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2009-04-15 12:19 PM

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Essex, England
Subject: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Name: PASHDA (Dave Pashley)
Story: Got into triathlons through a friend in Feb 2008 and was hooked on the training as I loved the variety of 3 sports. Couldn't swim more than 50m, hated running but loved cycling even though I only had a full suspension MTB. Spent a lot on kit and did sprint races last season. This year am aiming to do more sprints plus a couple of olympic races. Next year 1/2 IM legs permitting.
Family Status: Married with 4 kids
Current training: I try to do something most days work/family permitting. Building up for race on 19th April.
2008 races: 3 sprints and a 10k run
2009 races: Sprints in April and June, Olympic in July and September plus 1/2 marathon I hope.
Weightloss: Haven't targetted any but my weight has dropped from 200lbs to 192lbs in the last year. A lot of fat has gone from my legs as well.
What will make me a good mentor: I am still a relative newbie and have been fortunate to be in Gordo Byrns mentor group this year so can pass on the masters knowledge to others. I look at the site every day so will respond quickly to any questions and having made a few mistakes along the learning curve this year I can help prevent others doing the same. I am used to motivating sports people through coaching soccer teams so would like to apply that to my new sport.

All are welcome to join although I will probably be best suited to help total beginners.

Edited by Pashda 2009-04-24 7:18 AM

2009-04-17 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2086257

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hi there.  I am new to BT - with first sprint in four weeks.  No idea what I am doing, although reading the many posts has been givnig me bits of knowledge on what to expect.
Name: Joeyg (Joseph Gillis)
Story: Last May, after losing some weight, ran a 5k.  Did ok, and a friend saw me & asked if I wanted to do a 7 mile charity race in the summer.  So, worked up to that, and then a 10-mile race this February.  Decided to give Tri a shot, although still learning how to swim. 
Family Status: Married with 2 kids
Current training: I try to do something most days work/family permitting.
2008 races: Numerous 5k races, up to 7 mile road races
2009 races: Lots more road races.  Sprint Tri in Marlboro MA on May 17th.
Weightloss: Not really looking at that so much now. Lost more than 40 lbs to get to 170-175 current weight.  Maybe get into 160's, but not a priority.
Goals: To have the confidence to know I can do the Sprint Tri.  250 yd pool swim, 9 mile bike, 3 mile run.  But it is that first segment that has me most concerned.  If I do ok, would liek to do another Tri in August that will include an outdoor swim.
2009-04-20 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2086257

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Dave, I am very new to this sport, and have a sprint triathlon on May 30th that I am way excited about.  I was 5'9, 260 on Christmas of '08 (I have great before pictures).  I am now down to 230, and looking for a sport that will keep me fit and healthy.  I am married with three kiddos, and work in the golf business.  I do try to train some how every day except sundays.  I really enjoy biking, running, and swimming, so triathlon is a natural fit for me.  I think I could eventually take this sport to a competitive level, but I want to see how I enjoy it first.  I would be honored if you would mentor me in my first season of this adventure.

Edited by outlawdave316 2009-04-20 10:14 PM
2009-04-21 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2098342

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hey Joe, Dave
it looks like we are live so welcome. Lets hope we have a few more joining up soon as the group will work better with 10-15. In the meantime keep your training logs up to date as much as possible and if you make them public the group can all see each others and can post messages of support to you.
Good luck for your first year, you will do great

2009-04-21 2:47 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hey Dave-
I am a 39 yr old stay at home mom of 3 young kids looking to run my first sprint tri in August.  I am an active person but a complete newbie to all three sports.  I am especially novice in the swimming dept !  I would love to join your group.  I have limited time to train, as my hubby travels 4 days a week, but am the type to make things work.  I am totally psyched to do my first tri!!  Before kids, I was very athletic and fit and can't wait to get there again.  I have signed up for the Rattlesnake sprint tri in Aurora, CO on August 16th.  I am sure I will have loads of questions as time goes on.

2009-04-21 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2086257

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Royal Oak
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Pashda - Can I get in on the action?  I have a pretty tight schedule, but have been pretty religious about using BT for information.  Lacking a bit with regard to posting workouts... Below is my intro. to the Michigan forum.  I have been doing a bit of research and know a couple of people doing Tris, but this seems to be a great way to learn more.  Thanks!

Name: Blake

Tri History: This is season #1!  I have always loved all 3 disciplines, but have never seriously combined them.  I look forward to getting to know as many of you as possible!

Tri Goals for 2009:  Knock out as many Triathlons as possible without injury…  I am on good pace for Olympic distance in June, but planning a few Sprints late Spring/early Summer to “get my feet wet.” Ideally, I will squeeze in a HIM early Fall...

My wife and daughter live in Traverse City, MI during the summer and my family has a place in Harbor Springs, so I plan to do a fair amount of northern MI events.

Age group: 30-34 M

Personal:  Married with one 21-month daughter, who has extremely high energy.  I am blamed for this daily...  Our dog Koda (Goldendoodle) is also “spirited” and seems to get in trouble often.

Occupation: Banking (10 years / Not that cool at the moment)

Interests - too many: Working out, Boxing/Mixed Martial Arts, Skiing, Golf, Squash, Hunting, Windsurfing, Scuba Diving...

Area:  Royal Oak, MI (close to downtown);  I workout at the Detroit Athletic Club and get outside as much as MI allows... 

Edited by blakekenny1 2009-04-21 8:35 PM

2009-04-22 7:12 AM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Eau Claire
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hello PASHDA/Daivd,

If there is room for one more?  I'd like to join your group.  My name is Mark Thornton.  I'm 42 years old.  I'm working on balancing work, family and training.  It's a challenge but I feel great.

Story:  I am a total newbie.  I am an avid recreational cycler but couldn't run around the block and am a good swimmer but had never swan laps before.  That was before my wife and I decided to take on this new venture of completeing a SPRINT Triatholn.  After 3 weeks I'm actually enjoying running (well maybe not running yet just did my first but 8 minute mile) and swimming laps.   

Family Status: Married with a teen-age girl and twin 4 year old girls

Current training: I try to train 6 days a week work and family permitting.  I swim 20 minutes Tuesdays and Thursdays (that's when I can get to the pool), Then I rotate biking and running on non-swim days.  The event we hope to complete is in the middle of July so we have a couple months to prepare.

2008 races: none

2009 races: Sprint race in July.  My wife, the runner, is hoping to get in a couple 5K runs before the race.  I'm not sold on that yet.

Weightloss: I don't have much for goals in this area.  I'm fairly fit and monitor my diet very closely.  Plus our family is doing a Biggest Loser contest.  I've lost several pounds since the first of the year. 
2009-04-22 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2086257

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Eau Claire
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hello PASHA/Dave

Just trying to reach out and say "Hi"

2009-04-22 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Edited by Kathryn 2009-04-23 8:35 PM
2009-04-22 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hi Dave,

I'm hoping that I can also join your group.  I am a newbie and competed in my first try a tri last September in Wasaga Beach, Ontario.  I successfully convinced 4 of my running friends to compete with me.  We all had an absolute blast and I'm proud to say that I placed 2nd in my age group despite the fact that I was riding a hybrid mountain bike! I've been running on and off for years and have competed in a number of half marathons, one marathon, a few 10k's and a number of trail races.  I've always been fairly active and mostly competitive with myself, always wanting to improve my times.  I'm really excited for the 2009 Season and continue to recruit new people to train with for tri's.  No one in our group has any experience or knowledge so I thought that I would connect with the online group and see how it goes.

Family Status: Single with shared custody of my dog, I know, odd but it works. Also the favourite Aunt to 6 nieces and nephews.

Current Training:  I have mostly been running as I'm scheduled to run a marathon on Mother's Day, May 10th.  For the past week or so I've been dealing with an injury to my soleus so my running has come to a complete halt with the race being so close.  I've been in the pool at least 1 - 2 times per week and haven't gotten any real cycling under my belt.  The good new is that I purchased a bike a few days ago so will be cycling in the next few weeks!

2008 Races: 2 10k's, 1 30K, 1 half marathon, and a bunch of trail races.  All running.  It wasn't a race by any means but I also climbed Machu Picchu in Peru in October.  The most amazing adventure of all!

2009 Races: So far, 1 half marathon and 1 30k down and  1 marathon in less than 3 weeks as long as my current injury is healed, 6 trail races, hopefully 3 - 4 triathlons with the last being an Olympic distance. 

Weight loss; Would like to lose some lbs. which hasn't happened with running, I usually put on a little bit of weight because I'm always hungry!  I eat healthy except there is usually alot of junk in my office and I'm die hard see food eater as in I see food and I eat it!

Can wait to hear your words of wisdom and training tips! 

2009-04-22 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Edited by Kathryn 2009-04-23 8:38 PM

2009-04-22 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2086257

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Can I play?  I'm new to the scene but have always wanted to tri it. 

NAME: Paul

Age: 44

Personal: Married with 17 year old son. I live in West Jordan, Utah.

History: My strength has to be biking.  I love it but my experience is mostly mountain biking.  I borrow my biking motto from the unofficial Union Pacific motto - uphill slow, downhill fast, speed first, safety last.  I'm an OK runner (1 marathon, 1-10k, who knows how many 5k).  I can keep going for a while but I'm not too fast.  Swimming is my weakness.  I don't sink any more but am still pretty slow.  My training lately consists of a spinning class and running at the Olympic Speedskating Oval here in SLC.  They have an indoor track, its never wet, never windy, and never too hot or too cold.  During the summer I like to do my long runs through the mountains.

Goals: 1 - I want to start out easy with a sprint this year.  I will do OK with the running and biking but am concerned about the swim.
2 - I want to do the same marathon again and cut my time from 4h 20m to 4 even.
3 - I want to lose some weight.  I am 6' 1" and weighed 185 after running the marathon in Sept 2007 then shot up to 210 by January.  Currently 200 and want to get back to 180-185.  I never had to watch my weight until the last couple of years.  I'm used to being able to as much as I want of anything I want.  Its an adjustment for me.

What I hope to get from this group:  1 - I know nothing about the tri.  I have some questions about the transitions, what I will need, how to pack, set things up and whatever else would be helpful for my first tri. 
2 - I am learning how important nutrition is and the affect it can have on your training.  I would like to learn more about a good training diet and how to eat to prepare for a race.

2009-04-22 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2086257

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Hi Dave,

Name: Melody (age 45)

I'd like to join.  I'm a complete newbie.  I'm competing in my first Sprint (even shorter than the normal distances) in June.  I'm facing a few challenges.  I started training in January but developed a stress fracture in my ankle the end of February and am just now starting to train again.  I have a few trips planned which will interfer with my training, but I'm committed to competing with my best effort.

As a former swimmer, I'm not concerned with the swim (it is only 450 yards).  My greatest concern is the run, which may have to be a walk depending on my ankle.

I'll try to figure out how I open my training log tomorrow. 

Thanks in advance.


2009-04-23 2:40 AM
in reply to: #2104181

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Welcome all you are in.
I think we will wait for a few more to join before we close. I aim to email you individually at first and will then post general comments and advice as we go along. Looks like we have a good mix of people with various backgrounds and hopes. No reason we cant all do well this season.
2009-04-23 7:10 AM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Lawrenceburg, IN
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hello Dave, I am interested in the mentoring program.  I am 31 years old and a police officer in Indiana.  I am currently training for a sprint triatlon on July 19th.  This is my first time trying any type of endurance sport.  I played basketball and was a sprinter in highschool.  In the last 7 years I also got into weight lifting pretty hard.  I must say that I have found the switch to endurance training harder than I had thought it would be.  I have been primarily swimming so far due to it being by far the weekest of the three sports for me.  I have just started a full 12 week program this week.  I look forward to all and any advice.


Edited by keefrichard 2009-04-23 12:38 PM
2009-04-23 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2086257

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Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hi Dave, I'm hoping there is still room in your group for another member. I've been casually training for my first triathlon since the start of the new year but it is now less than 3 months away! Let me know and I can post more info about myself.
Kristin (RunGirRun)

2009-04-23 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2086257

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Beginning to panic about the swim
Well, this all seemed like a great idea weeks ago - register for a tri (250m swim, 9+ mi bike, 3+ mi run).  Started running last year, and completed distances up to 10 miles (yes, that was tough).  Been riding an indoor bike, and a little outside riding with the family.  But, had no clue how to swim - in fact, perhaps even a little phobic about water.
So, took some group lessons, and at least am comfortable in a pool.  However, the swimming just does not seem to be coming along.  Or, more precisely, not coming along as I hoped.  I can swim across the pool (25 m) ok, albeit slow using a front crawl.  But, inevitably on the return I swallow a little water or something else and begin to panic and become uncomfortable in the water.
Thus, I might put my feet down to stand (why I have been practicing in a pool), or maybe spin over and swim some on my back.  Because of my panics when doing the breathing, I can at least continue swimming backstroke since I can breathe more as I need with my mouth out of the water.
Is this all normal?  Sort of like riding a bike, where it seems impossible until suddenly it clicks and all seems natural to be balanced on two wheels? 
Lastly, if I end up doing my 250m sprint pool swim combining front crawl and backstroke, is that gonna be a big problem?  When registered for the tri, I said my estimate for 250m was 6:30.  (Not there yet, but getting there.)  But, that should put me near the end of the starting flights so as not to hold people up.
What to do with the tri on May 17th?  Should I just forget that it might be 7-8-9 minutes in the pool, just do it for the experience and move on? 
I am doing this for the challenge of it and the experience of it.  It would be quite an accomplishment for me from where I was a year ago.  So, I don't even care about a DFL finish - completing it is the goal and reward.
Are some people just not made for swimming?
2009-04-23 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2105140

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Beginning to panic about the swim
as a total swim novice your feelings are perfectly normal regarding the swallowing of water and not being able to breathe. You may find it worth working on some balance drills that involve swimming on your side and breathing. See this link
This shows that you can breathe without lifting your head and you dont get a lungful of pool. It takes a bit of practice and to help you can hold a float or pullbuoy in the hand out front and do one side at a time for each length. Note how the body is stretching forward and the trailing arm is mostly out of the water. This exagerates the rotation you want to have for your normal stroke. By rotating your body you only need a small turn of your head to breathe safely in the wake from your head. The key is to be as relaxed as possible so if you need to rest after each 25m to compose before the return length then do so. In your race a 5-10sec rest after each length is not going to add much to your time but will make it more enjoyable and keep your HR nice and low for the bike. A 90 second extra swim time can easily be made up with your strong bike and run.
See how you get on with the drill above. Do a few lengths with each arm have a rest and then try to do it with no float so you can switch as per the video. Finish off with some full stroke lengths to practice. You can use a pull buoy for your legs as well so you can relax them and concentrate on the arms.
2009-04-23 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2104676

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
RunGirlRun - 2009-04-23 1:35 PM Hi Dave, I'm hoping there is still room in your group for another member. I've been casually training for my first triathlon since the start of the new year but it is now less than 3 months away! Let me know and I can post more info about myself.
Kristin (RunGirRun)

Hi Kristin, you are welcome to join. Please post some info about yourself so everyone can get to know you.
2009-04-23 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2104626

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

keefrichard - 2009-04-23 1:10 PM Hello Dave, I am interested in the mentoring program.  I am 31 years old and a police officer in Indiana.  I am currently training for a sprint triatlon on July 19th.  This is my first time trying any type of endurance sport.  I played basketball and was a sprinter in highschool.  In the last 7 years I also got into weight lifting pretty hard.  I must say that I have found the switch to endurance training harder than I had thought it would be.  I have been primarliy swimming so far due to it being by far the weekest of the three sports for me.  I have just started a full 12 week program this week.  I look forward to all and any advice.


Hi Joe, Like the user name he is the man. Welcome to the group and I think you are the same as I was this time last year but younger!. I used to spend all my time in the gym lifting weights after always playing soccer. I hated running unless it was to chase a ball so going for a long run was torture for me and I would say it is still my weakest of the 3 sports but I love it now. Do you have details of your plan ?
2009-04-23 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2104181

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
go4it - 2009-04-23 3:16 AM

Hi Dave,

Name: Melody (age 45)

I'd like to join.  I'm a complete newbie.  I'm competing in my first Sprint (even shorter than the normal distances) in June.  I'm facing a few challenges.  I started training in January but developed a stress fracture in my ankle the end of February and am just now starting to train again.   My greatest concern is the run, which may have to be a walk depending on my ankle.

Hi Melody, welcome to the group. I am assuming you have been given the ok to start training on your ankle again by a doctor ? If so I would suggest looking at the couch to 5k run plan here on BT which will start with a lot of walk/runs initially and gradually reduce the walking. No point in trying to run through any pain it is your body telling you something is wrong and you will end up missing the race injured. How is the ankle for cycling ?

Training log you open up by pressing the button at the top of your screen and enter the details for the day. Make it a public access log so we can check how you are doing and offer encouragement.

2009-04-23 10:53 AM
in reply to: #2105287

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Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Pashda - 2009-04-23 11:32 AM
RunGirlRun - 2009-04-23 1:35 PM Hi Dave, I'm hoping there is still room in your group for another member. I've been casually training for my first triathlon since the start of the new year but it is now less than 3 months away! Let me know and I can post more info about myself.
Kristin (RunGirRun)

Hi Kristin, you are welcome to join. Please post some info about yourself so everyone can get to know you.

Hi 'Team Pashda', here are my vitals...

Name: Kristin (RunGirlRun)

Story: Two years ago I had a complete ACL reconstruction done in my left knee after I damaged the ligament and meniscus playing soccer. Prior to my injury\surgery, I was a fanatical runner and soccer player but I as far as my running went, I only competed on one race...ever. Before my surgery, I made a pact with myself to come back even stronger than I was before my surgery. I was very inspired by my sister's success in triathlon and the challenge of the three disciplines in one sport really appealed to me. So, I procrastinated for a year and a bit and now I think the time is right for me to achieve my triathlon goal.

Family Status: Married with a dog, 2 cats and a turtle.

Current training: Working on the BT 3x Balanced Sprint training plan.

2008 races: 5x 5K races. I had a goal to run at least one race per month.
2009 races: Guelph Lake Try-a-tri or sprint distance traithlon, Mississauga Half-Marathon, Sulphur Springs 10K trail run and a 10K road race...these are the ones I have signed up for...I have already done an 8K, and 2x 5K races this year.

Weightloss: Currently, I am working with a dietitian to help achieve my fitness goals and to hopefully improve my performance when racing and my overall health. I figure that any weight-loss is just an added bonus of living a healthier lifestyle.

Goals: Live healthy. Become stronger and faster. Learn how to stay motivated and remain focused on my goals.
2009-04-23 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2086257


Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN
Hi Dave ( & Everyone)

Are there any openings left in your group? 

I am as new as it gets & definitely need some guidance.

I am 27, married, 2 kids (1yr & 3 yrs) + 2 dogs

The Sprint Tri I am signed up for is in Cambridge, MN on July 25th.  I just decided to do it last weekend and so have only been "sort of" training for the past 4 days at my local YMCA.  I have exactly 13 weeks left to train.  I will decide after my first complete race if this is something I want to continue - I have a feeling I will.

Because I work long hours (7:30am- 5:30pm) during the week the only time I can train is from 5-6am  (the YMCA opens at 5).  And on weekends i can take an hour or two as well. 

The last time I played a sport was probably in college when I played in a softball tournament.  I was on the track team in Jr high, and until this week haven't really ran since then.  ( But I'm kind of liking it).

I am definitely aiming to lose some weight along the way.  Currently I am 5'3 and 167lbs, my personal goal is 140lbs.  Most importantly I want to be lean & toned.

Look forward to hearing from you!


2009-04-23 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2086257

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Hi Dave,

I would like to join your group too, if there is still space.

Story: I'm 35 and new to the sport.  I am currently training to complete my first sprint tri in August 2009.  I'm a former swimmer, a decent biker, and a slooooow runner.  But I do enjoy all three of the sports.  I've been reading this website for a few months, and have found it to be very useful. 

Family Status: Long term boyfriend and two dogs, a 5 year old rottweiler/ lab/ shephard and a 1 year old rottweiler/ pug mix.

Current training: I've been training five to six days a week, with some active recovery on my days off which includes either flag football, softball, yoga, or hiking.  I did about 6 months of weight training and running, but I've now cut back on the weight training to focus on the other activities.  I haven't been doing enough swimming and need to step that up.

Anything else?



2009-04-23 7:19 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - OPEN

Wanted to see if I could join the group.  Totally new beginner signed up for a sprint in October.

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