Subject: Vacation planning help from Orlando - ites Orlando - ans? Whatever. Anyway - I have to be in Orlando for work the last full week in May. Since I have never been to Florida in my life, I decided to extend my trip for some much needed R&R. I'll be done working on Wednesday before noon, and my return flight is Saturday at o'dark thirty. So call it 2-1/2 days to live it up. I have a girlfriend flying in on Wednesday to keep me company in my quest for fun. She is a Florida virgin as well, so we are a blank slate for plans. I need some help figuring out what to do! The choices we have so far are......stay in Orlando, buy one of those el-cheapo family packages that have 3 days in a hotel and two adult tickets to any park for a couple hundred the touristy Disney or Sea World thing one day and spend the other doing the Orlando night scene. I will have already been to CityWalk on Tuesday night for work, but if it's fun we could go back. Even if we don't want to go to the parks, it seems like we'd come out way ahead on the cost of the hotel alone! OR, rent a car on Wednesday, drive to either coast, find a hotel on a beach somewhere and drink like fishies and soak up the sun. I am open to any and all suggestions that won't get us arrested - we've already been in trouble with the law for our antics and promised our husbands it won't happen again |