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2009-07-28 12:54 AM

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Subject: ITBS therapy?
My IT band has been bothering me off and on for about 6 weeks, and I did my first short run on it this evening after a couple weeks off. The pain is definitely a lot lower than the last time I ran on it, but there is still some tenderness there.

I've read that strengthening and balancing the upper legs can help ITB pain. Would laying off running for a while and focusing on cycling be good treatment, or will it do more harm than good? I'm new to cycling and am not familiar with common injuries for that sport. Thanks in advance! 

2009-07-28 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2311772

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?
I cannot answer your question.But, I can tell you that a year ago I started suffering from the same.I tried to run through it at first, then I tried rest (2 months of no running)Neither worked.I tried new shoes, helped but didn't resolve.I finally went to ART therapy on recommendation of my local runners: 95% fixed, I could run with very little pain. He suggested I go to a chiro to fix me fully.I was reluctant to do so, but eventually went to one for 3 or 4 adjustments.I'm fully healed. Wish I had done it sooner.
2009-07-28 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2311772

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?

For me it was 6 weeks of little/no running, still kept biking and swimming, but also went to PT for massage and ASTYM. I also worked on strengthening my hips and core. Maybe take a week off completely, then add the bike and see if it affects your IT band. If not, then keep cycling. If your insurance allows, a trip to the PT would be really helpful. They can check for muscle imbalances, check your running gait, give you specific exercises etc. Good luck  

2009-07-28 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2311772

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Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?
Thanks a lot for the replies. I can't do the chiro thing right now, but will definitely look into PT along with taking some time off running.
2009-07-28 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2311772

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Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?

If you're new to cycling and having ITB problems, make sure your seat height is correct. I managed to train and do a marathon with no ITB problems, but then rode on a bike with the seat down too low, and now I have ITBS problems on occasion.

Have you been stretching your ITB? A sports therapist showed me a few stretches that have really helped. I've also found that, while doing kick training in the pool, that doing the breast stroke kick helps strengthen my ITB and I don't have as many problems.

This link might help as far as stretches:

2009-07-28 10:30 PM
in reply to: #2311772

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Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?
I have been suffering with ITBS for a few months now.  I went to a PT.  He gave me some stretching and strengthening exercises.  He also thought that my piriformis muscle could be adding to the problem (that was the only place that I had any consistent soreness).  I was also using a foam roller a lot.  It was not getting any better.

I continued to read everything I could find. I finally found something that talked about strengthening your core.  I started doing squats, lunges, hip abductions and adductions.  I appear to be over the worst of it now.  I believe the core work is what did it.

Edited by rbsmith 2009-07-28 10:33 PM

2009-07-29 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2311772

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Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?
Thanks rb and watergirl for the tips. Yes, I've been stretching a lot and it does seem to help - at least when it flares up it's been dying down quicker. I've recently started working fairly hard on my core as well, so hopefully that will have a positive effect for me too. It's nice to know other people have had some success dealing with this injury - thanks for the help!
2009-07-31 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2311772

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Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?
I'm pretty cheap and also don't really like to go to the doctor. I also constantly struggle with ITB issues. Right now I have had alot of success with a $20 foam roller I picked up at Target (hurts like heck though). I spend 10-15 minutes on it 2-3 times a day and it really has helped. I also picked up PattStrap's ITB Strap. I have not used it yet, but have heard good things from others.
2009-08-07 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2318974

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?
goisles26 - 2009-07-31 5:55 AM I'm pretty cheap and also don't really like to go to the doctor. I also constantly struggle with ITB issues. Right now I have had alot of success with a $20 foam roller I picked up at Target (hurts like heck though). I spend 10-15 minutes on it 2-3 times a day and it really has helped. I also picked up PattStrap's ITB Strap. I have not used it yet, but have heard good things from others.

I started using the PattStrap two weeks ago and I'm -really- happy with it. I didn't think something so simple would make such a difference. Biking and running I've had little to no discomfort from ITBS when using the strap. I didn't have it tight enough on the first ride and didn't notice much of a difference. However, on subsequent runs and rides with it properly wrapped it helps a lot.

Edited by toddg 2009-08-07 4:46 PM
2009-08-20 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2311772

Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?

Question, do you guys actually feel pain on the ITB, or around it? My issues are with my knee, tight ITB and quads, imbalances in my hips and glutes basically pulled my knee cap laterally (outside) and I developed Chondromalacia (Runner's Knee).

2009-08-21 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2311772

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?
Besides the foam roller, pattstapp mentioned previously, I have had ART (active release technique) and the Graston Technique done and it's working.  The chiropractor I see uses both.   Several years ago I had severe IT band issues and had to stop running.  It flared up  this summer while on a long run. I've had 3 treatments so far and no recurrence of the pain.  (which I get on the outside of my knee) This big test will be this weekend. 17 mile run on the plan for Sunday. (Chicago Marathon training)

Edited by suzimmer 2009-08-21 9:35 AM

2009-08-21 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2360204

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: ITBS therapy?
jdevito20 - 2009-08-20 8:51 AM Question, do you guys actually feel pain on the ITB, or around it? My issues are with my knee, tight ITB and quads, imbalances in my hips and glutes basically pulled my knee cap laterally (outside) and I developed Chondromalacia (Runner's Knee).

The pain I had was on the left knee outside.
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