General Discussion Introduce Yourself!!! » A new beginning Rss Feed  
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2004-04-21 12:00 PM


Albany, NY
Subject: A new beginning
Hello everyone!! My name is Chris and I want to complete my first Tri. I have always had an interest in competing in a Tri, but never scheduled the time. In high school I was captain of the football and basketball team. When I went to college I stop sports all together and focused on studies and partying. After college and working a few desk jobs I realized that I was way out of shape and began working out. I started slowly a couple of years ago and know I run about 2-3 miles 2-3 days a week and do weight training 3-4 days a week.

My biggest worry for participating in a Tri is the swimming. I can swim, but never did any kind competitive swimming or long periods of swimming. As I look through the training programs on I would like to start the couch to sprint, 16 week, swim focused program, but I don’t really understand how it is broken up. I’m looking for a little help understanding what 12-swim means over 24-bike (for example). What does the number mean?

Anyway I watch the Xterra Tri every year and every year I say that I want to take the steps to one day compete in that event. Well this year I hope to take my first steps towards my goal (with some help from you guys). I want to complete my first Tri in 16 weeks!!!! Wish me luck and if you have any points, suggestions, or hints please feel free to share.

Well I just wanted to introduce my self and ask a few questions. Best of luck to all.

Chris upstate NY

2004-04-21 1:15 PM
in reply to: #20497

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: A new beginning
Welcome! :-)

Those numbers in the program are minutes of training per discipline. And, don't worry about the swim. Many of us are in the same boat, but have found that with practice, it just keeps improving! I am not a swimmer either, but I'm learning! And the forums here give lots of advice!

Good luck!
2004-04-21 1:17 PM
in reply to: #20497

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Berkeley, CA
Subject: RE: A new beginning
Welcome Chris--

I've been in the sport for about three years and am a life long convert!! I can't imagine someone not feeling the same, so welcome for the long-haul!

The Xterra is a great goal! I saw the Championships this year, and even though I'm terrified of mountain bike riding, I was practically running out the door to buy a MB!! So compelling!! Do you watch it in person or on tv??

Ask all the questions you like! Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right??


2004-04-21 3:12 PM
in reply to: #20497


Albany, NY
Subject: RE: A new beginning
Cogirl thanks for clearing that up for me. I though that that’s what it meant but wasn’t sure. I have been lurkin around this sit all day and love the support that is given. I have to say it, but I hooked already. I hope you guys don’t mind a lot of questions?

Dana thanks for the warn welcome. The Xterra is an awesome event and I do love to mountain bike so maybe someday I will achieve my goal. Anyway thanks guys for responding to my 1st post. There will be many more to follow.
2004-04-21 4:48 PM
in reply to: #20497

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New Port Richey
Subject: RE: A new beginning

Welcome to the site Chris,

I am located in Rochester. Do You have any races picked out yet.

2004-04-21 5:05 PM
in reply to: #20497

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Gold member
Subject: RE: A new beginning

that sprint will be no problem with the running miles u have.  the swim will come...just keep at it.


2004-04-21 10:51 PM
in reply to: #20497

Elite Veteran
Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: A new beginning
Nice to have you here.  Yankess Fan?  There are a ton of Bo Sox's fans here, be prepared.
2004-04-22 12:16 PM
in reply to: #20497


Albany, NY
Subject: RE: A new beginning
Hey everyone thanks for responding to my post with such encouragement.

Kgart: I have my eye on 2, One is the Pine Bush tri held Sunday July 18 in Albany NY. The other is the Grafton lakes Off-Road Triathlon, (just outside Albany) This is an official Xterra point series event, something that I have always wanted to do. What races do you have picked out?

Ron & Y-Not-TRI thanks for the support about swimming I’m going to work hard at it. Oh and Y I’m a METS FAN!!!!!
2004-04-22 3:53 PM
in reply to: #20497

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2004-04-22 4:54 PM
in reply to: #20497


Albany, NY
Subject: RE: A new beginning
Thanks Lara,

How many TRI’s have you done? Any advice?

Man I wish I was were you are…
2004-04-23 7:55 AM
in reply to: #20497

Keller, TX
Subject: RE: A new beginning

Welcome Chris.  don't worry too much about the swimming.  I figured it out at age 38, so it can't be too tough, right?

Good luck with the training.  Let us know how we can help.


2004-04-23 8:58 AM
in reply to: #20497

New Port Richey
Subject: RE: A new beginning
The tri's I am doing are mainly around here, just sprints and olympics since this is my first year. Have you looked into the musselman in Geneva. I know it is a long drive for you but it looks like it is going to be a real great event. Good luck in your training.
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