I think the best way right now is to drop a few pounds. I'm boderline Athena weight and would love to shed 10 lbs by Mooseman. My husband competes as well so it is a family activity that we both enjoy and support each other. As soon as the kids are old enough I hope they will give it a try.

Finally, I hate swimming and I am VERY, VERY, VERY slow. I am part of a Masters program but haven't quite gotten the help I need partly their fault and partly mine. So I hope you can give me some pointers and get me to love swimming. There is hope. I hated running my entire life even when I played high school/college field hockey and now I truly enjoy the time on the road. :-)

thanks and hope to be a part of your group.
2008-12-17 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Bill, I would also like to join.

I got dragged kicking and screaming to a sprint tri in July this year (by my sister-in-law), loved it, and accidentally got hooked.  I completed that race and one other sprint in 2008.  There was no actual "sprinting" involved.

I used to be a swimmer, so that is by far my strongest of the 3 sports.  Both of the races I did this year followed the pattern of being among the leaders out of the water and then getting overtaken for the rest of the race Laughing.  My cycling is so-so but my running is pretty bad at the moment so I would really like to improve both of those.

2009 Goals:

1. I think one of the main things that would help with my running/cycling is losing weight.  When I started tri training I lost about 7lbs right away but have been fairly steady since then (although I feel like my body is rearranging itself - less fat etc).  I'm at 225 now but would like to be at or below 200 by my first race in July.

2. Complete at minimum these events:  1-mile open water swim event, 2 sprints, a 10k run and finish with an Oly, assuming everything goes well.  I haven't picked out the events yet.

I don't have too many time-related goals at this stage, because I mainly want to improve overall aerobic fitness and get comfortable with longer distances in each sport.  I think the times will come from there.  Having said that, obviously I want to beat my times from this year Smile.

3. Stay injury free.  Since getting back into running I've had a few problems with shin splints, achilles/calf issues etc.  I would like to leave those behind (although the shin splints seem to be gone for the most part). 

Also, I would like to start doing more of my own bike maintenance so I'm looking forward to learning a lot more there.

Thanks a lot



2008-12-17 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN
Hey, can I join as well?  Some info in a moment...
2008-12-17 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Awesome, I go out for a tempo run at lunch and we start filling up.  I think we have six now.  I'll leave it open for a little bit longer to see if we can't trick somebody else into signing up.

2008-12-17 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1858717

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Good to have you on board, Eric.  I know how frustrating injuries can be.  You've got the right idea on going slow and easy.  You'll get there eventually that way.  Rushing back could mean you'll never get there. 

As for swimming advice, I never get tired of talking about swimming.  So we can handle that no problem.  And don't worry, we will hold you accountable.  I know people with whips and tasers.  Melissa can vouch for that.

2008-12-17 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Will you take a brand new beginner?  I am planning on my first sprint tri in June 2009, followed by an oly in September. 

I used to run 5Ks but it's been years, so I started in October with BT's couch to 5K plan, and will switch to a sprint plan in February.  I have some biking experience doing charity rides (30 miles, usually).  I'm a decent swimmer, although my endurance isn't what it used to be.

Married, 2 kids, 2 dogs. 


2008-12-17 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1858928

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Samantha, we do not hate swimming in this group.  We love to swim, we love to swim, we love to swim  We'll work toward getting you straigtened out.

That's great that this is a family activity for you.  Very, very cool!  And welcome to the group.

2008-12-17 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1856289

Slidell, LA
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN


If there is still room, I would like to join the group!

I'm 34 and married with two boys  (ages 1 and 4).  The beginning of this year I signed up for a 10K to FORCE myself to get in shape and stop the downward spiral of AGING.  I loved the race atmosphere.  I then signed up for a sprint tri, started swimming and bought a TT bike, and got hooked.  This year I've done 2 tris 3 dus and a 10K (hurricanes cancelled 2 tris and a du)

I'm currently on the BT HIM plan training for the New Orleans 70.3 (it's in my backyard so I had to sign up)   I just want to prove to myself I can finish it.

All 3 diciplines are SLOW and need work... Like 53epilot I too would like to have some accountability with my training (the daylight savings stuff is killing me).  I love to "race" and train and plan on doing this from here on out.

2008-12-17 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1858929

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN
I know how you feel, Daniel.  I passed a grand total of zero people in my tris this year.  I'm always in the first wave and one of the first few out of the water.  Then I get to look at all the awesome bikes go past me and have the runners that pass me ask if I'm ok or need help.  It looks like you can help me make sure Samantha loves to swim by the time we are all done here.
2008-12-17 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - CLOSED!
Debbie and Chris... you're in, and that makes eight.  Gonna close the group now.

2008-12-17 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1859044

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

mchally - 2008-12-17 12:35 PM Hey, can I join as well?  Some info in a moment...

Of course you can, Mel.  You gotta catch me up, too, since I've been an absent Nibb lately.

2008-12-17 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Hi all, I would love to join in, here are some deets:

Name: Kiri

Family: 1 partner, 2 cats, 6 bicycles, no car

Current Training: 3x balanced sprint/oly home-made base building.

1. Finish 3 sprints and 1 oly for my first season
2. Lose more weight, 16 pounds so far
3. Have fun
4. Run!

I just got off the couch (basically) 4 months ago - something needed to change - and started this adventure. I am a terrible runner, still working on the couch to 5k. Never been a runner, never wanted to be a runner, but am growing to really enjoy it. I can bicycle and swim forever so for both of those I just need to improve fitness, and get faster.  I am pretty good at sticking to my schedule but always find it hard to motivate to do strength and core. I can use all the advice, wisdom, knowledge, HTFU's I can get... Oh and I'm interested in building my own tri bike this spring, so can use some encouragement on that front as well.

2008-12-17 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1859132

Slidell, LA
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - CLOSED!
All right!  I made it just in time....   I'm glad I was typing fast!!
2008-12-17 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1859120

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN
serendipity - 2008-12-17 12:53 PM

Will you take a brand new beginner?  I am planning on my first sprint tri in June 2009, followed by an oly in September. 

I love beginners  We are actually setting up a group training program for beginners where I live through our tri club and Fleet Feet.  I should be getting some good stuff from there that  I'll pass on to you.

2008-12-17 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1856289

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.

Edited by Matt237 2008-12-17 1:04 PM

2008-12-17 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1859147

Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN
kirih - 2008-12-17 1:00 PM

Hi all, I would love to join in, here are some deets:

Name: Kiri

Family: 1 partner, 2 cats, 6 bicycles, no car

Current Training: 3x balanced sprint/oly home-made base building.

1. Finish 3 sprints and 1 oly for my first season
2. Lose more weight, 16 pounds so far
3. Have fun
4. Run!

I just got off the couch (basically) 4 months ago - something needed to change - and started this adventure. I am a terrible runner, still working on the couch to 5k. Never been a runner, never wanted to be a runner, but am growing to really enjoy it. I can bicycle and swim forever so for both of those I just need to improve fitness, and get faster.  I am pretty good at sticking to my schedule but always find it hard to motivate to do strength and core. I can use all the advice, wisdom, knowledge, HTFU's I can get... Oh and I'm interested in building my own tri bike this spring, so can use some encouragement on that front as well.

Welcome!  I spoke to soon.  We have nine!

2008-12-17 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1856289

Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - CLOSED!
2008-12-17 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1856289

Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - CLOSED!
Awesome thanks, I thought I might have missed it...!
2008-12-17 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1856289

Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - OPEN

Here it is...

My name is Melissa.  I was a tag-a-long invite for a sprint tri last Fathers day(250yd swim, 13m bike, 3m run, all flat).  I didn't get in much training beyond a little swimming-my bike was in much worse condition than I realized and repairs weren't completed until the night before the race.     I went into the race with 2 goals: to have fun and not to get hurt.  I finished the race feeling somewhat miserable, but awesome at the same time.  

I almost immediately signed up for an open water swim(half mile, mid August) and 2 more sprint tris(late august, early sept).  As the season progressed I slowly got more training in.

I added a 25 mile bike event towards the end of Sept. 

The next week, on the spur of the moment, I signed up for one last sprint tri with another BT member-it was the same course as my original.   It was awesome to see how far I had come.  I took of more than 24 minutes...although I did push myself a lot more than I had in my first race.

I have actually started running-I did a trail run event in November.  Up until last week (I've been fighting a nasty cold ) I had been getting runs in nearly every weekday morning. 

This time last year I weighed about 145lbs...In January I came off a med that was causing me to gain weight and  I have had to make some dietary changes due to food sensitivities. Between the short periods of time when I was struggling to figure out what I could eat and my increased activity I am down to 115lbs.  Personally, I would like to put a few back on-but as muscle.

First I need to get rid of this cold so that I can breathe again.

Let me go dig up my plans for 2009....

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